Cancer Horoscope |Powerful Tarot November Week 1

by | Nov 3, 2023 | Free CANCER Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast For November Week 1

FREE Weekly Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast for November Week 1. I have also be released other videos for Cancer Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Cancer Horoscope for the Month of November and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Cancer how are you today thank you so much for being here today today we’re going to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days for the beautiful cancers that are here and you haven’t subscribed I would like to ask you to subscribe if you find it in your heart that you would like to support us we’re nearly at 1,000 subscriptions which means that we would be shared to millions and millions of other people in the world that can hear our message that we need to pass through so in advance I’d like to thank you so much for your gratitude and your kind heart thank you cancer what are the messages that we’ve got for cancer today please messages for cancer thank you messages oh clean it up cancer clean it up is the first one you’ve got

thank you happy happy beautiful look at that one more please thank you poised and on the bottom we’ve got community look at that and underneath that we’ve got no place like home cancer what we’ve got here is there’s something in your life or that’s around you right now that needs to be sorted out you need what it’s saying here is there’s something that’s bothering you or that’s around you right now that needs to be cleaned up it’s asking you to look at things around you that you no longer need or no longer serves a purpose in your life there’s something or a a place that you need to leave behind or something that you need to fix in your life in in order to take you to a position of Happiness it’s it’s something old that’s around you or something that no longer serves where you are today it’s time for clean up and that might be time to clean out your wardrobe clean out your shoe racks clean out um any association with people that no longer bring happiness into your life um clean out your phone book your phone photos that no longer mean anything to you anything that doesn’t coincide with where you are today it needs to be cleaned up and in order for for you to find that happiness you’re going to find a place of Happiness now cancer a place that you now feel at peace and tranquil with your decisions with your with your path ahead it’s like you’re starting a new life starting a new vision starting a new project starting a new career something that you need to sort out all the Loose Ends that need to be tied up maybe you need to sort out uh a past relationship and get rid of everything there that remind you of that and the pain and the anguish that that caused you maybe it’s Ty looser ends up with a particular job that you had but whatever it is it’s you now moving forward with certainty and less baggage especially baggage that brought you a lot of pain or chaos in your life previously you’re going to be more part of a community for some cancers here your I told you there’s chaos and conflict look at that your moving away from that chaos and conflict to go back home or go back to a place that made you feel good at one stage so you may be leaving a situation a city uh a suburb or a relationship that no longer serves you and going to a place that brought you a lot of happiness that is more in line with who you are today you’re going to join another community be part of another Society be part of another group for some of you here it’s going back to your tribe A Tribe that you left at one stage to try something new to be somewhere else I don’t know how many people this is going to resonate with but for someone here that’s exactly what it is it’s you leaving something behind leaving a situ situation a lifestyle a a circumstance or situations that were once upon a time you but no longer is that you

anymore and look at that the star was the only cut upside down it’s you seeing Clearly Now what needs to happen and this this move this change is going to bring you a lot of happiness a lot of clarity to who you are

today you’re going to find your happiness and you’re going to be quite comfortable in making these decisions it’s not like it’s it’s going to be a decision that tears you apart or anything like that it’s it’s changes and decisions that you’re making that are overdue or you feel now now is the absolute time to put that to rest and follow A New Path a new way of life clean up what it is what is it that you’re saying to clean up for cancer please what are we cleaning up for cancer place four of Pentacles things and things that were important to you at Once Upon a Time things that you kept close to to your heart things that mattered to you 5 years ago things that were of importance and no longer are they’re having it clean up things that once you treasured but today don’t fit into your

lifestyle what’s happy happy what are we happy about tarot what are we happy about for cancer we love that card it’s you finding your light oh look at that it’s you finding your magic cancer the happy happy is all about you Reinventing who you are finding your magic in another place in another in another situation in another career in another suburb City Country it’s about you creating your magic so that you’re happy happy

again poised why are we poised for cancer what’s making cancer so


alive nine of Wands you’ve had enough you’ve had enough of suffering you’ve had enough of carrying things that no you no longer want to carry you’ve had enough of giving it you’re all you’re tired you’re exhausted and now now you’re finding A New Path a new life a new job to find that Poise within that Tranquility within that peace that you so crave you’re tired of the past you’re tired of the same old same old you’re tired of living something constantly that no longer serves you does that make sense cancer let me know in the comments what are we talking about Community what’s with the community and the No Place Like

Home where’s cancer going Community please for cancer thank

you look at that you’re finding your light again your warmth your vision your truth remember I said to you here that you are going to go back to a community or move back home where once you were happy the changes that you made from this place took you to another place and whilst you’ve leared a lot and you’ve experienced a different lifestyle you’re now heading back home you’re now going to join the community that you can see eye to eye with that’s more of your tribe you’re going to have a lot of warmth a lot of welcoming back a lot of vision Clear Vision that that’s where you belong in this community and you you’ll have you have that you’ll feel that the minute you start this new life and underneath for many of you there were certain things that you were are very undecided about you didn’t know which way to go you didn’t know whether now is the right time to make this move but for many of you you have got that intuition you’ve heard your inner voice and it’s saying exactly that that that move that want that need to do something different is

now okay cancer I don’t know who that’s going to resonate with but let me know if this makes sense to you if it doesn’t make sure to check your ascendant and your moon sign as there’ll be information for you there let’s see with the lomad what we have for four of Pentacles please what would you like to tell us about four of Pentacles for cancer four of Pentacles for cancer please thank

you the change of skin the old to the new don’t give up cancer you’ve got this and as much as this New Path this new life this new situation may be a little bit daunting and that you don’t know if it’s going to work out go with what your inner voice is telling you this is you shedding off your old skin that old situation that old place and moving to the

new magician and happy happy what are we talking about look at that sailing you’re sailing you’re moving your move to a new location is going to bring you a lot of Happiness wherever you’re going or whatever you’re starting now cancer is the right time the right time and the right place to make things happen you’ve grown a lot number three is growth you’re you’re going not only to a new location a new place but you’re going as a different person a more refined intellectual experienced and determined person that you are

today the nine of Wands and poised what does that

mean for many of you it was a Growing Experience for many of you it brought a lot of um chaos in your life yes but it also brought a lot of growth it brought a lot of learning it brought a lot of opening your wings and ideas your mind your spirit to other situations it made you see things differently today you go back not so naive today you start something new knowing a lot more

you are tired and exhausted but a lots a lot more intelligent and have a huge amount of understanding of how things work how people work what you want and you don’t want everything is a lot clearer today and underneath a message for many of you this has come about a message that you’ve received that’s made you make this change or you’ve received a message from your guides your mentors or your higher Creator in your dreams or something is telling you deep down inside that it’s time to move on it’s time to go and join a community that was once part of your life seeing the the beauty in that Community today this message that comes through may have been from someone in your past that made you realize that you still have a lot to live in this place or you still have a lot to learn and do in this new that you’re going to

start let’s see what we have last message for cancer I don’t know if this is going to resonate cancer with everybody but please let me know in the comments if this does if this does resonate with you and please share like And subscribe so we can get to many others Earth mother feel love and comforted look at that cancer remember I said to you where you’re going to you’re going to feel warm you’re going to feel appreciated you’re going to feel the light the warmth the

security this is someone that is is going to be F feeling loved and comforted by those that mean the world to

them and for some it could be a mother for some it could be a a female figure that’s that means a lot to you see beyond the current situation for many of you here it’s you seeing beyond that there’s more to life than this more to life than what you’ve lived and although it taught you a lot you now want more you want to be able to do things that you couldn’t before see things that you couldn’t before and understand things in a different way to what you did before there’s more out there for you cancer and this is you seeing beyond beyond what you have right now understanding that there’s more that you want more that you need to be part of cancer I hope that’s made sense for someone here lots of love and light your way and thank you so much for being here [Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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