Capricorn Horoscope| Powerful Forecast January Week 4

by | Feb 1, 2024 | Free CAPRICORN Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For January Week 4 2024

FREE Weekly Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For January Week 4 2024. I have also be released other videos for Capricorn Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Capricorn Horoscope for the Month of January and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both January Forecast with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here::


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Capricorn thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings and I just realized that your candle has come out so let’s get you a new candle I hope everybody’s well remember Capricorn that if this doesn’t resonate with you please release it back to the energy and check your moon and your ascendant sign as there may be something there for you so we need to light that handle for you so we bring in your guides your mentors and everything that I need to share with you today so let’s go what have we got for Capricorn please intuition Capricorn use that intuition you may be at an end of a cycle and you’re you’re you’re unsure about how to finish this off and what they’re saying is or how to implement something new what they’re saying is use your intuition you’ll see things now like never before you’ll see things that you couldn’t see before but only if you put that intuition into practice that’s going to be the difference between you finding your answer and your solution listen to that inner voice if it feels right it is if it doesn’t feel right it’s not thirst it’s like I’m speaking to someone here that has got an absolute that’s 10 and 10 it’s you you’ve got this huge urge to change you’ve got this huge urge to start something new you might not know how to right now or you may not be seeing things as clearly as possible but if you use your intuition it’s going to guide you to the right path it’s going to Veer you in the direction that that that they’re pushing you to some here are resisting change you’re resisting wanting to know you’re so much in your mind and Confused that you’re not taking time out to meditate and really get in tune with what your body and your inner voice is telling you Now’s the Time to use that thirst to want more but to do it you need to step back you need to take one step back and calm yourself down allow yourself to see and hear what your intuition is telling you and then let yourself be guided to change does that make sense to somebody here is that what you’re after change are you finding it hard to get that answer that path that Vision that you need to make that next move is is that what’s

happening the mother it’s like you’re trying to give something trying to give something birth you’re trying to start something new and you this card fell sideways which means it’s in a blocked position it means that whilst you want something new and you’ve got The Thirst to bring something new into your life you just can’t see right now the way to do it or you don’t have the Intuition or you’re not listening to your intuition to see what needs to be done they’re saying here Capricorn the secret is within you you need to just take time out to hear it and allow yourself to see it

what else have we got for Capricorn please the central it’s about this is about grounding yourself allowing yourself go into nature and really getting connecting connecting with the trees the plants taking your shoes off allowing yourself to feel the air feel that breeze feel feel what what they’re trying to show you what they’re trying to make you

feel Capricorn this is you you ground yourself I think in the last in the last reading one of you and one of the air one of the Earth signs it was getting to your element and if that was you cuz I can’t remember any readings that I’ve done already it’s asking you to do that again so if nothing else Capricorn ground yourself go into your element there is your

answer look at all these keys of opportunity look at the earrings full of keys of

opportunity you’re just not seeing the opportunity you’re not allowing your third eye to get connect with your inner

s why I got to look at that the journey there are always going to be dark and light sides to any Journey we take what they’re saying Capricorn here is you need to find the medium of both those sides everything is going to have challenges but everything has light get yourself in the middle the minute you connect yourself to your element which is Earth and the minute you allow yourself to hear what your inner voice is telling you you’ll find the correct path to take at the moment you standing in between two parts and this one’s so this one’s dark that you can’t see through and this one’s too light that you can’t see

clearly so you’re standing there in limbo thinking which way do I go which path do I

choose and in the meantime you’re finding a battle within yourself at times you’re strong enough to know what to do but at others you’re pulling yourself away from that belief that want that Vision it’s like your intuition is fighting with you saying listen to me and you’re saying no hold on a sec I need to think about

this so you’ve got an internal battle happening within you which path do I take where do I go is this right for me is this going to

work I don’t know what your battle is here Capricorn and for everyone it’s going to be different but I can tell you now that what they’re showing here is ground yourself and have a very clear Journey the only way to do that is to listen to your inner voice listen to the feelings you’re having the thoughts you’re having write things down meditate allow yourself to feel allow yourself to think feel and just know within that heart of yours follow your heart

you’re leaving a place this thirst is you leaving a place that no longer serves you you know that where you are right now the chapter’s closed the the the story

ends but you’re still in that story because you can’t see how to get out of it you’re still in that place with that person with those

people Capricorn

pleas there’s arguments there’s disagreements there’s ego plays there’s manipulation here no one is understanding each

other but how do I get out how am I going to get out of this situation what’s your heart telling you Capricorn what’s your heart telling you to do if you could make any decision tomorrow what would that be without fear without

worry that’s what they’re asking you to connect with feel

it are you feeling abandoned lonely there’s no one to talk to there’s no one you can share your feelings with about how you truly feel about a situation are you feeling like there’s no answers for you right now that you’re in despair in an area of your life that you wish was better

are you in a place of not being able to see where to go how to get

up because Capricorn there’s your key there’s a key here and there’s a lock the minute you decide enough of this for me is the day that you get up you’ve got two fives here that’s a spiritual number 55 look it up in Google 55 angel number that angel has a message for you listen to your to conversations that take place around you look at clearly at things that you see that are out of the norm ask the universe to give you ask your mentors and guides to give you signs and ask

questions this is someone that wants to get out of a position they’re in there’s a huge a huge

push no too many cards sorry one at a time thanks one at a time I need one at a time at this stage thank you Capricorn

please go with your heart we just spoke about that Capricorn the answer to you beginning your new the answer and the solution that you need to solve your issue listen to your heart what’s it telling you to do the new idea the new thought the new feeling is all going to come when you listen to that beautiful heart of yours and what it’s telling

you one more card pleas Capricorn thank

you the Queen of Swords it’s like you’ve been in a battle you’ve been in a place where it it is less desirable for you where you didn’t enjoy where you didn’t want to be and here you sit and you think with your sword facing down you’re not in the in the mood anymore for fighting you’ve had enough of the fighting of the anguish of the disagreements the

disappointments you sit here alone in thought about what to do next and the universe is saying to you Capricorn listen to that beautiful heart of yours the answer is within


okay let’s see what else have we got for Capricorn please for last messages for Capricorn tell me if this makes sense look at that that flew out just then conclusions are within reach you’re going to conclude this believe it or not this cycle this book that you want to close so you can start a new chapter is about to conclude the minute you listen to that inner voice through your heart you’ll know what to

do don’t let pride get in your way don’t let other people’s opinions thoughts [Music] words change what you you want to do don’t let Pride doesn’t matter about being Pride it doesn’t matter about having Pride if you’re unhappy I’d rather be happy than have pride I’d rather be humble and happy than be known for being the hero of my

sadness if there’s something that you need to clude if there’s something you need to fix do it because Pride stops US sometimes from doing the right things saying the right things and being who we truly are Pride stops us from achieving what we truly want in the heart so they’re saying don’t let pride get in the way everyone makes mistakes everyone says things that don’t mean does things that don’t

mean emotions are running high it’s obviously something that’s affecting you here

Capricorn because for your pride to be in the way and for your emotions to run high it’s like your you’re letting the emotions the the the you’re sorry you’re letting your pride over take the emotions and that’s why they’re saying to you go with your heart and you’ll know what to

do it doesn’t have to be right for everybody else as long as it’s right for you and it doesn’t matter what you’ve said and done as long as what you do now is right and true to you I hope makees sense to somebody here Capricorn lots of love and light thank you so much

[Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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