Capricorn Horoscope| Powerful Forecast January Week 2

by | Jan 31, 2024 | Free CAPRICORN Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For January Week 2 2024

FREE Weekly Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For January Week 2 2024. I have also be released other videos for Capricorn Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Capricorn Horoscope for the Month of January and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both January Forecast with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:: https://psychicslive.com.au/capricorn-horoscope-powerful-forecast-for-january-2024/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/capricorn-horoscopepowerful-tarot-yearly-2024-forecast/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Oh beautiful Capricorn thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live and today we’re going to do your reading for the next one to two weeks so um today we’re going to start off with some energies and Tarot and then the last message will be the moon deck um that will give you a message so let’s see what we’ve got Capricorn for all our beautiful subscribers I’d like to say thank you so much for commenting likeing sharing it’s all an absolute M uh need for the channel to grow so with that I just want to say thank you so much you’re marvelous and you’re wonderful and I’m sh and I want to send you lots of love and light I hope 2024 brings you lots of Happiness wealth abundance and prosperity so thank you so much Capricorn let’s go what have we got for Capricorn please

purification purification Capricorn purification is when you may you may feel that something or an area of your life needs to be purified because the way that it is right now is not good for you or for the situation that you see yourself in purification means that you need to cleanse something cleanse an area of your life that is not satisfying you that is not helping you that is not allowing you to be who you want to be do what you want to do something here needs

action it’s like can I just tell you here we got three and four which is seven seven is don’t give up it’s like something is stagnated or something didn’t work out the way you had

planned but it’s saying it needs purification it needs to be brought back to the basic it needs to be looked at in a very innocent way of purifying the comp the complexity of it I don’t know if that makes sense to anybody but that’s the message I’m getting here it’s like something be has become too big and too complex or too hard and rather than giving up on it don’t give up make go back and purify it clean it fix it make it more simple because the way it is now it’s it’s way too complicated too toxic too

heavy that’s the energy I got here Capricorn something is just focus look at that Focus it’s going to require you to focus it requires your focus on this particular situation or this relationship or this part of your life that needs cleansing that needs structure that needs love nurturing caring it needs Focus you know when you’re focused on something you it’s it’s like it’s a

treasure it’s

precious Resurrection it’s like you’ve got to resurrect it the way it is or the way it was or the way it has been is not working you need to not give up on it like we spoke about before but you need to resurrect it so that it can shine in its

Purity in its glow it’s in its beauty and abundance you can create recreate this situation this relationship to become something beautiful in your life it just needs attention it needs nurturing it needs caring and focus for some reason you’ve lost your

focus and the universe is saying

here it’s time Capricorn to resurrect something and make it beautiful again make it pure again allow it to serve its

purpose maybe something you’ve given up

on let’s see what else we have for

Capricorn what else have we got for Capricorn


something that made you sad

disappointed betray your trust something that hurt

you what else have we

got another two cards please the Sun what a beautiful

card one more one more

place the seven of

Wands Capricorn can I just tell you this I don’t know that everyone is going to be different cuz everyone’s on a different journey and everyone’s dealing with a different thing but the energy I have here for for you Capricorn is this that someone it doesn’t have to be your partner but someone that you loved that you cared about that was your everything that brought a lot of sunshine into your life has disappointed you has hurt you by things that they said by things that they

did and you were distraught to some extent you never expected to be treated like that or to be spoken to like

that and that hurt you immensely immensely mentally I’m getting this feeling of I was torn my heart was torn apart I didn’t expect that from that somebody or that

situation and so you decided then that you were going to protect yourself from everything and everyone you lost faith in people you lost faith in relation ships for some you lost faith in believing you lost faith in trust

loyalty you lost faith in a lot of things

Capricorn and you protected Yourself by isolating yourself from outside forces from outside energies from situations that could hurt you from from people that were important to you as well but you lost faith in humanity in some cases to that

extent tell me in the comments if this if if this is

you and it’s no mistake that the bottom of the card is you left you left this relationship ship you’ve left this person behind you’ve left this

situation you no longer are going to allow these people this person this situation to hurt

you heavy

heavy I just need to clear off this energy it’s heavy Capricorn heavy let me know in the comments oh and it knocked out the sun this card whatever it is knocked out the

Sun for some of you you may you may have been dealing with someone who is a fire sign Aquarius sorry apologies apologies um a fire sign Aries Leo or Sagittarius you may have been dealing with someone of those signs or you or they have it very strongly in their in their chart like an a Rising Sun or a moon sign but that’s the fire sign is Aries Leo or Sagittarius because this card fell out and it knocked that Sun out of the way it’s like this person this person took your Sunshine out of your

life they broke your

heart through all the arguments all the ego fighting I’m

right there were many times of

disagreements where you couldn’t see eye to eye you were not on the same

page but you never expected this person to take that sunshine


I really feel a strong Aries Leo or Sagittarius here I don’t know if you’re dealing with one of those

Capricorn you’re going to find your abundance your happiness and your joy very very

soon they may have had you down and out they may have taken that

Sunshine but now it’s asking you Aquarius now I understand Aquarius sorry Capricorn now Capricorn I understand the purification it’s you purifying yourself after that circumstance that hurt it’s you cleansing yourself from that energy you walked away from th those people from that person from that situation to clean yourself from that

negativity the focus needed to be on you resurrecting yourself the focus was on you resurrecting your heart your being your soul and your spirit to regain who you once were to regain that beautiful heart that you hold

inside resurrecting life you protected yourself but that protection is going to bring you a lot of Happiness being protected and having the time out away from everything and everyone to really think about things made you realize that there’s more to life than what you’ve been dealing with of what you’ve been putting up with you deserve more you want


the seven of

Cups what you thought was not what you imagined turned out the opposite and although you’re alone now although you’re alone you’re in a place of Peace trying to understand and put the puzzle back together of what

happened it’s a time now for you to focus on yourself on purifying yourself from that negativity that situation and that person it’s now time to resurrect and find the joy in life again the love the abundance that life has to

offer you’re going to find your happiness again not straight away but there is hope when you reconstruct that beautiful heart of

yours Capricorn of sor sorry if I mentioned Aquarius in this reading because there is a huge presence here of Aquarius as well but Aquarius is uh an an air sign which is a lot about thinking they rule the mind so I don’t know what it is maybe someone’s helping you see things differently and they’re an Aquarius or you may have Aquarius in your chart quite

strongly your dreams need a practical plan it’s now time to go back to the drawing board and put all your dreams and goals on to paper your dreams need a practical plan plan it all out Capricorn you’re very good at that make a plan of how you want your life to be how you want to move


wow I flew out Pro what did I say what did I say Capricorn Prosperity lies

ahead Prosperity lies ahead what you’ve been through is in the past now and there’s only one way to look forward and that’s keep

going your Prosperity lies

ahead and it’s funny because um you’re very much an earth sign with Taurus and Virgo and here it’s all Earth go out into nature Capricorn and allow yourself to absorb those beautiful energies from the trees from the birds from sitting on the grass go barefoot walk on the grass on the soil on the sand go for a swim in the in the water cleanse cleanse that

energy that’s part of purify ation allowing yourself to let go of those feelings of those thoughts of those that hurt that pain leave that and resurrect like a Lotus does from where you least expect it a Lotus comes from Waters that you would never imagine a beautiful flower coming out


bring love into the situation bring love back to yourself to the people that really have your best interest at heart Bring love and understanding that it wasn’t your fault everyone has to answer for their baggage and what happened capr rorn it’s not your baggage to

carry I hope that makes sense here for somebody please let me know you don’t have to share with me your um circumstance because obviously it can be very hurting and I don’t want you to go back to that place but just say it resonates and that’s all I need to know that I actually got to the person that needs to hear this and if you know any other Capricorns that need to hear this please pass it to them lots of love and light thank you so much


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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