Capricorn Horoscope| Powerful Tarot December Week 4

by | Jan 2, 2024 | Free CAPRICORN Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December Week 4, 2023

FREE Weekly Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December Week 4, 2023. I have also be released other videos for Capricorn Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Capricorn Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Capricorn thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and today we’re here to do your forecast for the next 7 to 14 days so here we have um energies we’re going into then the tarot then the Leno Mart and then we’re going to do a last um message with the moon card cuz we’re still in the moon sign up until March 2024 so capric I just wanted to let you know that 2024 is going to be a year of challenges but when I say challenges it’s going to be a Justice year so if you’re in a Good Vibration and you give good then that’s all going to come back to you so even in our down our down times that we all have um good times and challenging times try and see the the best out of each situation and I know that sometimes it’s hard so let me put your light on because we need to light up for Capricorn I’ve done the mixing of the cards so um so just think try and think about it positively as much as you can because anything that with Saturn when Saturn comes in in 2024 in March it actually amplifies things so if you’re in a low vibration it will amplify even more so um just see it’s going to be a challenge uh for all of us all of us no matter what horoscope you are but um try and do the best you can in 2024 okay let’s see what we’ve got for the next 7 to 14 days for Capricorn oh wow self-reflection self-reflection Capricorn I just did you may have Aquarius in your sign or you may be dealing with an Aquarian but have a look at the Aquarius because you got two cards that they got which is self-reflection and realization for some of you here you’re questioning where you are where you want to go and what you want for your life you’re looking at everything from a different perspective and questioning am I happy where I am am I happy with who I’ve got in my life am I happy with what I’m doing and if not I know the world has got more to offer I want to see what else is out there I want to experience different things I want to be part of the

universe it’s like you’re looking at yourself thinking okay this is me but what do I want for me what do I want it to be Capricorn wisdom you’re going to use in the next 7 to 14 days look that’s a Master number 22 you’re going to use some ideas or things that you’ve learned in the past to make a difference in your life today you may have started something or always wanted to be to do something and now in the next 7 to 14 days you’re going to look at yourself and say I know that there’s more I want to do I’ve learned so much and with that learning and that wisdom that I’ve gained I’ve got enough to take me to the next level I know I can do this it’s like you’re you you’re looking at yourself thinking what is it and why am I not moving in that direction I know what to do I know I’ve leared a lot in my life I’ve experienced a lot and I’ve leared a lot through study through learnings life learnings and here I feel that there’s a Capricorn that wants look at that the strength card just flew out you need to find the strength within Capricorn for you to be able to take whatever it is that you want to do to the next level you’ve learned a lot and you know you’ve got the experience and the knowledge that you need it’s you need to find the strength to want to put yourself out there and do it I feel here that some Capricorns here although they work extremely hard they’re scared sometimes of the unknown taking that step into the unknown like we all are but here you’ve got what it takes Capricorn you’ve got the wisdom and now you’re realizing that everything that you’ve learned you’ve got a lot to offer there’s more that you can offer people there’s more that you can teach there’s more that you can say and do

Two of Pentacles decisions on where to go and what to do I know I want to move and it may may mean that you want to move locations a house you want to move from where you’re living at the moment what you’re doing at the moment it’s going to require strength for that movement Capricorn what is it that you want to change tell me in the comments Capricorn please what is it the Capricorn wants to change what is

it very unsure there’s two cards here of uncertainty you don’t know which path to take you’re worried that if you take one path it won’t work out the way you’ve planned it if you take the other path it may you may have regrets or it may not work the way you wanted it to there are are a lot of decisions that you’re going to make Capricorn decisions that are going to require strength and determination for you to make that realization real what else have we got for

Capricorn page of Pentacles for some of you you’re thinking about starting something new a new career a new project a new proposal a new contract something new you want some whatever it is that you want to do and you have leared in the past or you’ve dreamt of doing in the past you’re going to put thoughts into place on how to get this to work it’s going to require strength on your part because nothing is easy nothing is easy when we want to achieve something Grand if it was easy every body would do it Capricorn but this is you using your strength and determination and knowledge and wisdom to see what else you can do with all that you

have you’re weighing up your options Six of Pentacles you’re weighing up your options but be very careful when you’re weighing up your options don’t tell a lot of people the thing is here you see these two hands here you telling people is going to give them the opportunity to either put an opinion forward that you won’t like or they will want your ideas as well or they may act on your ideas before you do if you’re going to take time to decide decide very quietly and decide on your own for others it’s you weighing up whether to move to another location another home another city another state you’re looking at yourself thinking there’s more to life than what I’m living right now I need to move I need to do things that are new I’ve got the capability and the wisdom and the learnings from what I’ve learned up until now to do

this you’re

evaluating the four of Wands for some of you your indecision comes because of family you want to do what’s right for you but you’re worried that of or you’re not worried but you’re saddened or confused about leaving people that you care about so much behind this is like you’ve got an idea and this idea involves you leaving where you currently at where you grew

up and leaving Family behind your comfort blanket your support

system Three of Wands you look out into the Horizon and think can I do this am I able to do this the reason I said to you it’s going to require a lot of strength for you to start this is because I do feel here Capricorn that you are going to leave people that mean a lot to you behind it’s you going to another country another state another city a and leaving people that have always supported you or been there for your support it’s a strength that you’re going to have within but you do realize that you need to make this move if you’re going to see what else is is there for you it’s like you know an example of this it’s like someone that lives in a rural country area and moves to the city it’s scary you’re going to need strength you’ve never lived in the city you’ve always dealt with

rural but you’ve studied and you realized that you can’t get ahead if you stay where you are it requires you to move to a place where they’re going to need your services where there’s more

work does that make sense to anybody here it’s like it’s a big move but you know deep down in your heart that that’s the only way you’re going to be able to use your wisdom and look at that The Wheel of Fortune you are going to make this move I feel that many of you here are going to use your strength and say I don’t want to have regrets later on I need to make my move and I need to make my move now I know I’ve got what it takes to earn as much money as I can to do what I love and what I’ve studied for but there’s no future for me where I currently am I need to be in the big cities in the Big Smoke offer my services to where it’s needed and many of you here have been in a in a a time of evaluation evaluating everything that’s important to you but at the same time evaluating where you need to be and where you need to go and you know what the answer is you know what the answer is as much as it’s going to be hard for you to move you know that that’s the only answer to you being able to

grow and look at that it’s daunting it’s scary and it’s heartbreaking for some letting go of somewhere that they grew up of a place of security of knowing people everywhere having your family close by feeling like I don’t want to go but I know I need to if I’m going to make anything out of everything that I’ve leared I need to go out into the big world away from this place of security away from the people I

love to a world of uncertainty but that’s going to bring you a lot of growth look at that number three walking through that door cuz that’s a keyhole walking through this Keyhole door is going to bring you a lot of growth not easy is a Capricorn to the Capricorn I’m speaking to it’s it’s a move that’s going to require you to really think a lot about it and that was an example about the country like I don’t know if that’s it but um it’s you trying to find yourself in another place and looking at yourself thinking I can do this I know I have to do

this the strength and the news you may have applied for a job or an opportunity somewhere else thinking why not let me just see if it happens and guess what you get the news that you’ve been accepted into a new job a new project a new study there’s the news that comes through saying you’ve been accepted and now what do you do this may also be someone that’s applied for un ivities in other places and now they get the answer that yes you’ve been accepted into this University it’s a new life a new place a new way and I’m going to feel like a small child in a big

place there’s new there’s news here of a new offer for someone here a new opportunity a new door that opens

up and it requires you to travel but that travel is going to bring you growth

Capricorn and it could be a woman it could be a woman a feminine figure that calls you to offer you this position or it could would be someone with a lot of femininity with within them a lot of emotion they will understand the person that’s offering you this understands that it will be hard for you to change locations but they will be there to support you for others it’s you leaving a female figure of importance to you and you’re not sure how you want to do that and I don’t know if you’re dealing with an aquarius here but Aquarius had very

similar except Aquarius wanted to make the change loyal friends leaving friends behind to start something totally new something out of your comfort zone leaving loved ones and friends behind to start the

new tell me if this is you Capricorn is this you there’s the notice look at that there’s the there’s the message there’s the message that you have got what it was that you applied for and you’ve been accepted and now it’s time for you to go I’m definitely speaking to someone here that’s going to make the change that’s been accepted to go elsewhere for a job education and it’s going to be beautiful don’t give up on your dream on your goals although the mountain seem so high here there’s light it’s going to bring you opportunities it’s going to bring you a new life a new place a new you you’re going to grow a lot see different things you’ve never seen before be exposed to things that you haven’t seen

before you’ve got what it takes you’ve got the wisdom and the capability of doing this Capricorn and you’re a hard worker so you know I don’t see it’s going to be really up to you for many of you it’s you’re looking at it like it’s a huge call to make a Hu you’ve tried many things where you live and close to where you live but there’s nothing out there

the sun is shining but it’s not where you are the sun is shining

elsewhere you look at that the bear the bear is looking for stability looking for growth looking for better the end of a cycle as you know it and you’re going to start a new having the bare energy is I need to face my fears I need to face what’s coming up I need to do what I need to do to be the king of the jungle the bear is no small animal I know what I need to do I need the strength the power power and the will to find my stability to find my

purpose and look at that what did I say to you look at this card you end with the lies which is prosperity Tranquility peace love and feeling abundant compared to this card here where you felt like there was nowhere to go where you’re currently at there’s no opportunities there’s no place to

grow look at the difference in those cards you leave this to go to

this as much as it’s hard Capricorn you’ve got to know that what whatever you whatever you need to do to have a a better life to go in search of what you deserve and what you know that it’s going to outweigh the fear that you hold within people will be accepting you’ll find new friends even though you’re leaving old ones behind it’s going to be a hard path no one’s saying it’s going to be easy but you’re going to find yourself and you’re going to land on your feet

last message for Capricorn please thank you last message for Capricorn two two messages I want to give you make time for selflove do what’s right for you Capricorn make time to really understand what it is that you want without putting anyone else first see how she’s holding a crystal ball there what is it that I want and allow yourself to do what it is that you came here to do and what you want to do despite anyone around you and what you’re leaving

behind you’re in search of a better life a better future release your blocks What’s blocking you Capricorn is it family is it friends is it your comfort your stability release your blocks this is part of you growing inside and out allowing yourself to live the life you came here to live and what you studied for using your

wisdom Capricorn at the end of the day it’s going to be free will here whatever you do with this opportunity that comes your way but they’re saying think it through that’s the bottom of the deck think through what you want for yourself think through how much this will bring you

growth but at the end of the day Capricorn only you can make that call but the opportunity is here and the opportunity is calling you need to do some

self-reflecting and I know that you realize that there’s more to life life and the universe has more to offer

you I hope that’s helped somebody Capricorn lots of love and light your way and all the best thank you so much


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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