Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Horoscope Forecast June 2024
FREE Monthly Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For June 2024. I have also be released other videos for Capricorn Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Capricorn Horoscope for the Month of June and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hi everyone my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings and psychics today we’re going to start your June reading and we’re going to do the energy for June then we’re going to do three cards card one is going to be for career card two is for relationships and card three is going to be for finances so you can either pick that card that you’re interested in or or you can pick more than one or you can watch the whole video it’s up to you the whole video has a lot of messages for you but I understand that some people want to know only one section of the reading so I’m going to separate that reading for you then we’re going to finish it off with the last message for you as well I hope that all makes sense and in June our motto is going to be I am abundant I am prosperous and I am healthy so our mantra for June is going to be I am prosperous I am abundant and I am healthy write it in the comments below to bring that energy into
[Music] you okay Capricorns let’s go in with the energies for Capricorn first and then we’ll do the three cards for you so let’s go and see what we’ve got got for you energies for Capricorn please what energies do we have for Capricorn for the month of June thank you energies for oh let me stop that again that wasn’t meant to be okay energies for Capricorn please energies for Capricorn for the month of June Capricorn thank you higher power Capricorn my Lord are you ready in June you’re going to have a huge spiritual feeling of gaining your higher power things will come to you unexpectedly thoughts will come to you unexpectedly it it’s like you’re going to be on another level altogether your intuition is going to be super super high in June listen to that intuition you’re going to receive messages from the Divine and spirit that’s going to allow you to see things differently have different thoughts and even contemplate changing things in your life in June
beautiful new development it’s like you’ll develop new things think of new new ideas that are going to be prosperous by the book number 11 the biggest spiritual number look at that you’re not going to do anymore anything by the book you’re going to do what you need to do you’re not going to follow what others are doing you’re not going to do or care about what other people think or what they say this is a Turning Page for you Capricorn in June it’s a time where you’re going to stand firm in your beliefs and your wants and you’re going to trans form what you’ve been doing up until now it’s like I don’t want to follow anyone else I don’t want to do what others want me to do I don’t belong in this little box I need to escape from here I need to allow myself to be who I came here to be wow the energy is huge for you Capricorn in June huge so I don’t know what you’re planning here but what ever it is it’s going to be amazing let’s see what we’ve got for card number one 2 and three card number one which is finances sorry career career apologies card number two which is relationships and card number three which is
finances so card number one Capricorn four of Pentacles keeping very close to your chest what you’re about to do in your career your or your someone here is thinking I either of a new idea a new project or a new business and you’re not talking to anybody about that you’re keeping that very close to your chest and I feel here that it’s a new idea that you want to expand or something new you want to try and this intuition is not by mistake this has come to you this
idea what else do we have for career for Capricorn career for Capricorn
please the king of Wands Capricorn you are about to take something by storm this is the willpower and the courage you have see how this this figure here is it’s a man but it doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman this is an energy this figure here is not worried about what other people think it they’re not worried about their competitors they’re not worried about what other people are doing or what what the what is you’re not scared anymore you’re not scared to start something new to put yourself out there to expand into something you want to do you’re ready you’re determined
you’re ready to make the
difference tell me if this is you Capricorn don’t tell me what it is because I know here you’re keeping this close to your chest but tell me what it is that you’re starting to think of doing 10 of Cups your family is super important to you and I feel that many of you here are starting this new thing to give your family a a better life you’ve realized that what you’ve done up until now it’s allowed you to do certain things but in the end you want something that’s going to give you more financial stability in your career and time to have with your family this is going to allow you to have more time with your family and bring in more prosperity for you to do beautiful things with your family
we’ve got a king and a Queen of Wands here you may be going into partnership with your spouse with your partner there is something here that you’re cooking up there’s something here that you’re both going to create this is a special Dynamic team here you may be dealing with an aries a Leo or a Sagittarius and here you’re about to take on something big create something amazing together I don’t know if this is your partner if this is a partnership with somebody else or you’re going into business with somebody else but whatever it is that you’re you’re imagining what you’re thinking what you’re doing is going to be
amazing and it’s being kept very Qui
quiet the energy does not lie the energy does not lie Capricorn that’s the beginning of a new adventure a new chapter a new adventure a new project a new business a new career step for you I don’t know what it is that you’re doing but get ready because June is going to be a month that in your career June is going to be a month that you’re not going to
forget look at
that you’re moving away from a career or a place that didn’t bring you any excitement you you’ve left a place or a situation or a project or a career or a business that no longer brought you happiness or prosperity and I do feel here that this is someone leaving a place of employment of you working for others I really have that strongly here Capricorn let me know if this is you cuz I would have got to the right person if it is because what the message here for you is it’s going to prosper you’re a dynamic team I don’t know who you’re going to business with or who you’re starting a project with but this team here is the most dynamic team to make it work and what you’re leaving behind is a place that made you question your abilities your capabilities your strength your determination your will you lost yourself you’re leaving that situation now to start and create something
amazing look at that you’re leaving going to a new place and look at all those
coins it’s a new beginning in your career Capricorn and the higher power is with you your higher power intuition that gut feeling is going to help you get there you’re no longer going to follow anybody else work for somebody
else card number two what have we got for relationships for Capricorn please relationships for Capricorn Queen of [Music] Swords this is you not taking rubbish from anybody anymore you know what you want you know who you are in your relationships you’re not going
to put up with things that you no longer agree with you’re not going to allow others to tell you what you can and can’t have what you deserve and what you don’t deserve you’re not going to allow anybody to treat you any other way than respectful this is someone who knows who they
are relationships for Capricorn please you know who you are the Two of Wands for someone here you’re contemplating on going on a holiday and don’t be surprised if you meet a special somebody in another country another city or another state then there is someone going to cross your path while you’re traveling and if you’re not you’re going to plan a
trip Capricorn please relationships king of Pentacles it’s so you’re you’re going to meet someone in June Capricorn where this person is very sure of who they are they’re very Financial stable and they’re very they bring this huge grounding that will ground you this is an earth sign here just like you you know who you are and I feel that you’re going to meet someone who has the same values similar thoughts to you someone who respects their financial status but at the same time is willing to open up a person who’s very grounded who can also be a Virgo a Capricorn like yourself or a Taurus with Sim similar wants and similar
needs the devil the devil here in your relationships is there’s going to be a lot of passion you may meet someone who inur who brings a lot of passion just make sure that those one those people that you
meet what I’m getting here is you may have a couple of people that you meet in June and if you do meet those two people make sure that cuz there’s going to be someone here that comes in is very passionate very flighty very but it’s not it’s not there to stay there’s someone else who is more stable who is more you who would compliment you more so just be careful that while whilst somebody here can come across very um exciting and passionate and and fun that they may not be the one that stays around for a long time
eight of
swords for some of you here um or for someone here you may be self-sabotaging yourself from a past relationship that you had and I feel here that unless you let go of these feelings of what you went through in the past you’re not going to be able to open this new chapter with this new person and that’s why you’re standing here very rational about do I trust them do I want this am I going to be very cold when I meet somebody giving out the cold Vibes is not going to bring you what you want so here it’s some if you if you do sometimes we don’t realize but we give out those cold Vibes of not interested of you need to try harder or don’t know about you and dismiss someone so be careful in June to open your mind up to possibilities that are normally not what you would go for and don’t self-sabotage yourself you deserve love Capricorn and you deserve to be loved because you had bad experiences doesn’t mean that everybody that crosses your path is going to give you those experiences again
nine of Swords some of you here cry at night and you cry about whether you’re ever going to be able to allow your heart to love again to meet that right person to meet your soulmate just like your friends have just like other people you see in the street have you are going to meet that right person if you’re in the right frame of mind you may your thoughts may still be in the past and you need to let that go You may still be suffering from somebody who
left but just know that not everybody is painted with the same paintbrush here Capricorn your wisdom will tell you what’s right and what’s wrong go with what feels right
plant the new seeds allow the old to go look at that it’s time to bury the old feelings to allow the new to come into your life and in June you’ve got all the possibilities of starting something beautiful together with somebody else someone who’s going to nurture and allow your relationship to grow at your pace that’s not going to pressure you to be something you don’t
want okay card number three for Capricorn please where shuffling for card number three for Capricorn finances page of Wands celebration something’s going to come in June which is longer waited for or exactly the news and information you’re waiting to hear so you may have been waiting for something to be approved paperwork to come through or starting something and it’s starting to turn very quickly there’s going to be celebration around your finances in June it’s the beginning of growth it’s the beginning of a new adventure of something that starts to grow what have we got for finances for Capricorn please finances for Capricorn three of Cups celebration you’ll be celebrating with friends and family you’ll be celebrating with other people on how things have come about how things have worked out there celebration here could be a promotion that you receive or it could be that you come into some money but whatever it is you’re going to
celebrate nine of cups
in your finances the Knight of Cups is you’re going to be able to celebrate your financial success with other people but I also feel here that you’re going to be given some money and I don’t know that may be from someone who thinks the world of you it could be a parent it could be um someone it this could actually be a divorce breakup someone that you once loved that you’re getting now what what you what is yours this could have been a breakup here and you may be receiving that money and the and you’re celebrating putting an end to something you wanted closed you just wanted to finish this cycle off so you can begin a new but there is definitely money coming
through four of Wands the celebration continues look at that the celebration continues Capricorn you are going to come into some money in June either you sought out a court case here or you sought something out that you were waiting to finish and here it’s a new beginning a new life celebration ready to move forward you’ve got what is yours and you’re moving forward with that look at that the Chariot you’re not looking back there’s only one place to go and that’s forward you may here buy something of huge importance to you with your finances you may invest your money and have good returns you may be finalizing a divorce case or h a court case for some other reason but something here is bringing you a a final a final thing that needed to finish for you to be able to move forward with your finances or great news or information that’s coming in regards to an investment investment property selling a house look at that taking control you you are in control of your finances in June make no mistake the emperor is in charge and knows what they want knows who they are and knows how to manage their life especially finances
what you what else do I say oh look at that there’s definitely a victory here it’s like you’re leaving something behind and you’ve got a victory now for for some of you it could be a divorce it could be an a court case of something that went wrong an accident that you had and now the payout is here whatever it is it’s coming your way and it’s happening in June let me know if this is you Capricorn let me know cuz these cards are let final message for capr cicn what have we got for final message for Capricorn please final message for
Capricorn look at all that money look at all that gold look at that it is an opportunity of a lifetime and I said that to you at the beginning for those of you that listen to the career part of this reading there you go for those of you that listened to the finance part of this reading there you go make no mistake with your intuition and everything that you have decided to do you’re going to find new ways new possibilities and new
opportunities in the near future your life is going to change in the near future and look at the bottom remain positive I don’t know what it is that you’ve come from or what you’ve been through Capricorn but it’s about to change in the near future and remaining positive that’s all you need to know things are going to change for
you let’s see two cards with the animal spirit for Capricorn please two cards with the animal spirit for
Capricorn no yes truth transcends
illusion look at things for what they truly are see people for who they truly are look at circumstances and see and see it for what it really is looking at things in a very Divine Way number 22 that’s a master number you’ve got 11 here and 2 to here if if you’re not in connection with a Divine in June or with spirit and you’re getting these huge amount of thoughts and feelings coming to you in June I don’t know who is Capricorn you’ve got it all
here be fearless and bold don’t let anybody or anything stop you Capricorn don’t let anybody or anything stop you be courageous enough to leave the others behind be courageous enough to make your own story not buy somebody else’s book it’s time now for you to open up your wings and expand do what you want to do I hope that’s made sense Capricorn lots of love and light thank you so much bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)