Gemini Horoscope in Love & Relationships For August 2023
FREE Gemini Horoscope in Love & Relationships for the Month of August 2023. I have also be released other videos for Gemini Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Gemini Horoscope for AUGUST Forecast and the Gemini Horoscope for the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello Gemini thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from Tarot today we’re here to do your love relationships for August 2023 and I don’t know if you saw the shorts but I had two energies that I pulled out for every sign yours was why number four is consolidating you’re consolidating things that happened in relationships you’re asking yourself why things worked out the way they did you’re asking yourself why you feel the way you do or why even have you not met somebody new or met your right person and Jim and I here the universe comes to ask you what have you done to achieve that and are you vibrating in the right manner see when we want someone when we want something to happen in our lives it’s important that we vibrate in that vibration in that high vibration for us to be able to attract the right people and here whilst you’re asking why there’s some journals here that are trying to understand why is it that they can’t meet that right person the person is going to share their life with respect them for who they are be by their side have their back and many and some of you here are asking why is it that everyone else can be happy but I can’t and sometimes what we say and how we think is the vibration that we put out into the universe so try changing that vibration to August in August to saying I deserve love I am love I am light and I attract light and I love who I am and I want someone to love me just who I for just who I for who I am sorry I’m sorry I’m trying to interpret as I’m hearing it and it gets a bit mixed up so you need to be in that vibration of I am who I am I love who I am I know who I am and I am light I am passion I am light I am lovable I love I’ve got a lot of love to give and I just and I’m waiting for that Mr Ryan to come and sweep me away or Mrs Right so that’s for those people that are wondering why they haven’t met somebody or why the universe has taken this time to show you that special someone just try changing that vibration and let me know in the comments throughout August if that has happened for you for others you’re asking why did things happen the way they did Why did um for someone here it could be someone that you lost someone here and I’m getting one or two people here you’ve lost someone that you love very very much and you’re asking why did that happen but just know that those angel wings there are angel wings that are always going to be by your side always going to be there to pick you up when you’re down and you might not be able to see it but you’ll feel it and for many of you you’ll have signs you’ll see feathers you’ll see birds that stand down you’ll see double numbers all the time and you’ll know that that special someone is always with you send them a prayer and tell them how much you love them just because they’re gone doesn’t mean that you stop talking to them allow them to know how you still feel and allow them to be part of your life every day even if they’re not here in person they’re with you in spirit for others here you’re asking why things turned out the way they did in some relationships and you’ll have an understanding of that as time goes on but in August there’s a big depth in you asking why you feel the way you do or why you did what you did or had what you had or dealt with what you had to deal with
oh that was strong sorry oh okay leave the past behind for some of you here it is time to leave that past behind I know you’re asking the question why Gemini for many of you you’re asking why but leave that past behind leave the the pain that you’re feeling you don’t have to leave the memories you’ll always have the memories if they’re good if they’re not so good you’ll have the lessons that you learned but you’ve got to leave that past where it where it belongs and that’s in the past is called past for a reason and we need to sometimes leave our past in the past for us to be able to move forward and it’s a huge huge step for you in August for you to be able to do that and it’s not going to happen overnight anyone that’s been in love or anyone that loves knows that it’s something that you need to stay take a step each day closer to leaving that past behind so that you release that energy and you’re ready to meet the new
very powerful Gemini you’re reading is powerful
let’s see what other messages with the main cards we have for Gemini plays what else do we have tomorrow here
a tune to the divine for those of you you for those of you that are asking why you need to tune in to the Divine what is it that the universe is trying to tell me what is it that my angels and my mentors and my higher Creator is trying to tell me attune to the Divine understand why and understand that there’s always a good reason why it hasn’t happened and or if it has happened I’m trying to understand something that’s happened and why it happened
think it through there’s something here that you need to think through whether it be anything I said today that came through through my guides to you think something through think it through and understand is going to be the thing for August think through the situation you went through think through the memories you had think through the circumstances but leave the past behind you need to in order to move forward and I know you will in good time nothing happens overnight says the situation for some of you here you’ll be assessing a situation assessing someone that’s coming to your life asking the questions why are they doing what they’re doing why are they feeling the way they’re feeling or you’re asking yourself why you’re feeling the way you’re feeling about a certain situation it may be with your partner it may be with someone you’ve met but here you’re assessing a particular situation that’s taking place in your life right now
tell me if you can correspond with that Gemini
that’s a Gemini place what else do we have for Gemini thank you
what do they need to attune to the divine what is it that you want them to attune to oops
speaking your truth being present in your present moment being present with who you are speaking your truth thinking through everything but releasing and opening up your wings for new things to come through opening up and attuning to the Divine allowing yourself to think about new things coming through about new people coming through allowing yourself to spread your wings for some of you here you feel guilty for some reason you feel fearful to meet someone new or get into a particular relationship or be in a relationship don’t be scared and don’t regret you’ll never know if you don’t give it a go
for some of you here it could be someone from your past that comes back it could be someone that has has shared something very special with you and wants to reunite with you and it could be someone from your childhood but you’re very unsure about how to go about that you’ve transformed into a different person and so have they so if this is the next person that’s trying to make their way back to you or a next husband an ex-lover a next partner someone that was once important to you coming back to you then that’s up to you to think it through
you to either choose to leave the past behind and move on with something new
have for two in our place think it’s through what are they thinking stream
for some of you here you’ve got beautiful prospects coming through there is someone you have met or someone you have in your life Gemini for some of you here you’re going to think through about the person you have beside you or the person that’s that you’ve met and you’ve become a huge Bond you’re sharing a huge bond with someone here and you’re thinking through that this might be the person that you’re committed to this may be the person that you’re going to grow old with this may be the person that brings your dreams Everything you ask for is in this person but you’re thinking through for some of you you’re thinking through the whole situation and asking yourself is this a dream and why is it that I got this such a such beautiful person all of a sudden
I think for some of you here you’d given up on love but now there’s a new birth there’s a new creation there’s a new person that’s going to bring you a lot of love abundance happiness and commit commit to you and maybe you’re thinking through whether you’re ready for this commitment whether you’re ready to commit to this relationship but just know Gemini that sometimes our little part there’s a little part of our mind that plays games with us and questions us for everything that we do in life whether it be in relationships in careers in in everything that we do and that’s what you’re thinking through it’s asking you to think through everything before you totally commit and this may be someone that’s been proposed to or someone that has someone beside them that wants to move forward have a new life create a new a new life together and your thinking through is this the right time for some of you here you’re thinking of proposing and you’re wanting to create a beautiful family and have happiness and you’re thinking it through whether this person is going to accept you for for your proposal
assess the situation what are we assessing okay what are we assessing here for Gemini for a group of Gemini singing for some of you here there may be a relationship that that left you in distraught um ways in painful ways in disloyalty in in betrayed your trust and now they’re saying he assessed the situation assess what it was that made you feel that way here we’ve got a very smart person someone that’s very in tune with what they want and you’ll be able to decide no one else no one can judge no one can give opinions the only person that’s going to decide whether you give this person a go after reassessing the situation is you for some of you here you may be going through a divorce and you’re starting to assess the situation it’s brought you a lot of pain a lot of um
a lot of unrest sleepless nights chaotic feeling inside the emptiness that you felt inside and for some of you you’re deciding how you’re going to move forward with that how you’re going to move forward after that’s done for some of you you’re ready to move forward it could not happen soon enough for others you’re still in a bit of Despair to think that you’ve lost something that you had that was that was once upon a time so-called
okay one last card please one last card for Gemini last card for Gemini and we’ve got one here
Gemini weight postpone pause and say no if you’re in doubt in any area of your life ever whether that be in relationships whether that be whether you should take someone back postpone it wait until you’re absolutely sure if that’s a marriage proposal that you’re not sure about just wait postpone it you need to absolutely be sure before you commit it’s up to you and you need to be happy you call the shots when it comes to your life you call the shots when it comes to your timing don’t let anyone fear make you feel like you’ve got to make decisions now or don’t feel that you’ve got to make decisions it’s someone else’s time it’s your time Gemini it’s your time to make your decisions based on your life and your love
I hope that messages helped somebody out there even one person I would be happy with that let me know in the comments lots of love and light your way Gemini thank you so much bye-bye [Music] thank you
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)