Capricorn Horoscope | Weekly Tarot for October 2023

by | Oct 5, 2023 | Free CAPRICORN Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Capricorn Horoscope Weekly Psychic Forecast for October 2023

FREE Weekly Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast for October 2023. I have also be released other videos for Capricorn Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Capricorn Horoscope for the Month of October and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/capricorn-horoscope-psychic-forecast-for-october-2023/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/capricorn-horoscope-by-marie-rose-for-next-6-months/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hi beautiful Capricorn my name is Marie Rose from tarotreadingslive.com and we’re here to do our reading for the next 7 to 14 days lots of love your way and thank you to all the subscribers and all the comments that came through that are amazing so thank you okay within the next few months Capricorn something changes there’s light at the end of the tunnel for some of you that were waiting for answers or something to happen within the next few months you’re going to realize or something comes to the realization or something happens that allows you to find the answers or find the place you were meant to go to a path that you were wanting to to find something that you were looking for within the next few months Things become a lot clearer oh okay two one one fell like that so I’m not going to take that opportunity for some of you here you are looking for an opportunity or you are looking for an opportunity this could be a job opportunity it could be a life ex a life opportunity it could be anything that you’re looking for but someone here is wanting to find their their place in somewhere or find a new job or find a new relationship an opportunity of a lifetime is coming to you within the next few months and it’s just not something little it’s something that you’re going to celebrate and say it’s about time that this happened maybe you’ve been working hard on a project and you haven’t seen things happen as quickly as you’d like or you get an answer in regards to a business proposal a new job anything that you’ve been waiting on I do feel that there’s been a wait here tell me in the comments if this is you but someone’s been waiting for something yet go wild when this happens Capricorn go wild nothing happens by mistake everything has a purpose and a reason and they’re saying within the next few months next few months you’re going to be able to go wild do what you want to do have what you want to have that dream that goal becomes reality that purpose has meaning

that person walks into your life that relationship you’ve always been asking for

your emotions when this happens they’re saying just call your emotions Capricorn you won’t be able to think straight so even though they’re telling you to go wild they’re also saying call your emotions be humble and be very aware that whilst you get this brilliant opportunity there may be people around you that try and put you down or try and challenge you or try and make you feel or make try and make you question yourself whether you’re capable or whether This was meant for you cool your emotions in that place and walk away from people that don’t share your happiness Capricorn walk away from energies that don’t coincide with yours or are not happy to see you happy because sometimes when we’re in trouble we know who our friends are but also when good things happen to us we very very quickly find out who shares our happiness and who really is envious of our happiness

let’s say what else we have but there’s beautiful things coming Capricorn get ready because within the next few months things are about to change new opportunities new possibilities things that are going to make you want to celebrate look at that the king of Pentacles have no doubt that this is to do with financial status this is either a beautiful new job that comes a career proposal a new business proposal a new project a new offer that you’ve been waiting for comes forward or something that you’ve been working extremely hard with it becomes for wishes

new ideas look at that the Ace of Swords you’re going to propose new ideas you’re going to have all these beautiful ideas come to you new beginnings of new proposals new ideas new adventures it’s going to open doors for you Capricorn oh Capricorn calf on Ace of Wands you are this is nothing small I don’t know what it is that this Capricorn is doing but whatever it is it is going to be adventurous it is going to be profitable it is going to be a new new new ideas new job new proposal new projects new abundance coming into your life within the next few months Capricorn if you were doubting whether things were going to work out whether things were going to happen make no mistake it is going to happen and look at the bottom of the deck Justice it is Justice the universe is saying to you Capricorn you’ve invested time money energy and everything you’ve got to make this happen and in the next few months get ready because it’s coming wow oh and look at that the magician you’ve got everything that you need to make this work don’t doubt yourself you’ve got the magic that it needs to make this to go to another level I don’t know what it is that you’re doing Capricorn I don’t know what it is that you’ve invented you’ve started you’ve applied for whatever it is that you’re doing is going to bring magic into your life the new ideas that come to you are going to take you to another level look at this taking you our look taking you out of a place of poverty a place of promises that didn’t work I feel that this is someone that’s trying to launch something whether it’s a it’s music you’re trying to launch whether it’s a new project in something you’re trying to launch something or you’re trying to do something and in the past no one has wanted to know or they weren’t interested in what you had to offer or you had a lot of closed doors but in the next few months Capricorn whoever it is that I’m connecting to is going to exceed their life change from from nothing to everything

oh my Lord

that’s why they’re saying call your emotions Capricorn I don’t know if you know that the person I’m connecting to is going to be on such a high that they’re saying stay grounded control those emotions and stay grounded because it’s not just something little that’s coming through for you I feel here that it’s someone that’s been trying and trying and trying to get either a project off the ground uh uh their music listen to


okay you’ve had a lot of closed doors or answers of no

the Ten of Cups the Ten of Cups comes to say it’s going to be prosperous and not only for you but for your family it’s going to change a lot of things in your life and your family’s life for someone here I feel that this this huge huge occurrence is going to change not only your life but it’s going to allow you to change your family’s life you’re going to give back to everything they gave you

Capricorn can someone tell me in the if this is making sense because I can tell you now I’m smiling from either e and I’m not even a Capricorn I wish I was and I’m gonna go and see my chat and see what I’ve got in Capricorn in what house I’ve got Capricorn wow

nine of Swords absolutely after all the depths that people had about you you came from a place of not knowing what to do people doubted you people weren’t this person I’m connecting to you went through every emotion you could think of trying to establish and publish something here it could be a book it could be music it could be a project of some sort but this is something that you try to launch try to sell try to put it out there into the market and you had a lot of people closing doors on you saying they weren’t interested well now that changes new ideas are coming to you you’re going to make your magic work remember I said to you you’re going to go from everything to nothing like from sorry from nothing to everything that’s you here that’s the nothing that you’ve come from that’s the everything that changes things the magic from your ideas are coming to fruition for all those people that doubted you and said no aren’t they gonna kick themselves now

look at that the nine of cups for someone here you’re going to find if you’re not in a relationship you will find a beautiful love that comes into your life because your vibration is going to attract beautiful positive people and relationships into your life when you’re in this vibration here that you’ve come from no one wants to be with someone that’s not happy vibrant and excited when you change your vibration and things started work for you and you start to see how life can be so Grand you attract beautiful people into your life be careful because you also attract opportunists of opportunistic people that want your money only so you need to be very smart which I know you are Capricorn you need to decipher through the real and the opportunistic people that come through

in the next few months Capricorn to this person I’m connecting to your life is going to change in a big way and it’s just from one answer one idea that you had ideas that you had that that now are going to take place and bring you the abundance that you deserve

look at that the bottom of the deck is the strength card ah please look how many major Arcana cards we have here the Justice the magician the strength The Chariot and the Ten of Wands you carried a lot of worry you carried a lot of Doubt people doubted you people close doors on you people said no to you what they didn’t see is the magic that your ID was going to bring what they didn’t see is the magic that you created

you had a lot of strength but you never gave up you got knocked about

you carried a lot of burdens that didn’t belong to you you carried a lot of nose and a lot of doubts even those people that doubted you made you start to doubt yourself but you always knew deep down that this was going to work

Capricorn I take my hat off to you and I congratulate you already I feel it and I want to congratulate you already obviously this is not going to resonate with everybody and it’s not and I can tell you now this is a Capricorn that got off the couch and put plans in place and had an idea had a belief had strength and put everything that they had in their being to making something work invested themselves day and night into an energy of prosperity they knew they believed if you’re not that person that put in the hard yards worked extremely hard day and night believed in your product in what you had to offer had doors closed on you and said no we don’t want your product we don’t want you what you’re offering we don’t want Who You Are then this is not going to resonate with you this is for a magician that created their magic from nothing and I’m not saying from nothing they came very close to not believing they had the magic because everyone around them just said it’s not going to work or we don’t want a part of that we don’t want to invest into your business we don’t want to invest into you we don’t want to give you an opportunity

there were many nights that you wondered in despair whether you were going to make this work and I have no doubt in my mind that this person here that I’m connecting to could be just one person but you’re going to see those Returns come back and it was all due to you not giving up

let’s say what we have for filet Nomad per Capricorn Capricorn I’m I would love to be this Capricorn here with all this beautiful energy love and light your way whip you’re going to cut things out that no longer serve you all those people that doubted you all those situations and people that said no to you you learned very much who was on your side and who wasn’t and what did I say about abundance look at that you’re going to cut people the opting you know the opportunity people have you say opportunity opportunist that come your way when you’ve got abundance only but don’t want to know you where you’re not making money you’re going to cut those people out of your life because it’s going to be very evident to you who was beside you when you needed them who now wants to be part of your life just because you’re you have found your goal and dream come true the end of a cycle of poverty the end of a cycle of friends that don’t mean anything anymore friends that were fake all those masks are coming off now people that didn’t want to know you at some stage but now want to know you what because because you’ve brought you’ve created something that was magic into this world remember when they say call your emotions I can feel you here and I’ve started even my way of talking came out different what you wanted to know me you you didn’t want to know me when I was struggling but now you want to know me don’t even give him the Ben don’t even give them the time of day Capricorn cool your emotions and just say sorry I’m busy don’t have time to catch up for a drink now don’t have time the sacrifices you made where were they when you made all the sacrifices to get where you are today where were the people that now present themselves in your life does this make sense because

Crossroads for many of you you were standing in the middle at some stage not knowing which path to take but you took the right path people questioned you people judged you and made you feel like you were questioning your idea your goals your strength

and now they can eat Humble Pie but saying that call your emotions sometimes being humble and saying less is the best that you can do and the bear the bear is all about be careful of false friends and family and people around you be careful of false situations that present themselves people that are not true that will bring themselves out now

that you’re successful but where were they when you needed the most

Capricorn it’s going to take a lot for you to control your emotions but the best thing you can do here and what the universe is saying is with this opportunity of wealth remember I said it’s not something small

emotions the less said the better that’s the best thing you can do and to share nothing with nobody that doesn’t have any any importance in your life tell them nothing

relationships with Capricorn place relationships are Capricorn thank you oh upside down

stay optimistic about your love life positive thinking and faith will bring your romance and we’ll bring you romance that was upside down for some of you here you’ve lost your faith in Romance you’ve dedicated yourself to your project your work and just doing things that made you happy for some of you you went through bad relationships and you did give up on love and here at the universe is saying although you have there’ll be a time where you’re optimistic about love again right now I’m connecting with the Capricorn that is not optimistic about love getting to know each other as you Reveal Your innermost selves to each other your bond deepens and that’s the thing sometimes we need to open up to new people that come into our lives and not about your wealth or your projects or your goals do not tell people about that be very very aware that you want people to fall in love with who you are not what you have and here it’s about sharing your experiences in your in your love life experience expect at your expectance of what you expect in a relationship what you like in a relationship what you wish for in a relationship it’s important that you share those sort of things because the right person will be attracted to what your needs and wants are too

and on the bottom it is it is safe for you to love open your heart to give and receive highest the highest energy of all the highest energy of sorry the highest energy of all is love and for this person here that lost faith in love they’re saying it is safe for you to love but do it on your terms with who you see fit and be very quiet about what you’ve achieved or what your your achievements are get them to fall in love with who you are before you share with them or your goals dreams and your assets by the looks of this

okay last images for Capricorn’s place what a beautiful way this has been the most beautifulest reading I’ve had thank you Capricorn for allowing me to share this with you extreme speed for some of you here you go from one extreme to another you’re either in love and you give it your all or you’re out of love and you give it nothing and they’re saying just don’t give up don’t give up on love you don’t have to go to the extremes of giving yourself totally a hundred percent to not giving yourself at all it’s finding the balance and the the

the balance in your life what other messages do we have here for Capricorn please thank you surrender surrender to allow beautiful new things to come into your life surrender even though there’s been a past that brought you a lot of Anguish a lot of doubt in love and a lot of it could be love in relationships in general a lot of doubt that stand beside you now surrender to the Divine accept everything that comes your way in a positive light and know that things happen for a reason in the past to set you free or to teach you of what you want and what you don’t want in life going forward one last message Capricorn the other card that came out was attraction you now know what you’ll be attracted to and what you’re not you are the master of what you attract you’ve gone through past experiences and they have left you knowing they’ve given you lessons for you to be able to know now what you want and what you don’t want this is a time where you will attract what you want in your life Capricorn I hope that that’s reached a lot of people that need to hear that if it hasn’t and you know a Capricorn that’s going through this please send them this message it’s important it’s powerful it’s important that all Capricorns get to get this message especially the Capricorns that have invested a lot of their time and effort into a lot of what they’ve done thank you so much and thank you for allowing me to do this reading for you today bye

thank you

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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