Capricorn Horoscope |Powerful Tarot November Week 1

by | Nov 5, 2023 | Free CAPRICORN Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For November Week 1

FREE Weekly Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For November Week 1. I have also be released other videos for Capricorn Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Capricorn Horoscope for the Month of November and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Capricorn thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live and we’re going to do your horoscope for the next 7 to 14 days for all the beautiful Capricorns that come to watch this video If you’re not subscribed we’d love you to be part of our team not only will your subscription like and your comment mean the world to our Channel but it also allows us to reach over a th000 subscribers which then gets shared to millions and millions of other people that may need this message as well so thank you in you in advance if you find the love in your heart to subscribe and be part of our Channel thank you all the best okay Capricorn let’s see oh that flew Capricorn tick talk time is ticking what’s ticking Capricorn let’s get a feel for this something that you’re that’s you’re waiting on or something that is taking time come to the edge maybe a decision let’s see thank you a change in the wind look at that and underneath Go the Distance Capricorn there’s something going on it’s like there’s a timeline here you’ve either got to make a decision about something in your life right now or it’s the universe is asking you to take a risk in something but you need to make that decision for someone here some Capricorn you may have an idea or you may be doing something but you need to take a risk and you need to do that now come to the edge is saying what you’re doing is fine what you’re doing you’re meant to be doing or what you’re what you’re wanting to do now you’ve got to take the risk and do it but whatever it is that you’re doing now is the time to either Implement that IDE change things so they have a different uh outcome or it’s something about timing here you’ve got to make a decision to take that leap of faith make that decision to change things change a situation or change around somebody in your life and the time is ticking I don’t know what that is Capricorn they’re not allowing me to see that but what they’re saying is whatever the circumstances right now it’s it’s like there’s a time limit on something that if you don’t make the decision in a certain period of time you might lose that opportunity that if you don’t make that change now you may have to wait to make that a later date it’s something that’s tick tocking it’s come on come on Capricorn if you want this take the risk if you need this the how much do you want it if you want this change how much do you want it that Tick Tock is ticking and here we’ve got a change so there’s a change around you there’s opportunity for change around you it’s like you’ve you’ve start at something and you’ve got to a certain point but but you you’re not willing to take that next step or you’re not willing to take that next risk or you’re not willing to to make that final decision there’s a change in the wind Capricorn and now is the time now is the time if if you were thinking when is a good time to do this now is a good time there’s a change in the wind for someone here and Go the Distance finish fin it off there’s the Finish Line can you see that it’s like you’ve wanted to do this you need to do this or you’ve dreamt of doing this there’s going to be a change here and they want you to go the distance don’t give up halfway don’t give up 3/4 of the way you’re nearly there don’t give up on something that you started and you’re thinking it’s not working the way you planned or it’s not working how you thought it would don’t give up there’s going to be a change that’s going to change something Go the

Distance let’s see what I’m excited Capricorn why Tick Tock why are you telling Capricorn Tick Tock what is it that they need to know about this Tik Tok What does Tik Tok mean show me what Tik Tok means pleas thank you time to make it work time to stand your ground and Stand Your Truth time to speak up about how you feel time to say it the way it is and look at that sword she’s not marking around this is the Queen of

Swords Capricorn you may have Libra Aquarius or Gemini in your sign or you’re dealing with someone to that that is a Gemini Libra or Aquarius but whatever it is here your your it’s now time for you to raise that sword and go the final battle it’s like there’s a finale here it’s like there’s one more step for this to happen one more thing for this to take place one more truth if you speak your truth or you need to say how you feel now not later you need to do what you need to do

now I don’t know if this is going to make sense Capricorn to somebody here come to the edge what are you saying to Capricorn about coming to the edge what is it that you want them to

do okay king of Pentacles now’s the time to take that risk take that opportunity take that job that’s going to bring you a lot of prosperity it’s going to put you in a place of success abundance and stability coming to the edge is going to pay off so whatever it is that there that you’re you’re afraid to face or afraid to take that NE Next Step to take that risk Capricorn they’re saying taking that risk is going to bring you a lot of abundance and a lot of prosperity you just need to believe in how good you are you need to believe that what you’re doing is exactly what others want that they’re going to buy off you they’re going to buy your services they’re going to understand you don’t doubt your capability don’t give up on something that you started now go the distance if that’s not a biggest message I’ve ever seen I don’t know what is they’re showing you the finish line and saying don’t give up at the last

leg change of wind it’s like you’ve you know this is an example it’s like you’ve got this product right this is just an sample this may not be anything that you’re doing but you’ve got this product and it could be the next thing however you’re questioning whether people are going to want this product or whether people need this product there’s already that product similar similar not the same as what you’re doing out in the market but it’s not the same as yours yours actually contains an ingredient that not only does what every every everyone else’s does but it enhances something else and then there’s a big commercial about you need to have more of this product in your life or on your skin or whatever it is however it needs to contain this that that last ingredient that no one else is doing except for you and then your takes off the change in the wind is whatever it is that you’re doing or wanting to implement or project that you’re working on or that business that you’ve started and you’re questioning that that proposal that job offer that it could even be a relationship making a decision on a

relationship whatever it is that you’re doing there’s going to be a change of wind and that change is what makes the difference if it’s a relationship cuz I’ve got a queen and a I’ve got a queen and a king here so Capricorn it can be a relationship and you may be dealing with a Libra Aquarius or or gemini or you could be dealing with an earth sign which is yourself another you a Taurus or a Virgo but either way this can be for an employment or it could be for a project it could be for anything in your life it could be taking the risk to start that relationship continue on with that relationship take that next step Go the Distance change in the wind what’s change in the

wind what is that change that’s coming through

the page of Swords that’s a new idea a new thought process a new idea something and from a new idea this is what changes

things a you start and you start to an idea that’s going to work

give me another card on this one please page of swords and the wind changes in the wind what are we talking about here what’s the new idea the new

start strength have the strength to understand that what you’re doing is the new beginning of something that’s going to be prosperous that’s going to be true that’s going to be right for you have the strength to understand that you’ve got what it takes that when this change of the wind happens when this change happens it’s exactly going to be at the right time and the right place you’ll be at the in the right place at the right time so don’t give up Go the Distance and underneath look at that this you’ve been through hard hard times you have had to face adversity you’ve had to go through hard times of of people questioning you not believing in you being judged being ridiculed feeling at your lowest of low losing your self-esteem your belief within

yourself and then comes this this change that says if you want to get out of here there is an opportunity oh look at this there is an opportun opportunity coming your way that’s where I’m supposed to stop sorry they they put another card upside down this there is another opportunity coming your way you’re going to be given an opportunity that changes everything and the decision okay this could also be can I just tell you I’m getting more information here this could also be someone that has lost their job and out of nowhere someone gives you an

opportunity of a career however a new job a new possibility a new opportunity however it’s in another place to where you live and that’s and and for someone here you’re struggling to make that decision because not only is that going to throw a spanner for you having to move but it you’re questioning can I make this move is it worth making this move is it worth taking this risk it means that I’m going to have to move locations it means that I need to start a new life somewhere else the time is ticking for you to make this decision the time is ticking and saying Capricorn you were or are still here are you willing to take this opportunity it may not be the way you wanted it or the way you imagined it or the way you asked for but nothing comes by mistake

nothing everything happens for a reason and has a purpose nothing is by chance so Capricorn the question here is are you going to go the distance are you going to take the risk that you need to

take the time is ticking and only only you can make that decision no one no tarot no clear Vault no psychic can tell you what to do but look at that the decisions you make will take you to your good

fortune don’t be afraid to go the distance don’t be afraid to go to the edge what have we got in the L M Oracle please thank

you the decisionmaking card are you going to leave this city or you going to stay here are you going to raise that

sword and and do something that you haven’t done


oops the man and there’s a man again there is an opportunity that is going to be brought to you by a male figure and that male figure here is a male figure that is very good with finances could be um an earth sign just like you yeah an earth sign just like you so it could be that you’re dealing with a Taurus a Virgo or a Capricorn as well but whatever it is they’re bringing you an opportunity that’s going to require you to take that risk you may also be dealing with a Gemini Aquarius or Libra like I said before what have we got for changeing the wind what’s changing what’s changing ah the changes are going to bring you stability and Tranquility so if you were ever in doubt whether this is a good move or not there’s your cards saying Capricorn we will never tell you what to do because that’s going to be something that you need to do but listen to your intuition listen to that intuition because it may just bring you stability and

tranquility and on the bottom Go the Distance because there’s your son don’t stop now don’t finish before the Finish Line do what you have to do finish what you have to finish but whatever it is that you’re doing do it till the end because there’s victory at the end of that finish line for

you Capricorn I hope this resonates with a lot of people let’s get one more card for Capricorn please because it’s actually a powerful reading and two cards again oh jeez this is my favorite card from this deck learn from exper sorry learn from spiritual experiences you finding your peace and listening to your intuition is going to take you to a place of peace tranquility and abundance and you’re not alone Capricorn the master of all is here with you your guides your mentors are going to be beside you

trust in higher forces how appropriate how appropriate Capricorn trust in higher

forces remember I said to you nothing happens that isn’t meant to happen everything has a purpose and a reason nothing happens by mistake those days are over of you being in there the pain the anxiety the loss of feeling lost loss of confidence loss of Direction loss of get up and go loss of

belief those days are over Capricorn it’s here on the table but the only person that can make that move make that change and go that distance is you lots of love and light thank you so much for allowing me to do this rating for you cuz it was powerful thank you bye-bye [Music] Capricorn

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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