Gemini Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast For April

by | Jun 10, 2024 | Free GEMINI Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Gemini Horoscope Psychic Forecast For April Week 5 2024

FREE Weekly Gemini Horoscope Psychic Forecast for April Week 5 2024 . I have also be released other videos for Gemini Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Gemini Horoscope for the Month of April and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/gemini-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-april/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/gemini-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

Hello beautiful Gemini thank you so much for being here today we’re going to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days so let’s see what we have for Gemini please oh jeez Between Two Worlds and Gifts what’s happening we got between two worlds and gifts and I’m not ready for it but cuz I want me to mix it again so let’s see if those cards come out again if they do they’ll meant to be but something between two worlds and gift it’s like you’re going to receive a gift from from someone in another place for some of you it’s that okay let’s see what energy do we have for Gemini please what energy do we have for

Gemini M to be fair and come to the edge look at that to be fair it’s like there’s something that needs to be fair here you’re looking for justice in something

you’re looking for justice in between two worlds is the same as getting the same or being in between two things here it’s like you’re trying to achieve Justice between two things here being fair you want Fair someone’s not being fair and come to the edge take the risk take that risk that you’re thinking about take take that risk that you need to take to make the

difference or here someone may have to take a risk in order to to get Freedom or to get fairness let’s see let’s see what comes up for Gemini we’re going to do past present and what’s coming up Gemini let’s see look at that celebration M let’s see Gemini what’s Gemini gone through in the past where have they come from now where have they come from up until now what’s happened in Gemini’s life listen to the whole thing cuz although that you may not have gone through in the past this may still make sense Two of Pentacles something you’re uncertain about decision making eight of Wands and page of Pentacles gem for someone here you may be in between deciding what is right for you and I feel here that you may have two choices and you’re just not sure which way to go or there’s something that requires you to make a choice something that comes forward in the next 7 to 14 days that’s going to put you on the spot where you need to decide which way to go what’s fair for you

I can feel here it’s like your your a page of Pentacles it’s like for some of you here you may be deciding whether you want one job or another or you want or you’re going to move forward with one project or another for someone else it could be that there’s decisions here to be made in regards to children or family issues here okay let’s see you may you may even be deciding to move to another location let’s see or not sure about how you’re going to move forward that’s what I’m getting here where where’s Gemini Now where’s Gemini currently at

now where’s Gemini currently at

now okay wow Eight of Cups


empress four of cups Gemini do you know what I get here that right now if it hasn’t happened it still may you may get an offer or something comes to you and you want fairness in this it’s like you you don’t believe that the way you were treated was fair and and here it’s like I was lied to or I was uh tricked or I was manipulated into thinking a certain way however it’s all it was all different and and I feel here that someone is looking further away saying I need to leave this place I need to leave this relationship I need to leave this situation because I’ve been disappointed here or someone has disappointed me or I’ve I’ve received a disappointing resolution or solution or answer here that I wasn’t expecting this may also have to do with either a huge female figure in your life which could be your mom um your wife a daughter a sister someone of huge importance here and I do feel that this was in a disappointment with this person for someone it could be a disappointment with uh a a prominent female figure in their life for for someone else here it could be that you tried to fall pregnant and you’re at the point where you don’t know what to do you’ve tried and tried and tried and you’ve had no success and now they’re giving you another option and you just don’t know whether you want to take that or not that’s for one person or two maybe here but for everybody else it’s like where you are right now has brought you a lot of disappointment what’s what’s coming up for for Gemini you’re going to receive an offer here Gemini and this could be a solution or an answer to something that you truly want or you believe in but you’re not sure whether you’re going to take this option or opportunity or not you don’t know whether you want to leave yourself open to being heard again you don’t know whether you want to take that risk there’s he there is definitely definitely a proposal or an option here for you to try or given to

you and you’re just not sure if you want to get involved with that again if you want to go through that again what’s coming up for Gemini please thank

you or someone here has had an argument with a mother figure and you’re just not sure whether you can whether you want this life anymore with with this person I feel he you there’s been disappointments here look at that two Two of Wands which path am I going to take the sun things are going to become clear oh broken heart look at that I I knew here it’s either either you’ve missed you’ve missed many opportunities to have a baby or you’ve gone head-to-head with someone of huge importance in your life someone of huge importance has disappointed appointed you or a situation that you’re trying to achieve has disappointed you and here there there’s going to be two options that you’re going to hear about here and you just want what’s

fair it’s going to be very clear to you that there are two options that you can take to get over this heart heartache this

disappointment tell me tell me if you can resonate with this Gemini and what’s going on what else have we got for Gemini

please the nine of Pentacles there may be some money involved here you may get a proposal someone here may get a proposal of a new job and you’ll be receiving two offers so you need to make a decision of what you want the four of

Wands and the Six of

Pentacles for someone here Gemini it could be that this disappointment that happened in the past or things that you weren’t sure about may now come up with a solution or you may come into some money um and here there’s family involved D and I do feel that you just want what is fair and and here you see how you can see two hands here trying to grab what’s yours it’s like you just want fairness you don’t want to be cheated of anything you don’t want to be left aside you just want is what is fair for everybody and I and I feel here that you’ll be a little bit heartbroken when this happens it’s like you’re going to feel cheated or you’re going to feel that some something has cheated you or or people have cheated you into believing a certain thing and that didn’t

happen and and you’ve had to spend a lot of money or this is you and family with money which could be an inheritance but they’re saying go to the edge take that risk do what you need to do to sort this out once and for all just so you’ve got no regrets that’s what they’re saying here are you going to take that leap of faith or are you going to pull back from it as long as you’re okay with your decision that’s the best thing that can ever happen because you need to be totally comfortable with whatever decision you

make everything’s going to become clear Gemini look at that oh look at that you’re going to move forward whatever you decide you’re going to move forward with Clarity you’ve had time to think and now you see things for what they are there’s no tricking anyone here you you’ve got a very clear understanding of the expectations now and I feel here that whatever it is that you’re deciding whatever situation you’re in that you’re going to see things very clearly on how to move forward from here let’s see what the Gypsy deck brings for you here Gemini let’s see what the gypsies wants to tell you usually it corresponds with what we’ve said but sometimes they bring in something else the decisions that are going to be uh agreeable decisions you’re going to make that you’re going to feel totally comfortable

with the house for some of you can be to do with a house or it’s got to do with your house whatever the situation is it’s like this is part of our home or or or or this dis this disappointment this disillusion could be to do with a house look at that just be cautious on the changes that one and four is change but they’re just saying be cautious in the way you react be cautious in what you agree to and be cautious to not um bring negativity into the situation at the same time being cautious about what takes place or who says what or what you need to do so just curious curiosity cautiousness um in regards to whatever happens here and there’s been a lot of sacrifices here a lot of pain a lot of um questioning about what’s important in your life and what you need to do next your faith a lot of you have turn to your faith to ask for direction hope this makes sense Gemini lots of love and light your way thank you so much bye-bye


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