Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Horoscope Forecast June Week 4 2024
FREE Monthly Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For June Week 4 2024. I have also be released other videos for Capricorn Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Capricorn Horoscope for the Month of June and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Capricorn thank you so much for being today my name is Marie Rose from Tarot Readings live and Psychics today we’re going to bring you your reading if it doesn’t resonate please check your moon and your ascendant sign as you may have messages there for you let’s see what we have for Capricorn please Capricorn thank you so much to everybody that’s uh like the videos um and has also subscribed and commented thank you so much lots of love and light your way the first card
strength using your strength this week or in the next few weeks 10 of cups look at that
using your strength are you using your strength in your relationship here Capricorn Are you standing up for your beliefs your opinions look at that seven of Swords absolutely someone here is standing up for their beliefs and I feel that it’s like you’re going against a tide here you’re going against some someone who is not allowing you to be who you want to be have what you want to have you’re standing up you’re standing your ground on something you want to be happy here it’s like you’re not getting the okay this is only an example but someone here could be hugely in love with somebody and their family is not approving of that relationship of that Bond of that marriage and you’re using all your belief system within you and standing up to your elders to your to your parents to your grandparents to people who have come before you and saying the way it was in your time is not the way it is today I don’t know why I’m getting that but that’s what I
got the king of
Pentacles Capricorn this is probably only going to be for one person one person and I don’t know if that person’s going to find this video but if you know anyone that’s going through this send them this video and if they’re a Capricorn this is someone who for one person here this is someone who they being forced into an an arranged marriage and you’re fighting fighting that you don’t want to be another number you don’t want to be with someone you don’t love you don’t want an arranged marriage just because the family wants you to have it or because your tradition is putting you in that situation so I feel here that someone is going against the tide you’re going against what everyone in your family has done before you the Black Sheep In The Family the one that has the power and the strength to put a stop to this not only for you but for your children or for for people for your family family members that come after you it’s like you’re breaking the ice that others only wish they could or had the strength to for somebody else here you may be standing your ground in regards to somebody with money and I feel here that it’s got something to do with relationship here it’s either you’re going head tohe with with your partner or your husband or your wife in regards to finan a financial situation here you may also be going head-to-head with siblings if it’s if this is in to do with an inheritance there’s someone he is standing up for their beliefs and what is right
eight of
Pentacles here I I I I really feel that it’s what’s on the bottom 10 of Pentacles look at that the eight of Pentacles and then the 10 of Pentacles this is this is you aquari Aquarius sorry you may be dealing with an Aquarian I don’t know but Capricorn this is you fighting for what’s yours fighting for what belongs to you your rights and I feel here that it’s a family for most of you it’s to do with a family environment you’re fighting for your rights for your inheritance for every everything that your father or someone of huge importance worked
for fighting for what’s yours you’re equally equally intitled however for some reason someone is trying to do the wrong thing or is trying to manipulate a situation
I don’t know for everybody it’s going to be different but there’s definitely something here to do with a relationship with money with family for those of you that for that person that I spoke to about that was an arranged marriage I feel here that you’re being threatened um to be not part of the will or not part of your family’s wealth anymore but I don’t think you’re really worried about that and I think that that’s what they they’re holding against you the financial uh stability that they can give you that you will no longer get for somebody else here for for a lot of other people it’s got to do with you standing firm in your beliefs and your opinion in regards to somebody’s finances and inheritance here and you’re fighting a or or you’re you’re placing yourself very strongly against other people in your family let’s see what else Capricorn pretty full on let’s see what we have with the other tarot Capricorn while I’ve got you we’ve got a new reading so if you want a personal reading for yourself alone I’m doing an audio reading now all the details are in the description below but just very briefly I do an audio reading based on the information that you give me which is very minimal um and then I do a 12 month look on how the next 12 months looks for you and I also allow you to ask three main questions that you have right now I then record that and send that to you via WhatsApp and um then you’ve got that to listen to whenever you want and if things don’t make sense right now you can always look back on them because you’ve got the recording all the details are below in the Des description if you’re interested okay let’s see what else we have for Capricorn please you may be dealing with an aquarius I’ve got Aquarius strong
here father what did I
say what did I say about the father working hard about strength against a father strength you’re using your strength to push your opinion your rights against it against someone here this could also be a brother but this is the Father Figure whatever it is it’s got to do with your father either this is an inheritance left by your father or you’re going head-to-head with your father’s wants and needs and
ideas tell me in the comments Capricorn if this is you
king of Earth again the king of Pentacles and the king of Earth are the same
person it’s to do with money or you’re dealing with someone who’s an earth sign here your father could be an earth sign here who which is a Virgo a Capricorn like yourself or a Taurus
well you’re dealing with someone of that status could be a brother an
uncle someone that is trying to take someone who is trying to take the father’s position could be it could be a brother or an uncle that is trying to take the father’s position if your father is no longer around and he’s in the spirit world it’s someone trying to tell you what you have to do trying to tell you what you
get could be a husband
too queen of water look at that
que this this is a couple here it’s like you’re you’re going against this could be a brother and a sister that you’re going against in regards to money here in regards to your father’s money or your father’s wellbeing or this could be a husband and wife it could be your brother and his wife it could be your sister and her husband but there’s definitely a couple here and I feel that you’re related to the to the woman it could be your sister’s husband that’s trying to take control or trying to make you do something that is not right or forcing you to agree to
something tell me in the comments
Capricorn offering look at that it’s like here Capricorn you know what I’m getting that they’re offering you look at this that they’re offering you something but it’s not what what you’re meant to receive it’s like they’re offering you a little bit of a big sum do you know what I mean it’s like they they’re telling you what you deserve they’re telling you what you should do they’re offering little and hoping that you’re going to accept it but you’re not silly Capricorn you’re standing your
ground against these people or this couple that is trying to force you into receiving little of what belongs to you and you’re doing research you know your entitlements you know what you deserve you know know what you should get they’ve picked the wrong person
here they’re dealing with the wrong person here they thought they were going to get away with giving you little bits and pieces or lying about something except you’re not going to have any of it here you’re standing firm and you’re looking up what your rights are
wow this is one Capricorn that’s not going to let this go I feel I feel you here and I feel that whoever I’m connecting to here is definitely someone who is not going to give up not going to give up on what’s right for them what’s right for
them be the
light they’re saying see things and people for who they truly are and don’t
let those people take you away from who you are or what you want or what you deserve be the light in this because and do it in a very um fashionable um not even fashion what what this is saying is do it in a very loving way let the people or the people that have that are trying to trick you or asking you to do something against your will let that be because they’ve got to answer for their own baggage you do what you need to do see clearly what is right for you and stand by that if that’s what you want to do not no one can tell you what to do Capricorn no tarot no no psychic nobody can tell you what to do you need to do things because you want to and because they’re right for you but see the light in the situation if you
can for example and I’ll give you an example here
that person and I’ll use that person as an example but that person that is being forced into a marriage either that they don’t want or or their family is not accepting the partner that they have Be The Light in that family and tell them that you love them very much but you’re not going to allow them to rule who you are or to make decisions B on your life that if they love you they will understand that so being the light is like you’re not agreeing but you’re leaving things on a very light note it’s up to them then what they do with
that take note of intuitive messages Capricorn you’re going to get a few messages in the next few weeks the next few days in the next few hours of seeing this reading and they’re going to be messages that it’s like you’re going to have different thoughts that you hadn’t thought of before you’re going to see different things or hear conversations that give you an idea and an insight into something that is important to
you it makes you realize something from this information that you receive these ideas this conversation this this thing that you read even information that you’re getting something is going to be important for you here enjoy growth and reap rewards it’s all going to be worth it Capricorn you’re going to get what you deserve you’re going to live the life you want you’re going to be with the person you want it’s you standing up for what you believe in what belongs to you and what is yours that’s going to bring you more satisfaction than ever before because you’re not only doing this for you you’re doing this so that they the people you’re dealing with don’t think that they can do it to others or that you can see beyond what they’re trying to tell
you feel love and comforted you’re going to feel a a proud you’re go a proudness about you you’re going to feel proud of you you’re going to feel proud of the way you stood up for your beliefs you stood up for people that wanted you to be a certain way and you decided no that’s not for me you’re going to feel the love not only by people around you but those people who you stood up for including yourself you’re going to be admired you’re going to be rewarded you’re going to be their hero even
for someone here once you have done this and you follow through with this it’s like people are going to put you on a pedestal or they’re going to know that they cannot mess with
you a Capricorn at work
Capricorn this can also be to do with someone at work but I don’t think so I’ve got family here many for the person I’m connecting to it’s got to do with family it’s got to do with finances it’s got to do with money it’s got to do with um not allowing you to be who you are or trying to hide what’s
yours a woman for some of you here you may end a relationship with a woman if this woman is involved in what’s happened you may come it may come to an end if this is a relationship that may be the ending of that
relationship but I feel that there’s a woman here present yeah the decision you may decide that this woman does doesn’t have your best interested heart that look at that absolutely number 22 which is a master number you’re going to decide that you and this woman are going to go your separate ways that you and this person remember I said to you I feel that this could be a sister here and her husband I feel that once you’ve gone through this that you’re going to decide to put an end end to this relationship and go your own
way you’re going to find your peace so don’t give up in your beliefs don’t give up trying don’t give people the satisfaction of getting their way over your life and then you not living the way you want to or not having what’s meant for you be strong and always know you’re being guided there’s guidance here someone is guiding you to fight for what is yours to fight for what is Right could be ancestors it could be someone who has passed but someone is guiding you here Capricorn I hope this makes sense to somebody lots of love and light thank you so much bye bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)