Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast For November 2023
FREE Monthly Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast for November 2023. I have also be released other videos for Cancer Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Cancer Horoscope for the Month of October and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Cancer thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and today we’re going to do your November horoscope but we’re going to do it differently we’re going to do a round table opening and with this round table is going to be the 12 houses of the astrology chart and that will cover yourself it will cover your romance your home your career your friendships anything that you’re holding deep down within and see how we go for November 2023 also let me know in the comments if you like this type of reading because if you do I’ll continue to do it in future months only not the weeks just the months so let’s see how we go remember it’s still a general reading if you want a private reading all the details are below in the description below okay thank you let’s go cancer please thank you high priestess cancer powerful psychic insights reflection and meditation that provides valuable information be at peace so you’re going to get some real big insights in November cancer insights into things that are important to you things that you’ve been wondering answers to questions that you’ve had you’re going to have a very high intuition in November so if something doesn’t feel right that’s because it’s not and if something feels good and you’re happy to go ahead then go for it listen to your intuition especially in November there’s going to be a lot of signs there for you a lot of questions that you had or you have are going to be answered in November go with your intuition you can’t go too far wrong so your your intuitive nature is going to be super high in in November which is a great thing to have what else do we have for cancer please one more energy thank you one more energy for cancer please one more energy thank you what else that you want Oh Observer look at that cancer in November you may find yourself observing all that’s around you everyone that comes into your circle people around you at work at home you’ll be very observant to things that you didn’t realize before you’ll become aware of things that you hadn’t recognized before and your intuition is going to tell you a lot more now in November than what it ever has before so little things that you never even noticed in the past your intuition will draw dra you to that so you pay attention to that it’s like you’re observing how people react what people are really like um conversations that take place you’ll see more into that than ever before and just places that you go and people that you meet you’ll be observing you’ll be more of a detective in November if you like it that’s the Observer energy here it’s like you’re observing what is it that is going on around me what is it that I want in my life do I want those people in my life the way that they really are I didn’t see that person as being that but guess what they are and I used to think that that person wanted my the best for me but now I see it a different way and it’s not asking you to judge people it’s asking you to observe what’s happening around you and what fits and doesn’t fit into your life from here on in November is a big month cancer it’s a it’s a month where people have gone through most of the year and thinking what have I learned this year what do I want to take with me to 2024 and who do I want to take with me and experiences with me for 2024 it’s a month of evaluation it’s a month of uh learning of everything that’s gone on this year and what you’re going to do for next year so November usually is a big planning month for all signs in the Zodiac not only one but all signs and with the two eclipses that we’ve had in October that’s even more enforcing you to um the energy still rolls over into November where it makes you aware of everything okay let’s see what the tarot has for the 12 houses in what what that means for
you cancer we’re doing cancer please bring in the energy for cancer let me know what you’d like me to tell them what cards are in their houses for November what cards are going to fall in their houses for November remember throughout November to go back to this video because you’ll see where those cards fall and um what I’ve said about them okay canc November for one house one is yourself how do how does cancer see themselves or what’s going on with cancer in November 2023 with themselves house one thank
you the tower for some of you you see your life is really chaotic right now you don’t know how to feel you don’t know how to think things have thrown you off people have thrown you off people that you thought were a certain way you’ve realized that they’re not in November situations that you thought were going to go one way they went totally the other way something happens around you that makes you think oh my Lord so in November you see yourself as being in a chaotic mess a little bit but it could be also to do with your mind overthinking situations you’re observing way too much remember I said it’s not about judgment or um and it’s not about being a super detective it’s about being a detective about how you want to change your life but I feel here that there’s a cancer that knows that they want to change their life what the universe is saying here is cancer use your intuition and be the Observer you need to be to how to get yourself out of out of any circumstances or situations you see yourself in November you’ll see people for who they are and what they are what they bring to your life and what they [Music] don’t okay money for cancer please how to money mhm Knight of Wands that’s you moving forward with a new project a new hobby a new love for something it’s you going slowly but getting to know or studying something that you’ve always wanted to know more about you’re going to invest your money into moving forward and this could be moving to another home you may use your money in November to go on a holiday to go and see things you haven’t seen before to learn things that you’ve never leared before maybe learn new language maybe learn a new skill but you’re going to use your money in order that in things that are going to take you forward going to have a growth attached to it things that are going to allow you to grow as a person okay communication and you will have money coming in for those of you that don’t have a job you will get a job so you will have money coming into into your life in November all right communication for cancer please house three communication for cancer thank you beautiful three of Cups cancer although you see your life as chaotic or some some areas of your life may be chaotic your communication is going to be of Celebration you’re going to have fun in November you’re going to want to socialize you’re going to want to be part of things around you you’re going to want to be part of um different circumstances and situations in November planning to have good things in your life maybe this trip if for some of you that are going on a trip that’s going to bring you a lot of happiness for some of you that get a new job that too is going to bring you happiness so your communication will be elevated it’ll be happy it’ll be excited I just picked up that energy cuz I was talking quite calmly and then I felt that huge urge of excitement and so you will get look at that and I’ve got I’ve got all um Goosebumps everywhere so although something not so pleasurable happens in November you’ll know how to sort that out if you just follow follow your intuition okay what else have we got house four is all about your home beautiful everything that you’ve planted in your home all the lessons you’ve learned all the lessons you’ve taught if you’ve taught your kids how to do things that’s all going to come back you’re going to see that what you taught them they listen to even though at the time you didn’t think that they did but little things that you put in place in your home how you’ve treated your home you’re going to see that a reward for that and for some of you you may have you may decide to sell your home in November and that’s going to bring you Financial abundance everything that you’ve done to that house will be compensated back to you so you’ll get more than what you thought you would and in other places every all the love you’ve given in your home to your the people around you or to someone that lives with you and if you don’t live with you and you live with your pet the love that you’ve given the care and nurturing that you’ve given is all going to come back to
you okay what else have we got the romance let’s see what we’ve got for romance cancer I also have to say sorry they’re pointing it out at least one cancer here you haven’t been so nice at home you’ve given people attitude and you’ve given people uh reason to doubt you or you’ve given people reason to be upset with you that’s also going to return back to you unfortunately you know they always say what we plant is what we Harvest and for one person here unfortunately you’re the the the coin’s always got two sides to it all right what are we doing so we’re doing five right Rance what does romance look like for cancer beautiful cancer look at that for those of you looking for romance you’re going to find it for those of you already with a partner you’re going to have some beautiful memorable times together in November for those of you wanting a partner you are going to find someone that’s going to love you for who you are and share some real beautiful quality times and create some fantastic memories in November that’s beautiful what a beautiful
card okay what have we got for house six which is health services and
routine pardon me cancer for those of you that were worried about your health you’re going to have moving forward you’re going to find new Solutions you’re going to find new medicine you’re going to move forward with certainty and things are going to be on the rise they’re going to get better so here with the with the Ace of Wands it’s you finding new Solutions new ideas to move forward and to make your health a lot better than what it is today if that was what you were worried about so there are going to be some me some remedies that you’re going to find um or even just getting out and about will help you free your
mind pardon me okay what else have we got relationships in general what have we got for relationships in general with cancer
please Two of Pentacles cancer this may be the time to observe this because we got the observing here and what it’s saying here is for some cancers here you’re actually going to evaluate some of the relationships you’ve formed over the years some of the relationships that still stick around and don’t bring you much happiness some relation some relationships that are negative you you may choose that you’re not going to keep those so you’re really looking at things saying I will decide who I keep and who I don’t what’s important to me right now and what do I want to give away and what what do I want to keep in my life what energies do I want to keep and and and leave for some of you here you’re contemplating whether to go on a trip with a friend um and that may be a good a good thing for you you to get out and go and have this trip for some of you you may be dealing with someone from overseas um you’ve met someone and they live overseas or in another place or another country overwater and you’re contemplating whether that’s worth keeping this relationship or whether it’s not working you’re going to make some decisions on things like
that all right what else do we have in regards to your finances and Deb ooh okay Temperance it’s now the time cancer when looking at your finances you’re going to evaluate what’s important to you what your wants are versus what your needs are you’re going to really look at how you spend your money and you’re going to decide what’s important to you what’s not so important will no longer have value you may even decide to sell a few things around the home and that you’ve gathered over the last few years to turn that into money but you’re going to evaluate what means things what’s meaningful to you what you need versus what you just want the wants aren’t going to be important right now so that’s an area of your life you’re going to focus on in November what is it that I need what is it that I need to get rid of what is it that I can turn into money to pay off debt or give me some extra income okay let’s have a look at spirituality which is house 9 adventure and learning house 9 for cancer please house nine decisions there are going to be some decisions that you’re going to make um in November cancer about where you want to go what Adventures you want to take what sort of spiritual thing do you want to do for yourself are you going to take up exercise meditation yoga uh Pilates anything like that that’s going to bring you inner peace what what is it or are you going to start to walk in nature start to to get in tune and in touch with nature letting yourself ground yourself you know becoming at peace with yourself so what are the things that you’re going to do and that’s going to give you a lot of choices so for some of you here you’re going to look at quite a few things that you need to change in your life to bring you inner peace your inner spirituality to be at peace with
itself okay career what have we got for career for cancer please career for cancer for those in a career beautiful cancer it is time now to move forward so if you had thought about a project that you wanted to put into place in November’s it if you wanted to start a new business if you wanted to do something new apply for new jobs go into a new sector do something totally different learn something different different now is the time it’s saying go for it cancer allow yourself to spread your wings get to learn more use your psychic abilities that you’ve got use that intuition to guide you to where your soul is telling you to go observe and find out what is there that you’d love to learn and love to be part of where would you like to work what would you like to start as a hobby or do you want to join some Social Circle and learn new things go for it whatever it is um that you want to do go for it and for those of you that want to start a new business November’s going to be a good month for it okay let’s see what else have we got friendships overall let’s have a look at friendships overall which is house 11 house 11 for cancer place thank you is the king of Wands look you you may find that you’ve got some friends around you that are very sure of themselves they’re very fiery they’re very passionate highly opinionated and you may decide that is this person who I want to keep in my life in 2024 or am I dealing with this person for the sake of dealing with them do I if they’re part of the family do I need to move away more from this person or is this someone that you want to see more of I don’t know but you’ll be evaluating your friendships you’ll be seeing people um you’ll be sitting back remember I said to you at the beginning you’re sitting back just watching and observing remember we said that well this is you sitting back and looking at your friends in November saying who do I want to keep who do I who do I want to keep as part of my Social Circle who do I no longer see eye to eye with who do I no longer resonate with we’ve got two totally different interests now it was great while the kids were growing up however we don’t have anything in common anymore that sort of thing so I feel here cancer that in November you’ll be looking at your friendships and asking yourself who you want to stay and who you want to leave in 2024 or in November but you’re planning ahead a lot a lot of people here are planning ahead okay what’s the inner secret that you hold cancer what’s the inner secret that you hold what’s something that’s that you keep very close to your chest that you you don’t discuss with anybody and is hidden deep within what’s what’s house 12 oh house 12 for cancer wow look at that cancer the moon there’s a lot you keep Within there’s a lot of doubt that you keep within there’s a lot of question about yourself that you keep within sometimes you put this um and I’m not saying a mask but you you can’t people from the outside wouldn’t know that you can sometimes really put yourself down and they wouldn’t know that sometimes you are your biggest critic that you doubt yourself and sometimes you have this fear of uh being seen this way that sometimes your self-confidence is not what others see that’s what I meant to say your self-confidence people see you as really confident and sure and knows what they want when deep down it’s the actual opposite and you do that quite well that nobody would even pick that you doubt yourself or that you’re scared of of certain things or you question your your capability in some
things it’s something that you hold within you that that others don’t see and you do that quite well because if you were to ask a friend of yours how they would see you or perceive you they would never describe you as someone that um is very unsure about who they are and what they want or they’re not and I’m not saying everyone’s like that I’m not saying everyone’s like that at all but this one that I’m connecting with is for some here it’s like you your self-confidence needs to be worked on but only you know that nobody else knows that because no one else can see that so tell me if that makes sense anyway let’s go um next one one last last message for cancer please what’s one last message from ancestral Oracle what have we got for cancer overall it’s a beautiful reading cancer I don’t see any major dramas
here okay no got two you want me to keep two okay done the first one is the water Guardian connect with your emotions water Guardian is you cancer that’s you that’s you you’re a water sign and here your guardian is saying connect with your emotions it’s okay to feel the way you do it’s okay to see things the way you do connect with your emotions and understand who you truly are what you the beautiful qualities that you truly have connect with those emotions
and the other one was mountains stand your ground in November stand your ground if you have to stand your ground with what you want stand your ground with what you see and where you want to go don’t allow others to put things into your mind or put words into your mouth stand your ground in certain areas of your life that you would like changed go with your intuition and don’t doubt yourself you’ve got a big quality here and I know that some cancers here have got this intuition and they sometimes think really or is that my imagination maybe not and you ignore that intuition but go with it you learn to go with your intuition okay one last message for cancer please in Romance let’s give them one more card in Romance what’s the last romantic card here for cancer the November 2023 deception cancer someone is wearing a false self mask in this relationship so cancer for some of you here remember I said about take a step back and observe use your intuition in all areas of your life so in some area of your life and it doesn’t have to be Romance is that someone is wearing a false mask someone is pretending to be someone they’re not or they’re showing you something and telling you something you want to hear when in reality it’s something else so in November this is probably why the tower is there look at that someone you will find out that someone that you care a lot about and it doesn’t have to be a partner it could be a friend it could be a family member is deceiving you in some way shape or form they’re deceiving You by telling you something that’s not right or making you believe something that is totally not right so this is where the Observer and your intuition come into play apart from that everything else seems perfectly fine cancer I hope that this has helped somebody here tell me if you like this layout lots of love and light your way for November and thank you so much for being here
[Music] bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)