Capricorn Horoscope| Powerful Forecast March Week 2

by | Apr 10, 2024 | Free CAPRICORN Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Horoscope Forecast March Week 2

FREE Monthly Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For March Week 2 2024. I have also be released other videos for Capricorn Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Capricorn Horoscope for the Month of March and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Capricorn thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from Tarot readings and psychics so let’s see what energies we have for Capricorn this week I apologies I’m still in another location but as of next week we’re back to normal let’s see what we have for Capricorn please Capricorn energy for Capricorn okay a message a message

Capricorn and on the bottom of the deck is the tower which can talk about um a workplace it can talk about a home it can talk about a promotion it can talk about something official it can talk about uh government government issues or Justice something that you’re waiting on is here there’s a message coming through about any of those things let’s see what the tarot has for us I pop that there cuz I really want to understand what this message is bringing what’s it about what’s this message for Capricorn please yeah Capricorn thank [Music] you for [Music] Capricorn the magician Capricorn what are you creating there what magic are you creating whatever it is it’s going to be magnificent it’s something that you have wanted you’ve manifested it you’ve asked for it and it’s like I’ve asked for this dream this goal this wish that I’ve had and this message brings that it may be that you’re buying a new home and you get the message that you are successful with your bid it could be that you’ve applied for a a a job you’ve always wanted and you get the job you’ve wanted a [Music] promotion what is it that we’re talking about here the Capricorn what’s the magician represent what what is what is it with the magician with the letter it’s great news it’s not bad [Applause]

news Capricorn what did I say to you look at that look at the Treasure full of money Pentacles is money look at that it’s like you’re going to receive news about a job or an opportunity or a win even you may have won something you may have won the lotto you may have won the a raffle that you’ve put in and it’s a brand new home it’s something that’s going to be extraordinary for you but I feel here that you’ve asked for this you’ve manifested

this so I don’t know what it is that you’ve asked for but whatever it is look at that and whatever it is is going to set yourself free it’s like it’s a dream come true it’s a decision I made and it’s come I’ve manifested this I’ve said it to the universe it was there’s only so much I could have done but setting it free to the universe has brought me this I’ve waited for this to

come Capricorn I was going to say Aquarius that Capricorn this is you may be dealing with an aquarius oh look at this it’s the end of a cycle the end of a cycle the cycle of Hope of dreams of goals it’s an you’re putting an end to a cycle that you wanted to get out of it’s the end I don’t know what you’re going through Capricorn but it’s like that cycle has ended now I’m now free to enjoy the abundance I’m now free to enjoy what I asked for I am abundant in many many ways set your gratification Capricorn if you haven’t received this you will and I want you to come back and put it in the comments if this resonates with you please let me know but you are definitely getting a message it’s going to change your life it’s going to change things for you it’s the end of a cycle of suffering an end of a cycle of hoping and wishing it’s at the end of a cycle of wanting something to happen it’s here you may even travel the world you may even move to another location it allows you to do something you’ve wanted to do for someone here it could be that you were waiting on a Visa for your new home overseas to be able to travel to be able to move to a new location like you waiting for for a message to come through but with that going to come prosper it

abundance that came upside down look at that that came upside down and that’s the two of Swords what you weren’t sure of before now you will know you weren’t sure whether you could man Manifest this or not you weren’t sure if you were ever going to see this happen you weren’t sure if this was ever going to take place but Capricorn it’s going to take place so you’re going to be sure now that things are taking place you’ve got a huge huge reason to celebrate and set yourself free from that worry that

anxiety that crust over that look at the oh I love what I do Capricorn look at that the star you know how I said you weren’t sure now you are well the star fell exactly on top of that which means things are now clear things are now what it should be what you asked for and I feel here that you have had a huge part in this it’s not like you sat back and H for things to fall in your lap you did everything you possibly could do to make this happen and the rest just laid the rest the the final decision comes here in this letter in this

message it was always meant to be the universe your guides your mentors were always going to help you through this in their time you may have wanted it to happen 6 months ago or 4 months ago but it’s finally here it’s finally

yours oh two okay oh look at this Capricorn you were strong throughout all this turbulence that you went through the fight the hoping the wishing the praying the

manifesting the strength that you had has brought you to options decisions that you now have to make I feel here that some Capricorn here felt like they had lost hope at one stage but now because you were strong because you you persisted because you didn’t give up you wanted it so badly that your wanting your strength your desire to make this happen is what’s giving you these

opportunities I don’t know what it is Capricorn please tell me but this is beautiful beautiful look at that on the bottom of that deck is the ace of cups if this is a relationship you’ve got it if this is something a new home you’ve got it it’s going to be super emotional for you it’s going to mean the world to you and I don’t know what this is and it could be a visa to move over to live with a loved one somewhere else to move to another country to live with your partner I don’t know for everyone it’s going to be different but whatever it is it’s here it’s coming this message is

coming I hope this makes sense to somebody here Capricorn lots of love and light your way thank you so much for being here



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