Gemini Horoscope | Month of August 2023 By Marie Rose

by | Jul 30, 2023 | Free GEMINI Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Monthly Gemini Horoscope for AUGUST 2023 By Marie Rose

FREE Gemini Horoscope for the Month of August 2023. I have also be released other videos for Gemini Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

I would also encourage that you look at the Gemini Horoscope video for the Next 6 Month Forecast, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Gemini my name is Marie Rose from how are you today we’re here to do your August forecasts so there’s a lot of news coming through on these cards so stay tuned your first card was higher power that we drew out for you which is number four so consolidating all that power that experience that energy that you have in August you’re going to be able to use your third eye your intuition your wisdom to another level having the higher power card Gemini means that you will be able to see things that others don’t feel things that others don’t and you’ll see a way out of any situation anything that’s been bothering you anything that has been um unfinished for many of you any relationship issues that you’ve been having you’re going to have a very clear thought process about how to solve certain issues and the second one we have here is door to value Gemini these are the most two powerful cards that we could have drawn for you in August and here again consolidation number four so you are consolidating your finances you’re making things happen you’re creating new prospects you’re looking at things differently how to invest your money how to make your money work for you how to make more money how things are going to work around you for some of you you’ll have unexpected windfalls which is going to be fantastic and very greatly appreciated and for others it’s you looking at the the the way to create money in a different different way doors will open for you in August new possibilities new opportunities that open up for you fantastic with higher power and the door to Value you are you can make this month work for you in a big way let’s see what we have with the tarot [Music] what do we have for Gemini plays universe God’s angels please bring me in the information that we have for Gemini place I’ll put all the cards down Gemini and then I’ll tell you exactly what I see okay so you’ve got the Knight of Swords you’ve got the two of Swords you’ve got the seven of Wands keep your eyes open for the love horoscope that I’ll be doing after um I release these videos for August there’ll be in a relationship reading as well so keep your eyes peeled And subscribe if you haven’t already king of Pentacles thank you the magician [Music] or cosplays for Gemini please thank you lay all the cards out but they’re looking fantastic Gemini The High Priestess we have the world we have the queen of Cups we’ve got the seven of Cups beautiful decisions whoops

ten of swords the eight of Wands so this is going to have news for quite a few people here there’s different groups in these in these readings and I’ll be pointing out so you need to just see what resonates with you what doesn’t release it back to the universe it belongs to somebody the eight of Pentacles the victory card and beautiful the last one we’ve got the page of Pentacles beautiful let me just arrange this nicely so we can see how all this fits in all right fantastic Gemini so what do I see here for you there’s going to be some news for some that comes through and it’s going to require you to make a decision for some of you here you’re going to need to stand firm with what you believe in because I think that this message that comes through that requires decision making is going to challenge you in some way it may have to do with your finances it may have to do with a sum of money that you’ve invested or that you’ve made but here there is no option there is no question sorry no question whether you’ll be fine because you’re the magician you’ll know how to work things out you’ll know what needs to happen and you’ll know where to invest your money remember we spoke about that here and there’ll be opportunities here for you to make your money grow for you so please keep um keep that in mind in August and really listen some advice that you get there is an older man here that’s very very wise with money you may have a meeting with this man it could be an accountant it could be a father figure it could be a friend that’s very um business orientated or an entrepreneur but be very careful as well Gemini I’m getting here be very careful not to fall into traps with your finances do not go to places or sign anything that you’re not sure about I get here that someone here needs to be super careful on where they’re going to invest their money you may have someone that tries to convince you to invest their money and I had something like this on another sign I’m not sure if it was Gemini for last week but there was something about being very careful about where you’re going to invest your money there are some Geminis here that are going to put an end to a cycle that you’re going through whether that be in a career that’s that’s not good for you anymore or relationship that’s cost you deeply pain pain wise there’s going to be a a circumstance here that finalizes itself and here I it’s you releasing yourself from that pressure and that worry so something comes to a close to a close that allows you the freedom to move forward for others here you may be given an opportunity or you may meet someone that comes into your life through an opportunity that becomes more than that in August so you may have met someone that someone else has introduced you and this is going to allow you to move forward with this person I do feel that there’s going to be someone here that is offered uh an option to do something and that’s going to uh There’s an opportunity that comes forward for someone here and that’s going to make you look at all aspects of that that proposal and with that they’re saying please be careful with that proposal it’s the same thing as the money it’s coming through again so there’s something really big here it’s like someone’s giving you a proposal or a chance to be a partner in in a business or or a chance to be a part of um you know how they do those pyramid things I I know they’re illegal but some people still do them but but here I’m getting that there’s something like that there’s something that is like a Association where you invest money into and they’re saying please don’t don’t invest your money into it because if you do you’re going to have a loss through that it’s not one it’s not um it’s not going to be uh any way you can run to to recuperate that money you’re going to lose it and there’s no way out from that

a message comes through and then and asks you to go on the holidays or someone Rings you or send you an email or gets in contact with you and says come and spend some time with me and I feel that some Geminis will you’ll go to another place another city or another location and you’ll spend time with someone that’s important to you I do feel this could be a child it could be someone that their children say come and spend some time with us and you do do go and do that and that’s going to give you this liberating feeling I feel that some of you here need that break and you need to get away having that invitation is going to be exactly what you needed in August for others here the thing that you need to make and it’s never going to be an easy one and I feel that this is going to close some doors it’s going to be an end of a constant battle that you’ve been through or a worry that’s been really weighing you down and that may lead to some arguments but it’s going to be something that needs to be said and done so I don’t know what that is but there is a an indecision or something that is not working the way you thought it would and it needs to be completed here that may cause some arguments but with that person that you’re closing the door to or that situation people are in that situation will um want to question your decision but just know that you’re making the right decision for you for others here I do feel that you’ve started something new and you’re you’re working extremely hard to make this work just keep going you’ll get the fruits of what you’re putting in Gem and I just know that there are going to there is going to be a situation here where you there’s a promotion or a new project that you ask to get you asked you’re asked to be part of now this is not you investing your money this is someone that comes and offers you a position for you to be part of a project or to be part of an opportunity that’s come up it doesn’t require you to put finances in so don’t get confused between the one that you need to put finances in and this opportunity because this is totally different and this opportunity for some is going to take you to a victory there’s going to be options that need to need to be worked out how you’re going to do it with who you’re going to do it how long it’s going to take all those sort of things that you’re going to work out but this is going to be an opportunity for you to start something new or a promotion or a proposal and that’s going to be quite Victorious I also say here that there may be um you may have tried to do absolutely everything that you can for for a child or to start or guide your children or a child of yours to a certain place and that hasn’t worked out and you feel like you’ve done everything you can is there anything else that you needed to do or you may have to look after one of your children that and they could be teenagers or really grown up but it’s someone here that’s invested into something and they’re going to need your help so I do feel that there are some parents here that are Geminis that are going to have to help their children with something that they started that didn’t work out like they’d thought it was going to I don’t know if that makes sense but let me know in the comments if any of those comments resonated with you let’s see what else we have here just remember Gemini you’ve got your higher power working for you in August whatever the challenges are here you can work it out but no the only challenge that I would alert you of is this you are investing your money into something that you’re not sure about because you will lose that money okay the first one is number three 30 sorry which is the [Music] um the lilies and the lilies bring prosperity there’s the bear which is number six stability [Music]

and this one here Gemini I do feel that there’ll be some people here that want peace tranquility and they want to find a very stable place in their home a lot of you here are looking for financial stability and looking for ways to allow your money the door to open the the door you had here that opens the opportunities for you to find your stability in your home and you I feel that some Geminis here just saying I’m at my um Taylor’s end because I have battled in the past now it’s about me finding the tranquility and the the the get up and go to invest my money or to make more money so I can complete my home or I can buy a new home that I can call mine

we have number 13 which is a child [Music]

have the letter which is number 27. so this news coming Gemini you know how I said to you here that there’s going to be a child that asks you for help well that’s you helping that child I do feel that you’re going to find the answers to that and you’re going to find um the tranquility helping this child and there’s going to be a message that comes through that you’ve been looking for for quite some time this is something that you’ve been looking for and there’s the beautiful key for some of you here you’re going to buy new home in August or you’re going to move into a new home it’s going to allow you to find that stability that you’ve so wanted for some Geminis here you’ve been waiting for an answer to come through about something that you are hunting down and that could be looking for a new home looking for a new car looking for a new job looking for something that you wanted for quite some time and that now is going to come through Gemini in August so don’t give up keep going because that news here is going to come through I do feel that there’s going to be news about a child as well or that that helping here that you did with this child of yours that’s going to have success at the end of it so please don’t um lose faith and tell that child of yours to keep their head up and keep going there is a solution always for everything and whilst things didn’t turn out the way that they wanted it to that sometimes is for a reason and sometimes things that aren’t meant for us are not have a way of dissipating from our our Circle so anything that hasn’t worked out was never meant to so I hope that’s made sense lots of love and light Gemini and I hope to see you soon bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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