Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For January Week 1 2024
FREE Weekly Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For January Week 1 2024. I have also be released other videos for Capricorn Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Capricorn Horoscope for the Month of January and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both January Forecast with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here::
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Capricorn thank you so much for being here today my beautiful ones and today I want to say I hope you’ve had a beautiful Christmas or some time off if it wasn’t your Christmas and I also want to say um that I wish that 2024 brings you a lot of prosperity a lot of joy and Tranquility into your life Capricorn we’re going to start off with a message and then a Tarot and I also want to let you know that we have uh a membership uh option on the channel now and with that membership option it’s in three categories and there’s an option there which is the gold one where you have zoom calls face to face with me and on there you can ask questions and um I’ll be doing some videos for our members and sending them to them um pre-recorded so you can watch it at any time that you wish personal videos and you’ll also no matter what package you get um I think it’s the silver and the gold that you’ll get the videos first first and foremost for everybody else that doesn’t want to become a member I totally respect that and you will still remain with these free videos as the purpose here is to help everybody okay let’s go and see what we have full Capricorn second chakra archangel Uriel so I did a card before Capricorn for you and I had to stop the video but the first chakra came up now you’ve got the second chakra it’s like your Bas has been rocked by some bad news or it’s been rocked by something that you didn’t expect it’s like you’ve been taken um by surprise in regards to something so something may have happened in the last couple of weeks or the last couple of days that have that has shaken your base your core it’s it’s made you reassess what’s important in life and made made you reassess where you’re at in your life at the moment so I don’t know what’s happened here Capricorn but for some it may be that you’ve been you’ve been shaken up by some information or by somebody in your life and that has that has shaken your base where you’re not comfortable in the place or the or what you’re dealing with right now and I don’t know what that is so let’s see what we can get from the tarot for Capricorn pleas thank you the six of Wands whatever it is it could be a big surprise Capricorn it’s something that is a victory it’s something that you may not have expected and it’s come through it’s like you have applied for a job or you’ve applied for something or you’ve uh put a proposal for new house or a new rental whatever it may be and you didn’t expect for that to come through and it does and then you think wow what do I do now it’s actually happened and I I I feel here Capricorn that a lot of you may have not believed that it would happen it’s definitely a surprise because the six of Wands is is a victory card something surprised you something took you by surprise the page of Swords a new idea that you had it’s it may be a new idea that you’ve put into place and you thought this may or may not work and by surprise it’s taken off it’s it’s above and beyond what you imagined so this rocking of your base chakra and your second chakra is actually taking you by surprise to the point where you’re a bit unstable lable about what to do next the empress for some of you here it’s a creativity you you’ve used your creativity to come up with something or invent something or start something something that you didn’t you questioned whether it was going to work or not but you did it just to test the waters just to see how it would be received by others and and to your surprise it’s actually worked to your surprise it’s done above and beyond what you could have imagined Capricorn what is this that you’re
doing the four of cups for some of you it took you by surprise
that you viewed things one way but it turned up being something something totally different and it could be a new partner it’s like you wanted to meet someone you put the fillers out there and lo and behold someone amazing has just popped up and you may have gone on a date with this person and thought I never imagined I’ve been on a hundred dates and none have worked and I’ve had that mentality of I’m not going to try again but for some reason you gave it one or go so for someone here it could be someone new that you met out of nowhere where you least expected it and this person has shown you that there’s more to life more that you need to believe
in and it’s taken you by surprise the lovers look at that it is is for some of you it’s it’s someone you’ve met for others it could be a new project something that you’ve put into place to test the waters and it’s worked for others it’s someone new someone that you didn’t even expect to meet and you didn’t expect for you to get along so well because your past dates or your past meetings have not gone so well it’s like you thought oh yeah I got to lose or go it doesn’t matter and lo and behold look at this the Page of Cups the new beginning a new beginning of a new relationship a new beginning of a new bond that you’ve formed and you want to go forward with this person it’s a beginning it’s a new relationship a new project something that you love something that you you’ve put into place not expecting it to be a certain way however that’s taken you by surprise how good is that Capricorn because when I first put it down the for someone here it’s something that’s rocked you and it’s not as good but that could be just for one or two people the rest it’s looking great look at that the two of cups make no mistake this is definitely a relationship a new beginning of someone that comes to fulfill your life and when you least expected it for some of you you’d given up on love you’d given up on finding that Mr or mrss right you’d given up on wanting to be loved and being loved and lo and behold when you least expect it that’s when they come into your life when you’d given up the search when you’d given up the wanting when you’d given up on love it appears out of
nowhere for others it’s a new project a new Bond a new a new proposal with someone who’s going to be empowering for you in your business ventures for others it’s definitely love
here a proposition that someone here may get a proposition to be part of a project or a company that’s going to give them a huge amount of stance look at that the strength for some of you you may be scared of this new beginning scared of this new start you weren’t prepared for it you didn’t expect it so quickly you thought it was never going to happen you’d given up on the hope of you finding that person finding that that proposal or that opportunity and here they say have the strength you’ve got what it takes Capricorn you just need to believe that this has happened for a reason and a purpose that it wasn’t by mistake nothing happens by mistake
Capricorn for some of you here for one person here can I just say for one person here you may find out that you’re pregnant and this has taken you by surprise you’d given up on on trying to fall pregnant you’d given up on trying IVF and everything else to do with the pregnancy you’d given up because you’ve been disappointed time and time time again however the shock is that now you are pregnant and the new beginning of a new love
Begins the king of swords look at that you’re wearing your crown and seeing things from a different perspective a new truth a new belonging a new adventure a new life with truth with
honesty your new beginning commences here Capricorn welcome to
2024 wow and look at that the end of a cycle of Torment of disbelief of sadness of hurt and pain it’s the end of a cycle of no longer belonging no longer being able to achieve that’s how you felt I’m never going to achieve this I’m never going to have this it wasn’t meant for me I’m just not meant to be loved or find that love or or be a mom or a dad and L and behold when you least expect it that’s when it took place congratulations Capricorn whatever it is let me know in the comments below but what a beautiful beautiful reading I hope this finds whoever it is that need needs to find because you’re coming out of a period of absolute torment and pain and giving up to a period of new new belief new understanding new new acceptance new love new purpose pardon me new
purpose and and here it’s like you know I I I just had this thing through my throat and it’s like now you want to tell the world now you want to tell the
world you want to share with people you’re still doubting whether this some of you some of you are still doubting whether this is true whether you’re capable of this how lucky am I how could this have happened to me after everything I’ve been through and they’re saying believe and go forward with a different perspective a different Outlook and appreciate everything that comes your way use that strength within you to take it to the next level don’t allow anybody or anything to break this
happiness Capricorn I hope that this has helped somebody here lots of love and light and thank you so much for being here
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)