Capricorn Horoscope| Powerful Forecast March Week 1

by | Mar 30, 2024 | Free CAPRICORN Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Horoscope Forecast March Week 1

FREE Monthly Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For March Week 1 2024. I have also be released other videos for Capricorn Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Capricorn Horoscope for the Month of March and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Capricorn my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and we’re here to do your horoscope for the next week apologies as I’m in a different scenery today and we’re just going to do the best we can but I couldn’t leave you without a message um so it’s important that you receive your message and I want my guides and mentors to come in and show Capricorn what it is that you want me to pass on to them today the page of cups a new love a new inspiration a new person a new place it’s someone coming to offer you a new opportunity a new a new abundance in love a message of prosperity a message of of Love let me have a look the seven of Pentacles a lot of you may be waiting for this opportunity to come through Capricorn and this is going to take you to a place of being able to um capture what you deserve this may be a promotion you may get promoted at work which in turn is going to be a lot more finances coming into your life you may have a new opportunity a new job offer but this comes in love it comes in prosperity it’s going to take you to a place of abundance for some of you you may have been working extremely extremely hard and you get that one client that one business proposal that one partner that gives you that opportunity to Branch out put your product out there uh sell who you are and in turn that’s going to bring you Financial abundance so for someone here you’re going to get an opportunity of a lifetime there’s a lot of Anguish here the five of Wands it’s like you’ve been waiting for this to happen for some of you here you’ve been having an internal battle was being scared that this was not going to take place that this option or this opportunity was never going to come through but for someone here as well you may be arguing with someone in regards to finances it could be a loved one as well it could be arguing about an opportunity that you were given and now people are holding back money that belongs to you so I don’t know what Journey you’re on right now but there is also that that um that issue of you fighting for what’s yours fighting for that and that’s going to come to an end here you’ve got the death card for some of you here you’re going to resolve an issue that was really worrying you and bringing a lot of anxiety into your life a lot of torture and a lot of um battles that you’ve had to defend but that comes to an end now it’s like there’s a cycle here that’s ending and that cycle is going to bring you a lot of prosperity look at that the page of Wands you’ve got new mess messages here like there’s a message of love for those of you looking for love and there’s also a message of you moving forward in a particular area in your life that could be to do with your career your opportunities but whatever that may be it’s a it’s a new message coming through from somebody that’s going to allow you to get out of the anguish that you’re in right now and move forward for some of you here you are going to have an opportunity to bring home the prosperity that you deserve and that’s going in turn to be to be fantastic for your family this may be a business that you’re selling or something that you’ve sold and it could be a family home but that’s going to bring a lot of Happiness it’s like I’ve I’ve got what I deserved we got what we deserved we got what we wanted what we we expecting it’s like here you may be selling a family home or you may be selling a business or something here that’s going to bring you a lot of prosperity and it’s also Al going to be fantastic for you and your family tell me about this five of Wands what are we fighting about here changes look at that no longer are you going to have to fight with people that don’t see eye to eye with you deal with egos that are way too high and here I do feel Capricorn that it’s time now to change things that happened in the past for some of you here you may have had a fight with a family member with someone of huge importance to you and now is the time to change that around things are going to change and allow that change to happen sometimes we need to put our EOS aside and our and our rights and reasons in order and negotiate with the other person um and and things do take a turn here it’s like something is going to change to take you out of that position of argument here we have the nine of swords and unfortunately here and you know I always am true Capricorn but here this this card brings me something that you’re going to put an end to that’s really going to bother you for others it’s going to be a good cause putting an end to something that no longer serves you but for someone here it’s like you’re finishing up something but you’re finishing up either a relationship or a job or a proposal or something here of great importance to you because it’s weighing to too much on you and you may this also may be for someone that’s losing their job losing their partner it can also be um a loss of of a family member and I’m really really sorry for those people that it belongs to but whatever this loss is is going to be a loss that’s going to have a heaviness in your heart and you may lose some sleep and some time worrying about this but just know that uh whatever this may be is is going to open up some choices that you’re going to need to make so with this with this departure or with this ending you’re going to need to make choices and re-evaluate what’s important to you that’s why this Wheel of Fortune and the fighting is here it’s like something’s coming to an end but that’s going to ask you to make choices and make different choices and that may be a hard thing for you to do because you here you’ve got the nine of Swords which tells me that you’ve been ex extremely worried about a situation but for some reason you know deep down in your heart that whatever this may be you need to put an end to it it’s been taxing your energy and your mind for way too long it’s time for that change to come so this arguing disagreements and everything comes to an end and with that is going to bring you the choices here I don’t know if that’s going to make sense to a lot of Capricorns here I hope it helps somebody but lots of love and light your way thank you Capricorn

[Music] bye-bye


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