Cancer Horoscope Monthly Psychic Forecast for October 2023
FREE Monthly Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast for October 2023. I have also be released other videos for Cancer Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Cancer Horoscope the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Cancer how are you Cancer horoscope for October 2023 how are you cancer my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live and today we’re here to do your forecast for October remember it may not resonate with everybody it’s a general reading a general feel for October if it doesn’t resonate right now come back and watch the video as it may resonate later on during October check your moon and your ascendant sign as there may be messages for you there too okay cancer thank you work through your feelings cancer in October it’s important that you work through your feelings accept the way you’re feeling don’t try and um put it under the carpet or or not uh not action them because you’re scared of what other people will think of you or judge you in any way shape or form work through what’s bothering you work through what’s getting in in you into a particular State what’s worrying you what’s making you feel nervous anxious
doubtful it’s working through how you’re feeling in October and that’s last quarter in Aries Aries is All About fire for some of you you may feel a bit out of sorts and feel like you’re you’re in a battle all the time in October but if that happens to you just sit back and ask yourself what is it that’s getting me so worked up what’s driving these feelings of nervousness which I’m getting here cancer nervous energy this is the last quarter moon in Pisces talk less feel more it’s okay to accept that you’re not feeling at your best or you’re feeling in a particular way that you can’t describe instead of talking about it just sit back take a step back take a deep breath and find out what it is that’s making you feel that way write down on a piece of paper all the feelings all the the situations or the people that are making you feel this way and that will give you a clearer indication why you’re feeling the way you are excuse my dog who is snoring over there like a
trooper so so Aries I was going to say and I only said it because I was looking at the card of Aries here for some of you here you’re going to feel a a desire to a desire of uh anger or anxious about something that’s really driving you mad and I don’t know what that is that’s causing you but I feel that some of you don’t know what it is some of you need to get more in touch with your feelings on how you feel rather than your thoughts let the thoughts go because your thoughts are not projecting exactly what it is that’s that’s making you feel this way let’s see what other energies we have the cancer tell me cancer where you’re coming from tell me where you’re watching the video from are you coming from the US and if so whereabouts in the US are you coming from the Philippines Indonesia Australia Canada Yang finding your yang and here with the last quarter moon in Aries and finding your yang it’s about you getting in touch with your musculine side with your what brings you the passion what gives you that passion what gives you that anxiety what gives you that that feeling of Despair for some it’s a new beginning here it’s you understanding what’s making you or what’s controlling your feelings it’s a new beginning of you understanding how other people or situations are affecting you one more please so in October there’s a lot of soul searching
here All That Glitters for some of you here you’re portraying this happiness inside and you put on a front sometimes so other people don’t understand or can don’t get a feeling for what you’re truly feeling inside you’re very good at masking how you’re feeling cancer you’re a you come across as a happy person that’s full of life loves their family is driven by love and family but there’s someone in your family or there’s some situation that’s taking place right now that is making you not feel comfortable and here you’re trying to decide what is it that I can’t see or is this you putting on this mask of glitter making everyone believe that everything’s okay however deep down you’re eating at your soul and your spirit because you’re not being true or uh in Grace with yourself does that make sense I’m getting this feeling of I’m betraying to everyone that I’m okay but deep down it’s eating me this problem this situation or this person is just eating at me the the feeling is eating at me and I can’t seem to get over something I can’t seem to you know when you know something you can’t unknow it or when you feel something you can’t unfe it it’s this feeling of I can’t let it go now that I know or now that I felt it I can’t let it go no matter how hard I try no matter how hard I try and portray that everything’s okay
does that make sense
cancer let’s see what the tarot has for you remember it’s not going to resonate with everybody some people are on a different journey and that’s not going to resonate but I’ll tell you I’ve just got to tell you what comes through cancer for October please cancer October thank you cancer for October
thanks page of swords you you wanting or you starting to want to know what it is that’s affecting you this is you
standing or or beginning to understand what it is that’s affecting you so much or why you’re letting this affect you so much what is it the eight of Wands for some of you here this could be and this could just be for one person here but I do feel that someone here may have a child that is leaving home and going to live in Another Place Another location and you’re hiding the way you feel you’re hiding the way that this is making you feel something to do with a child for those of you that that don’t have children this is something to do with someone younger in the family or around
you the Page of
Cups here I get a feeling of whatever this thing is or this situation that you’re going through right now cancer you’re not sure how to how to place this how to move forward with this and you think rationally but you you also think about it emotionally and that’s what the mixup is here you’re feeling confused about a situation that’s taken
place the Knight of Cups for some of you it is a child that’s going to leave home go to another location move out and get on with their life lives and you’re finding it hard to let go I do find here that there’s cancer there’s a cancer here that is finding finding it hard to let go of something it could be a situation it could be a child it could be something that you are finding it hard to let go of and you’re putting on this you put you’re putting on this um this face to everyone that you’re okay you’re in control you’re you’re okay yes it’s bothering you a bit but it is life and that’s the way it is but deep down this is eating
you judgment what else have we got one more card one more card for cancer in October please October for cancer thank you the seven of Pentacles for some of you here you may have felt like you’ve invested something you’ve invested so much time into something or someone and now this person is leaving and this person is leaving because it’s meant to be they’re meant to go or or you’re leaving a situation but you whilst it’s it’s a expecting you you’re not portraying that at all to others you’ve planted your seeds and now you’re finding yourself in a confusing situation about how you really feel about it what your yeah look at
that more cards for cancer please what else have you got for cancer I need to clarify this situation cuz I’m getting a feeling here of Despair I’m getting a feeling here of loss I’m getting a feeling here of you putting on this thing that it’s not it’s not really concerning you but you are concerned the eight of Pentacles for some of you here it can do it can be to do with a child that you’ve invested so much time in so much love and you’ve worked extremely hard to raise this child and you may be raising it alone or you may have felt like you were the partner that put in the most to raise this child and I do feel now that this child may be leaving your home this may be just for one cancer here but I’ve got to say what’s coming through and for this cancer the message is this be true to how you’re feeling let yourself feel it if you need to mourn that loss of them leaving then do that do that in your own time in your own way don’t worry about putting on a show for others and I’m not saying that you’re a show person but what I’m saying is you’re worried or you’re concerned that you don’t want others to see how you’re truly feeling how it’s truly affecting you for some of you here you’re going to move forward and go overseas for work or for travel and this is going to be something that’s been on your path for a while or it’s something that you’ve hoped would happen you’re weighing up your options when this situation comes through and and when this situation comes through there’ll be other people that wanted this job and you’re the one that’s going to get this opportunity you’re the one that has what it takes to do this job even though there was a lot of competition or other people wanting this job that you’re going for or that you’re going overseas for but I do feel that there’s travel in this job and a lot of people wanted this but the universe when something is for us cancer it is for us no matter what and this I feel it was destined to be in your path for you to get this role that allows you to expand and move forward getting to know other places other cultures Ace of Swords speaking your truth in peace cancer you a new beginning of you being true to how things are bothering you to how things are making you feel you’re at peace with your truth you will be at peace in October with your Truth for something that started off that you didn’t know how to what to think about or that affected you quite strongly through the process in Octo October you’re going to understand why things were the way they the way they were you’re going to understand that everything happened for a reason and you may not see it now but by the end of October something becomes very clear to you and it may be that for that person that their child is leaving home and I don’t feel like it’s a young child I feel like it’s a teenager but for that person that their child is leaving home you will have an understanding of why it’s happening and you’ll be at peace with that so whilst it’s very hard a situation or something that you’re trying to control how you feel at the end of October you’ll feel more comfortable about that whole
process tell me what it is cancer tell me in the comments what it is and if this is resonating for you for others of you here you may um you may start something that you love like a hobby or a passion that you’ve had for quite some time and you’re going to work at that in October or at at least put plans in place for you to start this new project this new job and that is going to be very fruitful for you it’s going to be something that you are doing that you truly love and that you’ll stand by
more messages for cancer I’m going to do this with you I want to give you a bit more insight because it’s a whole month’s worth I’ll give you a bit more insight so stay with me until the end
11 and that’s you cutting something out it’s come to the time for you to to cut cords look at that the snake seven for some of you here you’re going to cut cords with a woman in your life someone that you have decided this person is making me feel awkward I am not able to feel the way I want to feel because of this woman it’s the end of that relationship it’s the end of them um of you allowing this person here to uh betray you in any way for some of you here you may have found out that some per that some woman in your circle of either friends or family or even your partner has betrayed you in some way and you’re going to cut that out in October you’re going to be at peace with leaving that relationship whichever it is whether it’s a love relationship or a family relationship or a friendship you’re going to be okay at releasing that energy you’re not going to want to move past October with that person in your life anymore the sacrifices you’ve made a lot of sacrifices in your life and now you’re at the stage where you don’t want to be that person or allow that person to to destroy your stability with your partner it could be that this woman is trying to sabotage your relationship ship I don’t know if this is going to make sense for a lot of people but for one cancer here there is a woman that has tried to sabotage your relationship and whilst you’ve gone through a lot in your life in regards to this person and believing someone you’ve now you’ve now found out that the mask that this person was wearing and the things that they put you through was all to put you out of your track that was there to just make trouble for you and your partner and now I feel that a lot of you are going to release see the people behind those masks and I feel that this person here which which could be a woman or a person it could be a man as well but I feel here more of a woman energy this woman or this person or this family member has tried to tell you things about your partner that weren’t so true or rock your stability within that relationship you’re not going to allow that to happen anymore does that make sense for somebody here because I’m getting that quite strongly so we’ve got a few situations there I don’t know if any of those resonate with you let’s see what Angel they’re going to send for you cancer what Angel we sending cancer for the month of October please thank you
angel of positivity cancer whatever happens in October or whatever it is the strength that you’re going to gain at at winning this battle at winning the these feelings understanding why you felt the way you did understanding who was trying to take you off your track understanding and seeing people and situations for what they truly are a lot of it here you’re going to steal to talk less but feel more you’re going to understand that someone stole your happiness through through gossip through intrigued or planned gossip to get you to think a different way for some of you here you’re going to CH change the page whether it be that person that their child is moving in out whether it be that other person that you’re going to plant your seeds now in something that you love or whether it be this person that is not going to allow another situation another person destabilize their relationship the angel of positivity is coming to help you through this situation I’m sorry as there are different circumstances here but I’ve got to tell you what they are everyone is on a different journey and for these three situations that we’ve got here I hope that one of them makes sense to you and that you got your answer to today Cancer lots of love and luck for October I’m with you all the way always thank you thank you so much for being here [Music] bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)