Capricorn Horoscope| Powerful Psychic Forecast April

by | Jun 9, 2024 | Free CAPRICORN Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Horoscope Forecast April Week 2 2024

FREE Monthly Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For April Week 2 2024. I have also be released other videos for Capricorn Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Capricorn Horoscope for the Month of April and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/capricorn-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-april/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/capricorn-horoscopepowerful-tarot-yearly-2024-forecast/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Capricorn thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics live.com.au today we’re going to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days we’re going to start off with the angel deck then go into the tarot then your angel cards to finish off so let’s see what we have for beautiful Capricorn let’s see what the messages are capric I call in my angels guides and mentors to bring me the message that I need to make the Capricorn please for the best and highest good of themselves I also ask for protection in doing this through for my best and highest good so thank you Capricorn messages for energy for Capricorn please a year from now Capricorn a year from now holds an importance in your life right now a year from now either something will be different or you’re going to be a totally different person in probably a totally different location doing something totally different let’s find out more a year from now is big for you so I don’t know let’s find out but they’re trying to tell you that a year from now is going to be significant so write it down

ask for help from others you may be doing something Capricorn right now you may be venturing into your own business into something totally new a new job a new opportunity moving to a new location I don’t know what it is that you’re doing look at that there’s something better that was on the bottom of it it’s it’s like there’s going to be something better for you somewhere else doing something else and in a year from now you’ll be in a totally different place in a to you’ll be a totally different person let’s find out more I’m intrigued now

Capricorn something you do now is going to change your life a year from now look at that the nine of Swords sorry the seven of Swords to the 10 of Pentacles it’s like where you are now is not your ideal place what what you’re doing now is not what you want to be doing in a year’s time so you need to change that plant your seeds now so that in a year’s time this is where you are so you’re leaving a place that no longer serves you that doesn’t make you happy or you’re leaving a relationship that doesn’t make you happy something here that you’re living today is not making you happy and I I feel that with help from others you’re going to find your happy place your happy family your happy person something it’s like going from 8 to 88 your life your life today will not be the same in a year’s time but what you do today affects where you are in a year’s time does that make sense to somebody here it’s like there’s something else and something better for you someone better for

you yeah nine of Swords you’re exhausted you’re tired of this person this relationship this job what you’re doing at the moment how your life is right now you want more you want

new you want a new life this new light that you’re trying to find it’s like I don’t want to stay in this place anymore I don’t want to be in this relationship anymore I don’t want to be doing this job


the Six of Swords I’m tired of the chaos I’m tired of the grief I’m tired of not being content not being at peace it’s always turbulence chaos I don’t want to stay here anymore I don’t want to be here

anymore you may put on a face Capricorn to say that everything’s okay to the outside world you may look okay you may look fine but inside you inside you you

are crying inside you you have this internal anxiety this internal hurt and pain that you just don’t tell the world

about what you what you portray to others it’s not is not the same picture that you feel

inside it mentally you’re exhausted me you can’t stop thinking about this you you it it drains you mentally you’re mentally tired nine of Wands the Six of Swords and eight of Swords just tells me that this is constantly on your mind

I don’t know who and what it’s time to go it’s time to leave this situation whether this be a job a place or a career a job a relationship you know what it is for everyone it’s going to be different different but whoever I’m connecting to here this Capricorn knows within themselves that it’s time to go there’s only so much I can take there’s only so much I can do and it’s not going to change this is you speaking to yourself I know that my circumstances are not going to change if I don’t make that move

it’s constantly on your mind it brings you some doubt what ifs what if I leave and this happens or that happens what if I leave this job and I don’t find another one for a while what if I leave this place and leave everything I know behind and it doesn’t work out what if I leave this relationship what’s everyone else going to

think that’s what’s going through your mind Capricorn the Capricorn I’m connecting to has gone through all these

thoughts tell me about the nine of Wands what got you here what got you to the nine of Wands or or what are you looking

for this card says it all doesn’t

it someone has either whatever you all going through right now Capricorn it is mentally and physically

draining it’s the end of this cycle you can’t take this anymore you can’t live like this how much more can I take I need to leave this situation I need to come up with an idea or a new purpose or a new reason but I need to leave this situation this place this person it no longer makes sense to me

there’s someone absolutely leaving a situation a relationship here they’re saying ask for help from others Capricorn you can’t do this on your own you’re going to need emotional support directional support talking to someone helps getting out of that job is going to help help apply for different positions if it’s a job apply for different positions if it’s a relationship speak to a counselor tell someone in your family that you can confidentially

trust a year from now you will not be in this circumstance whatever you’re going through right now Capricorn remember a year from now it’s going to change your life will not be the same your circumstances will not be the

same for everybody it’s going to be something different for some it’s relationship for others it’s career for others it may be family tell me about the Six of Swords what are you leaving behind oh yep look at that I told you a

relationship the tower something is going to take place or something inside you is going to scream to the point where you take the decision make the decision you take the next steps and leave this relationship someone here it is a relationship with no question someone here is leaving a relationship and if you haven’t left already you will because your soul and your spirit within you is

screaming tell me if this is you Capricorn you don’t have to tell us all that’s going on but if this is you tell me that you can res resonate with this what’s the eight of Swords eight of Swords what is that why do you put on a front it’s like you’re putting on a front to family and friends that everything’s okay when deep down inside you you don’t want to be

here the end look at that Capricorn I love what I do because I know I’m helping somebody here it comes to an end the the two here come to an end it’s like you’re putting on this face but yet Your Soul and Spirit are dying within that comes to an end you realize that you can no longer keep going and pretending that everything’s okay when it’s really not when it’s eating you up inside when it’s destroying your soul and your spirit for many of you you know that the only way you’re going to get yourself out of this position is to Face Reality to face your truth and don’t worry about what other people think and do you’re not the first and you’re not going to be the last to walk out of a relationship that’s not working or a marriage that’s not working you are not the first and you will never be the last but this this internal battle that you face every day there’s going to be a point where you say enough is enough I’m closing this chapter once and for

all I’m leaving I am leaving this place this

person where’s Capricorn going to with the chariot where are they going to to find your peace you’re being directed Capricorn make no mistake you have you are getting messages from your higher

self there’s a subconscious that lives within us there is direction that connects with our mentors and guides and the higher Creator our thoughts our feelings our actions are sometimes emphasized by the people that love us by people that you can see and those that you cannot

see you are getting guidance you are getting strength you are getting a huge p push to

leave I don’t know if you can feel it yet but you will if you if you haven’t already you will if you haven’t already you’re connecting with with your mentors and guides even if you don’t think you are there’s a connection here and they are sending you that strength those

ideas why are you a little bit confused here what makes you confused

here the

hermit your thoughts will become a lot clearer Capricorn the minute you take time out by yourself away from others and away from everything and think about who you are what you deserve what you’ve been living and what you want for your future you’re going to do that nobody else nothing else no tarot no psychic no human can tell you what to do you need to find the answers that you have deep down

within you’re going to find your light look at that there’s a light there a light that shows you the

way the emperor this may may be who you’re dealing with or this may be you taking control of your

life you here are taking control of who you are what you stand for and what you


Wow Let’s see what Angels your guides and mentors are going to send you what angels are you going to send

Capricorn oh wow sorry let me get

that angel of clarity you’re going to be so clear about what you want you’re going to be so clear about what you need to do and where you see yourself going you’re going to remember I said to you you are not alone you are getting guidance and your guides and mentors are sending you the angel of clarity so that you get clear thoughts ideas and

truth what’s the other message for Capricorn please what other Angel are we sending

Capricorn tell me if you resonate with this story

Capricorn angel of Dreams pay attention to your dreams Capricorn there are going to be messages sent to you via your dreams anything that you need to know ask and the answers are going to be delivered in your dreams that’s what they want me to tell you anything you need to know ask and then pay attention to your dreams the best advice that I can give you here is take a pen and a notebook and put it beside your bed because sometimes we have issues trying to remember our dreams in the morning when you have Clarity these dreams are going to be clear clear for you when you get these answers or clarity about what you’re asking write it down on a notepad anything anything you dream about within the next 7 to 14 days write it down it’s going to make sense at some

point and the bottom is the angel of inspiration you’re as much as you may think that others are not going to accept your decisions your ideas think again because you taking control of your life is go you’re going to be an inspiration to others so not only will you be helping yourself your your soul and your spirit but you’ll be able to help others that are in the same or going through the same thing as what you have been going through or are going through you’ll be an inspiration to those around you to your family to your friends

Capricorn I don’t know how many people are going to resonate with this lots of love and light your way thank you so much for being here



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