Gemini Horoscope by Marie Rose | June 24 2023

by | Jun 26, 2023 | Free GEMINI Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Gemini Horoscope for Next 7 Days, 24th June 2023

Welcome to my Free Weekly Horoscope for Gemini. This week’s Gemini Horoscope YouTube video can be viewed above. Alternatively, you can read the transcript below. Stay Tuned for the JULY Horoscopes and the JULY SPECIAL on Personal Readings. The Monthly Gemini Horoscope can also be viewed here

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Gemini thank you so much for being here today today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days and um I hope everybody is well when I say 7 to 14 days it doesn’t necessarily have to happen within seven to 14 days but the Energy starts to build and you will know anyway so anything that comes up you will start to have a feel if you’re not going through it already Okay so main energy anyone that wants a private reading there’s details below um the description in the description below and I don’t probe for questions or I don’t probe and ask questions I’ll tell you what I see and at the end I’ll ask you if there’s any other questions you have okay let’s see what else do we have fool Gemini you are starting a new beginning see how that’s zero zero is the new beginning for some Geminis here you’re going to take your leap of faith you’re going to just jump in and start something you’ve always wanted to do or you’re going to make a decision based on something you have always wanted to do this is going to be a decision or a step that is going to have others around you a little concerned thinking that you have lost a few marbles however you need to do what’s right for you you inside have this urge to start something new to be in a new location to be with someone new to live a different life to work at something different but whatever it is it is calling you and it is saying now is the time Gemini for you to be true to who you are for you not to worry about what others think their judgment their opinions their their yeses and no’s you are ready to take a new leap and you jump into something that you’ve always wanted to try and for some Geminis here it’s an adventurous move it’s a move of if it works it works if it doesn’t well at least I won’t die um thinking that I never tried you know when people have got a bucket list and they said before I ever go from this planet I want to achieve this this this and this well this is going to be similar to that you’ve got this thing that you want to do or you want to try and you’re going to do it and it’s going to be something that you go well if it doesn’t work out I won’t die wondering at least I gave it a go you know that sort of thing there’s no regrets here there is going to be no regrets very good I’m excited what is it that you’re going to do Gemini what you do or you’re going to do a new idea a new place a new thing a new relationship something that you would normally not do this is something that you would normally not do it’s something out of out of the norm that’s why you’re the people around you um may think that you’re just not right at the moment absolutely right your right to do what you want to do look at the card that fell stay the course Don’t Panic you’re not on the wrong path you’re just having a bumpy start learn from your experience and keep going for those of you here that are doubting themselves in what they’re doing right now or in a relationship that you’re in right now or a circumstance that you’re in or a new business that you’ve started and now you’re questioning whether that’s right for you or not they’re saying stay the course Don’t Panic it’s it’s you’re not on the wrong path it’s just that you’ve had a bumpy start and that happens to a lot of people that do something new you don’t get it right from word go you learn along the way and you tweak things to to match you tweak things to work as you go you learn New Paths you learn new ways you learn different things and you adjust it accordingly so please don’t give up on something that didn’t didn’t start the way you saw it starting something sometimes things come to us because we weren’t meant to start it that way we were meant to start it with something else happening and that’s exactly what comes to to you for some of you this is a teaching that not all is is Rosy for those of you that um that may think this is going to be a breeze or I’ve got this or whatever not everything is like that and in life we all know that that’s not like that that there’s going to be some bumps along the way and there’s going to be some challenges and this is something that started but it hasn’t started as you thought it would and that’s okay it’s just tweaking and that’s it learn from your experiences and keep going that’s what Archangel Michael’s telling you I’m with you I’ve got you don’t panic that’s okay and maybe this is the new thing that you’re going to start that you didn’t you didn’t see something coming because when we’re in the full energy we don’t think are the consequences so much we just think what have we got to lose let’s give it a go but we don’t think about little things that can happen along the way or can start to happen okay let’s go what else have we got for Gemini ten of Pentacles for many of you here you’re chasing your dream of abundancy for many of you here you’re starting a new project with the abundance in mind and this is where you want to get to you want to get to a place and a time where finances are not a struggle where there are things that you can buy and have without having to struggle to get it and a lot of you that is what you’re aiming for here a lot of you are aiming for a an abundant life full of Adventure but full of abundance as well for some of you here um can I just say you are going to start something new that Brits you you may lose a little bit of money up front but that’s going to compensate itself you’re going to learn from that experience and obviously you’re not going to do you’re not going to make that area again because I just got here now there may be a lot a little bit of loss of money at the beginning and maybe that’s what Archangel Michael’s talking about here but whatever it is you’re going to recuperate that the three of Cups you’re going with celebration this there’s some celebration happening around you Gemini this be a new um windfall of money that comes your way or you’re involved in a process that brings you a lot of money for some of you you may work on commission and you may have a huge sale that you’ve made that brings you a lot of money for others you may be had you may be given an opportunity to go to a new job that pays you quite a lot of money and you’re going to celebrate that success you’re going to celebrate that success

the universe is with you the hierophant is saying use your intuition and your wisdom you’ve got a lot of it Gemini you’re very intelligent you know what is right and what is wrong they’re saying whatever you do at all times whether you’re taking this leap of faith or whether you’re taking on this new career go with your intuition and don’t doubt that always listen to your inner voice and use the wisdom that you’ve gained up until now to go to help you through the experiences that you’ll go through but you’ve been given an opportunity that is not just a a little one either

for some of you here for some other Geminis you want to take a move and you want to change careers but for some of you here this is another group you’re feeling like you’re blocked and that you can’t see a way out of this situation this could be that you’re either under contract with this employment or this place that you’re with and as much as you don’t like where you are you’re you’re bind to them by agreement or this could be someone that would love to go and start something new but they feel they they are not able to due to the responsibilities that they have the responsibilities that keep them in the one spot doing the same thing

have we got New Beginnings absolutely look that energy doesn’t lie the energy does not lie Gemini look at these cards there is an absolute beginning here for somebody a new career a new project a new business a new something that you are doing you are a master and you have got all it takes to make it successful you are going to celebrate something in the next 7 to 14 days something that you have worked extremely hard at something that you have helped achieve something that you have created whatever it is Gemini get ready something there that you were behind the whole time comes to the beginning of a huge start and you are going to celebrate that I don’t know what that is Gemini but whatever it is there is a new beginning here that is going to ignite power passion and is going to be on another level altogether bringing the abundance you’ve always dreamed of those Geminis that have that have done something sold something or work on commission or have won something through their job or have I don’t know what it is Gemini but whatever it is this this group of Geminis here that I’m talking to is you have been The Mastermind behind something that is going to be extremely successful and there is a lot of Celebration here so take the credit where the credit’s due because this has had to do with a lot of what you did and that is amazing there is definitely celebration there definitely a celebration there and you had a lot to do with it

moving forward for some of you here you’re going to move overseas for others you’re going on a holiday and this is a well-deserved holiday a holiday to take your way from things that you’re not happy with this may also be a new beginning for this person that is has felt like they’ve been blocked for quite some time for those of you that are in this situation there is a way out of this you will find whether it be in your career in your family or in a relationship you will find a way out of this situation this the eight of Swords is pretty full on you’re not happy in this situation so there is going to be an idea or someone that comes along and helps you find a way to move away from this situation

okay and I feel that it’s been a situation that’s held you down for quite some time it’s not just something that’s overnight this is something that’s been been with you for quite some time and now you just want to escape the page of cups for some of you here you may be celebrating something to do with a child here we’ve got celebration we’ve got new beginnings and then you’ve got the Page of Cups here and this is a celebration based on someone that is Young a child an achievement a child has achieved or something that’s happened around that child that has been new it’s a new place so maybe one of your children are starting something new are going to study something new or go to a new job that’s going to be very prosperous but there’s celebration in regards to that child achieving that for others it may be a celebration in regards to a new child coming on board but I really feel that this has got to do with a project a career or a move a an educational move or a new job that your child got to for some of you is you’re celebrating your child’s uh success if that makes sense

beautiful and underneath we’ve got happy families Gemini happy families for many of you you’ve achieved what you wanted to achieve for many of you you have shown others a way or a path that came to success for others you have worked extremely hard at what you do and that in turn has made lots of money through your wisdom and your intuition you’ve achieved what you set out to achieve for others here there is location changes there is getting out of something here that you’re not happy with and you haven’t been happy in a long long time but whatever all this is and wherever you fit it is all going to have one destination for you and that is happy family at the end you are going to bring success and abundance the rainbow’s there all those 10 cups are there and here you are celebrating and just living the life you imagined down the path so for some of you you’re already going to that path for others you’re on the way to that path through your dedication and hard work that one day that’s going to be your destination beautiful [Music] Gemini let’s see what the universe has to offer Gemini what Angel are you going to send Gemini because they’ve got a beautiful reading here beautiful reading

what Angel are you sending Gemini Universe angel thank you the angel of Health for some Geminis here you need to look after your health even with all this hard work this determination this taking on something new you need to go and have your your yearly checkups you need to have checkups when you’re not feeling so well and go and see something if don’t see someone if something is not right it’s not a warning here but it’s sending you an angel for you to go and do your checks for you to go and look after your health you can have all the abundance in the world but without Health you’ve got nothing and that’s the message here the universe wants me to bring you without Health you’ve got none of this none of this matters some of the richest people in the world have got all the money in the world but they’re not able to buy their health so look after your health because you’re going to need good health if that’s what you’re going to achieve if that’s your path you want to follow okay so there it is Gemini please visit a doctor please go and see someone if something’s not right I feel that this is a message for someone that knows something’s not right or something’s not feeling right they said go and check it out okay Gemini I hope that’s made sense lots of love and light your way thank you

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)


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