Capricorn Horoscope|Powerful Psychic Forecast AUGUST

by | Nov 7, 2024 | Free CAPRICORN Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Horoscope Forecast AUGUST Week 1 2024

FREE Monthly Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For August Week 1 2024. I have also be released other videos for Capricorn Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Capricorn Horoscope for the Month of August and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Capricorn thank you so much for bring you today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and today we’re here to bring you your horoscope for the next two to three weeks so let’s see what we have for beautiful Capricorn what do we have for you Capricorn let’s see what we have time for beginner mind time to learn time to uh evaluate time to expand a time for you to think outside the square a time for you to learn something something that you’ve wanted to learn for quite some time but you haven’t had the time to do it it’s like now it’s about getting the beginner mind learning something new doing something new investing in yourself in your knowledge expanding what you know already

truth transcends illusion for some of you here you may um have just found out that you need to uh do extra courses to be able to get that ideal job that you may have to um you you’re seeing something for what it is now and for some of you you may have been thinking a certain way and now they’re saying here now it’s time for you to think about it in the real way you may have been misled or you may have thought things were going to be a certain way but now it’s a different way for example and this is only an example you may have uh thought that with the course that you’ve got you can get into that job however that job now has changed their curriculum to want more so now not only do you have to have what you’ve got but you also have to have a little bit more so you may decide to go back and study a little bit more in order to get that perfect job of

yours it’s a master number you’re very intellectual you’re very intelligent Capricorn you know what you need to do to make it work you know you know you put plans in place and if there’s somebody that’s going to make something work it’s you you are the master of work you make it everything work you come up with those brilliant plans you got a brilliant

mind let’s see what else we have for Capricorn place what are we talking about here for Capricorn so there’s something here that was only an example about that causeing that job but it could be something else in your life it could be another area in your life that you now need more to get more it may be that you’re buying a house and you thought you had enough deposit you thought you had enough money however now you found out that you also have to have enough money for something else before you go in you know things like that it’s like something now you see the true picture now okay what else do we have for Capricorn please Capricorn what are we talking about here for

Capricorn I of Swords it doesn’t surprise me this card does not surprise me being here because it’s like you now feel that you’re blocked what you thought was right is now not so right um or you need more to make it right and now you feel blocked you feel like I didn’t know that now I can’t make a move now I feel like I I still have to wait I’m in a place of waiting I’m in a place of I can’t do what I was going to do I can’t go forward now because I need something something else I’ve got to have something else in order to achieve what I was going to achieve or something else comes up and you’re not able to achieve it right now it’s like you may have a deposit for a house but your car breaks down so now you got to buy a new car which then takes away the funds from the funds that you had to buy a a new home they’re just examples look at that we got the seven of Pentacles there which is you picking your fruits it’s like that’s right you’re feeling blocked now and you’re feeling pushed back from collecting your fruits something here that you had envisioned was going to be so easy is not going is not easy

now the Three of Wands for some of you could be a holiday you may have been planning for a holiday and now because your car broke down you don’t have the money for that holiday you’re going to have to put that off for a little bit longer or to go to a certain destination meet somebody in another location it’s not going to be possible now which puts you in a situation of not being able to move

forward the eight of Pentacles so I’m going to have to work more I’m going to have to dedicate myself more I’m going to have to learn more I’m going to have to do it differently I’m going to have to study another way out of this I’m going to have to be productive in finding another way how can I do this how can I make this work is this making sense to anybody here it’s like you had a perception of something and now that changes because something else happened what else have we got for Capricorn place

which makes you lose sleep you got you’re you’re extremely stressed at the moment you’re worried you’re losing sleep you can’t stop thinking about it you can’t stop thinking about the fact that you thought that this was going to be solved and now you’re in a situation again of not being able to do what you wanted to do or not being able to buy what you wanted to buy or move forward with what you wanted to move forward to or you taking that holiday that you thought was you had enough money for

the king of Wands you may have someone around you who is a fire sign someone who is an Aries a Leo or sag or Sagittarius someone here this is you now planning I want to make this happen I need to make this happen I am going to pick my fruits I am going to do this you’re determined to do this as as much as it shocked you and as much as you had a few nights there where you cried even or lost sleep now you’re determined more than ever to conquer this you you’re saying to you’re saying no one is going to take this away from me I am bigger and better than this and I’m going to make this

work I determined to make this happen the four of cups look at at that for all the promises in the past or anything that that didn’t work out there’s one more here so there is a solution here and the minute you look at that solution and stop focusing on all that didn’t work out you’re going to find an answer so there is a way for you to do this trip for some of you it is a trip for others it’s buying a home for others for everyone it’s a different story but you are determined here someone gives you an opportunity here or shows you something or you find an answer to something you may find the extra funds somewhere by extra working extra

hours there is no stopping you you’re determined you are standing your ground and you know what you want I am not giving up I’m not giving up on my dream I’m not giving up on my goal I am not giving up on this yes this may have been it might have been it may put me three steps backwards but I’m going to take those three steps plus more forward I’m going to Stand My Ground And I’m not going to give up so you are determined Capricorn to make this work you are determined to get what it is that you want and on the bottom look at that you’re going to complete what you want the world it’s like now you’re going to find the answer now you can complete this Mission now you can do what you wanted to do now you can chase your goal and your dream it’s here so you are going to find an answer to get out of this situation make no mistake and I didn’t think I didn’t think for one minute that a Capricorn would lay down like that and stay there there’s no

way if there’s one sign that is determined it’s an it’s a

Capricorn what else what the last two messages for Capricorn please that just knocked everything out the what did I say the situation will improve as much as we Face adversity sometimes Capricorn there is always a solution like I always say the only solution there isn’t is when you’ve got a critical illness and there’s no way out but apart from that there is always a situation that will improve a solution for something that needs to happen to to make it work out what else have we got Capricorn look at that what does that say abundance you are going to make this happen no mistake no mistake so don’t I’m not even going to say don’t let it get to you because you’re not going to you’re not going to very quickly you move out of these cards into some powerful cards there and look at that a peaceful resolution look at that there you go no more said Capricorn you’ve got it down pat so there’s nothing more for me to say lots of love and light thank you so much bye-bye


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