Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Horoscope Forecast June Week 1 2024
FREE Monthly Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For June Week 1 2024. I have also be released other videos for Capricorn Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Capricorn Horoscope for the Month of June and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Capricorn you have gone through the darkest days but no more it’s going to Capricorn thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics we’re going to start your reading this week with an energy then go into the tarot then the lomad and then finish off with the message at the end so let’s see what we have for beautiful Capricorn what energies do we have for Capricorn please calling in my guides mentors and angels to bring the messages that we need for Capricorn please what’s the energy for Capricorn please
one follow the voice of your soul oh and first one Follow The Voice voice of your soul within you you know what you need to do Capricorn there’s a voice inside you screaming out for something and if you’re unsure about what path to take what decision to make or where to go and what to do next the voice is inside you and what they’re saying here is allow your voice to speak louder so that you can hear what your soul is asking for from you or asking you to do what’s good for your soul right now Capricorn that’s what the important message is here do what’s right for you your soul is craving
peace the second one we have is you are not alone for some of you you may be going through a hard time right now and thinking that you’ve been abandoned by the universe that no one’s listening that you don’t have anyone to talk to maybe or um listen to what you need to say and they’re saying you’re not alone you will see in the next few days feathers whether that be while you’re sitting down while you go for a walk anywhere you are you’re going to have a message of proof that you are not alone your guides your mentors and your higher Creator whoever that may be God Buddha anyone who you believe in is right beside you right behind you and right above you and they will send you a feather so that you know you’re not alone you’re not alone in the difficult times you’re going through you’re not alone in the decisions you’re going to have to make you’re not alone
the voice of your soul I love that Capricorn Capricorn what are the messages for Capricorn
please the [Music] emperor this either may be a male figure in your life right now or this may be you taking charge of your life now what whoever this is is an important animportant person that is about to take or make decisions that will change their life their opinions are what’s going to count let’s see if this is you or somebody else Capricorn this is someone that’s an Aries a Leo or a Sagittarius you’re dealing with and if it’s not you’re you’re taking the control of your life
now the world
something here is coming to an end you’re finishing a cycle a chapter you’re closing that cycle you’re closing that chapter what this is saying here is like you finished off something that you mastered you’re leaving a place a circumstance a situation a person but you’re leaving something behind you’re completing that
cycle it’s like something’s ended or you’re closing a
chapter and it was pretty chaotic the Capricorn I’m connected to here is or you’re going you went through a hard time and you had to collect you had to sorry you had to clothes not collect clo close a cycle in your life a cycle that may have been super important to you at some time in your life but this is you closing that now it’s like it’s that’s three major Arcana cards here Capricorn do you see the impact of that it’s like you made a decision to close off something that no longer served you something that brought you a lot of chaos a lot of conflict a lot of upheaval you you you’re closing that off if you haven’t you will be doing so if that’s why they’re saying listen to your soul and you’re not alone you know deep down in your heart and your soul what needs to go out of your life you know that there is something an area of your life that you need to walk away from or you need to close that that chapter because I feel here that you no longer want to do this
anymore page of Swords there’s a message here or you send a message there’s something about a message here that speaks truth honesty Integrity either you are sending a message or you’re receiv receiving in a message and that message that you’re sending or receiving brings truth brings
Integrity real it’s real this message is real this is exactly truthfully how I’m feeling this is something coming to the Forefront here
and if you’re not you may be right now in a place of Despair disappointment huge amount of Tears
unbelievable you’re you’re in a state of not believing that something or someone could have done this to you disappointed disillusioned with somebody or something here here Capricorn you may have gone through this
already and now you know that you need to take a stance in your
life I don’t know what this situation was or who this person is but it’s someone that brought you a lot of chaos a lot of conflict and for some of you here you know that this is the right thing to do as much as it may hurt you disappoint you deep down in your soul you know that this was not good for you if you’re dealing with another person it could be someone who is an Aries a Leo or a Sagittarius and this person may have caused you this chaos in your life
You are not alone please don’t ever forget that and you’re going to get evidence of that in the next one to two weeks where you start to see feathers come from
nowhere four of
cups for some of you here you’re not wanting to deal with what you went through anymore you’re not even interested now in even looking at other prospects if this is something you went through a while a few weeks ago a few months ago still today your memories are not to start something new you’re very cautious right now you’re very cautious starting something new you’re very you don’t want to know right now and even though there may be prospects or people other people coming towards you to offer you help assistance or love you’re not interested you just want to be alone right
now what you ended you ended something or something was ended that there was a lot of arguments a lot of chaos and a lot of fighting a lot of egos being pulled in different directions a lot
of I would even say a lot of words that were hurtful a constant battle it was like this is this was a constant battle so I don’t know what area in your life for everyone it’s going to be different some of you can be relationships others it may be a boss at work whichever it is for you it’s coming to an end this chaos this conflict this
unsettled Behavior this you know I get here it’s like sometimes you you would even look back and go really is this all taking place it was only over something small but yet something small became so
big something wasn’t right was it
Capricorn it’s not only now that this is not right this is the Tower came I you know what I feel here that you’ve been prolonging a decision to end something that you know deep down in your heart was never good for you and you prolonged it to wait to see if it would get better if they would change and the tower says no more Capricorn you’ve suffered enough this is where I come in and I sought this all out I make things end I make things happen so that you can get your life back and your happiness back because where you are you’re not happy it’s not good for you not good for your soul your mental being your
well-being so the universe takes charge when we fail
to Justice look at that straight underneath you’ve got so many major Arcana cards it is right what happened Capricorn even though you have suffered you have cried you have been disappointed it was time that this ended for you to find yourself again for you to regain your power your
strength some of you lost yourselves here in this situation
you carried this situation for far too long now you speak your truth now you start to see how much this circumstance this person or this
situation affected you in many many ways it’s like it’s it was always a huge burden you’re carrying other people’s issues other people’s problems all on your back on your own it’s time that that
ended Page of
Cups you may have come from a very
sad place or you may be in a very hard place a sad Place disillusioned disappointed but here there is offering of Love there is an offer here of love and someone that really loves you this may be someone in your family someone who offers you a lot of love to get you out of this
situation this may also be a new love that comes into your life if this happened to you a while
back for someone here there is a new love coming into your life after a huge huge upheaval in a relationship relationship you went through there’s someone new coming your way for others you’re getting support from people who love you and the universe is saying you’re not alone your mentors and guides are with you every step of the way Spirit has
you on the bottom the King of Swords the six of cups and the Queen of Swords that’s a couple I feel here that this couple here was something from the past it’s like this this relationship may have been with you since your childhood you may have known this person since your childhood or someone from your past
Capricorn you could also be dealing with a Libra gemini or Aquarius
here or you may in the next two
weeks meet someone remember I said to you that someone here is going to meet a new love for some of you you will yes and I do feel that this person is someone from your past someone that meant a lot to you and this could be a Libra gemini or
Aquarius for others you’re leaving this pain this chaos this disappointment in your
past and you may have known them from
childhood let’s see what Lena m brings us place the
Capricorn Capricorn you have gone through the darkest days but no more it’s going to change you’ll consolidate everything you went through in your memory and in your disappointments that you’ve had you you come to an understanding that it was the best thing to have this closed to walk away to close a chapter that no longer serves you and no longer brought you
happiness your soul would have told you that you’re not
alone deep down in your soul you know it was the best thing to close that chapter because sometimes we have we don’t want to see things so we don’t change things sometimes we we’re getting we get comfortable with a situation even if it’s not the best thing for us but when when it ends and we look back we think we think it was the best thing that could have [Music] happened a home a new home a new job leaving a home leaving a house behind to create your new home your new belonging a new
job new stability new
happiness and on the bottom it’s the end of all the sacrifices look at that it’s the end of all the sacrifices
Capricorn you’ve been through it all now it ends it’s number nine it
ends let’s see what else we have for Capricorn please last message for Capricorn please last message for Capricorn
Unleash Your kindest self Capricorn you know how we got this card follow the voice of your soul Unleash Your kindest self it’s now time for you to look after the most important person in your life you listen to your soul allow your inner voice to guide you and be true to who you are because you’re about to unleash a lot of kindness and love for yourself the love and the kindness that you gave to somebody else or to something else who wasn’t worth that you now dedicate that to yourself
and on the bottom full moon in Aquarius be real be real the minute you ask your soul and look at things for what they truly are really looking at people or situations and seeing the truth that they represent seeing the true person or thing that it
is that’s when you’ll understand that that person or that situation no longer has a place in your life as much as that’s going to tear you apart as much as it’s going to be the hardest step or decision you
make being real
follow the voice of your soul
Capricorn I hope that makes sense for somebody here lots of love and light thank you so much for being here bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)