Capricorn Horoscope| Powerful Psychic Forecast April

by | Jun 9, 2024 | Free CAPRICORN Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Horoscope Forecast April 2024

FREE Monthly Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For April 2024. I have also be released other videos for Capricorn Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Capricorn Horoscope for the Month of April and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/capricorn-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-april/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/capricorn-horoscopepowerful-tarot-yearly-2024-forecast/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Capricorn thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live.com and psychics live.com.au today we’re here to do your April horoscope and it’s the forecast for April remembering Capricorn that we have already entered the Saturn cycle Saturn is going to be with us for 2024 all of it so Saturn brings in Things by double and what I mean by that is if you remain positive with a positive energy positive thoughts and put positive things into place plant your seeds plant your ideas now Saturn is going to help push you through 2024 to make things happen however if you’re a Capricorn that’s going to focus on what doesn’t work on the negative thoughts on things that are not so ideal and vibrate in the lowest vibration possible then you’re going to get that times too so remember Capricorn April onwards is time for you to focus on what you want your goals your dreams and make them happen we’re going to start off oh before I go Capricorn I would like to ask for your generosity if you have it in your hand heart to like this video whether it resonates or it doesn’t with you so that we reach many many other people that may need to hear this YouTube and not promoting videos that don’t have the likes so if you can like the channel so it reaches other people that would be so so forever great if this doesn’t resonate with you cuz remember I only bring you what I get so if it doesn’t resonate with you check your moon and your ascend sign lots of love let’s go we’re going to start off with your energy for April two cards for energy for April then we’re going to go into the tarot to clarify all that and then at the end we’re going to get two messages for you for April at the end and that can be things that you might need to focus on or just advice okay let’s go Capricorn what have we got for Capricorn for a April I’ve already mixed these cards we’ll give them another mix for Capricorn please mentors guides bring in April forecast and energies please that we need to know right now thank you Capricorn please for April what’s the energy for Capricorn happy happy Capricorn happy happy that makes me happy you know I’ve got this energy where I’ve got a smile from cheek to cheek and I’ve got this excitement in me I can feel this energy of excitement of being happy so something amazing is going to take place in a April for [Applause] you happy you find something you find a solution or an answer you were looking for something that you’ve been working on is going to start develop in let’s see what else have we got regeneration look at that I’m talking to Capricorns here who have gone probably through the hardest times of their life that have had challenges that have had obstacles that have had to face headon things that they would rather not have dealt with but here your regenerat your re this regeneration is you coming out of the the depths of the fire and starting to rise this is a phoenix moment where you start to rise from the bottom of all bottoms and start to take a handle on where you want to go and where you want to be this is you gaining it’s the end of a cycle of despair of pain disappointment of struggle of obstacles it’s now a new beginning a new time in your life that’s going to it’s like you’re turning the page you’re closing a chapter to begin the new and that is going to bring you a lot of Happiness Capricorn let’s see what the tarot has for you Capricorn let’s see I had this energy of happiness and then when I touched the Regeneration card I felt the the challenges that you’ve had to face so it’s a bit of mixed emotions here but don’t be because you need to have faith that’s all all is going to work out nothing no storm lasts forever no storm lasts forever write that in the comments below my storms are over and from here on in I Rise I rise to the challenge ready to rise to the challenge emotional and intellect you gain this this knowledge that you need to be at peace with yourself you need to feel good and think positive for things to be able to take place you need to change what’s happened to you you need to change your vibration you’re no longer going to carry the baggages that belong to other people or the baggage that a certain situation brought you you’re no longer going to carry that you’ve made a promise to yourself that you’re never going to fall for that again and that you’re never going to look back what is done is done what happened happened and I need to take a different step and a different mind mind set from here on in this is you getting in touch with your emotions and your mind and soul and spirit are going to be

bled you’re going to realize that you have the ultimate the

ultimate sorry I’m getting an information here one

sec you are in control of your thoughts that’s what they’re saying you are in control of your thoughts and how you feel you are in control control of how you react is what they’re saying to certain situations you are in control of what you do with what you have that’s the

message knowledge everything that you have faced everything that you’ve brought that you’ve been through has brought you a lot of knowledge a lot of experience and today hey Capricorn you’re a totally different person to what you were you you know a lot more today you’re more in tune with who you are today you’re more in tune with what others bring you you’ll know when someone’s real and when they’re not because you’ve leared to deal with that you’ve leared through your experiences of who to trust and who not to trust who to listen to and who to avoid there’s been a lot of teachings here and that has given you the

Regeneration that you need to grow and to Fly Like an

Eagle we always learn our best lessons through our hardest times

look at you look at you the eight of fire you’re ready you’re ready you’re determined your will to conquer the power within you’re smarter today than what you ever were through the experiences and the obstacles you’ve had to face today you know who you are internally The Power Within you to overcome any challenges or

obstacles the queen of air there could have been a time Capricorn where you let your thoughts dominate you where you let your thoughts bring in all the negative vibrations that it wanted you allowed your mind to make up stories that never were because the mind plays games with us and it’s so easy for each and every one of us to allow those negative thoughts to become real but today today you are or your your you are in the energy of the queen of air very controll very strategic very in charge of what your mind projects what you believe and how you react and you’re ready you’re ready at any time to walk away from situations or people that no longer serve

you you become a lot wiser a lot more in tune with how people operate how situations present themselves look at that the three of water the three of water it’s time to celebrate who you are today Capricorn it’s time to celebrate and be proud of how far you’ve come in emotionally

physically there’s something that’s an idea that you have through these lessons through your alignment with your emotions and your mind you’re going to allow yourself to dream bigger and better than ever and you’re ready to implement new ideas conquer new challenges and dream the biggest dreams you’ve had and you’re going to conquer them because you’re not here to mess around anymore you know who you are and people are going to notice you people are going to take note of what you have to say and how you come

across it’s you regaining your power the journey look at that the journey has had its dark days and it’s bright days but that Journey those paths brought you to a point of acknowledgement experience and knowledge that money couldn’t buy you are now a lot wiser and a lot more determined than

never the counselor look at that Capricorn you know what I get here that through your experiences and through everything that you’ve been through you may decide to share your experiences with others you will be a great counselor to someone who is facing the challenges you have already fought that is facing the obstacles that you have already crossed for someone here it could be just one person but they’re saying here you would be the ideal person to share your experiences to share the knowledge you’ve gained through all that you’ve been through or through what you have been through so for someone here you’ve got a gift you’ve got a gift that needs to be shared with others remember I said here that you’re going to be people are going to acknowledge you people are going to notice you that here is you coming up with an idea that you share who you are or the experiences you have gone through the knowledge you’ve

gained there’s the king of air the king of air and we’ve got the queen of air for some of you here it’s you releasing yourself from someone who didn’t allow you to be you you’ve released yourself from situ situations or people or a person in particular the king of a energy that didn’t allow you the freedom to be who you wanted to be and this may be someone who is a Gemini Libra or Aquarius that you may have been dealing

with but you’re going to free yourself from this situation now you’re not going to allow others to take control you’re now going to become the king of air you’ve gone from the queen of a with the grand ideas the St the strategy the belief the

goals to now being in control of what happens next in your life in control of how you see things look at that the eagle look at that

you now make the call you now decide what happens next and this is going to make you happy happy the mother look at that the mother for some of you it could be just one or two people you may have dealt with situations to do with your mother that you have had to make some real tough decisions about for others you may have dealt with your mother in a more um argumentive way and what I mean by that is you’ve decided that that mother figure that presents is no longer going to call the shots on your life for someone here this is going to make sense it’s like your mother tried to manip ulate you

or was a narcissist in your in your growing up and made you feel guilty for not doing things made you feel that you were not worthy enough of success that you were not capable of being your own person that you needed to look after your mother but here for some someone here you’re going to decide that no more no more for the majority of Capricorns this is you taking on the caring and the nurturing of a new project of a new idea of a new dream or goal that you have and here you’re going to nurture what you want to do next you’re going to you know when a mother looks after a child this mother is pregnant here it’s like you’re going to come up with something new that you’re going to protect and you’re going to look after and nurture and care so that it grows it’s like you’re planning a new a new project a new career and you’re planting all the seeds and then you’re going to Mother it until it’s ready to

Glow to

prosper some of you here are going to start a new project or a new business and you’re going to nurture this like it was your own baby for those of you here that want to have a baby it’s also very strong here there’s a huge connection here of a new idea that you have or a new proess you’re going to follow to fall pregnant don’t know who that is for but that that energy is there too look at that Capricorn you’re done with the fighting you just want happy happy now the old is gone you now free yourself from battles that you’ve had to face hard times that were challenging arguments that you’ve had to conquer you don’t want this life anymore you’ve made that very clear that’s the past this fighting this egocentric fighting and challenges with other people in your life it’s finished it’s done you don’t want that anymore you’re now freeing yourself to be the best that you can be and you just want to have a new life that’s going to bring you a lot of Happy happiness and this is the new you remember I said before that you C out anyone or anything that didn’t bring you Prosperity happiness and joy this is you freeing yourself from those situations or those people that put you in that

situation does that make sense in April You Take Control in April will you take control what else have we got what’s the two what else have we got for Capricorn oh what El this the Capricorn needs tonight before we finish the reading but in April you’re in control

Capricorn I love what I do look at that Embrace embrace the flow of Life embrace the way you you want to live Embrace what you want for your life Embrace what it is that you want to do without worrying about judgment from others manipulation of others embrace the flow of life that makes you happy regeneration is you regenerating your life in a new Happy way one more


oops no you are loved you’re not a lion Capricorn even though sometimes you may feel alone you may feel that there’s no one there to talk to to uh Listen to You are not alone you are loved you are loved by people in your life but more than that you are loved by the higher Creator your mentors and guides who you can talk to at any time just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean you can’t have a conversation with them put out there what you want to tell them tell them what you want tell them how you want to achieve it tell them what your dreams are your secret are because they will not tell us

all look at that trust all will be well so for those of you that are still going through the end of a hard time April is the Turning Page for you April is the Turning Page of you taking control and and Rec creating your happiness recreating your new world Capricorn I hope that makes sense to someone here let me know in the comments lots of love and light your way thank you so much for being here



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