Gemini Horoscope by Marie Rose. Changes in July 2023

by | Jul 23, 2023 | Free GEMINI Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Gemini Horoscope Changes coming in July 2023

FREE Gemini Horoscope Changes for the month of July 2023. I have also be released other videos for Gemini Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Gemini thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings life and we’re here to do your next weekly forecast so let’s have a look and see what the universe has the first card a leg up were you waiting for something Gemini and now that’s coming through

building blocks laying a new foundation for some of you here you may be building a new foundation and you are your now built the foundation that you’ve wanted and you’re now ready to move on to the next exciting bit time to go for some of you and you for some of you you’re leaving a current location or you’re leaving a place that you’re currently at for others it could be that you’re leaving a relationship but I do feel that this is not a bad thing this is time to go here I do feel that it’s someone has been waiting on a job offer or an answer to come through and now you’ve got you’ve had that answer come through for you so it’s now time to go towards the new you’ve done everything you had to in the place that you’re at right now or in the career you’re at and feeling blessed look at that this is a blessing for some of you the Gemini I feel that some of you have been working extremely hard at a commitment or you’ve sacrificed a lot to do something and now it’s time for you to move on to the new you’ve built your foundation you’ve done what you had to do you’ve compromised something and or you’ve made promises about something which you’ve completed it’s something that you may have been contracted to do and now that’s ending or it’s something that you for some of you here I do feel that some of you are going to a place of contentment and a lot of you have been wanting to leave and go to this place for quite some time you’re now going to feel blessed that you’ve completed a commitment or a an agreement that you had with someone leg up means that you’ve achieved something some of you you have achieved or got the answer that you’re waiting on and you’re feeling quite blessed that this opportunity of a lifetime has come to you it hasn’t come easy because building blocks is never easy it’s always been something that you’ve had to work hard at but I do feel that this cycle is now over that now you’re freeing yourself to go to another place to another situation [Music] let’s see what the terror has for you

what have we got for Gemini please messages for Gemini for some of you I feel here that you’re a little bit stagnated where you were or you’ve been a little bit stagnated where you were look at that that’s the only card that was up and that’s the nine of Wands for some of you I feel that you’ve been waiting on this change you’ve been on your knees in the past in regards to wanting this change to take place it was it was a cycle that you went through and you had to do but it was something that wasn’t easy many of you are getting the seven of Pentacles which many of you here are getting out of proposal a proposal or you’re being paid extremely well for something that you did there are decisions that need to be made and choices that you’re going to have to have come to you

the night of Pentacles someone comes through to offer you something extremely abundant something new something that you want and something that you’ve been waiting for the judgment it’s about time for some of you are saying it’s about time it took forever to get here the nine of Pentacles see that whatever this is for some Geminis here I feel that there’s a promotion that’s coming to you it’s a it’s a movement up that you’ve been working extremely hard given it everything you’ve got and you’re quite tired of this situation but I do feel that there’s a lot of money coming through for you it’s a financial reward here for hard work that you’ve been putting in or it’s a job offer that gets given to a job opportunity that you get a job offer that’s given to you that’s going to bring you a lot of financial difficult a lot of financial ability after all the financial difficulty that you’ve been through The Wheel of Fortune new change there’s beautiful new changes coming through that are going to give you different options allow you to think differently and a lot of you here been waiting for this change to take place many of you Geminis have been in a situation of waiting patiently for this to happen

and look at that the ten of Pentacles Gemini some of you are going to have a huge amount of financial ability coming through for you a gift of finances coming see here you’ve got this job offer this is the job buffer that you’ve been waiting on I do feel that there may be more than one job offer and you may feel so because we’ve got the seven of Pentacles the nine of Pentacles and then the ten of Pentacles here there is a lot of fine Financial Freedom here I do feel that some of you are going to get more than one proposal one more than one job offer what a beautiful reading Gemini if you haven’t had news yet you will keep doing what you’re doing applying for those jobs they’re going to come through someone’s Fortune changes the minute that you believe you’ve got what it takes to move forward you need to have a huge belief in yourself Gemini because here when it when the change comes it’s going to come very quickly and not only one I feel that there’s one there’s two or three options for you and they’re choices that you’re going to have to make or be part of and you will feel very blessed and look at that the bottom of the deck is the Justice card it is just what you’re receiving right now Gemini it is very just look at that everything becomes clear that’s the star and everything is just and clear you have got your brilliant star here the the wish the prayers the anxiety the the goals that you expressed have been heard what you wanted and asked for deeply in prayer or in in just talking to the universe and reaching out and saying I am exhausted and I can’t take this anymore I need you to help me well guess what they listened and now they’re calling you to say Your Time Is Here we are not only going to give you one option we’re going to give you two or three beautiful Gemini beautiful there are beautiful times ahead Gemini you need to believe the community I feel that you’re going to be in a position to help others around you I feel that you’re going to have an important role to do with the community something that you’re creating for some Geminis here you’re either creating something that’s going to benefit the community or you’re going to be part of something that serves the community and that could be uh offering help to feed the Homeless or it could be that you’re going to be part of an organization that helps flexible you need the universe is saying um Gemini just be flexible in what comes through be flexible and understand that sometimes being rigid is not going to get you what you need sometimes we just need to allow the universe to do their things in their own time be flexible with others be flexible with times around others as I feel here that there’s going to require some flexibility on your part pace for most Geminis here you’re finding your peace gathering this financial ability is going to give you that peace that internal peace that you’ve wanted for quite some time

[Music] chaos and conflict it is the end of all the chaos and conflict this change here in The Wheel of Fortune comes to bring you an end to chaos and conflict when we’re going through a financial difficulty Gemini we we react in many ways what we are not and and I feel that many Geminis here through the stress and the anxiety that this financial strain was having on you you turned into someone that you you didn’t like you turned into something that you are not and now all this is over with this change [Music]

and look at that regeneration for some of you you felt like this tree in pain in sorrow you felt that there was no way forward that you were dying inside your abilities were dying you felt that you were dying mentally and physically because you couldn’t say a way forward but now the end of that four and six is completion that’s the completing a cycle that now is time for regeneration you are now going to have the opportunity the possibilities that come forward are going to be endless Gemini let me know in the comments I really want to know if this is you you may be feeling this already or you will be feeling this shortly but for many of you you’re not going to know yourself it’s a wish and a dream that you’ve had for quite some time not only does it bring you peace but it’s also going to bring you blessings and go with your intuition do what you need to do for some of you here you may have to travel for work and move overseas Interstate to another city but it’s time to go and create that fortune that you have wished for Gemini I hope that this makes sense please let me know in the comments if it doesn’t resonate please visit your moon and your ascendant lots of love and light and thank you so much bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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