Cancer Horoscope Weekly Psychic Insights for October 2023
FREE Weekly Cancer Horoscope Psychic Insights for October 2023. I have also be released other videos for Cancer Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Cancer Horoscope for the Month of October and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Cancer thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings and today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days if it doesn’t resonate remember to release it back into the universe and just check your ascendant and your moon sign or your Rising Sun sign as there may be messages there for you thank you so much for being here and let’s go and see what we have for cancer please for today thank you messages for cancer today we’re going to start off with General then we’ll have relationships and then we’ll have a final message at the end okay cancer please cancer thank you time to go cancer time to go is the first one what else have we got for cancer please thank you we have a change in the
wind higher power beautiful and chaos and conflict okay cancer what this is saying here is that there is an area of your life right now that’s creating a lot of chaos and conflict within your life and things are now changing and you’re starting to realize through your in own intuition and understanding of your soul and your spirit that this situation needs to end and here I feel that this chaos and conflict is causing you a lot of anxiety within it’s time that it needs to change and I feel that you’re changing as you are processing all this information coming through whether this be at work in a relationship or in a situation of um social with friends there it’s going to have to come to a time where you release this energy away from you because it’s not bringing you any Harmony it’s not bringing you any peace or tranquility and you’re at a stage now where you you had enough of this chaos and conflict it’s actually messing with your soul and your spirit 33 is a huge spiritual number the chaos and conflict is causing you to not only feel that you can’t do this anymore but it’s actually taxing you in your mental health and your physical health to the point where where you’re feeling sick and tired and drained and here look at that truth be told it is going to come to the time where you reveal how this impacts you but you reveal it in a very wise and smart way when you make these changes which is one and four you’re going to tell this person or or this environment or this situation you’re going to be very precise on how you move away from this situation or this person or this group of people they no longer or or this person no longer brings you the peace that you need within your
soul your intuition is telling you right now cancer that it’s time to change a change in the wind is you outgrowing this particular thing the growth that you’ve had you’re now out growing all um all those feelings of having to put up with this if it’s in a family environment you’ve had enough it’s come to the time where you need to stand your ground use your intuition and be very precise about how you’re going to change things or avoid certain situations or people it’s about playing it smart in a way that you distance yourself from those energies and those circumstances and situations but that you don’t bring more chaos into your life I do feel that here you’re going to have you’re going to use your rationality on how you bring peace back to your soul and back to your spirit without causing too much chaos and conflict but you will be leaving this situation and you’ll be moving away from it slowly to the point where there is no more that you go back and allow yourself to be indulged by these people or this person or this situation you’re going to remove yourself from there and not want to go
back so I don’t know what area of that of your life this is in but it’s going to be a change that’s going to bring you positive positive energies mentally and physically because I feel that many of you here are exhausted and tired and your body is showing all those emotions in ways of um flu or or headaches or sore shoulders and sore back boundaries your you’re going to set boundaries the growth that you’ve had in understanding how much this is taxing on your body is going to help you find ways of you setting boundaries to certain people or situations not allowing others to come and harm you in any way with what they say or what they do letting go is going to allow you to get to get a boundary around
you protecting yourself you’re protecting yourself from this this group of people or this situation or this person growth I make no mistake you’ve got three three and three oh sorry that’s five change sorry you’ve got three and three here which is number 33 and then you’ve got 33 here that’s two lots of spiritual numbers saying to you it is time now cancer to let that go you’ve got changes here the growth has has asked you to make that change you’ve outgrown this situation you’ve outgrown this person you’ve outgrown these people you’re no now no longer going to put up with the chaos and Conflict for the sake of keeping the peace or staying together you’re at the stage now where you feel there is I just can’t do this
anymore assessing you’ve been assessing the situation for quite some time your intuition has told you what you need to do and that’s made you sit back and watch and really observe how these people or this person or this situation ation is having so much of an impact on you you’re assessing where this is all coming from and your intuition has been telling you for quite some time that you’re not you’re not going crazy and it’s not you that you need to worry about your higher power is been saying to you caner it’s time for you to move away from this it’s not good for you
this could be in a in a job environment because you are smart you’ve got all the intelligence and this intelligence is telling you you’ve got so much more to offer that you need to leave this place it’s too
chaotic and abundance you you have got a huge amount of abundance to grab your future is abundant so don’t be scared to move if this is a job situation that’s that’s draining you that is bringing that chaos into your life leave it you’ve got an abundant an abundant amount of intuition and intelligence that you can get another job somewhere else tomorrow tomorrow without doubt you’ve learned a lot and you’ve grown in this place yes you have but now it’s at the at a point where use that experience that intelligence to find more abundance and you’ll be doing that by looking for other other situations or other places to go to You’re assessing what else is out there you’re looking at what else is out there for me because I know I’ve got so much more to offer I just need to have the courage to leave but you are going to leave here you’re going to leave this
situation cancer what else do we have for cancer here oops that just turned all over there’s nervousness around you cancer there’s nervousness around you it makes you feel like uneasy and nervous what else do we have for cancer please
here cancer please cancer thank you oops New Beginnings the page of Pentacles you’ll find a new job you’re going to leave this place if if it’s work if this is work related you’re going to leave this place you’re going to set yourself some boundaries and you’re going to find a new beginning somewhere else a new prosperous beginning somewhere else where you won’t have to deal with all the chaos and conflict that you’ve currently got or or is being currently presented to you five of cups for many of you here yours changing in who you are and whether it’s a financial uh a relationship or a career your changing now what you expect and what you want out of your life you’ve had a lot of growth in the last 12 months and especially in the last five months you’ve really started to think about things about changing things more now than ever in the last five months you’ve started to change the way you see things the way you look at things and what you want for your life in future that growth that you’ve had is now taking you to it’s taken you to your knees but now it’s time that you’re going to get up look at the other possibilities that you have and not worry about all the chaos and conflict that’s happening around you whether that be in a relationship or in a in a fin in your career it’s going to be time where you say I can’t do this anymore it’s beyond anything I need to deal with I’ve got the intelligence and I’ve got the knowhow to look for something else or to look for someone else I don’t deserve to be in this chaotic experience here I have got abundance that belongs to me I need to go and find that and the balance look at that it’s you getting out look at that in the piece it doesn’t come by mistake you once you remove those clouds and you see things for what it was doing to you you realize that there’s more to life than to Port up with situations to find your peace oops let me just put those cards down to find your peace is more important than being where you are at the moment and for a time there you couldn’t see a way out where now you’re saying I need to get out of this situation for some of you you may be working in a family environment and that’s why it’s hard to get out but you are going to find your peace now and your abundance on your own because you’ve got the balance that you need to make anything
successful I feel that some of you here were made promises by loved ones or a loved one or or or people that you admired and then they let you
down you you gave everything you had to these people to this person to this
situation yeah exactly look at that you’ve worked extremely hard now you’re balancing what is it worth what’s worth my sanity what’s worth my financial um security you’re weighing up your health the finances your flexibility your mentality your your spirit your soul what’s all that worth and look here you got two hands under here people wanting more from you even though you’re giving them everything you’ve got or people not satisfied enough with what you’ve given them them or people wanting more and more from you draining you even more everything you give is never good
enough and the four of Pentacles for many of you here you’re keeping something very close to your chest that you are planning on doing this has been on your chest for quite some time and this has been something that’s been weighing on you for quite some time and I got the Feeling here that it was five months it could be it could be 5 weeks more so but I I have a feeling here that’s about 5 months that this thing is really really starting to get to you where you now 5 months ago you started thinking about I can’t do this anymore I’ve got to leave I’ve got to leave this situation these people this this scenario this situation behind this has been on your chest for quite some time cancer it’s now time to
release okay okay let’s see what we have for romance for cancer what do we have for cancer for romance
[Music] please thank you playfulness to recapture romance allow your inner youthful Spirit of fun to shine cancer if you’re married or you’re in a relationship and you’ve been in a relationship for quite some time just remember never to lose your playfulness it’s important that no matter how long you’re with someone that you still bring in that spark into that relationship you keep it youthful you do new things you experience things together and you bring in the playfulness that that relationship needs to keep on thriving to keep on bringing more and more into that relationship so don’t forget to play together in different ways and experience things different ly even if you’ve been in a relationship for quite some time and if you haven’t don’t lose the playfulness of a relationship don’t become so serious where it’s all about serious stuff you can still have all your serious conversations but have time to play and have fun
together another message for cancer please I love that play this card cancer pay attention to the red flags for someone here in cancer it’s saying just be pay attention to the red flags and this could be if you’re married pay attention to anything that your partner may be going through that they’re not discussing with you are they feeling a bit off or are they not saying something that’s bothering them just look at look for red flags with your partner and it might be that they’re sick and not they’re not telling you or that there’s something really stressing them out that they’re not wanting to worry you about it the other thing is if you’re meeting someone new look out for the red flags if you’re meeting someone new anything that someone says or does or um that really stands out it could be a red flag for you to be aware of don’t forget that when you first go out on a date you don’t look for Red Flag straight away because people might be nervous at that stage and what they say and doesn’t necessarily mean that that’s what they mean um in the in the beginning but as you get to know somebody just be aware of what they say to you how they say it what their proposals are what they want from you little things like that if you’re un um if you want more information on red flags go on to my website at um www. and there I’ve got some articles on how to look for red flags when you meet someone or in a relationship or how to deal with someone that’s a narcissist anything like that there’s articles there that I post every week so maybe that can help somebody here okay let’s see what the final message is for cancer please final message for cancer that was very very step up and Lead cancer it’s up to you now to step up and Lead this action here don’t don’t settle for second best don’t stay in in a place because you’re afraid to make a change don’t put up with things that you don’t deserve step up and Lead take action if something is bothering you and is not good for your health mentally physically or anything like that it’s time to step up and Lead just go go and even if it takes time for you to find something else then so be it but start planning now and putting things into action show others that are probably going through the same thing as you that it’s doable and they can do it too because I feel here that someone here is is going to be an example to other people that are going through this situation so cancer I hope this makes sense lots of love and light your way and thank you so much for being here [Music] bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)