Cancer Horoscope |Psychic Reading in August 2023

by | Aug 19, 2023 | Free CANCER Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast in August 2023

FREE Cancer Horoscope in the Month of August 2023. I have also be released other videos for Cancer Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Cancer Horoscope for AUGUST Monthly Forecast and the Cancer Horoscope for the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful cancer my name’s Marie Rose from tarot thank you so much for all your beautiful support in last week’s readings you actually came first and your video went viral so thank you so much I also want to thank all the beautiful subscribers that subscribe to our channel to all our subscribers I want to send you lots of love and light in your daily lives and thank you so much for supporting our Channel okay let’s see what two main energies we have for cancer please thank you one more please what I don’t make energy do we have for cancer so the first one is wisdom cancer this is the hermit in the normal tarot and the wisdom is about you taking time out to get in tune with what you want asking yourself what is it that I need for my life and having a look at things and and really doing some it’s like doing some homework on everyday life who do you want to keep in your life who do you want to associate with who will you tell your secrets to where do you see yourself going all those questions are going to be asked and it asks for you to have inner wisdom you are a very intelligent sign and cancer the universe is saying to you use your wisdom this week so you get in touch with what’s real what is real for you and what is it that you want to do so important that you get in touch with your own soul perfect and the other one is abundance there’s a ton of abundance to be had by you and here I feel I’ve had people I’ve got the energy that some of you have asked for abundance to come through into your life whether that be Financial or in love or whatever it may be but some of you are craving some abundance in one area of your life more so than any other tell me in the comments what that is and let me know where you’re coming from too because that would be I would love to know that but here you’re going to receive something that is super important to you something that you’ve been asking for all of a sudden you’re going to start to see the fruition of that people either approaching you and showing you love or you starting to see things move forward where your finances are concerned where things start to ease off a little bit to where you’ve come from in the last few months

okay let’s see what the Tara has to say this will be quick reading as well I don’t want to keep you for too long it’s very clear when the messages come out and it is a general reading it may not resonate with everybody and if it doesn’t please check your ascendant and you’ll learn sign okay what have we got for cancer place shopping for cancer thank you

what would you like me to talk cancer today thank you so much cancer thank you what is it the cancer needs to know right now thank you the first card is the Knight of Pentacles something coming forward to you a message that comes to you someone comes forward and gives you a hand and it could be in your financial status or you get some advice from someone yeah Six of Pentacles you’re weighing up all your finances you’re weighing up all your options you’re weighing up where you are right now and where you need to be here there’s a cancer that’s very concerned in regards to their finances and I see that there is going to be a new message that comes through the lovers for those of you looking for love this is a good week for you to put yourself out there and meet new people you just don’t know if you don’t go and for some of you here that are looking for people I feel that there’s some you’re tired of going out and seeing if you if anyone interesting comes along but there’s always a purpose and a reason so if someone is adamant that you go out with them your friends or colleagues then go there will always be a reason and a purpose for everything


the queen of cups the abundance in love

the Two of Wands

the ten of Pentacles there’s absolutely something coming forward here with cancer and it could be a promotion it could be a new job that’s going to pay you extremely well but know this that if if you have been looking for a job it’s going to come through you’re going to get a message in the next week or two and that’s going to bring you a lot of prosperity The Chariot is coming forward that is movement forward there’s absolutely absolutely a new growth or a new promotion or a new job offer here for someone that was looking for that everything here is looking like it’s going to move forward use your wisdom when it comes to interviews or when it comes to acceptance and please double check your employee contracts there may be fine print that you’re not aware of or you brush over because you’re so excited but make sure that the contract is is spot on and that there’s no hidden agendas in that contract and there’s the abundance card I told you there was a feeling of abundance coming through the night of Wands for some of you here you may meet someone that comes in quite quickly but is in it is very attuned with what they want so for those of you that are single that are looking for someone you may meet someone that is a fire sign they could be an Aries a Leo or a Sagittarius and they want to move things forward they’re not here to play games they’re not one of those nights they’re rushing in and rushing out or just a one-night stand they actually want to get to know you the Ace of Pentacles I feel that here you may get help from a woman if you were waiting for a job or an answer on something that there may be a powerful woman that comes and helps you with that the Queen of Pentacles absolutely there’s definitely a woman here that is part of your growth or part of this new beginning I do feel that some of you are going to get two options and here I’ve got a queen of cups and a Queen of Pentacles now one of those women is or it could be a man with a feminine attribute very strong feminine attributes um but either either or it doesn’t matter this figure that’s going to come um through to you with this offer one of them is offering you something offering you that job but they’ll come in love they’ll show emotion and then more in tune with their emotions the other queen that comes through is a queen of very being very sure of who they are they’re very wealthy and they do have something for you so there is a new beginning here of a new employment or a new project or something new that you’re starting but there’s two women involved or two feminine strong characters here and they’re going to give you options you’re going to have an option to decide between two isn’t that beautiful only we have options cancer please thank you

we’ve got the two of swords we’ve got the Justice card we’ve got the King of Swords and we’ve got oops

the five of cups and one more place thank you and the sun beautiful look at that so we start with the Queen the the Knight of Pentacles up here and we finish with the Sun what does that mean to you that means that whatever it is that you’re doing cancer this week or whatever it is that you want is going to come through to you very very clearly for some of you here you’re going to get a message that comes through and I told you there may be two women or two feminine strong attributes here coming through and they’re going to offer you something that you’ve been waiting on it’s all systems go and it’s actually going to be a good proposal I don’t get anything bad about that stay rational when this offer comes through although you may not know what to decide between the two offers stay rational and don’t use emotions you’ve got to be very rational when it comes to deciding sometimes we get involved with our emotions and and at times we may not make the correct decision based on that because we get quite emotional but cancer for those of you that are looking for work it’s definitely a possibility here it’s very very strong and whether and you have to decide between two or you do get two offers and at the moment you’re battling with which one do I choose but they’re saying here cancer use your rational side not your emotional side see things for what they really are and have a look at the contracts they’re offering you make sure that what they’re offering is exactly what it is that you’re getting use your wisdom remember we’ve got wisdom here and they’re saying use your wisdom when it comes to this to this because it’s important that you um see things for what they truly are for others here for the people that are going to meet someone beautiful it is only just someone here has been asking the universe for some help in meeting someone beautiful and here they come they come in love and light and they are coming in gen human reason they’re not asking for anything in return they want to get to know you and take your time with that the Knight of Wands is about moving forward but moving forward steady it’s not about rushing anything it’s about taking your time to get to know each other for who you truly are and be honest as well remember the abundance in the wisdom use your wisdom through this meeting through this start of a new beautiful relationship for others here I feel that um you have been on your hands and knees of light and some of you have been upset about losing a particular job or losing some money or finances but there is going to be help here for you someone comes along and gives you an opportunity or gives you the answer that you’re waiting on the sun is here cancer so you’re going to be able to see things very clearly if you use your wisdom you will gain the abundance that you’ve so been asking for so please stay positive and know that everything is going to fall into place like a message from the Angel’s place for cancer message from the Angels thank you

within the next few weeks things start to take place within the next few weeks so have faith cancer and just know that whatever it is you’re going through right now is going to sort itself out within the next few weeks you will not be in the same position you’re in today okay one more up thank you there’s something better what did I say something better cancer so hang in there hang in there there is something better coming towards you so don’t give up stay focused stay positive and live that beautiful energy and vibration to accept the new and The Powerful beautiful very good and look at that the bottom of the deck listen to your intuition with the wisdom card remember we spoke about the wisdom card you know what to do use your intuition and your wisdom and you can’t go too far wrong can say you cannot go too far wrong important that you use your wisdom let’s see what I enjoy that the universe is going to send cancer please what I enjoy you going to send cancer please oops no you’re not going to send all those angels

let’s say what I enjoying thank you Angel of power for many of you here you or for some even one cancer here you may have um felt like you lost your power but the angel of power comes to say cancer it’s time to get up it’s time to get up own it drive it and move forward whether that be in your relationship whether that be in your career this is an opportunity they’re giving you to change your life around all of a sudden you’ll feel like Superman or Superwoman and you will have the power back in your hands you’ll get up from that kneeling position and behind you are two cups they’re the two options we’ve been talking about the whole reading you will feel your power and your strength come back to you cancer I hope that’s helped somebody here really I really truly do lots of love and light your way and again thank you for liking subscribing and just for being wonderful thank you so much lot lots of love and light bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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