Gemini Horoscope for the Next 7 Days for July 2023
FREE Gemini Horoscope for the next 7 days. I have also be released the Gemini Horoscope on Relationships and Career for JULY 2023. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
I would also suggest you to look back at the July Monthly Gemini Horoscope video, as there may be information that makes more sense now, and at times ties in to the new advise you receive throughout July 2023. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Gemini thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from Tarot readings live and here we going to do your wedding for the next 7 to 14 days your first card was go wild go wild Gemini it’s asking you to be courageous in whatever it is that you’re doing it’s asking you to go beyond what you thought or imagined go wild and take your wants and needs to a place of letting yourself free it’s asking you to liberate yourself Gemini I don’t know how many of you here were trying to do something but you were very cautious or you were thinking a lot because Gemini is from the you know is this the swords which is a lot of it’s an air sign and the air signs always think way too much so Libra Gemini and Aquarius they’re all big thinkers so here it’s asking you to go wild liberate yourself Gemini from where you see yourself blocked or um not being able to be who you want to be and liberate yourself from people or situations that are that are causing you to feel uh blocked or tied down to something so go wild is the first message I love it I love it when the universe says go wild because you know what you’ve got nothing to lose and your intuition is going to be Paramount let’s see what else we have for all okay very quick in exchanging gifts here Gemini I feel that you’re going to be exchanging gifts with someone and two and seven is um about you reassessing what’s important in your life reassessing where you want to go reassessing how you want to live it’s about in the next 7 to 14 days Gemini you’re going to reassess where you are right now and where you want to go and you’re going to put things in place in order for you to achieve that you’re going to allow yourself the freedom to reassess your your life and uh place it in a direction that you want to go you’re going to think outside the square you’re not going to do the norm and you’re going to exchange ideas exchange um your knowledge exchange your determination about something or someone but you’re going to be exchanging what you know and how you do things and a lot of that is going to benefit people around you but it’s also going to benefit yourself because it’s going to allow yourself to free yourself and to be the person that you came here to be which was to teach others as well you’ve got a beautiful powerful mind Gemini and now the universe is saying go wild do what you’ve got to do because there’s a lot of people that can benefit from what you have to offer okay let’s see I’m going to do a different layout today and I just want you to be patient with me while I lay out the cards and then we’ll go into it and I’ll tell you what I see okay Gemini please cards for Gemini thank you thank you place these here
yeah wanting to move forward with something Gemini let’s see what else we have thank you
what else do we have let’s see whoops and there’s cards flying everywhere look at that okay
all right let’s put all these in place and I’ll tell you exactly what it is that’s coming up for you
okay Gemini so here I feel that we’ve got a Gemini that wants to balance where they’re at they want to have a Pure Balance of where they um see themselves and I feel like in the past you’ve been a bit out of balance you’re now going to start something new that you so much wanted to start it’s going to be something that’s powerful to you and this could be a new business a new project a new career and it’s going to be quite prosperous you have the passion and the knowledge that you need to get things to work so I feel that a lot of Geminis here are actually taking the balance that they’ve always wanted to do what it is that they need to do or want to do for now you’re going to be learning new things starting new things taking it to the next level I do feel that you had two options but now that you know what it is that you want to do there is no stopping you Gemini you’re going to take off you took a little while there to decide what it was that you you wanted to do or which direction you wanted to go in and whatever this may be but I do feel now that you are certain there is no stopping your Gemini you’re going to take things to another level in the past you’re worried about money in the past it was always going to be something that stressed you out Gemini’s life to be financially secure they don’t have to be wealthy but they like to know that they can afford to have what they wish and they can afford to have all the beauty all the beautiful things that they want in life and when you’re out of scales to do with your finances you then become a little bit stressed and worried and they do worry very much about their finances and in the past I feel that whilst there was little things there that brought very little money your way that now you’ve in you’re going to invent yourself or take yourself to that project that is going to take you beyond where you imagined I do feel that there’s a lot of abundance is coming towards you this is where you want to be you want to have a treasure full of financial abundance and you’re being very rational about the way you do things you’re thinking things through I feel here that there’s been a lot of Geminis here that have been thinking and thinking and thinking about how they’re going to build their fortune and how they’re going to get that job or career or project that they’re working on to create a lot of abundance this is your aim of the game at the end of it so I do feel that there’s quite a few Geminis here that have that have committed themselves to doing that you’ve had a calling here I do feel that some of you here had a calling and it’s been a calling for you to do what you do best for you to show the world what you know you’ve got a lot of knowledge and a lot of experience Gemini and I do feel that the Universe has called you to say Gemini it’s now time for you to show the world what you are capable of but not for the world for yourself except the world is going to benefit from that so whatever it is that you’re creating or whatever it is that you’re doing keep doing it you have got the capabilities the the mind to do magnificent things that are just going to enrich the the um the universe it’s going to enrich people around you and people are going to want to know more so that calling was there for you I do feel however that through um that you may have been working um in you may be you have been looking after your family uh in in some situations and I do feel this might be a mother that looks after their child and was unable to take their project and they did feel like there was there was no way that they could get themselves out however now I do feel that whilst you have this beautiful happy family that it’s now going to be your time to get yourself out of this lock period and take you to the next level I do feel that many of you felt or will feel in a way that you are blocked or you are restrained to one area of your life and you are going to break free from that because see there that that there those chains are not tying your hands that’s your thought process that is tying yourself down you need to release yourself and allow yourself to go wild do what you came here to to find that lie and passion within you to take that to the next level and don’t give up because you’ve got a lot of gifts that you need to share with the world and underneath here I have the lovers card for many of you here um I feel that you if you’re not with anyone right now that you may find the love of your life or you may have a relationship that you’re going to dedicate more time to because this financial success that’s going to follow you down the path is going to allow you to spend more time with loved ones especially your partner who you have been distant from for quite some time I do feel that this this um Fortune isn’t going to turn around in in seven to 14 days but the ideas that you have and the plantation that you put in place the fruits will follow down the path somewhere and just know that that whatever you’re putting into place right now you will see the fruits of the benefit that you’ve placed today come to you later on so that’s going to be quite successful also here let’s do one more message for Gemini fork in the road you may get to a situation where there is a fork in the road where you’re going to need to decide which way to go and that’s all part of growing your business a project or growing something in your life that you want to really do you’re going to consolidate all your ideas and then you’ll once you get to that fork in the road of which way do I go you’ll know exactly which way to go and and at times that may be challenged by a family situation but you will find yourself in a position where you’re going to know which which way to go so Gemini there’s a lot of work ahead of you there’s a lot there’s a big project that some of you here are working on keep doing it it was a calling for you if they’re going to call anyone to reinvent something or to put something into place it’s going to be a Gemini of course because your mind your intellectual mind is like no other you have got a huge abundant mind of great ideas and I do feel that those ideas are all going to be used here to make this Fortune happen for you to find your path of success well of my heart that’s resonated with you if it hasn’t please check your your moon and your ascendant sign and just know Gemini that you are on the right path This was meant for you and release yourself and go wild with the ideas that come to you also Geminis please look Below in the description for July as there’s a lot of news about 50 off personal reading so it my forte is in business relationships and finances so if you’re having any problems in those in those areas that’s the thought that’s the areas I am most um experienced in and there’s also uh two free readings for subscribers so if you’re not subscribed Please Subscribe today and let me know um let me know how you go in the next seven to fourteen days put it in the comments what it is that you want thank you so much Gemini bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)