Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Horoscope Forecast For March 2024
FREE Monthly Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For March 2024. I have also be released other videos for Capricorn Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Capricorn Horoscope for the Month of February and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Capricorn thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from Tarot Readings and we’re here to do your reading for March for the month of March so what do we have here for Capricorn please energies for Capricorn please what do we have thank you trust your instincts Capricorn in March it’s going to be super important that you trust your instincts your instincts never lie if something doesn’t feel right that’s because it’s not and when you know something feels right and you can feel and you’re happy about that when you think of it you you become happy then you know that that’s right and here trust your instincts is going to be so important for you in March says something may come around or someone may come around and it’s going to require you you to see beyond what’s been shown to you see beyond what’s been said trust your instincts don’t question them because sometimes we ignore our instincts and it ends up that we we should have listened to them let go of the need to be right whoops Capricorn let go of the need to be right say here there’s something that they’re challenging you on Capricorn your guides and mentors and your ancestors because this is the ancestor and Angel deck and it’s saying follow your instincts in March but let go of the need to be right so something might happen in March and you may be in a situation where you need to pick your battles even though you may not agree 100 100% or you have an opinion on a situation or a person Let It Go sometimes wanting to be right takes away your power because you then get into arguments and it becomes a battle that nobody’s going to win because everyone’s got their own opinions and in March you holding back on wanting to be right May the best step for you in that situation or with that person if you feel that you’re not going to win a battle because someone is really uh arrogant or really um stron headed or they have got strong opinions about something then just let it go it’s it’s about March is going to be a time where you need to pick your battles let’s see what else we have have for Capricorn please thank you pick the battles okay I’ll take the cards and then we’ll go into it the five of Michael mhm that makes sense the page of
Ariel the five of Ariel that’s two fives here
Capricorn New Beginnings major Arcana
the king of Gabriel
beautiful and the ice of Gabriel beautiful and on the bottom a amazing the empress Capricorn it’s not going to be as bad as what we what I first thought when I saw these cards this is a situation that for someone here you’re going to have to realize that something or someone will never change and the way you look at this person or this situation you’re going to have to make a choice and you know when we said about trust your instincts they’re right if something didn’t feel right and has not been right for quite some time then your instincts are telling you that and they’re saying it’s time to let go of things that no longer serve you that are no longer good for you that are never going to change that no matter how much you say or do it’s never going to help the situation so it comes to a point where we need to let go of that certain person that certain situation and walk away from it to start a new to start a new life without that person to start a new career leaving that old one behind so it it here it’s it’s an assessment and it’s an assessment of is it worthwhile trying to be right in something that’s not going to
change so there may be a situation in March that that comes to the Forefront there the other thing that I have here as well is there there’s someone here that may be given an opportunity of a new job a new study or a new proposal a new uh promotion even at work it’s like someone here is going to offer you something that is going to be of value to you and you can assess this situation and if it feels right and all the Agreements are right and everything looks good then you’ll know that but if something’s not right you may need to negotiate or change things to suit and make it right but I do feel here that someone someone beautiful here offers you an opportunity to do something of importance to you in March you may get a job offer you may get a proposal you may get a a um a position to start something new in a in a colge in a in a somewhere but this is an offering that comes your way and this person offering you this job the person you may be dealing with could be a fire sign so an Aries a Leo or Sagittarius and here they’re saying to you if if this job or if this education scholarship uh proposition promotion is offered to you and it’s not exactly the way you want it but you can live with it then look at the bigger picture is there room to grow and move in this organization is this whilst you’ve got a start at the bottom or whilst this is an offer that that you start in a position that you wanted more from then is there room to grow and work towards something else look at the Bigg picture rather than what’s offered to you straight up front if that makes
sense we’ve also got here um an opportunity for you to create something and what I’m saying here is someone here is you may be lonely or you may be questioning whether you’re for whether you’re ever going to meet that right person and here they’re saying be be positive and go forward with what you know you will know where to go you will know what’s right for you you will know what you will like if this if you feel that you’ve been left out of something or that you don’t feel that that that situation or that person is for you then make make moves to move on don’t be in a place or with somebody or in a group if you can’t see yourself in that group you need to make choices to leave a situation if it’s not right and here with the empress on the bottom of the deck you’re going to have a month of creativity a month of abundance you’re going to have a lot of nurture and love shown to you either by the those that you love or people that show you appreciation for who you are so in March although you’re going to make some tough choices and you’re going to listen to your instinct there is a lot here that’s going to make you feel that at the end of March you’ve accomplished what you came here to accomplish and you’ve you’ve set yourself on a more peaceful and tranquil path than what you start March off with okay let’s see and and going back to that card we understand now that being right is not always the best option sometimes it’s not even worth having the arguments when we know that something’s not going to change or something is just not good for us anymore it’s time that we make the choice to leave and walk get ourselves out of that situation look at that Capricorn open up to to change open up to change sometimes when we hang on to something in hope that it’s going to change or we stay with someone in hope that that person will one day change we realize that they won’t and when we walk away from that we open ourselves up to changes coming to our lives sometimes we can’t get the new unless we need we let go of the old that no longer suits us
honor your feelings don’t let anybody tell you that what you feel is wrong and that what you think is wrong you need to honor your feelings remember we said trust your instincts honor them because your instincts are never going to be wrong they guide us they show us except the problem is that sometimes us as humans fail to listen to what our inner voice is saying and we go with what we think or what we’re hoping that it’s going to be where where most where most of the time nearly all of the time we should have listened to our inner voice mostly all the time we should always listen to our inner voice because your guides and your mentors and your inner voice is what’s going to guide you to the right path that’s right for you and when something’s not right we know because our instincts are telling us that it’s that little voice within us saying this is never going to change reflect on your priorities it’s now important for you to set your priorities what’s important to you Capricorn what are you doing that are you doing everything that’s important to you or are you doing things that are important to others what are your priorities right now and it’s going to be a time for you to reflect in March and reassess what’s important to you today lots of love and light all your way Capricorn thank you so much
[Music] bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)