Gemini Horoscope by Marie Rose | June 2023

by | Jun 3, 2023 | Free GEMINI Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Gemini Horoscope for June 2023

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

how are you today thank you so much for being here today today we’re here to do your June 2023 horoscope I hope everybody is well and I hope that um you get a lot out of this reading if it doesn’t resonate with you please remember to give it back to the universe and go and check your ascendant and your moon sign as there could be something there for you I’m finding that my moon sign is talking to me a lot more than my actual sun sign so please keep that in mind and go and have a look at your other signs and see what they have for you okay Gemini Universe what would you like to give me for Gemini please two energies for Gemini

two energies for Gemini please thank you one one more place thank you thank you the First Energy Gemini power how beautiful is that Gemini if you were ever doubting your strength and your power please don’t you know one and six is don’t give up it’s number seven which means don’t give up you have got an enormous amount of power use that power in June to turn anything you want your way you’ve got the charm you are known for your communication your charm your intelligence use that Gemini in June to bring any goal any job or anything that you’re hoping for towards you look at that shining star you have got the world at your at your fingertips here see how she’s carrying this big moon right behind her and she’s got her arms opened up it’s I am here and I’m ready to do what I’ve got to do

very powerful Gemini

balance finding your balance at times Gemini you can get a bit foggy in the mind with too much to think about and not knowing which way to go sometimes things look clear but a lot of the times you’re a bit confused about which way to go what to do in one of the situations in your life for some of you you are seeing something cloudy and you can’t see straight on how to action that for some of you you may be looking for answers that are within but you’re looking forward and you can’t see them the reason you may not be able to see for some of you is that the answers you are holding the answers in your hands or in your intuition pay more attention to your intuition for others it’s asking you to get the right balance in your life for some of you you are overworking and not paying attention to those beautiful loving people in your life for others you’re not concentrating enough on the one goal that you have your mind is scattered over many many goals and many little projects

and they’re saying take back the balance focus on one thing at a time and see it for what it is the clouds will clear once you do that once you get back your balance and you set yourself tasks and um goals that are achievable and you go step by step in something rather than scattering everything or or starting more than one thing at once you will find your balance and you’ll start to see things clearer

Gemini’s are very intelligent and they get bored very quickly with the one thing so they end up for some for some and I’ve got a lot of Gemini’s in my life but they start things and then they don’t finish it because they get bored of that and they start something else and and when they’ve really had a look at it they’ve got all these little projects but nothing’s really finished or complete here the universe is saying take the balance back to you concentrate on one thing at once get the right balance between work and family get the right balance between what you can do and what you can’t and actually one thing at a time that will give you the balance and the power to achieve what it is that you need to

okay let’s see what we have with the tarot [Music] what have we got with the tarot a powerful month and an organizational month in June Gemini for you getting organized and using that beautiful power of the full moon around the full moon Gemini which is in five days time just be aware of things that happen around you there’ll be answers or there’ll be something that comes to you that gives you the idea that you need to complete something it gives you the knowledge that gives you the power to continue on that’s around the full moon that’s where that power will come from so look out for that full moon so in five days time I think it’s on the fifth or 6th of June is the full moon so around that time there will be an answer that you’ve been looking for or a direction becomes clearer for you sorry they just told me to point that out very important okay what have we got for Gemini please thank you what cards for Gemini please wow okay first card the King of Swords that is you Gemini this is your card the King of Swords is a very intelligent which I told you before very intelligent wise and communicative person someone that’s in tune with what they want someone that’s in tune with what they see this King of Swords whether it be a male or a female you can be a female in this it’s onion energy you are thinking rationally right now about an idea or a goal or a relationship whatever it is that’s on your mind you are starting to take the rational part of thinking not emotional you are now understanding why things are happening where they went wrong or where they need to go in order to turn them around the rationality of your thought process now comes through and this is where the great ideas and the power will help you through that that sometimes when we think emotionally we don’t see things for what they are because we’re too attached to them but in June and around the full moon your thinking process is going to allow you to find the answers that gives you that power

we’ve got the Queen of Pentacles there and the Queen of Pentacles is all about being in control of your finances knowing exactly what to spend your money on here I feel that whatever it is that you’re going to put into practice it’s going to allow you to take control back of your finances something happens in June that brings you that security back that gives you that sense of security for those of you that were worried about your finances in June that starts to change things that happen or circumstances that take place start to give you a more comforting uh feeling of being in control of your finances

the nine of Cups a lot of you will be celebrating something in June and I feel that it could be around the the the full moon or a little bit more towards the middle but you’re going to be able to celebrate something with someone someone that means the world to you the nine of cups is about finding your treasure and being able to celebrate that it’s something that you’ve been working hard on Gemini something that means the world to you and it is going to allow yourself Freedom you’re going to feel like this is it I have finally achieved what I wanted and the freedom that it gives me is fantastic and there’s a treasure chest there so I really feel that financially you are going to be in a good place for those of you that do scratches or play a lotto this is the months to do that Gemini for you you have got a lot of luck when it comes to finances here and there will be a lot of Shining Light around Good Fortune

and I’m not telling people to gamble but I’ve got to tell you here that the light is shining for you with prospects of finances in Journey maybe some of you will get a promotion and this will come from someone that is uh very rational in their thinking but through their wisdom they know the value you have in their business

the page of swords for some of you here Gemini you will take the month of June to study to really start to get to know different things in order for you to be able to make bigger and better decisions for those of you that are not sure about which way to go then you’re going to through the experience you’ve had and the knowledge that you’ve gained in your life you’re going to start to have grand ideas

Geminis for some unfortunately there’s a three of swords and this is going to be disappointment heartbreak or something that happens in June that um upsets you quite a bit for some Geminis here you’re dealing with someone that is very hard-headed and you’ll find that that person is not emotional anymore you may you may find out that they are no longer willing to give you what you want in your relationship so for some Geminis I need to say this because I need to tell you what the cards are saying I can’t just tell you all the good parts but in Gemini in sorry in June for some Gemini here hopefully only one or two but um you will be dealing with someone that’s very rational and doesn’t show you any emotion and is is happy to walk away without much emotion shown leaving you heartbroken and disappointed

but you Gemini you that have had this heart broken are going to gain your power back you’ll gain your power and I know that you can’t see it right now but through that process you will gain a lot of power

and the king of Pentacles oh look at that you’ve got the queen and the king of Pentacles Gemini I feel that this is a Powerhouse couple you may be in business with your wife or your husband or you may meet somebody that is just as powerful financially secure as what you are but this couple here mean business in June you I feel here that I’m talking to a Gemini and a partner that is very much in control of their finances they know what they want and they’re going to make some executive decisions in June so you may decide to increase your portfolio in your homes or you may decide to invest your money into something safe but all of them like I said for some you are going to meet your match you’re going to need someone that is just as financially secure and stable as what you are someone that’s very in tune to who you are and together you’re going to make a lot of money and have a lot of power because the power card was directly above that

or in tune an investment that you made with your husband or your wife or your partner comes to fruition you start to see the fruits pay off and you become quite successful in that in that in that in endeavour

we’ve got a very successful couple here very successful couple Gemini

two more cards placed for Gemini two more cards thank you

thank you yeah for some of you Gemini like I said before there is death and rebirth so for some Geminis you are putting an end to something that no longer serves you you are going to find your new you’re leaving something behind that was never good for you and you knew that and I feel that this Gemini here with the broken heart is a call that you had to make or you were dealing with someone that walked away but you knew deep down that this had to end that what it was was not good for you in any way shape or form that sometimes we get used to people and we start to put up with certain things that we normally wouldn’t put up with but here Gemini I feel that this ending Has Come For a Reason even though you may not be able to see it right now there is a lot of light ahead and you will one day look back and think I learned a lot of lessons and I am the powerful person that I am today because of that heartbreak because of that circumstance and that disappointment


for others here you may be getting a new job you may have left a job or you’re leaving a job that no longer serves you and you’re now going towards the the promotion um so you’re leaving your current role because you’ve been promoted and that’s going to bring you a lot of love a lot of light light and a lot of abundance your way

so if you were wanting a promotion then June June seems to be the one that comes through and look at that the emperor being in control of what you are being in control of your power and your destiny through your knowledge the emperor talks about someone who is powerful who knows a lot through knowledge and experience and is very in tune with who they are they don’t ask other people what they think because a lot of the time they don’t want to be influenced on either way they are very Stern in how they feel and they’re very Stern in making concrete decisions in June you may have to play the role of the emperor in something that needs to be decided through your experience and your knowledge you’re going to help somebody in the month of June or you’re going to come up with some amazing answers that you have read about or you have seen and that’s going to give you the answers that you needed to move forward to gain more of that power and that direction of balance and underneath we had the Six of Pentacles for some of you you’ll be given a financial burst in June for those of you that were worried about financial status please don’t be you will get help you will have a promotion and you will earn more money things are going to turn around for you Gemini for those of you that were worried about finances there’s a lot of giving here there’s a lot of excitement here about finances

and that’s going to give you balance and power as well when we’re in control of our finances we all of a sudden take that finance and we gain balance in our life which gives us power power to move forward and buy what we want

let’s see what the few cards here turned upside down

the Gypsy deck has for us what does the Gypsy have to say for us sometimes she’s very precise and she doesn’t pull any punches she just says it the way it is okay

mixed cards here

okay mix one more time they’re asking me mix one more time a lot of plants upside down here wow just turning cards over

Gemini please thank you what have you got to say for Gemini thank you

look at that Gemini for some Geminis here and X may make their way back to you you may get a phone call or a message then declaring their love and then missing you so for some Geminis here that’s going to grow slowly I don’t know if you wanted your ex back or not but there may be someone from your past coming back

for others I feel that this x was a big love of yours at one stage and I feel and what what the Gypsy is saying is that that grand love that was once your biggest love comes back number three is growth and four with one is five which is change I feel that this person has changed a lot since they were with you and now they come back a lot wiser and they know what they want so what the universe is saying is please give them an opportunity um if you want to that is to show that they have changed I feel someone here has changed and they want to make their way back to you

that won’t be for many but it might be for a handful of Geminis

this is spirituality you this this partner here is being brought to you by the universe and they’re saying you were meant to be together you weren’t meant to be together back then whether it be one year two years three years five years ago you weren’t meant to be together back then it was not the right time and place now is the right time so the the universe is bringing that energy back to you you’ll find that what you have today is going to be nothing like what you had in the past foreign

chair they left an empty chair and you had to reassess the love that you had for this person and that made you think and at times they broke your heart I feel that this person at the time was not was not either loyal to you or honest but now they’re saying that empty seat they wanted they want to take take that empty seat now they’re ready and they’ve grown they’ve reassessed where they’ve come from they’ve reassessed where they’ve been and now they’re ready to make that commitment to you and the universe is pushing that person back to you so let me know if this is you if you have started to feel that but in June it’s there through the front door I feel that someone’s gonna come and knock on your front door someone that’s going to call you and um and maybe at the time you won’t want to give them a chance but I think that they’ll feel um they’ll keep persisting and they will come through your front door again they are going to occupy the seat that they left empty at one stage Gemini very strong here very strong for someone that’s coming back and it wasn’t just someone it was a great love of yours this could have been the first love of your life this could have been that person that you thought was your soul mate that walked away and you thought well that wasn’t my soul mate it couldn’t have been because I walked away but here they come back and you were right they were always your soul mate it just wasn’t the right time one more card please thank you

yeah look you know what there was a lot of tears and a lot of there was you actually went into a little bit of depression over this relationship for this Gemini that I’m con that I’m connecting with here this person really tore your heart into pieces they gave you the hope and then they took all that away and they were a big love of yours and they occupied a big part of your life they are going to be brought back to you like I said to you by the universe through your front door and there will still be some tears when they come back but it’s number seven is don’t give up 33 is a powerful spiritual number and that spiritual number brings that person back through your front door but three and three is six which is stability now they are going to be more stable they’re going to know what they want look at that and I did say stability and that’s the anchor look at that it’s just a confirmation that this person was meant to be in your life so for those of you that lost that love and you didn’t feel like that was going to happen just know that when things are meant to happen they will happen either way it doesn’t matter if it takes three months six months two years five years if that person is meant to be in your life they are going to be and there’s changes here look at that two and three is five you’re going to make a change with this person

what else we have here to finalize Gemini reading one Angel Card for Gemini please thank you so much recovery how appropriate this love is going to recover the recovery is going to be beautiful and an abundant it’s brought to you for a purpose and a reason to fulfill your life that love that you once had is coming and it’s going to be different this time

okay please one more card

communicate clearly in all aspects this card is just for all aspects this recovery was definitely for this person here but communicate clearly in everything that you do any business dealings that you have any relationships that break down or anything that you’re thinking of doing that communicate clearly belongs to this part here to these people here ask for help ask for help from others don’t ever be afraid to ask others for help especially if it’s a financial um thing that you’ve got Gemini if it’s financial help that you need please ask others for help but things are going to turn for you remember don’t give up use the power that you have inside and balance your thoughts clear them so they become clearer listen to your intuition your intuition and your inner wisdom because everything will come together Gemini if this hasn’t resonated please leave um please go and see your ascendant and your main sign if you love this reading or it resonates with you please like or leave me a little heart I would love a little bit of Love Back and also share this with another Gemini that may need to hear this because it’s so important that everyone gets to hear the messages that come through you may just make a difference in somebody’s life sharing this reading with them lots of love and light thank you bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)


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