Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For February Week 1
FREE Weekly Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For February Week 1 2024. I have also be released other videos for Capricorn Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Capricorn Horoscope for the Month of February and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Capricorn thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days Aquarius if this doesn’t resonate with you remember it’s a general reading private and personal readings all the details are below in the description but this is a general reading if it doesn’t resonate With You release to the universe and check your moon and your ascendant sign which is also so your Rising Sun first card the death card beautiful and you may find it weird that I’m saying beautiful to the death card but I I will explain later because there’s a big transformation Happening Here the nine of Swords
mhm the KN the KN of Swords yeah oops bit of nervousness here Capricorn you nervous
darling the 10 of Pentacles look at that and on the bottom we have the Ace of Swords Capricorn you know what I see here I see that there may have been a situation that you’ve gone through that you’ve had enough of it’s now time for you to let go of that one way or another you’re going to find a solution an answer or you’re going to be ready to make a move and that move is you leaving something behind that no longer suits you it’s you transforming your beliefs your wants and your needs someone’s saying here now it’s about me now it’s my time I can’t live this way that I was living I can’t deal with this person or these people anymore I need to make decisions that’s going to be right for me I need to do what’s right for me and with that you close a door or a few doors to allow other new ones to open I also see here that whatever this problem was you were losing a lot of sleep you were losing a lot of energy worrying about something and really when you thought about it it’s totally out of your control whether you worry or not some it’s about something else or someone else and unfortunately Capricorn we can’t control how others react how others feel how others react to us how they deal with us sometimes it’s unjust yes but unfortunately we can’t control that so here I see you’ve spent a lot of time worrying about someone else something else or other people and here you’re saying that’s it I need to make a move here I can’t live this way all the time with this worry with loss of sleep it’s it’s tearing me apart so you’re making a decision here to move forward but move forward with dignity with truth and belief and with that when you do that you will find your abundance you will find that whatever this position this location these people or this situation was stopping you from being able to find your abundance being able to find New Growth it’s like you were stalled in a place that didn’t allow you to grow but the minute that you let go of something that no longer serves you you find not only your abundance but your truth and that brings celebration celebration for a new beginning a new project and a New Abundant Life full of Happiness you’re letting go of something that was tormenting you of of it would take so much energy out of you that you’re not doing that anymore you need to allow yourself to live the life you want and if that means leaving people behind or situations then you’re ready for that you you want your peace you want your tranquility and I feel that now you’re going to spend more money on you not money on others that don’t appreciate you as
well I don’t know how many people this going to resonate with but let me know in the comments if this makes sense Capricorn what else do we have for Capricorn please what else do we have the nine of Swords it’s you feeling isolated feeling like you can’t take anymore that you’re done with this treatment you’re done with being judged and ridiculed and taken advantage of that comes to an end now you close this door it’s like I can no longer live this way I can no longer put up with this from other people or this situation or this person I need to change my life because if I don’t if I don’t change this situation no one’s going to change it for me what else do I have the Queen of Wands the most powerful Queen I think to me the Queen of Wands is the most powerful Queen there is it’s a queen it’s an energy and you can be a man this there’s no gender here but this Queen of Wands the energy that they bring out is an energy of conquering of determination of will to win and to get on top of everything that worried me to let go of things that don’t make sense to me anymore other people’s problems they’re not mine anymore other people’s burdens I don’t want to deal with that anymore I want peace and tranquility and TR
truth This Is My Line in the Sand to make the Right Moves for myself do what’s right for me and with that I stand firm I stand in control of who I am the Knight of Pentacles with that you’ll find that you’re going to start a new beginning and new and this may be for someone here this is a relationship ship you stand firm in a relationship with somebody that is an earth sign just like yourself but they could be a b a Virgo or a Taurus so you may be dealing with another Capricorn a Taurus or a Virgo or this is you saying that is it I now stand firm and I’m going to do what I need to do to bring my abundance my financial reason my Financial Security back
stability my reason why I do what I do I don’t have to put up with this rubbish I don’t have to put up with other people that don’t see my value my worth this may be someone leaving a job the nine of Pentacles I just want to go to work to a place to be with somebody that brings me happiness abundance love nurture care and all I want to do is work in peace be in peace in tranquility and not have to worry about other people’s opinions and judgments of me not appreciating who I am not appreciating what I have to give to give and it’s broken my heart in the past but now I’m going to stand for Tru truth peace and Tranquility this is someone that’s letting go of this sadness this heartbreak this feeling alone feeling
abandoned they’ve broken my heart this situation these people this person has broken my heart but no more today I’m going to speak my truth I’m going to look for my peace and my tranquility and under no circumstances are they or the this
situation I’m not going to allow this to happen
anymore it may have been tough you’ve been through some tough times there Capricorn you’ve had to make some decisions but this is the biggest decision you’re going to make that’s going to bring you the prosperity and abundance that you deserve that you’re worth you’ve been you’ve been either not appreciated or not being paid or TA or taken for granted for who you are and what you
give no
more I do my best and I want the best there’s nothing wrong with that it’s not like I I don’t give anything and I want everything back no I give and give and give but but I’ve noticed that what I get back is heartbreaking it’s sadness now I take control of my own life I take control of the situation I take control of how people treat me I take control of what happens next even with my broken heart but I can’t keep living this way the card that fell was meditation brings answers for those of you that need to rest your mind because here there’s a very worried mind a person that loses sleep that worries themselves sick meditation brings answers silence your mind by meditating and I know that some people find that hard but put some soothing music on go on to YouTube there’s beautiful meditation um music on YouTube and Just Silence Yourself even if it’s just for 10 to 15 minutes tell tell me how you feel after that put it in the comments when you’ve tried it because you’ll find that that is going to be help for you settling back into who you are your worth and settling that mind what else do we have for Capricorn
please if you believe if you believe that you can achieve if you believe your worth if you believe that the only person that can change this is you then there is no stopping you Capricorn you’re not a pushover you’re a very hardworking soul and a soul that deserves to be treated like gold so here you need to believe that you are worthy and you can conquer anything you put your mind to you’re an earth sign with a lot of Earth Earth element please set yourself free by going into nature taking your shoes off and allowing yourself to connect with your element and I know I don’t know if it’s you or Virgo or Taurus that I’ve I’ve said this to in the last three weeks but someone here needs to connect with their element that’s going to be your Forte it’s going to be your secret to success look at that there’s better there’s something better for you there’s something better for
you Capricorn I hope that makes sense lots of love and notot your way and thank you so much for being here
[Music] bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)