Gemini Horoscope for 1st June 2023
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
My name’s Marie Rose from Tarot Readings Live hope you are well thank you so much for being here this is your reading for the next 7 to 14 days for those of you that aren’t aware as yet I have released the June horoscopes they are a bit long but listen to it from the beginning to the end as there’s messages throughout thank you so much and let’s get into it what have we got for Gemini what two messages have we got for Jim two energies we have for Gemini for the next seven to 14 days the Ace of light you’ve been trained for this for lifetimes wow Gemini you are finding your light and this doesn’t happen overnight this is something that’s being that’s been happening for quite some time it may be through different incarnations it may be through other lifetimes but you have been directed for a purpose into this lifetime and the universe is saying Shine Your Light you are here for a purpose and do not be afraid to shine that beautiful light of yours you have got a lot that you need to achieve and you have got a beautiful mind use your intuition your wisdomen and your beautiful mind intelligent mind to Shine Your Light bright into the world today
the age of light what a beautiful card what a beautiful energy then Gemini what a beautiful energy don’t let anybody get in between your lights sorry I’ve got two I need one thanks don’t let anybody dim your light either sometimes people come around into our lives and through um you know through jealousy so much they try to dim our light make us feel worthless and hear the universe is saying do not let anyone dim your light this is your light because you deserve it you have a mission for that the ever unfolding Rose cracked open it’s happening for you not to you beautiful look at that you are not going to crack under any pressure challenges circumstances this is you cracking the the the mission that you came here for you have come here for a purpose and a reason you have got things that the world needs to see you have got intelligence and uh abundance to share with the world whether that be in business whether that be in love whether that be through communication which you are very big at Gemini now is the time to do what you came here to do now is the time for you to feel um and open up and share with everybody the intelligence that you have and the reason why you’re here shine that light I feel here a few Geminis sometimes doubt themselves and they feel like they um whilst they’d like to communicate how they feel they feel that sometimes it’s not appropriate or sometimes people don’t want to know what they’ve got to say or they don’t listen to what they’ve got to say but don’t give up Gemini you’re here for a purpose and now don’t feel the um the need to tone down excited how it is and be what you are without hesitation let’s see what the tarot has for Gemini I’ll put all the cards in we’ll go through it the four of Pentacles keeping things to yourself do not keep things to yourself anymore any Grand ideas any information you have any conversations you need to have now is the time to air them be out there share what you have and don’t be afraid to be who you are the four of Swords some of you are very very tired here and you have thought a lot of things you know you’re an air sign which is ruled by the swords and you think a lot you use your mind to think but now what the universe is saying is use those beautiful thoughts of yours and those beautiful ideas to bring that all into the world don’t be afraid it’s not time now to keep things hidden to keep things to yourself
the seven of swords for some Geminis he you have been through a battle you’ve been through something that has taken a lot of energy and a lot of thought um and you feel like you’ve just been really through a battle so there are a group of Geminis here that have felt like they’ve been through a battle and look at that the nine of Wands you are now starting to feel as though I’ve gone through everything I’ve I’ve had to go through I’ve crossed paths I had to go through I have addressed people in my life that were weighing a ton on my shoulders I have spoken my truth and this is what the universe is encouraging you to do Gemini you have hit rock bottom you have expressed how you felt and although you express those feelings and you express those thoughts you have had you have been in a place of Despair and pain
a lot of you are exhausted here a lot of you have gone through a hard time in the past and you’re feeling extremely exhausted hence the reason why a lot of you are not sharing the information that how you really feel for some of you here you’re still suffering quietly you’re still going through a process in your mind of what took place how you were hurt in some circumstance and that could be to do with a relationship or a family member but someone hurt you here the three of Pentacles you will start to build your your worth again you will start to find a light in where you need to go a lot of you here may even um through that pain that you went through and that disappointment with someone or something you are going to dedicate yourself to finding your new light a lot of you came to the realization that the only person you can truly truly Bank on is yourself the only person you can truly truly trust is yourself and a lot of you here are going to start investing a lot of time in Sharing um in in finding your light your inner peace
tell me if this is your Gemini can you resonate with this reading remember this is a general reading and if this doesn’t resonate let it go to the universe if it does then um great and leave a comment down below and a like but if it doesn’t please check your ascendant and your mood sign
the Gemini please another three cards please
unless it falls on the table I’m not taking it thank you the Queen of Wands the powerful energy of moving forward so Gemini I have someone here that has kept things from themselves kept sorry kept things to themselves who have gone through a battle through disappointment and uh disillusion and realization that some people weren’t meant to be trusted but here I have you here standing up firm again a lot of you had to go through that circumstance to Now find yourselves again and this is you finding your light the Queen of Wands is one powerful energy one powerful energy that not only do they use their wisdom and intuition and intellectuals intellectual being the intellectual mind sorry they move forward with certainty they move forward after the battle that they’ve been through and I feel a lot of Geminis are going to be doing that in the next 7 to 14 days things happen around you that allow you to see the process of where you’ve come from what you went through and the Knight of Cups look at that a beautiful message of Love Comes towards you and accept that love it comes in all honor and respect the Knight of Cups comes to fill your cups with news of new beginnings of a new love of a new passionate thing for something or someone maybe this is where you stand up and you say enough I have now been in a situation of disappointment but now I move forward and I will love what I’m gonna do I will love where I’m going to go you also may get some news from someone that did disappoint you here and made you take time out you may get a message or an email or something from someone that did hurt you and they will bring apology they’re going to bring in you an apology of hurting you when they shouldn’t have and not being able to see the value of who you really are they took your generosity and your love for granted and don’t be surprised within the next 7 to 14 days if you get an acknowledgment from that person saying I’m really really sorry for what I did and I want you to forgive me okay one more card please for Gemini look at that the strength Gemini make no mistake you are going to turn things around and I don’t know what I can’t remember what the monthly June horoscope was for you but have a look at that as there may be a lot more news there but you are going to have a huge amount of strength in um in in the next seven to 14 days things happening around you that not only are you going to be sure of who you are but you’re also going to face things with strength and certainty
beautiful and underneath the Ace of Wands what did I say absolutely moving forward in all aspects you may have an Aries around you here or you may have Aries in your ascendant or your moon sign if that is you this is the power you’re going to enforce because with these cards here make no mistake Gemini the strength is all about moving forward the power and the strength that you gain is going to take you forward new projects new careers new ideas new new purpose you will have a new purpose here
tell me if this is you
tell me if you can start to feel that new purpose coming through if you’ve gone through a heartbreak or a painful experience and now you’re starting to to really feel that energy of I need to move forward I can’t stay stagnant here all my life I’ve got a beautiful life that I need to live and I need to do that look at that bringing stability three and five is power and strength and that is exactly that card in itself bringing the stability back into your life bringing the power back into your life and Shining that light because that’s exactly where it’s going it’s going underneath the card of light you will find through shining your light out there that you’re going to find power and strength back into your life which brings a lot of stability you had lost a lot of faith and a lot of stability but that now returns
one more card plays for Gemini thank you for the next 7 to 14 days one more client ah look Gemini amen amen amen number four is consolidating everything and look at that sun shining brightly not only is it going to bring a lot of light into your life you are going to shine my beautiful Gemini you are going to shine again you’re going to find yourself again and you’re going to shine for three and one is four which is consolidation you’re going to consolidate everything that you’ve been through and you’re going to have a clear path of where you need to go you’re going to find your light make no mistake your paths from here on in are going to be lit up and June is where it starts the next 7 to 14 days it’s where it’s going to start so be prepared what Angel are we sending what Angel are we sending Gemini Universe what Angel are you going to send Gemini for the next 7 to 14 days
when Angel plays what I enjoy Gemini for the next 7 to 14 days okay thank you whoops
the angel of inspiration Gemini for those of you that have lost faith for those of you that have lost your way for those of you that have lost that power that drive and that determination due to this pain that someone or something has caused you the universe is sending the angel of inspiration for you to be able to find that light and look how lit up that is it’s just saying to you you have got what it takes do not let anyone dim your light anymore you came here for a purpose a reason and you need to find that what a beautiful reading Gemini what a beautiful reading thank you so much Universe thank you
Gemini I hope this has resonated for a lot of people because here there was quite a few Geminis that had been hurt or disappointed and life is just about to turn for you thank you so much for being here lots of love and light your way bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)