Monthly Capricorn Horoscope for AUGUST 2023 By Marie Rose
FREE Capricorn Horoscope for the Month of August 2023. I have also be released other videos for Capricorn Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
I would also encourage that you look at the Capricorn Horoscope video for the Next 6 Month Forecast, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Capricorn how are you today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and today we’re here to do your August forecast I did two energies for all signs and the two energies that came up for you was storm warning Capricorn with this storm warning it’s a number 10 which means that it’s at the end of a cycle of stress an end of a cycle of torment and an end of a cycle that you just want to put to bed you’ve been through the worst of it you’ve come through the other end and like a pure Capricorn of strength and power you’ve made it to where you need to be there is there were times that challenged you there were people that questioned you you were judged in some cases in others you were taken advantage of but Capricorn the storm warning is over number 10 says it’s an end of a cycle of storms
time to go and that’s reassessing Capricorn through those storms you may have reassessed your life as it is today or in the past and decided that you’re going to take a different path decided that you’re going to look at things differently decided who you want in your life and what you want in your life and for many of you here you may have looked at your life as a whole and decided I am either happy with everything around me or I need to leave behind things that no longer serve me and only you can make that call let’s see what the terror has for us because the terror is full of news let’s say Capricorn Place Universe what messages do I need to tell Capricorn today just remember Capricorn that not everything’s going to resonate if it doesn’t release it to the universe and check your immune your moon and your ascendant sign if at any stage um yeah it doesn’t resonate uh keep watching because there’s a ton of messages coming through with these these tarot cards okay Capricorn please thank you thank you
first card is the king of Wands
The Chariot beautiful I like that
here we’ve got the King of Swords
Knight of Cups and one more place for that wine just one more thank you and the page of Swords Capricorn for some of you here you’ve either been dealing with um someone who is very Charming passionate but at the same time is very sure of themselves and here it’s either you or someone you’ve been dealing with and they could be from a fire sign or you have a fire sign very strong in your chart and that is Aries Leo or Sagittarius so for some of you here you may have the Leo or the Aries or the Sagittarius tendencies in your chat in your star chart and here I feel that some of you here are now very sure about what you want in your life or you’re dealing with someone who is very very sure whatever the case may be whether it’s you or your partner or someone you’re dealing with you are going to move forward in August with certainty but with truth you’re going to know exactly what it is that you you want and you’re not going to act uh emotionally you’re going to think of things in your life in a rational manner you are at the point where you want to move forward things need to move forward but you are thinking about that now in a rational way how am I going to make this work how am I going to uh devote my time and and love to that or what is it that I need to do to release where I’m living right now or what I’m living and move forward to a more secure path there’s going to be some news that comes into your surroundings or your circle and that’s going to make you look at things in a different way look at things from a more a clear perspective and have a very very clear understanding of where it is that you need to go or who it is that you need to go with [Music] for everyone that’s going to be different
we’ve got the queen of Cups beautiful [Music] the fool absolutely the nine of Cups and we’ve got the magician one more place I have no doubt Capricorn that one of you here is going to start something new a new business proposal a new a new love even and you may be getting involved with someone who is a fire sign I’ve got that more clear now than ever who is an Aries Aaliyah was Sagittarius and you’re going to go with love you’re going to show this person your love but at the same time they’re going to give you that back for some of you here you’re going to start something new in August and it’s all all falls ahead you’re not going to think about what other people’s opinions are anymore you’re not going to worry about what other people’s judgments are you’d know where you’d want to go and who you want to go with and I do feel that there are quite a few Capricorns here that are going to take a risk in their life in um in August you’re going to think about how you want to move forward and here Capricorn there is going to be a meeting for those of you that are looking for a relationship you’re going to meet someone who is very passionate and charming someone that’s going to take your breath away and at times you’re going to think I don’t know whether I should give this person a chance or not but you are you’re going to take all the risks in August you’re going to say don’t worry about what it is let me find out what this person’s got and this is going to Intrigue you into getting to know someone a lot better than um what you normally would do and and what I mean by that is for some of you here you’re quite reserved when you make someone and you doubt very much straight away and you question and you question again however this time Capricorn I do feel that this person is going to take you by surprise and before you know it you’re actually more involved than what you think or more involved than you normally would be it’s going to be an adventure and it’s going to be something that you’re absolutely going to love here I also get there’s going to be a proposal that gets made to you and it’s going to be a proposal in either a work environment or something that you’re going to join and you’re going to think about it quite rationally should I or shouldn’t I do that but you’ll be glad if you do because it actually has something in it for you there’s going to be a message here for some Capricorns and it’s a message of uh others either someone is offering you something in another location or are going to require your skills and your knowledge to achieve something that they’ve wanted to for others here I feel that there’s going to be um a new beginning or a new truth or a new message that comes through that may bring you to your knees a little bit through promises that were made and were never corresponded to for those of you that are going to receive this news or this message that’s going to take you to your knees just remember that nothing happens by mistake the storm warning is over and maybe that is exactly what you needed to hear to put things to rest some of you will leave a current situation that you’re in and that is because of something that you hear or a message that gets delivered to you and makes you uh quite upset at the time what the universe is saying is don’t give up don’t give up because things always happen for a reason and everything has a purpose you need to know that when you’re going through that or when you get this message what else do you have a Capricorn face thank you the seven of swords the justice the empress beautiful two more cosplays a Capricorn Capricorn face two more cards thank you that’s one three of swords one more please thank you okay Capricorn here I’ve also got um [Music] those people that are going to meet this passionate and Charming person just be aware because you’ve been through a lot and it’s important that you give this person an opportunity even though you’ve gone through the storms in the past it’s saying give this person an opportunity and don’t judge them like everybody else you’ve left a a situation or a relationship in the past and you’ve come at it through the battle however give this person an an opportunity to show you what they’re about they may come across quite cocky at first and and sure of themselves and that’s what I mean by cocky um they may come across quite sure of themselves and quite you know charming and passionate and you’re thinking this is just too good to be true there’s something wrong here but there isn’t so allow yourself to get to know them as much as you can for other people here there’s going to be a situation that you take a risk and you’re going to take a risk and move forward with this thing whether it be in this relationship or whether it be in something in your life of moving to another location going to live somewhere else do something totally out of character because Capricorns are very Earth centered sign you know so you do things with sure when you’re sure and you do things with certainty however this Capricorn that I’m speaking to is going to take a leap of faith and do something that they normally wouldn’t do that’s going to ask people around you are going to look at you and think really that’s not like you to just do things on the spare of the moment or make rash decisions because you calculate everything however I have at least one Capricorn here that in August you’re going to take a chance with something that you fully believe is for you and whether others agree with you or not it’s not really going to matter
when I have here something that you may get involved with that proposal I was talking to you about that’s going to work out well just know it’s in the creative field you’re going to use your creation you’re going to be able to use what you came here to do you are very creative you think of things that no one else does you look at things like no one else does and that is going to be a perfect solution to what you’ve been looking for so if you’ve got this brilliant idea Capricorn just know that you need to put it into practice you need to give birth to a new ID or a new way of living and don’t question yourself over that go with your intuition and your wisdom others here maybe a circumstance here of someone coming into your life and promising you the world and this this is for another group not this group that I spoke to here this is another group of Capricorns that you may meet someone that comes in quickly does everything quickly wants to move quickly and wants to promise you the world use your knowledge and your intuition and your wisdom which you have so much of because if you don’t that person can take you to a heartbreak they’ll promise you the world and deliver nothing really at the end of it for others here there is a new beginning there’s a message that comes through yes and it will bring you to your knees like I said before but I do feel that this is going to start you onto something that you’ve always wanted to do this breakup this going is going to allow you to start something that you’ve always wanted to do but you felt you couldn’t because you were stuck to a situation or stuck to a to somebody that didn’t believe in you and now you’re going to release that you’re through the storm and now you’re going to go and do what you want to do most and what you feel you need to do
let’s see what else we have
glad that storm warns over Capricorn because someone some of you really felt it and looked at the snake so oh look at that so we have the Snake Here which is change of skin do not give up whatever you do Capricorn do not give up this steak here is you changing your skin you know snakes usually change skin three seasons and that is you you’re going to be a new person with new thoughts and new ideas and believe in yourself because that’s going to bring you a lot of luck despite what anyone else thinks despite what anyone else says and there you go a powerful woman that comes into your life and this could be a mentor a uh this could be a mentor from the spiritual world that helps you see through this helps you through your transformation of who you’re going to become for others here this could be it for that for others here this could be you changing the way you look at things you changing the way you’ve done things in the past remember I said here that someone is going to do something out of out of sorts and something that you normally wouldn’t do well that’s you releasing that old you and looking forward to to things that are going to bring you happiness and fulfillment a lot of lessons were learned in your life and a lot of things were said and done but this new you is going to be above that you’ve learned a lot in your life people have taught you a lot through the situations you went through and situations have presented themselves in a way that you had to learn quickly here I feel that you’re going to find your tranquility and your peace Capricorn that you’ve so much wanted this luck here and the the lilies together make no mistake August is going to be a month you’re going to remember it’s going to be a month that you transform into something you truly want to be and you look at things in a different way in a different way that’s going to bring you a lot more happiness and a lot more tranquility and peace in your life and I don’t know what it is that you’re doing but whatever it is that you’ve got in mind keep doing it there is a beautiful couple here look at that 28 and 29 there is a beautiful couple here Capricorn and of course you’re going to be the one that questions this relationship but if you’re in this group here that you meet someone that’s very passionate very Charming then know that that person is meant for you don’t question it if you meet that person the other group here with the adventurer that comes in very quickly does everything quickly you’ll know that that is only going to bring your heartache and pain but Capricorn what a beautiful reading you are about to change something in your life that’s only going to be better for you in the future bring you a lot more success and a lot more tranquility and peace because I really feel that after going through that storm you needed this piece to come forward you’re going to go to a new place be a new person with not worrying about what others think not worrying about how others are going to judge you you’re not going to worry about what others say this is about you being the best version of yourself you can be believing in who you are with the power and strength that you are giving do not give up you’ve learned a lot in your past that’s brought you a lot of strength use that strength to take on the next challenge use that strength to be allow yourself to meet someone that is going to bring you a lot of love that’s going to that’s going to start a new career for you that you’re going to start a new career you’re going to do something that’s going to be different and change the way you see things today lots of love and light Capricorn stay tuned to the relationships horoscope and I wish you all the best of luck lots of love bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)