Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December Week 2, 2023
FREE Weekly Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December Week 2, 2023. I have also be released other videos for Capricorn Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Capricorn Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Capricorn thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live today we’re doing your horoscopes for the next 7 to 14 days we’re going to start off with some messages then we’re going to go into the lomad deck then we’ll complement it with the tarot and finally we’ll get a message from the angels and that will be there for you okay let’s see what we have I’ve already mixed these cards for you with your energy so let’s see what we have for Capricorn they want me to break it again so that’s fine broken done let’s see what have we got for Capricorn please messages for Capricorn please messages for Capricorn thank you increase your knowledge Capricorn it’s time now to find that solution find the answer to that question for many of you here you’re in a process of wanting to complete something or get to the bottom of something and you’re looking for that answer and that solution don’t give up on increasing what you need to learn it’s like there’s more to it there’s more you need to know there’s more you need to go and find more information is going to help you so that’s your first one so increase your knowledge and it’s going to bring you stability whatever it is that you find is going to bring you stability in the long run for some of you it’s keep studying if you’ve got an opportunity to study to broaden your horizons to be more marketable then do that it’s important that you increase that knowledge that you learn more and you become for some of you it’s like you want a promotion but you need to learn more in order to take the next step then they’re saying go for it Capricorn it’s now time the next one is trust in the Divine Purpose everything has a purpose Capricorn and they’re saying trust in the purpose don’t give up in what you’re doing Don’t stop believing that you’re going to find the light Don’t stop believing that there’s a solution to the issue and an answer to your problem trust in the Divine Purpose and allow that to keep you going trust that everything happens for a reason and if it hasn’t happened yet that’s because it’s not at the right time it’s not in the right place our timing unfortunately is not not the universe timing no it’s not time yet what did I just say I love what I do Capricorn it’s not the right time so for some of you here you’re questioning why didn’t I get that position why didn’t didn’t that happen for me when is this going to happen when is that going to take place I’m waiting I’m waiting and for some of you you’re starting to lose faith that you’re not good enough you’re starting to question yourself you’re starting to question the whole process you’re starting to lose faith and belief in the in the in the Divine unfortunately our time is not the universe time everything happens for a reason everything happens at the right time at the right place for some of you it’s you may be looking for a partner for some of you you’re looking for a job and you’re starting to give up and thinking when is this going to happen for
me am I meant to have a job am I meant to be in love am I meant to find love everything happens at the right time stay the course look at that don’t give up do not give up stay the course Archangel Metatron here is saying you know what it’s time for you to be at peace with where you are where you’ve got to too but but but don’t give up on the future because the future is there just trust it’s not like you’re not going to get it you are in the right time at the right place with the right job with the right
person see sometimes in a relation if this is a relationship based one Capricorn you may be ready you may have been ready for the last yeah but the person you’re meant to be with or they may have gone through some problems or situations that they need to mend from before they meet you it’s not always about us it’s not always us having to control the situation sometimes we can’t control the situation look at that you’re self-doubting you’re looking on the Dark Side of Life you want changes but you’re going to if you don’t don’t change that vibration you’re going to bring more negativity in look on the light side of it not the Dark Side of the Moon look at the glass half full and say I am beautiful I am amazing I deserve love and I know I’m going to meet them or I am amazing I’ve got so much to offer and I know I’m going to get that job the right job not just a job the right job the changes are going to be Absol absolutely pivotal for you getting what you want
necessary look at things differently you’ll attract different if you keep doing the same thing you’ll attract the same thing you’re ready to go look at you there is a Divine Purpose it’s a new beginning you are going to get that answer you are definitely going to get that solution trust in the Divine Purpose purpose everything has a reason everything has a reason if it’s taking too long that’s because it’s not right the timing’s not right you’re not ready maybe for that if it’s a relationship it may be you’re ready but they’re not so sometimes it’s not about just us it’s about everything look at that for some of you it’s like you’re you’re wanting for those of you that are looking for a relationship it’s like you’re you’re you’re wanting to hurry things up because you feel that you don’t have much time to have children for example you don’t have you’re feeling that you need it needs to happen now but let me ask you this Capricorn what if you met someone and you had your children but they weren’t the the right one the changes that are coming in are meant to be they’re going to bring you stability they’re going to bring you strength they’re going to bring you happiness so it’s not the right time right now for that to happen but it will number seven don’t give up on love look at that don’t give up it’s not a question of is it going to happen it’s a question of when it’s going to happen it’s definitely going to happen it’s a timing issue here so patience is going to be key especially in 2024 have your patience because Saturn is ruled in 2024 and if you vibrate with wanting everything now then Saturn delays it even more go with the flow go with the process understand that things happen for a reason if it’s a job you’re going to find your stability and not only that you’re going to find your stability with something that you absolutely love doing it’s not anyone can get a job but it’s going to be one of those jobs that you love getting up in the morning and going to don’t give up and on the bottom we’ve got the clouds which is although things are not clear right now there’s Sun following those clouds there’s dark clouds here and this is where you’re at questioning doubting but look at that it’s clearing give it time give it time to find that stability you’ll find your answers stay the course don’t give up and don’t just go for anything just to the for the sake of having something because that’s not going to work either
let’s see what we have for Capricorn please let me know in the comments what you’re waiting for because you’re definitely waiting for something it’s either love or it’s
career look at that there’s an offer coming to you a proposal someone coming your way to offer you something here it’s a new job a new proposal a new project so for those of you that are worried about career you’re going to find your new job there’s a new offer coming for
you and when it happens it’s going to happen fast if you’re looking for new love if you’re looking for a new job get ready it’s going to happen and it’s going to happen fast number one is New Beginnings new beginning in love new beginning in getting things done and getting what you want when it happens it’s going to happen fast it may have taken its time but it’s on the
way look at that those of you looking for a job that’s going to be you in abundance in a beautiful place of not having to worry about finances in a beautiful place of not having to worry about budgeting so much you’ll probably still need to budget but not like now for those of you that are looking for a beautiful job you’re going to find somewhere where you’re you’re going to find not only financial abundance but happiness and acceptance and love and care in that place in that project you’re going to get noticed you’re going to get uh promoted you’re going to get um noticed for your good work and paid well for those of you that are looking for love you find your abundance you’ll find what you’re looking for and you’re going to very soon be in a place of realization how lucky you are how beautiful this new person that’s come into your life brought you happiness
abundance what are you waiting for Capricorn let me know in the comments you’re going to have choices and you know which one you want although there’s other options for you you’ll know that this one’s the right one you’ll know this is the right job you’ll know this is the right person you will know everything becomes clear remember here we said about the clouds now you have the choice and it becomes
clear okay let’s see what other the last two messages are for Capricorn please Capricorn let me know Capricorn if you if this resonates and what your way for ask for help from others ask for help from others ask other people to help you ask other people to shed some light on what they’ve gone
through if you need help and that could be going to a a psychic going to uh a person to talk to friends it could be going to um a psychologist to get yourself sorted
emotionally the situation will improve absolutely it will absolutely it will there is no doubt Capricorn there is no doubt that the Situation’s going to improve and look at the bottom trust trust that your higher Creator your angels your gues your mentors are going to to bring you exactly what you
need just trust the process go with the
flow it’s going to happen Capricorn whatever it is you’re waiting for it’s going to happen lots of love and light and thank you so much for being here
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)