Capricorn Horoscope for Next 7 Days, 24th June 2023
Welcome to my Free Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn.. This week’s Capricorn Horoscope YouTube video can be viewed above. Alternatively, you can read the transcript below. Stay Tuned for the JULY Horoscopes and the JULY SPECIAL on Personal Readings. The Monthly Capricorn Horoscope can also be viewed here
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Capricorn thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose for those of you that don’t know me and today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days I say 14 days as it may go over seven days sometimes it’s energies that begin within the next seven days to 14 days usually things that happen don’t happen overnight so it starts to gain momentum within the next 7 to 14 days thank you so much for being here and I hope you’re all well okay for those of you that would like a private reading please feel free to go into the description below as all the messages are there I don’t probe for questions I tell you what I see and then I ask questions at the end so thank you so much let’s go and see what we’ve got okay Universe what have we got for Capricorn please thank you Capricorn main energy main energy for Capricorn please thank you temptation Temptation Capricorn what are you tempted to do whatever it is that you’re tempted to do is going to create stability one and five is six so some of you here have got a being tempted to either start something new do something new or go into a relationship that is new a lot of you here are willing to start maybe a new business a new career a new promotion that’s come your way there’s a Temptation there to take it although there may be areas that are going to be a little bit difficult for you to overcome but here the Temptation is quite strong it’s tempting you to do something or you are feeling tempted to go somewhere do something or be with somebody what is the Temptation there Capricorn you’ve got me very very curious there is a temptation are you feeling tempted to do something different are you feeling tempted to go somewhere different make a move foreign
if you can see here or are you being tempted to see somebody see there’s a love heart in that temptation and that could be a love for what you do a love for a place that you have or it can be a love that you’ve just met or you are being tempted to do something that you know within yourself may not be the right thing to do haha there could be that two Capricorn and you’re wondering what that’s going to bring you whether it be in Korea relationships or projects or new business you’re wondering what it can bring you what is this temptation if I get 10 if I’m tempted to do this and if I feel this urge to to go with this temptation what’s that going to bring me
what is this Capricorn I’m intrigued let me know in the in the comments or just tell me that you resonate with it just tell me that you resonate with it [Applause] wow sounds amazing what’s the other oh another energy Archangel Michael wants to talk to you so change is coming I am here to guide you through this exciting transformation this is a time of joyous opportunities there you go so this temptation is someone for some for some for others it can be exactly what I described before but for someone here there’s a Temptation for you to change for you to make a change and that change is going to bring you exciting transformation it’s going to elevate you to another level however the only reason it’s a temptation is because you are you know all the good that it can come from it but there’s a lot of a lot of Cycles or a lot of steps that you need to adjust in order to be able to do that I don’t know what that is but that’s the message I’m getting so when we’re tempted to do something we’ve got that Temptation and we really want to do it but we’ve got a big butt in capital letters b-u-t but what about my family but what if it doesn’t work but what if but I can’t do that right now because of this I can’t make this move or do this because of this you know there’s there’s going to be a butt or a how attached to it
but the change is going to be powerful so it’s something that you’re being tempted to do that actually is actually going to be good for you it’s about you in your mind coming terms with how you’re going to make that work how that’s going to fit into your lives as you see it today wow a lot of energy a lot of energy Capricorn that went everywhere that’s the first time that’s happened today well well today for a long long time
that’s a lot of energy there’s a lot of energy here and I feel that it may be some energy of anxiety or fear of how you’re going to achieve this because it’s really tempting whatever it is it’s really tempting I feel that it could be a job that’s financially tempting but that means that you’re going to have to leave your family behind or you’re going to have to leave something behind that you might have for some of you here you may have been offered a contract to work overseas or in another location for a period of six months to a year but doing that it’s going to bring you a lot of prosperity however that’s also going to mean that you need to leave your family behind
coming up the moon you looking deep within to have a look at what’s important in your life right now and what what needs to change you want to make a change but you just don’t know how you want to do what’s right but you’re not sure what is right what is right what is my soul asking me to do you’re delving inside to ask yourself what is it that’s right to do here what should I do here there’s a lot of you asking about how do I really feel about this how is this going to affect me decisions having to be made the Two of Pentacles whilst there’s a rainbow here whatever you decide is going to be good for you whether you stay where you are I don’t feel that’s a bad thing but this new Temptation or opportunity that presented the presented itself to you has thrown a spanner in the works where you now are not undecided whether you go or not and see how there’s a boat there I I don’t know if you can see that but there’s a ship there and the ship’s going to go and here someone is saying do I do it or don’t I do I go with the Temptation because I know it can help me a lot but then I leave things behind that are important to me just the same what are we going to do what are you going to do Capricorn this is where a lot of self-searching a lot of soul-searching is is happening and a lot of soul-searching that is really going to um ask you to ask the important questions here the nine of Wands many of you some of you hear Capricorn on another thing have you have battled through life you have had at heart you’ve struggled to make things work you’ve come to the point now where you think now I I want a better life I’ve worked so hard all my life I want to now move to another location I want to retire somewhere where I’m going to be excited to do that I wanna start something that I’m ready now to do after all these years of hard work pain and suffering now is my time to love what I do for some of you here too it could be that you’ve worked for other people all this time and now Capricorn you’re saying enough of slaving for others now is time for me to come up with what I want to do in my life for me
Soul adjusting looking deep within and and guiding for the exciting transformation
three of Cups Capricorn I really feel that there’s going to be a celebration here there’s going to be an achievement here the Temptation that you’re going through the change that is coming is all for the best and and at times no matter what you do you’re going to decide what’s right for you but there is celebration here even to be considered for something so enormous or such so inspiring is is isn’t a a celebration in itself really Knight of Pentacles for some of you you’re going to take that challenge you’re going to move to another location for work you’re going to be tempted enough to know that it could but this could set me up whatever it is it could set you up and there’s nothing that was brought to you except from the universe this offer this new that’s coming this celebration this temptation is being brought to you by the universe you have asked for a change or A New Path and they listened use your intuition and your wisdom when you’re making that decision it’s important that you are comfortable with that decision and the decision is yours for the right reasons it needs to be right for you and it needs to be what you want it to be
if you’re not ready to make a change then you might say well I’m not ready but there’s definitely choices you need to make there are going to be opportunities that present themselves through this temptation there are going to be new things that come up and there’s going to be more offerings along the way this move is for you and for some of you you are moving with your family for others you’re moving on your own but there’s going to be decisions and choices that you need to make and that’s going to be important for you in many many ways in many ways I don’t know if you can hear my dog snoring over there but he is Ace of Wands New Beginnings moving forward there is no mistake Capricorn that you are about to embark on something amazing and something that is going to be very beneficial to you very beneficial to you and it’s a new beginning of expansion for those of you that are starting something else it’s going to be a start of passion something that you’ve always been passionate about and for those of you that are moving to a new location it’s always it’s also going to be something that you’ve dreamed about there’s going to be a few homes that you look at but there’s definite move there for for advancement there’s definite move there for you to live your dream for you to be in another location that you’ve always dreamed of and the page of Wands the new beginnings this is something that’s very very new this is a new promotion a new location a new a new relationship even this could be a new relationship there’s lots of Cups here too and cups represent your emotions and your heart so there may be here someone that has met someone else and needs to travel to be with this person there is also that if you’re in a relationship and there are going to be times that you’re going to have to look within to see whether you want to do that or not part of you wants to do it you’re ready to go the other part is not so sure so this could also be a change to meet someone or live with someone overseas that you’ve met and there’s going to be choices that come your way but there’s also going to be celebrations along the way too and you may find that this new beginning is just the beginning that you wanted foreign this is a card for those of you that were doubting yourselves about moving for a career you are the magician you’ve got what it takes to do this job and people don’t give you things because they don’t believe in you they give you things because they know you are capable of doing it the universe the universe here you’ve got the hierophant they know what you’re capable of doing the universe will never give us something we are not capable of doing it’s how we look at the situation how do we react that has the result but you are in a place where you need to be after many many years of working hard for others or for no money at all this is a an opportunity that’s going to bring you that money that’s going to allow you to live a better life for those of you that are traveling for love I have no hesitation that you’re going to start this new relationship and it’s actually going to be quite good you know some of you are scared to make that move but it’s actually going to be a great move for you and the angel the universe is giving you is Angel of solitude I feel that many of you may be here by yourselves and I did say that to you before that there is a a move that someone wants to make but they’re worried about leaving their family behind that they’re on their own at this new place and the angel of solitude is coming to be with you to show you that there’s more to life out there your family and your loved ones and your friends will always be where you are and you taking on this opportunity through this temptation that was given to you may be just what you need said Capricorn I hope that makes sense to some people here because it’s a beautiful reading um and yeah I hope that someone can make sense of it the way Capricorn and thank you so much for being here bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)