Gemini Horoscope by Marie Rose | For the Next 6 Months

by | Jul 18, 2023 | Free GEMINI Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Gemini Horoscope for the Next 6 Months of 2023

FREE Gemini Horoscope for the next 6 Months of 2023. I have also be released the Gemini Horoscopes For the month of July and the Love & Relationships For July 2023. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Gemini thank you for being here my name’s Marie Rose from tarot today we’re here to do your next six months um forecast and I don’t know if you saw the shorts but I did put up the two energies that I picked for each sign for the short for your energies for the next six months the one that you got was the temple path which is number three which is growth and here Gemini what we have here is the temple path which means a lot of you here will start to get in touch with your spiritual side things that happen within the next six months or things that you’ve been through take you to a place of finding your peace and here you’re going to start to really want to give your soul this the peace that it needs and wants and a lot of you here are going to turn to your either religious side or even just communicating with your Spirit guides and your mentors and that will be in um you may decide that you have conversations with them before you go to bed or you talk to and you ask for guidance to people that are that were very very important to you that have passed to another dimension and here I feel a lot of Geminis are going to get in touch with people that meant a lot to them or they’re going to get in touch with their own spiritual side and really getting into the under standing of who they are and what they’re looking for I feel that some Geminis here are looking for this inner peace for themselves that they haven’t found as yet and or and there’s going to be some Geminis here that want to Soul search even more and here it’s a it’s a beautiful um card of you getting in touch with your inner self understanding who you are where you came from what it is that you need for yourself it doesn’t necessarily have to be religious because some some people get in touch with their spiritual side and they’re not religious they may just get in touch with their guides with their Mentor whoever it is that you talk to and ask for that guidance then that’s the the place that you’re going to visit more often to really get an understanding of the inner peace that you crave a lot of you will be looking for that

there’s also the other car that came up was the cloud in the Leonard deck and number six is finding stability a lot of you here are going to go through some periods or you have gone through some periods of challenges and here you’re going to start to see those challenges move on but with those challenges comes lessons and I feel here that we’ve got quite a few Geminis that now crave stability and there may still be a few challenges along the way in the next six months it’s all going to be for your higher good it’s going to be to bring you the stability that you so need and that you’re craving this card here is about you going through the challenges that you have to in order to get to the other side and understand what it is that you want for example if you are in uh for some Geminis here that are in a toxic relationship or a relationship that challenges you then you are going to go through some deep connection going back to your spiritual side and that’s going to bring you the growth that you need to get through the challenges that you face in that relationship for others it’s a matter of finding yourself going through some dark times but out of that you’re going to find yourself like you have never found yourself before it’s about a stand understand understand ending the the challenges that you face and why you’re facing them remember that everything happens for a reason and everything has a purpose so anything that you go through within the next six months just remember it’s all going to bring you stability

let’s see with the tarot what those cards bring you

Gemini plays the universe Gemini for the temple path what does that mean what are you trying to tell Gemini with the temple path

the temple path for Gemini please thank you

for some of you here Gemini you have come from a disappointing relationship a relationship that upset you a situation that upset you family members that disappointed you here I have some Gemini’s only some with broken hearts that are trying to find their reason their purpose in what they went through a lot of you here have gone through a huge deception or a um a very disappointing situation and now you’re trying to get your power back the only way to do that is to really get in touch with who you are what you stand for and the guidance that you have within many of you are hugely intelligent and you’re going to use that intelligent that wisdom and your intuition to get in touch with who you are get over this broken heart that you have today or you are in the process of going through many of you are going through a tough relationship right now or many of you have been through that already it depends on what cycle you’re in in the journey but as this is a general reading so if this doesn’t resonate with you throughout the whole reading then check your ascendant and your moon sign but many of you here are trying to find yourself after that broken heart that disappointment [Music]

you know they usually say that we try and find ourselves deeply after we’ve been through a hard time it forces us to go to our spiritual side to understand who we are the Two of Pentacles for some of you you are in a decision mode what do I do where do I go is this right for me all of these questions are going to be asked and for some of you here you’ve had a proposition to go and work work elsewhere in another country city or state and you’re in your indecision to make this move is causing you to go within to find your answers Within

for some of you here you went through a betrayal you went through a betrayal of finding out that your partner was in an affair that you were hurt and more more because you were the last person to know and I feel here that some Geminis here are going through a process of trying to understand who they can trust and who they can’t and a lot of you here this is what took you to that soul-searching time so for the next six months Gemini for some of you you will go through that process for others you’ve been through that process and for others again this is not to do with you at all it depends whether you’ve been there done that whether you’re going through it or you’ll be going through it but I feel that there are some Geminis here that may just be soul-searching today because of all the deception and lies that they’ve had to deal with and decisions that they’ve got to make [Music] please explain these clouds for me please Gemini unfortunately I’ve got to tell you what’s there [Music]

the seven of Pentacles for some of you here you have planted uh a project or a career you’ve started something that now you’re going to see the fruits of the many Geminis here you may have gone through a huge struggling time of your finances and not seeing things work out the way you had hoped however now in the next six months Gemini get ready things are about to turn things are about to come through for you all the hard work and sacrifice that you put in the dark days that you doubted whether it was going to work your stability the day the dust that you use your needs and thought I can’t do this anymore how when is this going to take place I’ve invested so much money and time that now I need know if this is going to work and the universe is saying Gemini do not give up your stability is here you’re about to collect everything that you’ve put in you are about to see that all those dark days all those dark thoughts weren’t there for by mistake they were there for a reason and a purpose and that was to test you to see how strong you can be because here you’re going to get what you deserve and that is a huge amount of abundance nothing comes easy Gemini and I feel that some Geminis here have learned that through their process it rocked your stability but here you are finding your abundance and what you deserve come to you because here you’re going to get all the hard work is going to pay off

[Music] so for those of you that thought that maybe you were never going to see fruits of this then get ready because within the next six months you’re going to start to see things take place the king of Cups not only do you get the abundance that the universe is giving you in your financial status but you will find the love that you’ve been hoping for for those of you that are single that that have been looking for somebody there is abundance plus abundance here you will find the love of your life the love that you have asked for the love that you have wanted to enter your life you’re going to find someone that is very secure but comes to you in absolute genuine intention no one that’s going to want you to be someone else no one that’s going to want you to do things that you don’t want to do but come in truth and honor so your clouds are about to move Gemini for these ones here for some Geminis here you’re about to meet that beautiful person you’ve been hoping for but these Geminis you have gone through that already that process here the world what did I say about the clouds it’s over Gemini the uncertainty the the and the instability that are brought into your life you know hear all those dark times all those questioning times you are now going to find yourself not only financially but in love and there’s the complete of your cycle you have completed a cycle that you went through asking for what you wanted for many of you you asked the universe for this you asked your guides your mentors for the guidance that you needed for what you wanted and what you wished for and here the answers are coming through Gemini [Music]

so for those of you that did it hard in the past you’ll find now that you start to Bear the fruits of your hard work your dedication and that cycle now you can understand in a more abundant way

let’s see what other cards we have here for you let’s have the Moon

beautiful Gemini foreign

disappointment here Gemini it may not be for a group it may be just for one or two people remember this is a general reading so don’t go and hassle your partner because I feel that this Gemini here already knows that they they already know and they’ve already got in touch with their spiritual side so it’s not that your partner is having an affair it’s you have found out already and the next six months is all about you getting in touch with your spiritual self and that may just be one Gemini out of the whole lot but it’s there I need to tell you that let your fears dissolve Gemini for all of you that questioned yourself for all of you that remember the world this is a completion of a cycle that you had a lot of fears about the full moon in cancer it comes to bring you the completeness of all those fears and all that anxiety and all that torment that you held within about your relationship not working out or your finances not coming back to you or improving your stability is now going to come back you now need to let go of those fears just believe that if everything is going to work itself out

foreign place and then one more card for Gemini please thank you no no there’s three cards one more card please one more card for Gemini thank you know you’re worth Gemini for all of you that I have spoken to here today whether you’re going through this disappointing time and trying to find your spiritual self whether you have doubted yourself and whether your project was going to work after all the effort and time and energy that you put into it know you’re worth you are worth a lot and unless you know you’re worth Gemini others aren’t going to appreciate you because only you can set your standard only you can output what you deserve and who you are unless you do that you’re not going to get the credibility from others because when we put ourselves down that’s how others treat us when we know who we are and when we know our worth there is no one that can take us off our stool and no one that can tip us over we are on our pedestal we know who we are and we know what we stand for stay with that because it’s so important that you know you’re worth it’s a new moon in Taurus don’t ever doubt that you are not capable don’t ever doubt that you can’t do something because everything you put your mind to Gemini you make work so in the next six months don’t have those fears believe in who you are and know your worth

a candy or mud dick let’s see what messages he has for us Gemini plays messages for Gemini this is just for Gemini thank you thank you

changes and the Box you are now looking at things in a more Curious way you are now questioning what works and what doesn’t you are now questioning the people you want to keep in your life and who you don’t the situations you want to be part of and what you don’t want to be part of changes are going to happen in the next six months and you’re going to be a lot better off Gemini than what you are today you’re going to have a better understanding of who you are putting an end what did I say you’re going to put an end to things situations or people that no longer bring positivity into your life you’re going to close doors let the the coffin is all about you closing doors to situations to people that no longer bring you what you deserve knowing your worth is going to do that when you know what you’re worth your power and your determination will make you understand what needs to leave your life what you’re going to close doors on who you’re going to close doors to

I feel that there’s going to be some Gemini that needed to do a bit of cleaning and when I say that is cleaning of who stays in your life and who doesn’t some of them are only there for a good time and not a long time you’re going to change that two and three look at that is five which is changes you’re going to know who’s there for real and you’re going to know who’s not and they’re the doors that you’re going to close your curiosity is going to allow you to see who you want to keep and who you don’t those rodents because mice are rodents that you see as people with negativity in your life or people that you couldn’t trust you’re now going to close the door to those people close the door to situations that didn’t make you feel the worth that you are

Gemini is going to do some cleaning here finding or stability absolutely you’re going to know who you are Gemini in the next six months many Geminis here would have found themselves through their spiritual self through what they’re capable of achieving through losing their fears and knowing their worth you are going to have you the stability that you deserve and the stability that you want for your life eight growth and Power strength and power you’re going to have the strength to stand firm and be strong in your beliefs in who you want to keep in your life and who you don’t

beautiful look at the bottom deck the paths you choose now are going to be different that is a master number Master numbers come into play when we know who we are beautiful

hey one more card and that’s it what’s the last card or message we have for Gemini please through this finding themselves a lot of finding yourself Gemini for the next six months there’ll be a lot of Geminis finding themselves finding who they are who they’re going to keep in their life

Gemini I’ve told you I love the tarot I love how everything connects higher power amen you are going to find your higher power you’re going to know who is the most important person in your life you are going to know your worth that you deserve the best and nothing else is going to be good enough your third eye here is in play your intuition and your wisdom is going to be Paramount for your success in the next six months please don’t ignore your intuition and your wisdom use that to guide you through the hard times through the times of uncertainty and through the times of finding yourself because that you are who you have you are your number one and your higher power is going to allow you find what’s important and who’s important and all these

let’s say deviate people in your life are going to be moved out of that all the people that brought you chaos and torment in the past lies deception manipulation they’re all going to go they don’t have a place in your life anymore because you are worth more than that

Gemini I hope that that’s re someone that needed to hear that please share this with other Geminis as they may be waiting for this information to come through for them and if you want to be part of that reading with myself please write yes in the comments below as my assistant will go through the comments only um so it’s going to be a lot easier so all the subscribers write yes if you want that reading for yourself in the comments below thank you so much lots of love and light your way bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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