Capricorn Horoscope| Powerful Psychic Forecast April

by | Jun 9, 2024 | Free CAPRICORN Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Horoscope Forecast April Week 1 2024

FREE Monthly Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For April Week 1 2024. I have also be released other videos for Capricorn Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Capricorn Horoscope for the Month of April and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/capricorn-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-april/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/capricorn-horoscopepowerful-tarot-yearly-2024-forecast/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Capricorn thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics live.com.au today we’re going to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days we’re going to start off with the energies and go straight into the tarot so let’s see what we have for Capricorn please for the next 7 to 14 days thank you ask my guides and mentors to come in and show us what we have for Capricorn for the and highest good of yourself and the protection of myself throughout this reading thank you energies please for Capricorn thank you focus Capricorn Focus transformation change Focus let’s see what else we have acceptance is the second one one more

please assessing looking for something Capricorn and on the bottom the masculine look at that Capricorn let’s have a look at this energy so what I’ve got here is someone here is focusing on achieving something and it’s like you’re accepting something but what it is that you’re accepting you’re very wary of there’s a focus here there’s like you want change you want want transformation but you’re collecting all this information and assessing it seeing how it works you’re thinking in a very rational manner I don’t know if it’s that you don’t trust what’s happening right now or you don’t trust who’s giving you this opportunity or you don’t trust where you are or making the change but something here you are questioning there’s something in your life at the moment that you are questioning and it’s like you’re trying you want this change you want this transformation you want to you want to change something in your life but you’re and you’re collecting all the information and collecting everything that you need to do to get there but you’re susing it all out it’s like I need to be very rational when I’m making this decision I can’t bring emotions into it otherwise I’ll get confused it’s you’re you’re assessing a situation you’re you’re looking at what it is that you want to do let’s get the tarot everyone’s going to be different but it’s like there’s something here that either one you’re wanting to get into but you need to make sure it’s right for you or two there’s something you’re questioning in your life right now and you’re focusing on getting it right it’s important that whatever you receive or whatever you agree to needs to be right for you let’s see and it’s making you understand that you need to think rational about it not emotionally so some decision you’ve got to make okay focus what are we talking about for Capricorn on focus focus what are we focusing on what’s Capricorn focusing on

here something about moving forward look at that the tower the

tower give another card it’s like something has been something has happened that’s made you King Of Wands something has happened here Capricorn that’s making you focus on this particular issue or situation it’s forced you to look at something something’s taken place and it’s forced you to look at this situation to look at this relationship to look at this career path or this

opportunity what else we do Focus they want two

okay the nine of Pentacles and that came crossed which means that and the page of Wands Capricorn you know what I’m getting here this this card fell across there like that it’s like you it’s something to do with your finances there’s something here that’s causing you may have had a problem with your finances or something in regards to your finances has happened you’ve lost money or you’ve been promised something that you didn’t get or someone has tricked you into investing into something and now you’re looking for your rights you’re looking at what it is that you need to do to get yourself out of this situation and you’re you’ve been robbed or tricked here you’ve accepted something that that you’ve accepted something and someone told you it was going to be good but now you’re starting to see that what they’ve promised you is not what you’re you’ve invested into or you’re not what you’re going to receive what is the acceptance what are we accepting here what did Capricorn

set you’re you’re looking at everything that was two of Swords something that you couldn’t see it’s like something you’ve accepted an agreement or you’ve signed paperwork and you didn’t see the fine print you didn’t see the dangers this had you didn’t understand what you were signing someone made you sign something I don’t know what this is needs let’s see what else have we got for acceptance please choices look at that it’s like someone said that you’d have choices that this this accepting this would give you choices would give you choices later on would make you have an abundance of


what is it that you’re going through a Capricorn decision it’s it’s like there’s two here this there’s definitely a decision you’ve made a decision in regards to an offer that was made to you and here they’re saying that whoever it was that made you this proposal or gave you this opportunity did it in the wrong way and and now you’re you’ve learned that the changes that took place need refocusing because what they’ve promised is not what you’re going to get they made you heaps of promises and said you were going to have heaps of choices but you didn’t see some detail in something there was some detail that was missed and this could be a partner it could even be your partner that got you to sign something or convinced you to spend your money or invest your money into something that is not good and they they sold it to you as in you’re going we’re going to have choices later on it’s good to invest or let’s do this and you did it blindfold like you you trusted you trusted someone and a masculine energy look at that that’s making sense it’s like you’ve trusted a masculine energy in your life

assessing what are we looking for what’s what’s Capricorn assessing here what type of information or are we assessing here what is it that that the Capricorn is looking for Queen of Swords you’re you’re looking for what’s right the truth you’re now looking into things wanting to know the truth

and you’re looking at whether you can get out of this agreement whether you can get out of what you got yourself

into you’re starting to acquire information on how do I get out of this look at this upside down the empress upside down they it’s like someone here tricked you with their creativity but it was all wrong it was done in a manipulative way Capricorn I don’t know what it is that you got yourself into here or what you’re going through right now but it really rocked you it was it was it was T you were taken by surprise you didn’t expect this from this person you trusted them with all your heart and soul you trusted that the information they were giving you was exactly what you wanted and what you needed they manipulated you into thinking that something was better than what it actually is and now you want truth now you’re it’s like now I need to know what’s going on for someone here it could be it could be a brother it could be a

relative and and it could be a mother’s inheritance because the empress is upside down here it could be a mother’s inheritance now and you want to know the truth what else have we got here what what else are we looking for you’re looking for your rights that’s what you’re looking for here it’s like I need to find out the truth and what are my rights the two of

Cups where do I go what do I believe in how could someone have hurt me in this manner someone that I Loved Someone that was part of importance to

me look at that the fool underneath which means I the fool is it’s like you took a risk you took a risk with someone of a masculine figure in your life you trusted this

person it was a risk that you

talk it’s a risk tell me is this good or bad is are we going to get to the end of this or not Capricorn are we we is Capricorn here going to find a solution to this one card are we going to get a solution to this situation tell me in the comments if this is your nine book that’s the five of Pentacles you are going to get out of this mess you’re going to find a way on how to get out of this mess at the moment you’re feeling at the moment you may be feeling isolated alone

tricked they’ve destroyed you they’ve promised you something or you’ve devoted your money believing that something was going to be better than what it was and you didn’t look at the details you trusted that they had your best interest at heart but you are going to get out of this state because that fell upside down so there is going to be remedy here you’re going to find information and truth and you’re going to find a way out of

this wow okay let’s see what’s the last two messages we have for Capricorn tell me in the in the messages Capricorn is this you are you battling with someone in regards to finances or being being tricked into something that you weren’t aware of how that was going to work stand your ground look at the message there stand your ground stand your ground and don’t give up it’s now not time to give up although the M the mountain might seem high right now keep going keep finding your rights keep finding what happened and get yourself out of this situation you are going to get yourself out of this situation but stand your ground with whoever it is or how to get out of this situation for everyone it’s going to be different wait for important information look at that you’re going to gain some information you are going to gain some information Capricorn in regards to this and how to get out of this situation so wait for important information don’t don’t despair right now if you you haven’t got this important information you are going to receive it you are going to get yourself out of whatever it is that you that you’re in right now financially and stand your ground and believe that you’re going to conquer this because here it says you will Capricorn I hope this has made sense to somebody here because someone really needs to hear this lots of love and light your way and thank you so much for being here



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