Gemini Horoscope Psychic Forecast For JULY Week 3 2024
FREE Weekly Gemini Horoscope Psychic Forecast for July Week 3 2024 . I have also be released other videos for Gemini Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Gemini Horoscope for the Month of July and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Gemini thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from Tarot Readings live and psychics today we’re here to bring you your reading for the next 7 to 14 days even up to 3 weeks so if it doesn’t resonate release to the universe and check your moon and your ascendant sign let’s see what we have for beautiful Gemini please energy for Gemini energies for Gemini please that’s what we’re doing
Gemini first one clear out the Clutter what is it that you need to get rid of now Gemini what is it that’s weighing you down what is it that you’ve had enough of what is it that you need to clear out there’s certain things in your life right now that have have have reached their Ed by date this things in your life that you need to change now your life circumstances may have changed the way you see things may have changed and now there are things around you and people around you or situations that no longer make sense for you what else do we have for Gemini time to calibrate what is it that you need to work with you need to work with a group of people or you need to work with somebody important in your life to put the puzzles together if something’s not right and we need to change things how are we going to get this done and see how you’ve got two green cards which is uh grounding yourself it’s time to ground yourself and be real what is it that I want to carry with me for the next 5 to 10 years what is it that no longer makes sense for me what is it that interests me or what is it that no longer interests me it’s like you’re having a a an evaluation of what’s important to you today that would that that differs to the importance it had 5 years ago two years ago 3 years ago things change you change circumstances change main card for Gemini please main card for
Gemini something no longer make sense here the 10 of Wands you’re tired you don’t want to be carrying all these burdens anymore you’re exhausted what used to make sense doesn’t make sense anymore it’s become heavy it’s become a burden you’re carrying responsibilities that not are not only yours but you’re carrying everyone else’s burdens and and problems here this is a Gemini that wants to simplify things you want to allow people to take their their own responsibilities and you want to carry less with you it’s like whatever you’re living right now it’s heavy for you a lot of responsibility a lot of heaviness and a lot of burdens okay let’s see what else we have for Gemini please what else do we have for Gemini Gemini please what else do we have for Gemini thank you the hangman Gemini it’s a time now to stand still make any major decisions or any major moves it’s a time for you to look around you and see what it is that you need to um clear out of your space of your energy and it all is it all sorry it is also a time that calibrating with somebody else is going to help take a lot of responsibility and heaviness off you so think about ways that you can improve your situation and if people or someone can help you it would be the ideal situation the empress look at that sorry the emperor the emperor is someone who is taking control of their situation and I feel here Gemini that you may be taking control of your situation looking at your whole uh situation and and wanting to change what’s happening right now is going to take some planning it’s going to take some strategic planning it’s not just about the emperor is not an emotional person that they are a fire person so Aries so you may have Aries strong in your sign or you may be dealing with an aries as well but I feel here that it’s like you’ve got that passion to change things now and planning is going to be one of them
[Music] ice of Cups the ice of Cups the beginning of a new romance even for some of you here it’s changing something to something that you love or leaving behind everything that was heavy for you to be able to follow your heart in what you want to do for the first time in a long time Gemini is here are going to take control of what happens next for too long you may have put everybody else’s needs in front of yours or you did everything for everybody else when now this Gemini is taking the control and the power back and saying no I need to say a few NOS in order to alleviate the burden the burden of everybody else’s resp responsibilities that I’m carrying and do what I love the beginning of something that I want to
live the temperance getting in touch with what’s important to you getting in touch with what you want to
do see how there’s another two people here and here it’s time to calibrate time to work as a team time to get heads together and between I feel this could be a family unit and between the family unit working out how it’s going to be easier for
everybody the king of Wands putting action into place this is you starting to make plans and moving forward with what you want to achieve the king of Wands is someone who put who is determined and wants action and is pretty fed up with everything else that they’ve had to deal with in the past it’s someone who’s going to take
control the six of Cups it’s about giving responsibility to others that they can carry handing back people respon responsibilities not taking so much on your shoulders not taking other people’s responsibilities on your shoulders it’s like you’re you’re changing the perception here you’re changing the Dynamics where you used to be a person that used to run every after everybody to fix everything you’re starting to realize that no I’ve done that it’s up to everyone else now to do their bit it’s up to everybody else to make it happen I can’t keep taking a horse to water and making it drink I can take a horse to water but I’ve got to let it Gallop on its
own seven of Swords that’s that’s what’s stopping you I feel here that you’re not standing up for yourself as much Gemini you’re just going with the flow you’re not really saying how this is affec in you or you’re not saying how this makes you feel it’s like you may What’s blocking you is the the not standing up for your beliefs or who you are it’s time to take that control back with the emperor and the king of Wands there it’s taking the power back what else do we have for Gemini please nine of Wands look at that the nine of Wands exhaust usted and tired Fed Up fed up something needs to change or I’m going to change it I need to take control of this situation or it’s because it’s taking control of me the emperor not only once twice for some of you here you might be dealing with a father figure or you are the father figure and you’re you’re starting to allow either your children to make their own decisions and you’re taking back your power to you or the emperor here is that you’re dealing with a father figure that is difficult and and you’re finding it hard to make things work to have your life and coordinate what’s right what’s good for
them this could also be a
boss the seven of Cups decisions you’ve got decisions to make here Gemini you’ve got decisions of the heart that need to be made you need to get in touch with your emotions because you’re very strategic you’re you’re a thinker so here it’s saying get in touch with your emotions allow yourself to feel and understand why you’re feeling this way the three of Pentacles you need to get a team together you can’t do this on your own you need to get help from others you need to make put your hand up and say I need help I can’t do this on my
own for some of you here it’s like you’re going for those of you that are a boss you’ve got decisions to make about the team you’re going to keep for someone here it’s like it’s become too heavy what’s going on and for some of you you may be readjusting the team Dynamic you may find that it’s that it’s Weighing on on you too much or costing you too much that keeping all that staff keeping everybody in place is not effective it’s not productive so there’s going to be some changes here for those of you that are Emperors that are entrepreneurs the ace of cups you’ve got to be true to who you are it’s the beginning of a new life here it’s a beginning of you expanding to what you want your life to be the king of Wands and the ace of cups there it’s like I want to move forward and find someone or spend more time with my loved ones with an important person in my life I need to make decisions in regards to my job I need to make decisions in regards to my career and my business to allow me to spend more time with people that I love or even finding new love for someone here you may be in a place where you’re you feel alone you feel that you’re you’re you’re carrying too much and not having enough time to socialize not having enough time to meet that beautiful person or you’re not dedicating enough time to that beautiful person or to your family so we have quite a few differences there look at that the the Five of Swords I feel here for one person here it’s you having to adjust your your career and your business to fit in with your family because there’s a lot of arguments going on about you dedicating too much time to what’s not to to to your work and neglecting your family I don’t know if this is you but someone needs to listen to this message because they’re saying you’ve got a love of your life and yet you’re spending a lot of time and not having the balance and sometimes Gemini we get so so involved in what we’re doing that we take for granted those around us we always um think that they’re always going to be there but sometimes people have had enough when they’re not appreciated when they’re not loved when they’re not looked after or when they’re not uh given special importance so someone here Gemini is having a wakeup call into have you got the right balance in your life and if you don’t what are you going to do about it I feel that whatever situation you’re in it’s going to take teamwork it’s going to take calibration with others it to to form a plan on how it can work for everybody involved I hope that makes sense lots of love and light Gemini thank you so much bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)