Capricorn Horoscope| Powerful Psychic Forecast May

by | Jun 10, 2024 | Free CAPRICORN Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Horoscope Forecast May Week 2 2024

FREE Monthly Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For May Week 2 2024. I have also be released other videos for Capricorn Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Capricorn Horoscope for the Month of May and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/capricorn-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-may/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/capricorn-horoscopepowerful-tarot-yearly-2024-forecast/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Capricorn thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live.com and today we’re here to bring you your message for the next 7 to 14 days I call in my guides my mentors and my beautiful angels to bring the message we need to bring in for Capricorn please thank you what message do we have for Capricorn thank you don’t settle for less

you are a child of the Divine and you deserve to have your dreams come true don’t give up Capricorn for someone here I don’t know if you’ve got Aquarius in your sign as well as your moon and your or your sun sign or your Rising Sun but I had this with Aquarius don’t settle for less you’re worth more than that what people are giving you doesn’t compensate what you’re receiving financially doesn’t compensate for how much you give in return you’re giving so much of yourself to either people or a situation or a job that is not giving you the return You Deserve does that make sense to anybody here it’s like you’re you’re giving so much more than what you’re receiving and it’s saying don’t give up don’t give

up you deserve your dreams to come true don’t settle for less it’s like don’t give up looking for something better don’t look don’t give up doing or you’ve got this idea here I get here that Capricorn’s got an idea and you’re you’re working on this idea and some sometimes you doubt yourself and you think what if it doesn’t work what if what if people don’t like it look at that that card just flew out believe in yourself Capricorn believe in yourself it’s time for you to understand that you deserve abundance you deserve what’s coming to you be at home something about home here you need to feel comfortable with what you’re doing you need to feel that you deserve it you need to feel that what you have or the idea that you have is going to be perfect for you you’ve got intuition that guides you that takes you to where you need to be and there’s no other hard there’s no other sign that works as hard as a Capricorn does what they’re saying here is you you’ve got this dream that you want to pursue you’ve got this dream that you want to you want to work on and for some of you it’s you working from home being able to have the flexibility the putting yourself out there to create something that’s going to give you the autonom autonomy later on creating something that’s that’s going to that’s going to allow you for some of you here you may already have a business at home but what you’re charging is not sufficient so they’re saying don’t settle for less than what you’re worth don’t sell yourself short for what you’re doing believe in your services believe in who you are believe in yourself you may not be charging what you’re meant to be charging here Capricorn your sing yourself short you’re selling your product for less than what it’s

worth five of swords look at

that oh Capricorn you need to make what they’re saying here Capricorn it’s time to make changes you know deep within your heart that your worry is that you’re not making making enough money or you’re not getting what you deserve from these people from this person from this job it’s stressing you you know deep down within your heart that you’re not you’re not being appreciated you’re not charging what you should be you’re not getting what you deserve for everything that you put in and that is disappointing you to the point where you just want to scream and just let it all go and they’re saying no the adjustment here is about you setting your price for what’s right you changing things to suit you you changing what people perceive you deserve the minute you set your price and you know your value and you know how much you’re worth that’s what changes not the giving up what you’re doing is perfectly fine your dream is perfectly

fine you’re settling for less than what you deserve page of Wands you need to find that happiness again Capricorn for some of you you’ve lost the happiness of wanting that’s going to come that’s going to come it’s going to change here for some of you here you may have been in a relationship or you may have been in a situation or a job that that you were once upon a time happy but now that’s stressing

you Queen of Pentacles upside down that’s not surprising Queen of Pentacles is here saying you’re not getting what you deserve you’re not getting paid enough you’re not you’re not charging enough you’re not believing in yourself enough to get what you deserve you’re either selling your product for a lot less than what it than what it’s worth or you’re selling your services way short and they’re saying here Capricorn you it’s time to change what you’ve been doing what you’ve been doing has only been causing you headaches and heartache because you’re not you’re you’re having all the expenses you’re wasting your energy de devoting your time and not getting anything in

return what else have we got here as

Capricorn team three of Pentacles that fell on the side which is some some of your competitors may be part of that stress maybe some someone here is selling the same product or doing the same thing as you but selling it for a lot cheaper and your you’re you’re in despair to how you can change this around how can you change this to work for you and it could be that you’re in either a group or you’re dealing with a group that is not contributing as much as you that is not appreciating you for what you’ve given them that is not paying you for what you do for

them I feel here that there’s there’s something here about a group either they’re not doing their part the nine of Wands you’re at your your youit you need to change here they’re saying The Wheel of Fortune and here it’s like someone here knows that they need to change what they’re doing what they’re receiving or how they’re going about something it’s like I I need to charge more I need to give to get

more for my services for what I’m doing something here needs to

change and you may be dealing with a group of people that that bring you a lot of stress

the lovers for someone here you may be going through a difficult time now in your relationship for someone here you are not receiving what you give you give everything to your partner you do everything for your partner you put yourself out there and you only get little bits in return sometimes they’re there but most of the time they’re not when you need someone they’re not there or if they are there they’re not giving you the love and the care and the nurture that you deserve they’re not telling you how they feel about you they’re not telling you how valuable you are what a big part of their life that you

are for someone here it’s a relationship for someone else it’s it’s a career for someone else it’s it’s a

business whatever it is is whichever situation Capricorn you’re in you are not getting what you

deserve look at that you know let me just write that

down because this is saying

here this is someone who is connected and has a huge amount of intuition you know you deserve happiness you know you deserve more you know you are worth more than what you’re getting in whatever situation you’re in you know that you are being sold for a lot less than what you deserve you being given a lot less than what you

deserve you’re not getting what your product what you or what your belief in you is

worth you know that you can be happier there’s nothing you can do anymore either in this relationship in this job in this career that you’re doing right now that’s going to change unless you change it unless you start to say no I deserve more than this and that’s all it’s going to take Capricorn I feel that the minute you know your worth the minute you know your value no one else can tell you it’s less than

that one more card

please you’re going some of you here are leaving a place that doesn’t give you the the financial benefit that you’re after someone here is leaving something behind that doesn’t compensate for their time and their energy for someone else it’s saying Go a different path if this path is not working in your business in your relationship change it some of you they’re saying don’t give up because with a few tweaks it can change to be a better business a better career a better project but for others it’s you’re going to decide that that’s enough the time has come where you’re going to call

it remember the tweaking here Capricorn is you believe beling in your worth your value in yourself above anything and anyone

else the empress giving a birth to a new you giving birth to a new belief to a new way of being to a new way of accepting this is you demanding what you’re worth demanding your value this is the value I bring you’re either in or you’re out the change when you change to know your value and your worth that’s when the people around you the circumstances around you and the universe understands that you’re worth more than what you’re getting now but you need to believe in yourself that’s the key here the minute that changes you’ll start to see how things change around you because when we don’t value who we are or we don’t value our gifts our energy our time others aren’t going to do that for us they’re going to try and take away from us as much as they can for as little as they can until we put a stop and say no more

Capricorn I hope that that’s made sense to somebody here lots of love and light your way thank you so much for being here bye-bye


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