Capricorn Horoscope| Powerful Forecast February 2024

by | Feb 3, 2024 | Free CAPRICORN Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For February 2024

FREE Weekly Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For February 2024. I have also be released other videos for Capricorn Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Capricorn Horoscope for the Month of January and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both January Forecast with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:: https://psychicslive.com.au/capricorn-horoscope-powerful-forecast-for-january-2024/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/capricorn-horoscopepowerful-tarot-yearly-2024-forecast/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful people my name is Marie Rose from Tarot Readings live.com and we’re here to do your February horoscopes we’re going to start off with relationships then career then finances we’re also going to do it a little bit different this month and go straight into how your zodiac sign is going to get along with other people in other zodiac signs for the month of February stay tuned hope you enjoy And subscribe like share and comment as that all helps hello beautiful Capricorn thank you so much for being here my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live and let’s get on with your February forecast we’re going to start off with an energy then two tarot then a message at the end with your finances so we’re going to start off with a message then go straight into relationships then career and then finances so let’s have a look and then at the end we’ll do um what Capricorn and other zodiac signs will be like in February so we’ll go through all of those let’s see Capricorn main energies for Capricorn please M energies for Capricorn extremes and change wow Capricorn you are on fire here not only are you going to make changes but you’re going to make some drastic changes in February it’s like you’re all in or not you’re eight or you’re 88 there’s no in between here there are Extremes in areas of your life that you’ve wanted to change and now you’ve got this inner B inner Force within you that says I either change or I don’t but if I change watch out because not only am I going to change I’m going to change dramatically and ex and with expansion and determination and will

it’s like there’s an

extreme light your light there an extreme passion to change things and not only change but change it to the extreme let’s see what we’ve got for relationships for Capricorn I love that energy Capricorn it’s like you’ve got this burning in fire burning fire inside

you yeah Freedom you’re going to promote freedom in your relationships you want freedom and truth you want to be in control and you’re freeing yourself from relationships that no longer suit you that could be love relationships it could be family relationships it could be friend relationships it’s all relationships but this is a Capricorn here that is freeing themselves from all the relationships that no longer serve you what else do we have for Capricorn the hofan you speak with truth you want people that are real that are that are real in your life and mean real you want people that are going to be beside you all the way you want to free yourself from commitments that you’ve made that no longer suit you you want to free yourself from Social Circles that you’ve gathered yourself in that today you don’t see any purpose in you want to free yourself from karmic energies in your relationships with your family if there’s family members that no longer suit you or only bring you pain and anxiety and and not compliment to who you are today you’re going to free yourself from those it’s like you’re freeing yourself from a huge car karmic energy of just because they’re my family doesn’t mean that they’re good for me just because that’s my partner what was once doesn’t necessarily mean it is today what else have we got for Capricorn please oh one went FL look at that that’s how that card fell it’s no mistake Capricorn that the hangman usually comes out that way where you need to stand still and not do anything at the moment it fell this way which means I now see things and people for who they truly are in my relationships whether it be with my partner my friends my family I see things for what they are and who they are I am going to make changes in my life to to make sure that I feel secure and pure to who I am and under no circumstances and I just going to keep the paace I’m going to cage change you know I’ve got this uneasiness here on the table it’s like you want to you want to you know what I feel like he Capricorn that you want to really move things around and relationships is going to be one of them because here you have you have a family that’s beautiful and happy and I do feel that some of you some of you may be going through situations that is bringing you unsettlement which in turn is affecting your family life your personal family your partner your children so things may be happening around in the family that are bringing you this chaotic energy and you can see that now you know who’s got your back and who doesn’t who’s only there for their interest you see things truly for who they are and what they are and you’re going to make extreme changes to all of that no longer do I want to be part of this family just to keep the peace no longer do I want to be part of my brother or sisters or cousins family just to keep the peace I will do what I need to do to keep my family happy myself happy my partner and I happy and if this is you you may there may be someone here as well that is going against all their family values to free themselves so they can be with the person that they want to be with and this is you grabbing this huge courage to say no more are people going to dictate who I who I’m with and who I’m not who I see and who I don’t look at that you’re going to have a beautiful Unity Capricorn the minute you make the changes necessary for you to be able to live the life that you want this is you finding Harmony in your relationships finding a love of your life being with someone that means the world to you despite what others think despite what others say their opinion their judgment means nothing now for too long I tried to keep the peace in my family for too long I have done what everyone else wants me to do today I see this for what it is I see it clearly and I want change and not only do I want change but I’m going to have extreme change to make this

happen Capricorn you are are changing so let’s see what we have for finances in Capricorn career and finances in Capricorn please career and finances what have we got are we going to make changes there too Capricorn let’s see Capricorn changes sorry Capricorn for career and finance for February

please for some of you here you’re in a place of Despair you are the hate your job or you don’t like where you’re at you don’t like what’s happening around you you can’t seem to make things work no matter how hard you try and how much you dedicate yourself you are losing a lot of sleep over this it’s a situation that’s taking its toll on

you what else do we have in Capricorn please career and finances please you want to do what’s right you want what’s right for you and for many of you here it’s like you’re being treated like you don’t matter or you’re not being taken seriously but here you are Queen of Pentacles today I see things for what they are I make decisions on my career my my Prosperity if I don’t make the changes that I want right now I’m going to be here the whole year and that I cannot deal with it is driving me insane I don’t like where I’m at I don’t like what I’m doing and I am losing a lot of sleep it is impacting my health my mental health my well-being and my spirit within and I’m going to let

go in February there is a big change here Capricorn look at this I’m going with all my might in what I have I’m going to find a new project a new career get myself involved in new things that I love and from that there on I’m going to make it work I know I know what I need to do I know what projects I want to be part of I know what I want to be doing in my life and where I am right now is not it I need to make some concrete decisions both these cards here are about decisions and and finding your balance finding your peace both in your relationships and your career you are looking for peace tranquility meaning and prosperity and I don’t think that there’s one Capricorn here that’s going to stop at half half I was going to say something but I can’t but I need to change that word I don’t think that there’s going to be a Capricorn here that’s going to accept less than what they deserve it’s either all or nothing I am no longer going to be okay with little bits little bits of love little bits of appreciation little bits of um getting getting paid I deserve more I want more and now I make this

change I can feel that inner strength within you Capricorn I can feel that inner strength you had enough of certain relationships you’ve had enough of certain career aspects that’s been going on shine baby look you need to shine Capricorn this is your time to shine do not back down don’t back down from your wants your needs and what you deserve don’t take don’t take less than what you deserve both in relationships in career in finance it’s your time to shine you are going to implement something new in your career or a new project or a new something that you’re doing that’s going to make you shine so you believe in who you are you believe in what you’re doing and you more than more believe in your

worth you know who you are Capricorn reveal what needs to be seen we had two more cards here and be PR look at this reveal what needs to be seen and be proud of

yourself reveal what needs to be seen if you need to reveal how you feel inside in order for you to clear that spirit and that soul of yours and keep and and leave your baggage behind then you tell people what you think you show people what you think don’t hold back peace isn’t worth having if it’s not true you want your peace now and go with peace but go with truth as well so people know where they stand people know what they’ve done it’s your time to open up allow yourself to speak feel and be true to who you are and after all of that be proud of yourself that you are no longer putting up with little bits and pieces just to keep the peace you’re no longer putting up with fake you’re no longer putting up with um things that are said or done just to keep the peace for too long you’ve left things inside you boil and I think now is the explosion the explosion of Truth the explosion of being the explosion of self-love and you allowing yourself to be who you came here to be this is me the Capricorn that works hard that wants the best and deserves the best Capricorn I oh look at this look at the bottom of this deck know your worth know your worth okay Capricorn so let’s go in we’ve done your relationships your finances and career now let’s go into how you Capricorn are going to get along with other zodiac signs for the month of February in 2024 let’s see what we have okay Aries let’s say oh sorry cut yeah I’ve tomed a cut got a cut cut again okay sorry one more mix and cut again unfortunately a lot of nervous energy here it’s like you’ve got this adrenaline running within you to to to change what you’ve lived or what you’re living today it’s time for change look at that it’s not by mistake that these cards are here look at that okay let’s go Capricorn for other zodiac signs please Capricorn and other zodiac signs okay Aries the tower you may go head-to-head with someone of Aries in February you may have to tell them exactly how you think how you feel and how they’ve made you feel in February there may be a collision with someone of Aries and that may be someone that’s been testing your patients taking you for a ride or taking you for granted in Taurus you’re going to have a beautiful interaction with someone of Taurus and that’s going to bring you Prosperity this may be part of the new you the new project the New Movement forward this could be a partner this could be a a a family member this could be a child it’s something that’s going to be victorious for you both and you’re going to have Victory with this person beside you Gemini moving forward someone of Gemini will help you move forward will be there to help you move forward and make things happen you may meet a Gemini as well and that relationship starts to take form so Taurus or Gemini you cannot go wrong if you’re starting a relationship with or getting to know someone or someone of importance there the moon cancer be wary of someone of cancer and I’m not saying wary is that they can do something wrong to you it’s like they’re going to make you feel uncomfortable or make you feel fearful about something or worry about something so you in if you to have someone that’s a cancer around you you may have a little bit of worry around that person so it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad it could be that you’re just worried about their health worried about how they they’re behaving what they’re saying things like that but but they’re going to bring you some debt so that’s cancer Leo king of cups I feel here you’re going to celebrate with a Leo Capricorn there’s going to be an opportunity a festive or a dinner or a get together that’s that you’re going to be celebrating something or you’re going to be um or you’re going to be cheering to something a success or or something or to life itself but here I do feel that you’ll be celebrating with a Leo and cheering on something that that you’ve either conquered or that you’re celebrating okay Virgo four of Swords if you’re dealing with a Virgo they may they may um cuz they’re a fellow they’re a fellow Earth sign just like you so it’s someone may encourage you or you with that Virgo may decide to take time out it’s like we need to take time out away from each other or we need to take a a rest or we need to to put something to bed but whatever it is something with a Virgo needs to be discussed and sorted okay what else have we got Libra nine of Swords Capricorn you may be dealing with a Libra and that Libra is going to make you feel anxious they they they’re going to make you feel like you don’t have any value that you’re not worthy they’re going to question your integrity they’re going to question who you are and with that person of Libra as much as they’re beautiful and they’re balanced they also can be a challenge and here I feel that someone of a Libra uh zodiac sign is going to challenge you or make you lose sleep or put you in a situation that’s less desirable let’s say that Scorpio what have we got for scorpio and capricorn seven of Pentacles you may be dealing with a Scorpio that allows you to collect um what you’ve put in and what I mean by that is you’ve dedicated yourself to a Scorpio or you’ve worked alongside of a Scorpio and now both of you are getting compensated for all the work that you’ve done this could be a promotion this could be a pay rise it could be something that you’ve worked with a Scorpio and now you’re starting to see the results come back this could also be an accountant that is a Scorpio okay Sagittarius Queen of Swords if you deal with a Sagittarius in February you may find this person very abrupt you may may find this person very Cutthroat and someone that doesn’t have a problem telling you how they feel you may also have a Sagittarius around you that is very straight to the point thinks rationally and doesn’t get emotionally involved in anything so they’re a little bit more colder in the way that they approach you or what they say to you so that is a Sagittarius Capricorn like you the devil Capricorn you may have someone else around you that is also a Capricorn and just be careful that um it’s on the light side of the devil what I mean by the Light Side Of The Devil is the devil has two sides the one side is the self- sabotaging the no the speaking low of yourself doubting everything being negative not being a not wanting to do anything and blaming everyone else not taking responsibility the light of the devil is we’re going to conquer this we’re going to make this we’re going to cherish what we’re conquering we’re going to make this business work we’re going to give everything we have to this project and you’re going to be very successfully materialistically speaking so that there with another Capricorn can work Aquarius Two of Wands with an Aquarian around you you may have to decide between something and something else this Aquarius may be the one that gives you options or can come to you with an an option that’s going to require a decision from you so you may have some someone that’s an aquarius around you and you’re going to have to make decisions about this person or make decisions for this person or with this person so that’s an aquarius with Pisces page of Swords if you’re dealing with a Pisces it’s going to be a new beginning of truth you’re going to declare how you feel and what you want and they’ll be the same they’re going they’re quite sensitive so they’ll understand you they’ll they’ll get what you’re saying they’ll be there for you but also they’ll also come in truth they’ll tell you the way it is even though they’re they’re a sensitive Soul they’re also a very true Soul too so with someone with Pisces it’s it’s good for a new beginning a new truth um and a new way of being a new relationship being formed a New Prospect a new project could be that you’re dealing with a Pisces all right I hope that all makes sense Capricorn lots of love and light your way have a fantastic February thank you so much all the best

[Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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