Gemini Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast AUGUST

by | Nov 7, 2024 | Free GEMINI Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Gemini Horoscope Psychic Forecast For AUGUST Week 3 2024

FREE Weekly Gemini Horoscope Psychic Forecast for August Week 3 2024 . I have also be released other videos for Gemini Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Gemini Horoscope for the Month of August and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


Hello beautiful Gemini thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics today we’re here to bring you your message for the next 7 to 14 days most likely seven but it can roll over okay if it doesn’t resonate with you please release and check your moon in your ascendant on first message ask others for help are you struggling with something thing here Gemini the first thing I got was that someone’s struggling with something and they’re not seeing your way out of

something what else have we got for Gemini

please there’s something better look at that so you’ve got ask for help from others and there’s something better so I feel here that the minute you ask someone else for help that there’s going to be something better that comes comes along or someone helps you see something in a different light and that in itself they might not even realize that they’re asking that they’re helping you but they they’re going to say something or do something and that’s going to be the exact idea you needed or the exact conversation you needed to have okay what do we got for Gemini please Gemini please

no information for Gemini today okayy looking for the right cards uh happy family was yes and no it wanted to fall but it didn’t so this is an uncertain card so let’s put that here the 10 of Cups happy family there’s something that affect your family there’s something that affects the happiness of your [Music] family the star the star

it’s like you know what you know what I’m getting here Gemini it’s like you’re trying to get information from above to to use down here on planet Earth it’s like there’s messages that you’re receiving but you don’t know what to do with these messages it’s like nothing’s making sense right now you’ve got these messages you’re getting information you’re having all these odd dreams right now and and it can affect your family or it’s about your family

the four of Wands celebration there’s people celebrating here so there’s four people celebrating here so something good is going to happen and I don’t know if you’ve dreamed about this or if there’s information coming information coming from somewhere that makes you realize that your family is all okay but there’s a celebration here it’s like someone someone gets something or someone celebrating something the Five of Cups there’s a bit of disappointment here for some of you here you may feel that that you’ve been betrayed in some way there may be a betrayal here in some way and you’re getting messages to be careful about that something is trying to make you aware that there’s information about your family and here I see you looking at all the cups that are that are dropped all the negativity in that family or in that place or with those people and and I don’t I feel that there’s you’re not looking or you’re not seeing a new opportunity here to change your circumstances but they’re saying Gemini get up there’s two opportunities here for you you there’s two behind you you’re looking at everything that didn’t work out but you’ve still got two opportunities to try there’s something better here for you that’s why you’ve got that card for somebody here the minute you start looking at uh the positive in things the the minute you’re going to understand that there’s a way out of something and there’s a way that you can do something that’s going to bring you the prosperity you’re after and there is something better here look at that the Queen of Pentacles I feel that you’re going to be involved with a a woman a very powerful woman a woman who’s very uh intuitive very uh spontaneous but very uh grounded very grounded they might be they might be um a Virgo they could be a Virgo they could be a Capricorn or they could be um a Taurus but someone here is very grounded says it how it is is very real so whilst you’re looking at what’s not going right she’s going to say hold on a sec Gemini you’re missing a point there’s two other options here that you haven’t even considered or you’re not even looking at it and that’s exactly what you need to find that something better does that make sense to somebody here and on the bottom seven of Cups this is going to bring you a lot of choices Gemini it’s not like it’s something that’s not going to have an impact it is it’s going to bring you a lot of choices whatever you’re doing or whatever’s going on here this new this new way of thinking this new way of doing something this new information is going to bring you a lot of choices okay what else have we got for Gemini

please oh they all want to come out now the Knight of wands here we go action Time for Action it’s going to be very clear the minute you connect the information that you’re getting from the Divine and connect it to what we have here on Earth you’re going to put things into place and you’re ready for action it’s like you’re receiving messages that need to you need that information to make it work I’ve got the hangman here and it fell sideways which means it’s not it’s not that you’re not seeing something but you’re not seeing something clearly so you’re undecided what to do with it there’s an indecision here there’s information that that you’ve got but there’s information that’s missing look at that Knight of Swords that’s your that’s you that’s you the Knight of Swords is you that’s your air element here Gemini that’s you taking control that’s you putting plans into action making it happen Three of Swords up upside down look at that three of swords fell up this way so here the Three of Swords is saying Gemini oh you can’t I’m I’m going to put it back because everything falls my way and then I need to return it but the Three of Swords is like you’re disappointed in something or someone here there’s a huge disappointment and emptiness here an emptiness of I don’t know what to do I don’t know what to do about this situation for somebody here you may have had a breakup or you’re going through a breakup or you’re still suffering from a breakup here and you’re still looking at all the memories and everything that happened in that relationship or you’re looking at something that you’re not happy with in your relationship and I feel here that someone is extremely upset with their partner or with their husband or someone of huge importance in their

life it’s like you’ve been through some really rough times here of disappointment and it doesn’t necessarily have to be with a partner it can be a family it can be your

family the tower look at that the tower Gemini the tower comes to shake things up a bit the tower is going to shake things up a bit I really feel here that either someone’s going to hold you accountable for something or someone is going to blame you for something and and here it’s going to require action on your part and it may shake you up a bit but I feel that it’s going to be okay this is going to give you choices this is going to open your doors and you might not you might not like to hear the truth Gemini someone’s going to May hold you accountable for something something you’ve done something you’ve said something that you’ve promised but you’re you’re not delivering I don’t know that’s what I get here look at that you’re just not sure you’re not sure you’re undecided you don’t know what to do here and I feel that here they’re saying ask help from others you don’t have to go this alone having that conversation with someone can change things very

quickly you’re uncertain about something here there’s a huge uncertainty and I feel that this has disappointed you to some point it’s like I’ve put all my eggs in one basket and it’s not happening what do I do with this now I thought it was going to be successful I thought it was going to be one way but it’s turned out that it has hasn’t worked and they’re saying there’s something better that you’re not

seeing look at that you see clearly now look at that remember I said to you with that information that you receive by asking others for help something that’s said or something that’s done you’re going to be able to see very very clearly the missing piece of the puzzle that you couldn’t find you’ve searched you’ve looked but because we’re so close to this to the to the problem because we’re so close to looking for something or or trying to figure it out we fail to look from the outside and when you ask someone or talk to someone they may mention something to you that makes sense tell me if you’re going through this right now Gemini if you’re confused about something now is the L lucky time look at that any anything that wasn’t working before it’s going to take a turn that’s why the tower’s here that’s why the tower’s here with the Queen of Pentacles this woman or this energy here which doesn’t necessarily have to be a woman they might have a feminine side to them this energy here is going to be the answer to making that big

turn there’s a woman here that’s going to help you see something a different way and that’s where your luck changes that’s where things start to change and make

sense and spirit has your back look at that ask spirit for a direction ask Spirit to help you don’t be afraid to speak to your mentors and your guides they are not going to interfere into your life unless you ask for help so the minute you say please help me I can’t see way out of this I can’t find the answers I can’t find that missing piece to this puzzle I don’t know what direction to go in they will hear you and you will get signs dreams messages conversations that you have music that you’re listening to that will all make sense they have different ways of communicating with you Gemini you just need to be aware and you need to ask for help so ask your mentors and guides for help it’s important lots of love and light thank you so much Gemini bye-bye


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