Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Horoscope Forecast JULY Week 2 2024
FREE Monthly Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For July Week 2 2024. I have also be released other videos for Capricorn Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Capricorn Horoscope for the Month of July and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Beautiful Capricorn how are you today sorry we are in a different location as I’m currently overseas so we’re in a make do situation right now but I did want to bring you your information for today not for today for the next week or two or even up to a month so let’s see what we have for Capricorn please what energy is Capricorn going to have the first one is dream the world into being what is it that you’re wishing for Capricorn what is it that you want in your life what where do you want to go what is it that you want to achieve it’s bringing your dreams into reality and with that it’s going to take some planning the lizard spirit is all about Adventure it’s about finding their place it’s about wanting to know where they belong it’s like you’re in a state at the moment where you you want certain things in your life but either one you don’t know where to start or you’re you’re not knowing where to go or how to make it happen and they’re saying dream the world into being dream the world that you envisioned into being so for example your your vision of what your your world should look like is totally going to be different to somebody else’s and that is perfectly great because we’re all different we’re not the same and we cannot look at other people’s Journeys and want to be in that Journey because we’re never going to fit into that Journey our journey is one and here they’re saying don’t waste time looking at what others are doing or what their dreams and their Adventures are create your adventure create your dreams and work towards them what else do we have for Capricorn
please embrace the in between and this Embrace in in between this is saying you may not be where you want to be and you may not be you may not see where you’re going to go and you’re you you’re looking back thinking that’s not where I want to be where you are right now Embrace where you are right now rather than get frustrated with where you are right now or what you’re doing is Embrace what you’re doing embrace the fact that you’ve grown so much and that you have the capability to change this at any time so rather than be frustrated with where you are right now it’s about embracing where you are right now and understanding you’ve come come so far to where you were 2 years ago or 3 years ago in knowledge in in determination in experiences you’ve learned a
lot let’s see what else do we have for Capricorn
please what else do we have for Capricorn
[Music] so this is a time for you to meditate in a way or just Journal journal what it is that you want in your life and how you plan on getting there this is a time of grounding yourself right now looking at things for what they truly are and understanding um that if you want to make the change there’s certain things you you might have to do what else do what have we got for Capricorn please with the tarot look at that seven of Swords you may decide that the battle that you had in the past you don’t want to revisit that you may have had battles in the past that you’ve had to face and you definitely know that you don’t want to go there again you don’t want to look at your past this is someone that wants to leave their past behind and leave all the less all the experiences that you had behind the pain the anguish the exhaustion that it caused you it was like you went through a battlefield but with that you walk away today and I bet you Capricorn that today you are such a strong person compared to where you were before the battles you faced you not only have you gained strength within but today you wouldn’t put up with half the stuff that you went through in the
past CS just falling everywhere Capricorn please there’s a bit of anxiety here I can sense anxiety in this reading The Wheel of Fortune look at that you need to make this change remember this card here dream the world into being the only person that has the power to make the changes that you want to see in your life is you because no one is going to no one is going to start the process that you want to achieve apart from you so there’s going to be things that you may have to change that you may have to leave be behind that you may have to walk away from but do making that change initiating change and wanting change is a beginning of this will start to turn and what this will does it starts to turn when you put plans into place actions into place to make things happen differently
does this make sense Capricorn look at that the Five of Cups the disappointment I’m tired I’m exhausted of trying and I always get the same result I always get the same result every relationship I’ve had works out the same way everything I’ve done that I’ve Loved works out the same way I always end up disappointed I always end up the one who’s lost out and they’re saying to you Capricorn look at those cups yes a lot of disappointment a lot of disillusioned memories thoughts promises that couldn’t weren’t kept and couldn’t be kept people who disappointed you promised you one thing and turned out to be somebody totally different but they’re saying do not give up behind you what you’re not seeing right now is that behind you you’ve got two opportunities that are going to come your way there’s two big opportunities that the universe is giving you saying don’t give up I know you’re on your knees right now Capricorn but the minute you dust yourself off and you say to yourself I’m going to control what happens next is the minute you’re going to find there two opportunities so here they’re challenging you Capricorn to stand up dust yourself off and start again and like that Rocky movie said it’s not how many times you get knocked down it’s how many times you get up in life everyone in life as we all know go through some some really hard times but when we look back those hard times are who has made us today they’ve given us the strength and the knowledge and the determination not to put up with rubbish anymore
the six of Cups Nostalgia some of you here look back and think how good it was Once Upon a Time some of you here uh keep looking back at how things used to be once upon a time and Capricorn as much as things were beautiful in the [Music] past they also challenged you and sometimes we don’t want to look at the bad that we went through when things end or when people do wrong by us we always look at the great times you had together and that makes you not look at the reality of that story the reality of what that person really did and sometimes we look back and we think how great was it at the beginning how beautiful was that relationship that situation that friendship at the beginning it was I just wanted to be I just want to I want it to be like it was in the past but you’re going to Real realize that sometimes in the beginning people are still portraying someone that they’re not they’re trying hard to be who you want them to be or to show you that they can be a different person but with time comes the real person the real situation things that we didn’t see before and the red flags weren’t there how did they appear and if you look back at certain things that happened or certain points in your at the beginning of a situation or a relationship you’re going to see that really there were red flags little red flags but you ignored them because you thought that will change surely that will
change the thing that’s saying here Capricorn is until you let go of the past you dust yourself off you’re not ready to make this whe turn which means that you’re stuck in a situation that is not a good situation because it brings you a lot of memories of pain of trauma of anxiety of heartbroken disappointment you you’re you’re never going to get out of this place place and turn this wheel so things change if you keep looking
back you’re never going to forget you’re never going to forget no one ever forgets but it’s how much importance are you giving the past if it’s in your past that’s because it’s meant to be there it’s meant to stay there so are you going to continue to give give this a huge amount of effort and have we all done this absolutely my hands up my hand is up everyone has done this where they looked back and wished things were different they looked back and tried to see where things could have been different but what we failed to see you and I and many others is that this person this situation ation was meant to cross our paths to teach us something they weren’t meant to stay if they were meant to stay they would have it would have worked
out the eight of Swords someone here is feeling extremely extremely bound to a situation it’s like no matter how hard you try to forget your you you constantly go back you constantly go back wishing things were different so that puts you in a situation of being tied to this situation of being blocked to this situation someone here is feeling like they are they are being um prisoned by someone or something here but what you’re not realizing is that this chain is not chain to anything at any stage in your life or your situation you can get up and walk away because this this chain is only around your hands not chained to anything you’re not chained to anything but you feel like you’re chained to that place that person or that
circumstance the Eight of Cups when you decide enough is enough for too long I’ve given everything to this personal to this situation today I decide to walk away so this is someone who is healing and you’re going to get to the stage if you haven’t already Capricorn where no matter what it is that you’re dealing with here whether it be a relationship or a job or a situation that you’re going to understand that being on your knees is only affecting you not the other person or not the other people so you’re going to get to a stage where you go so that’s from that’s the five of cups to the Eight of Cups you’re moving you’re moving upwards in the understanding that you couldn’t have done anything different nothing you did caused this and if it did it it wasn’t strong enough to withhold the storm
so you you now know this and if you don’t you will in the next couple of weeks or the next month it’s going to come to you’re going to come to the realization that the only person that can make this will move and bring the changes into my life is me nobody
else look at the bottom of the deck Capricorn the fighting the arguing the now you’re seeing the truth for some of you you may have been dealing with a Gemini Aquarius or Libra a lot of conflict a lot of misunderstanding a lot of tug of war of who’s better than who who earns more who does What whose opinion counts
you you’re going to see that all that taught you a lot and today you’re going to stand strong and stand true to who you are so here I feel here that that’s the last card I feel here that a Capricorn here is now going to stand firm and change their perception from emot to rational and the minute you start thinking with your head rather than your beautiful big heart that’s when you’re going to make the changes that’s when you’re going to be bring the dream the world that you want into reality does that make sense lots of love and light Capricorn thank you so much bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)