Gemini Monthly Horoscope for July 2023
Gemini Horoscope: Embracing the changes to your thoughts and relationships in July 2023. Watch the video from beginning to end as there are quite a few messages for you. I will also be releasing the Gemini Horoscope on Relationships and Career for JULY 2023 shortly. If you would like to get them as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
I would also suggest you to look back at the June Gemini Horoscope video, as there may be information that makes more sense now, and at times ties in to the new advise you receive in July 2023. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello Gemini thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from Tarot Readings Live and today we’re here to go through what July 2023 brings you I don’t know if you saw the shorts to my videos but I had the two main energies that will rule your sign in July 2023. the first one was think it through Gemini this is a new moon in Gemini and that card was the first energy that came out so think it through Gemini if you are facing any difficult situations or difficult circumstances right now think the whole thing through think it in a different way with different ideas and see it as a different person and what I mean by that is take yourself out of the situation and look at the situation from an outsider’s perspective you may find answers when you start looking at things in a different way if you have been struggling and life has been tough lately then look at it from a different perspective because there you might find answers that you didn’t think of before so whatever it is that you’re going through right now either with people or circumstances or in a career decision think it through think through the the prospects think through the pros and cons and think through what the situation is that it’s bringing you this uh solution this outcome change the outcome by changing the thinking this one forking the road I feel that many Geminis here are going to get to a certain point in their life where they need to make decisions the fork in the road says that there are different Ally alleys that you can go down different ways that you can proceed with things different decisions that are going to lead you to different paths if you see that here and here one and three is consolidation which is four four is consolidating all the facts and figures that you have right now and when you get to the fork in the road knowing which path to take I feel that some Geminis here are in in an indecision indecisive mode right now you’re indecisive about which path to take what’s going to suit you at this time um in your life and what decision are you going to make I feel that many of you here are very scared to make a a concrete decision right now because you’re absolutely not sure of what you want in your life right now or where to go with the circumstances situation that presents itself to you okay Gemini so before we go on to the tarot I do have some information for you so July 2023 what have we got we’re doing a mid-year celebration we’ve gone through up until now and there’s been a lot that’s happened and a lot that’s um taken place for those of you that have done not much in the first half of the year the second half of the year is going to be very very important for you especially when it tells you to think things through and the fork in the road that is New Paths new decisions new ways so in July 2023 I’m going to offer two free readings to our subscribers to one of our sorry to two of our subscribers so there’s going to be two free readings given to two of our subscribers and that’s me giving back and saying thank you so much for all your support and your dedication to coming to see the videos the other thing I also want to say um for July and only July we are going to do 50 off on our um 30 and 60 Minute readings why are we doing that because we want to give back it’s important that we uh gain the momentum from our from the people that love us and love our Channel and now we want to give back so if you are having trouble in career in relationship with family then take advantage of that 50 off for July only in the 30 and 60 Minute readings how to book in the prices are down below in the description very easy and it’s it’s secure payment you can pay via PayPal or you can use your credit card if you choose however it’s only for July and I’m only doing five or six readings per day that is it because I do still have commitments with my current clients so thank you so much and I hope that I can help you in either your career in your relationship or your finances and family because I my forte is in those areas so take advantage of the sale lots of love Gemini let’s go and see what we have for your tarot now
tell Gemini for 2023 in July July 2023 universe what’s the news for Gemini first card nine of Wands for some of you it’s been a battle for some of you you are cons you’ve come from a battle of Despair and disappointment and here you are on your knees saying I can’t do this anymore I am tired and I really just don’t know which way to go now to fix this situation or this circumstance that that’s taken place this may be a family issue it may be you’ve been looking for a job and you just can’t find anything whatever it is Gemini it’s taking you to your knees and you’re pretty much in Despair and disappointed with how how things have gone you’ve come to the fork in the road now and now it’s going to be a time for you to make a decision think through that possibility if that’s you in a career situation or a problem in your family then think it through from a different perspective how can you change things more information more information please for Gemini thank you here I’ve got quite a few Geminis that have got a broken heart you have been disappointed in love you have been lied to in love for here it’s someone breaking up in a relationship in July 2023 and you know deep down in your heart and soul that this is the best move but it’s never an Easy Action to put into place it is time for you to distance yourself from this person or this situation because it’s bringing you a lot of Heartache it has disappointed you it has betrayed you in some way shape or form and now I feel that some Geminis are really feeling the pinch that it’s time to make a decision it is tight it can’t keep going like that you’ve gone through halfway through the year feeling miserable and feeling like you don’t belong in this relationship or it’s not bringing you what you thought it would so a lot of Geminis here are reassessing where they where they’re at and where they want to go making you think about where you want to be Gemini through this broken heart think it through and be honest with yourself are you really happy in your current situation are you really happy in what you have right now if not then it’s time for you to find a new Direction here the king of Cups you may be dealing with somebody that loves you but doesn’t measure up in some way and what I mean by that is they may have different things or different ideas or different ways of doing things that is totally not in line with what your thoughts are with where you want to go with what you want to do they may give you love or they may show you love but at the moment everything else that they bring is nothing but distraught or nothing but disappointment and for some people here I really do feel that it’s been a hard Road a hard task for you to get through this situation it’s broken your heart and a lot of times whilst who you’re with your partner may show you love there’s still a lot of things that are not right a lot of things that now you’ve got to a point in your life that you need to make decisions what else have we got for Gemini for July to 23 please thank you [Music] the Knight of Cups new prospects coming through for those of you that have come out of a relationship and that have gone through a tormented relationship you may find now that you may meet someone however Gemini I am saying this from the love of my heart don’t get too involved with this new person if someone shows you interest the Knight of Cups is someone that will come and show you love but will go as quick as they came in you may find that they come in and bring all this excitement into your life bring all this Fascination this passion but then they’re gone as quick as they came so you may be getting involved or meeting someone that’s a bit of a player that’s someone that is there for a good time but not a long time so just be aware of that especially if you have been through a hard time in your relationships in the past now is just time to be really careful about this character okay more information please for Gemini thank you decisions there are going to be choices you need to make decisions that you need to make for those of you that have come out of a relationship there is going to be decisions that need to be made in regards to this you may find that you need to find a new home find a new career maybe move location move out of your family home and they’re all going to be choices that are not going to be easy however they’re choices that you need to make in order for you to find your stability again in your life for some of you here for some Geminis it is a big shake shake in your life that you didn’t expect the lies that were told the deceiving the disappointment has forced you now to make decisions that you’re not sure about that you don’t know which way to go
what else have I got for Gemini place a lot of decisions there Gemini are coming through in July 2023 and I think this will set you up for the back half of the Year Gemini I really do as much as it’s hard to comprehend and as much as it’s hard and painful what you may be going through here you may find that this is going to change where you go here you go the high priestess nothing happens by mistake everything has a reason and a purpose and this has come to your um to your knowledge because it’s time for you to Free Yourself free yourself from what has been holding you back free yourself and allow yourself to live the way you want to live not live in a cocoon or not live in someone else’s Shadow you’re living for who you are you have a soul and a spirit that is waiting to live and Gemini I feel that for many of you here it is time for you to set yourself free allow yourself through your in your intuition and your wisdom that you you your your very intelligent Gemini use that intelligence to free yourself again to allow yourself to free yourself from the pain that you’ve been through in the past [Music] for some of you here for other Geminis here you’re going to find someone that comes to you in genuine love for the single Geminis out there that are already um single and have have had past relationships that haven’t worked out don’t paint everyone with the same brush because there is someone here that comes into your life and is brought to you by the universe for those of you that asked for someone to come into your life and someone that would love you and respect you for who you are then I feel that this person has been brought to you by the universe so accept it don’t judge people from your past judge them from who for what they are and who they are and what they represent not everybody is the same Gemini so please don’t take your pain with you take your lessons but allow that pain to dissolve and let people in that are genuine about getting to know you the other one is the five of cups for this person here I really feel that whilst you’ve had some hard times in your relationship and they’ve brought you to your knees or a situation that has brought you to your knees this might not be in regards to relationships but it is pointing that way for some of you here that have been brought to your knees from everything that you’ve been through this person that comes into your life some of you will meet someone that is only there for a good time not a long time some others will meet someone that is genuinely in love with you for who you are and you’ve been you’ll know Gemini you will know which one you are do you have to watch out for this person or are you this person here that’s met someone that is absolutely Sensational and brings everything that you’ve always wanted so you will know which Gemini you are because everyone’s on a different journey and for this one here I feel that whilst you’ve got cups here that from damaged relationships in the past or damaged situations that you’ve got two cups here you’re not looking at there is two opportunities for you if you just stand up and look around you’ll see them and this is where I’m saying think it through and look at things in a different manner think it through in different eyes and in a different perspective
no there are opportunities for you Gemini here for those ones that do meet this person you will know if they’re very vibrant and too good to be true and bring you all these stories and all these passions and everything happens quickly then you know you’re one of these you’re in this category of meeting meeting someone that’s not going to stay there for a long time so watch your heart watch it and hold it because they may stay but more than likely they’ll go you’ll know because you’re very intelligent what’s have you got for Gemini please thank you and one more one more thank you
self-sabotaging Gemini for those of you that are going to make choices right now please don’t self-sabotage yourself now look at it from a different perspective those of you that do have the broken heart are leaving your homes and need to make choices about where you go and what you do next please understand that this is a process as much as it’s painful and it hurts don’t self-sabotage we can’t determine how others are going to treat us all we can do is be in control of how we will react to the situation what we will what we will do with the information that we have received the universe is saying Gemini you need to understand that this broken heart that you hold today was not your fault that is not your baggage to carry your baggage to carry is to look after who you are some of you were so genuine here and gave everything you had and whilst they someone broke your heart that’s now their baggage to carry the only thing you’ve got to do right now Gemini the universe is saying is make the correct choices that are going to be right for you don’t self-sabotage don’t look back and think what could I have done differently that’s not your baggage to carry someone made a choice and a decision and they’ve got to live with that you’ve got to think about this situation think it through and the more you think it through you’ll understand that everything that happened was always there however you didn’t see it coming right now you didn’t think it would ever happen to you so think this through and understand that self-sabotaging yourself is in no way shape or form going to help you it’s only going to be more destructive and from what I see here some of you have got some choices to make that are going to be detrimental to your well-being so it’s important that you focus on that here we have the high priestess for those of you that want to have a baby now’s a good time Gemini it’s the fertility card and this is a nurturing card and a creative card for others here it means the beginning of a beautiful relationship or friendship that you have made for some of you here someone was brought to you by the universe to show you that not all Love Is Lost not everybody is the same there is one special person here that’s been brought to you use your wisdom and your intuition if it feels right then it is if it doesn’t feel right then you know it’s not right and this person here this is going to be a start of the beautiful creation here a beautiful abundant love that respects you for who you are doesn’t want to change you in any way because they love you for who you are but this here is time for you to create for time for you to do what we love Gemini for some of you here you will start a new business you will start a new project something that you have always wanted to do you’ll give your love to that project or that new business that you’re going to start and for most of you here you’re going to start to see an abundance come through because the high pre the emperor sorry is about creating beautiful things glorious things nurturing what we have nurturing that business nurturing what we want in our lives
beautiful let’s see what else we have what other messages do we have for Gemini here no two’s too many one at a time place one one energy please thank you deep knowing this is where you are going to get a very deep understanding of what counts see how we’ve got four and three there I don’t know if you can see that but that’s seven which is don’t give up for those of you that went through the broken heart here the decisions you’ve got to make just know deep within that you could not have helped that you could not have changed things people cross our paths for a reason and sometimes they bring pain and deception they bring disappointment however no deep within your heart that you gave it everything you had don’t give up do not give up on who you are do not self-sabotage who you are the Deep knowing of that of what that relationship was and what it brought you is knowing that you did everything you could now now or in the future you will be glad when you look back and got at least I found out I found out in due time I found out what was going on I found out that that situation and that circumstance was never right but whatever you do don’t self-sabotage and don’t give up the universe doesn’t want you to give up on this give up on who you are you’re a beautiful person think it through and the Deep knowing is going to help you one more card oh okay buy the book and by the book is something that says to you um Gemini that go by what you know go by what you feel and go by who you are go with what you’ve learned in your life go with the experiences the knowledge and everything you’ve gained from this go buy the book let others know to you and help you look after others because I feel here that this may be a person that’s got children or if you don’t have children nurture yourself allow yourself to spend time with people that matter allow others to look after you and and go by being true to who you are go buy that book of I am who I am this is my story this is who I am and this is what I stand for go buy that book and don’t change that book for anybody don’t change who you are for anybody you have got the spiritual healing here of number 11. number 11 brings a lot of spiritual wisdom listen to those who talk to you ask your guides and your mentors for direction for strength and more than anything turn to your faith whatever that may be turn to your spirituality fill fill the Fulfillment that spirituality can bring you in times of need or times that you need to make a decision turn to your spirituality for guidance and for purpose and for reason whatever that may be and that may be your angels and your guides your mentors God Buddha whoever that may be turn to your spirituality because you have got a lot of guidance here Gemini use that
foreign let’s see what Angel the universe is going to bring Gemini for July 2023 what Angel are you bringing Gemini thank you oops
angel of remembrance Gemini for some of you here you may have lost someone too with the and they’ve taken my attention back to that for some of you here you may have lost a partner or someone that meant a lot to you and this may be that you’re grieving not a loss of relationship but a grieving for that it might only be one or two here for that but I do have to mention it that through that grieving you have got you’ve got the angel of remembrance remember things for what they were remember who they were and remember the special moments but you need to think of it in a different way you need to get to that fork in the road and decide what would they want me to do what would this person that passed want me to do would they want me to stand here or sit here and cry and remember them for um what we shared but in a sad way or would they want me to stand on my own two feet start moving forward with them always on my mind you’ll feel them and you will get messages from them through feathers that you see birds that you see that are different in your dreams about maybe messages but you’ll see things or butterflies that come out of nowhere or a bird that flies past you that takes your attention a rainbow anything that they will give you a sign saying you’re on the right path keep going they will want you to get up and move and do what you need to do because you’ll meet them one day again but for now you’ve still got things that you need to live and things that you need to do Gemini what a beautiful reading lots of love and light your way and thank you so much for being here thank you bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)