Capricorn Horoscope for 12th June 2023
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Capricorn how are you today today my name’s Marie Rose from for those of you that don’t know me and today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days so let’s find out what energy oh very good communication Capricorn is key so for some of you here you are either not communicating exactly what it is that you want or um and that may be for various reasons it could be that you don’t feel like you can talk to someone about something or that there’s been an argument with someone and you’re finding it hard to come to terms with that and finding it hard to communicate with that person about a situation or it’s at work and you’re finding it hard to tell people how you feel how you really feel it could be that you’re uh been you’ve been working extremely hard let me get that candle out hold on what’s that two minutes we need light here we need light for Capricorns because communication is key so we need to make sure that we have light for your communication bringing in communication
so Capricorn let’s see what the other card is nothing is yet set in stone there you go so you need to communicate about something that’s worrying you or you need to communicate communicates about something that has still got time to be resolved nothing is said in stone yet so be true to who you are and say exactly how you feel if there’s something that needs to be worked out with somebody or in a particular situation then now is the time to bring that to the Forefront bringing how you feel is extremely important in this situation whatever that may be it hasn’t come to a conclusion so there’s still time to speak your truth there’s still time to have your opinion it’s not it’s not done yet so I don’t know what that is but I keep on getting it’s not done yet so you have got time to change things around if you want to
for some for some Capricorns here I feel that it could be to do with a partner something that um you are going through right now that you’re finding it hard to communicate with them and you’re not agreeing with something that you’re both talking about but you’re you don’t want to tell them exactly how how you feel because it may hurt their feelings or it may feel or you may feel like you’re not being part of the solution I don’t know what that is I don’t know for someone it’s going to make sense but that’s what I’m hearing what do you need to release
how appropriate what do you need to release there is definitely something going on here with one Capricorn even or some Capricorns and it’s something that you’re not agreeing with or seeing light to eye to eye with that you’re not expressing how you feel does that make sense because I’m just hearing all this information and trying to keep up with it but it’s it’s there is a situation that you are not totally in agreeance with and if you don’t communicate it’s not going to change whatever it is has not been said in stone yet so there’s still a chance that it can be changed or moved what is that Capricorn because that’s what I’m getting to clear it all up surrender to the divine give your worries to the universe or if there’s something worrying you say Your Truth speak your truth
tell someone your opinion and then give it to the universe whatever it is it is but at least you know within yourself that you have spoken your truth you have told someone that how you feel and whatever they want to do with that is up to them does that make sense tell me if this makes sense
sometimes we get messages and it’s like okay what do I do with that like how do I explain that how am I going to explain that
but this is definitely communication here is going to change things you opening up is going to change things so let’s have a look and see what’s going on let’s go and have a look at see what’s going on Tara has for us Capricorn to explain this situation let’s see tell me in the comments if this makes sense to you and how many people it makes sense to because I’d be really excited to find out the seven of Swords the seven of Swords talks about you’ve been through a battle and now you’re walking away you’re going to walk away knowing that you have spoken your truth you will surrender what it is you need to release it this is someone that’s released what they felt or how they felt about a certain situation or somebody and now they’re walking away from it and they’re saying I’m done this is exactly how I feel about the situation this is exactly how I feel about what you did or or how you went about it or this bothers me and then you’re going to release that I feel here that there’s unspoken words unspoken truths about what took place in in a particular situation
so I’ve got to cover this card because there’s nudity in it but uh Ace of Swords there’s going to be peace in in what you say you are going to find peace in yourself after speaking your truth the Ace of Swords is about speaking your truth New Beginnings with new truths and new ideas but you are going to speak your truth and and you will find that peace that you so desire and that peace is you giving you say you’re releasing how you feel and then once you speak your truth you will release it to the Divine whatever it is it is and I’ve I’ve been true to who I am here I’ve got to put my finger on it because there’s a bit of nudity here in this card it’s such a beautiful card but YouTube don’t like the bit nudity here the star comes to say everything will be clearer once you set yourself free from that information or that communication that you have got to have everything becomes clearer you feel lighter you’ll feel like you’ve done your bit you’ve said your bit you’ve had your say you’ve spoken your truth and now things start to look clearer for you you don’t have that um that feeling of I feel guilty because I didn’t say what I spoke or I feel like I can’t speak my truth or I felt I feel like I have to say this and when once you say that it allows you to move on it allows you to take place in in being at peace with who you are the Knight of Pentacles the night of Pentacles for some Capricorns here it’s about it this situation may be to do with something to do with money and the messenger comes and this could be that you are in a battle with someone about finances or it’s to do with the money situation that you’re you haven’t spoken to someone about maybe you’ve led someone money and they haven’t paid you back or maybe you have um it’s something to do with finances here whatever this is the release that you need to release is to do with finances for some some Capricorns maybe one or two here you may be going through a divorce and this is part of you walking away but speaking your Truth at the end of it
the five of Pentacles this is someone here that is feeling like they’ve been isolated that they’ve been judged that they have been ridiculed and you found it hard to speak up now you’re going to find the strength that you need after feeling this way of this person here has lost a lot in their life and they might have lost it in in finances or they might have lost it in um in their
um how do I explain their strength they’ve lost their power somehow to someone or something you’ve let someone here has fallen for somebody who was either toxic or narcissistic and used your Good Will and your good person that you are and taken you for a ride you felt like you were left alone at the end of it that you worked extremely hard and what you got in return was next to nothing that’s how I feel yeah and now you’re going to have your say but you’re going to have it with dignity respect and Power
I don’t know how many people this is going to resonate with if it doesn’t resonate with you please check your um Moon and ascendant sign as there may be messages for you there okay so what have we got the five of Earth that’s another five that’s the five of Pentacles and that there is so the five is always a card of suffering a card of you know not being sure about what’s going on going through the hardest time and this the the five of Pentacles is the five of Earth and look at that you’ve got two of them this is definitely someone that went through a hard time a loss of some sort a separation a uh bankruptcy uh theft something has happened here to this Capricorn that I’m speaking to and this could be to do with a partner that took money away from you or family or even a business partner it’s something to do with someone moving away and making you financially making your finances struggle but also leaving you in despair that’s what that’s telling me there so I don’t know how many people this this is going to resonate with but that’s both the same thing the shade the eight of Pentacles look at that the eight of Pentacles you’re going to find yourself again you’re going to find what’s meant for you again you’ve worked extremely hard Capricorn and now you’re going to move forward and you’re going to take your peace with you your truth and your peace even if some of you here have to start again you will know that what you did and how you went about it was with honesty and truth and not everybody reacted in that way the star look at that you are finding your light again Capricorn you are finding your meaning and your stance for life you are going to see things clearer you’re going to understand who you are in a different way and you’re going to know your worth you’re going to understand that you being true to who you were you’ve done everything that you could possibly do
let me know if you can make sense of this seven of air that’s the seven of swords you were at a stage where you were in question of how did I get myself here what did I do to get myself here a lot of things didn’t make sense and for some at times you really questioned whether you could be capable of getting through this there was a lot of times there that you just felt lonely deceived you know taken advantage of and you went to places and got away from it to understand who you are you had to reinvent who you are but today after going through all that you have learned that the only person you can absolutely trust is yourself and that you have got things to say and until you say them you cannot feel a peace Within Capricorn what are reading a really in-depth strong reading here for somebody I don’t know who it’s going to correspond with if it doesn’t check your ascendant and your moon sign lots of love and light your way thank you bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)