Gemini Horoscope |Powerful Forecast February Week 4

by | Feb 22, 2024 | Free GEMINI Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Gemini Horoscope Psychic Forecast For February Week 4

FREE Weekly Gemini Horoscope Psychic Forecast for February Week 4 2024 . I have also be released other videos for Gemini Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Gemini Horoscope for the Month of February and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


Hello beautiful Gemini thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings and today we’re here to bring you your message for the next 7 to 14 days so let’s see what we have for Gemini what energy are you vibrating at the moment Gemini surrender surrender that came out for Pisces I think so you may be dealing with the Pisces or have Pisces in your sign but surrender it’s like surrender to the Divine it’s something that’s taking place a move an opportunity something that’s been given to you and they’re saying surrender you asked for this it’s now here this didn’t come by mistake you’ve asked for something to happen and when that happens they’re saying surrender or something that happens happens for a reason a reason and that reason could be to take you out of something that’s not good for you or to make you aware of something assessing look at that it’s like you’re assessing for information assessing for what’s next and an opportunity presents itself here and they’re saying surrender Gemini surrender to that need that want that idea that proposal that

opportunity and you’re s you’re you’re assessing and reassessing

things what are we talking about here for Gemini please what are we talking about here for Gemini thank

you it’s like there’s there’s something here that you’ve asked for or an opportunity that comes knocking and they’re saying surrender but before before you do that you’re going to do a you’re going to do your own homework on something you’re going to do your own investigation maybe a new partner comes your way the magician creating your

magic something that you create your magic

with and ace of cups relationship look at that you’ve got what it takes to make this relationship work this relationship is pretty solid and you’re questioning it you’re questioning whether this relationship is real whether this person is real what are they hiding What secrets do they have you’re questioning the person you’re questioning the relationship itself why because you’ve had past experiences Gemini they’re saying surrender this person is real this person brings what they say they

bring it’s a new love look at this the Queen of Swords you’re playing it cold you’re being cold and calculated and to a point manipulative in wanting to know who this person is and what they stand for what their background is where they come from are they telling you everything are they telling you the truth you’re questioning you’re thinking you’re not using your emotions in this relationship so far you’re questioning this

relationship you’re questioning this person even though this relationship has everything to be

successful everything to be successful it’s actually

real the four of Wands happy family look at

that Victorious you may have left a relationship in the past and this one is not that this is Victorious It’s a relationship that’s come your way for a reason and a purpose you asked for this you asked for this beautiful relationship to be happy again to be in love to create a family to have abundance and prosperity and tranquility and peace happiness true love it’s

here but for some reason you’re questioning it Gemini you’re questioning because you’re painting you’re painting this person with an old paintbrush from another relationship that you had so you come in very calculated very rational very

cold ready to pick at things ready to cut anything out as soon as you think it may be a flag may not be a red flag but any flag and you know what that is Gemini that’s fear fear of being hurt again fear if this person brings you the the pain and the chaos that the other one brought you and the upheaval that you went through look at

this it’s a new beginning it’s a new person it’s a new Jewel it’s a new

opportunity opportunity to be happy opportunity to make it

work look at that and yet this person is quite

innocent you’re testing the strength your strength and the relationship strength you’re testing whether this person’s real or not and they’re pretty real they’re

genuine the queen of air look at you Gemini using your doesn’t come out once it comes out twice your rationality your coldness your questions your

suspicious we’re very good at that Gemini and I say we because I’m not a Gemini but I’m a Libra and I’m right beside you when it comes to using our

minds and using our Spades our swords to cut things out that scare us that question that we

question so I’m speaking from experience with you Gemini because we share the same air

sign we’re very very

cautious as air signs and we think too much sometimes about things to the point where our mind not only be doesn’t become our asset anymore becomes our enemy it it creates stories that aren’t even there it makes us see things that never existed or think things that never were do you see what I mean that’s why I am saying to you I I get you I understand where you’re coming from but we can’t keep painting old old relationship brushes and using them for new relationships that come into our


lives last message please from Archangel Michael I hope that makes sense to somebody because there is no judgment in this Channel at all but I feel it here and I can understand it because I know the way you think because I think the same and Aquarius thinks the same too cuz we’re all Air signs we you all use our swords at some stage take control oh Gemini look at this take control of your thoughts your thoughts are creating your reality have faith and stay focused on the outcome that you truly desire what’s that saying Gemini what’s that saying it’s saying that if you think someone is not right then you’re going to make them be not right because you’re going to doubt them you’re going to question

them and if you think you know what I’ve got a key here I’ve got I’m going to use my Spade that I’ve been given my sword but I’m going to use it to open up a new door with a new person in a creating a new life that’s what you’re going to have a prosperous beautiful victorious victorious beautiful family life look at

that and for someone here you’ve got a child so this person will compliment and accept you and your child into their

lives let me know if this C resonates with you let me know because the thought process needs to change and you are going to be happy Gemini you’ve got everything here to be happy you just need to let yourself be happy and I get it you’ve probably been through the worst of the worst relationships which has got you to this stage of questioning everything I hope this makes sense to somebody because I want you to realize that the way you’re thought process is is going to give you negativity if you change that thought process you may just find the most beautiful person in your life lots of love and light Gemini thank you so much



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