Cancer Horoscope |Powerful Tarot for End of December

by | Jan 2, 2024 | Free CANCER Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast For End of December 2023

FREE Weekly Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast for End of December 2023. I have also be released other videos for Cancer Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Cancer Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Cancer thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings and today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days the first card that popped out which I’m going to take they said take it is wisdom cancer that’s a 22 that’s a master number so somehow somewhere you’re going to use your wisdom very shortly to create something that you’ve wished for or you’re going to take all your learnings and put plans together to make something important to you come to

fruition you’ve learned something and you want to do something and with that you’re going to use your wisdom of everything that you’ve learned [Music]

it’s like you’re reaching for a goal or a dream that you’ve got you’ve you’ve gone through all the textbooks you’ve leared a lot of things and now I feel like you’re putting all that into practice you’re you’re reaching for that goal and that dream and I am getting Goosebumps everywhere so there’s someone here that’s that’s exactly

there let’s see cancer please it’s like you’ve been in this place of learning of still not being right to finding your light it’s like an opportunity of a lifetime is going to come your way cancer you know when you leave College or you leave school or university here in Australia you’re a bit lost you’re in a bit of a dark place and and because you don’t know where to go you don’t people want want to want people that have got experience when they’re looking for employees you’re looking for a job and you’re going against people that have got the experience already so you’re battling between coming out of all this study but you want to you want to chase your dream and your goal just finding it very hard so you’re going from that black to the white to dark to your light it’s like someone here gets given an [Music] opportunity and that may be through a message or a phone call that you get in the next in the next two weeks and I know we’ve got Christmas and holiday season coming up but for some reason or you’re going to see and add or hear something or in the festive season in the holiday season you meet somebody that could just be that person that gives you an

opportunity something that’s said or something that’s that or someone that you meet there’s a purpose and a reason for you being right there at that place at that time because you’re either going to meet someone that gives you an opportunity or you’re going to hear something that brings that opportunity the king of air it’s you being ready to pants a new idea a new dream a new goal a new person that walks into your life a new opportun Unity you’re

ready the 10 of Earth that’s you finally finding what you are looking

for you may not have just finished studying now you may have finished studying 6 months ago but now now is where this opportunity comes

forward this is where this idea takes

place it’s like you’re you’re in a place for a reason you’re doing something and it’s there that that happens look at that the victory card the victory I know what I’m talking about cancer the victory card remember I said to you you go from the dark to your light there’s the victory

card it’s like you have been wanting this dream this opportunity this job this career this project for so

long and then out of nowhere you seem to to be in this place where this conversation takes place this opportunity comes forward and it’s not by

mistake the

wisdom for someone here it’s you using your wisdom and thinking if I want to achieve that goal and that dream of mine where do I need to be who do I need to talk to where do I find these

people do I go to the local pub or the local corner

store no I need to go where these people go I need to be in the right place where people that I need that I need go

to it’s like you’re going to use cancer it’s like you’re going to use your wisdom to bring this opportunity forward but you’re going to have a plan to do this it’s exactly what I just said before they said to me and now I’m thinking about cuz sometimes cancer not sometimes always I will do a reading and I will finish the reading and I will not remember one thing because I’m constantly bringing in information but it’s it’s exactly what they just said then it’s you’re going to look at what you have what you’ve learned you’ve got two lots of wisdom here two lots of wisdom it’s no mistake that it’s like you’re going to plan and say I want this goal I want this dream I want this career I want this to happen so where do I need to be in order for me to speak to the right people to give me this opportunity to give me an interview to to give me a

chance where did they go what pubs what clubs what restaurants do they go

to you’re going to use your wisdom to get what you

want not not once but

twice and this is going to be the brilliant idea we were talking about remember I said here it’s you taking control a new idea a new

process and and remember now it makes sense jeez remember this reading we said you’re going to go from being in the dark to finding your light and there’s the victory card with you holding the

trophy cancer I love it that is a brilliant idea for someone here you’re going to know what I’m talking about and if you haven’t there’s an idea for

you the queen of air you’ve got a couple here you may Al and this person that helps you may be from an air sign they could be a Gemini a Libra or an aquarius someone that’s going to bring you that opportunity give you that chance give you an interview at least for you to be able to show your experience your knowledge what you know and how much of an asset you would be to these people or to this

person your brilliant idea is what’s going to turn that

key the five of

fire why have we got this five of fire what else why is there an internal battle or a battle with somebody here there’s a battle here with somebody or an internal battle Integrity look at that Integrity in the past cancer you may have been dealing with people or that made false promises or that said that they were going to look after you and they didn’t they betray that Integrity you may have had an argument with somebody or someone’s let you go or someone is saying you’re never going to find something or this could be an internal battle that you’ve been thinking about for quite some time but really I do feel here that you may have been dealing with someone that Wen as honest as what they

promised so you now take control and use your

wisdom to make your own path to find your own

light for someone here you may have been promised a job and I can’t show you this because she’s in the nude but you’re going to see things truly for what they are people are going to be honest for someone here you are going to be honest about not having the experience but having all the knowledge and and this is what they’re going to like about you the Integrity the honesty the vulnerability so be who you are don’t try and be anyone else more intellectual more different just be true to who you are because that’s what’s going to make the difference when you have an interview when you have this opportunity just say it the way it is don’t try and put Frills on

It Go with your full

Integrity here it’s like you’ve been tricked in the past it’s no mistake here it’s like someone’s done the wrong thing by you in the past cancer they’ve promised you the world and only taken you for a ride or they hired you and not paid you or they’ve taken advantage of your services your knowledge for their for their best interest someone here has experienced something that wasn’t so

nice so you take matters into your own hands

now you’ve had to fight in the past because someone wasn’t honest and you didn’t see that people could be that way that this situation was a

trick you’re healing from being lied to cheated taken for granted your generosity was taken for granted your vulnerability was taken advantage of you’ve you’re now you’ve healed or you’re healing from that but that’s not going to stop you because the snake’s here the snake is smart it’s transformative it’s you now understanding what you need to do who you need to

be learning the


what else have we got for cancer please what else have we got for they said mix it again okay cancer pleas what else we got for

cancer sacrifices you’ve sacrificed a lot to get here cancer through your study through the time the energy the effort that you’ve given to learning to giving to others it hasn’t been an easy path there’s your new beginning sacrifices come to an end and you get a beginning a new start that allows you to be who you want to be reaching for the

sky the

man for someone here it could also be for someone one person here you may have also been involved in a relationship with a Gemini Aquarius or Libra and this person has done the wrong thing by you in relationship wise and you’ve learned a lot from that to the point where today you’re a totally different person to who you were

before someone has either cheated you or not paid you it could have been a relationship you could have been dealing with family with a partner that you’re working with I don’t know what this is but you’re going to get on top of this handsome make no mistake make no mistake look at that new beginning new employment new career path new project new abundance a new place place a new home there’s new new new here you may have sacrificed for a man in your life or some man has done the wrong thing by

you it could be a woman as well remember we don’t have genders but he it’s very strong with this man I don’t know what it is but it’s very strong with a male that’s it you now you now leave a situation but don’t give up on you you’ve got a lot more Prosperity ahead you were meant to go through this believe it or not cancer you were meant to go through this understand it and not allow yourself to ever fall for something like that again sometimes we go through things so we’re aware of what people are capable of or how situations take place so that we don’t fall for the same mistake again look at that there’s news here there’s information there’s an email there’s a phone call there’s something here that brings you this new opportunity this new place of employment you are definitely going to have this new opportunity how you get it is up to you but I know that for one person at least two two maybe even three you’re going to put your yourself in the right place at the right time to get the right deal to get the right opportunity to get the right thing the right dream or

goal you may have been through some hard times here cancer the dark mountains are not easy to climb but there’s your sun this is where it all changes it all changes

here last message for cancer please from Archangel Michael cancer let me know if this resonates with you I love this picture isn’t that beautiful I love it it’s like this power of power ready to

s look at that card number 11 you may see number 11 11 throughout your journey Embrace this magical moment you are in the perfect energetic space for manifesting miracles allow your wishes to be

fulfilled there is no mistake look at the bottom of the deck have no fear change one and four is five which is change fear is a trap of the ego allow me Archangel Michael to use my sword of light to free you from the dising feelings holding you back because you’ve been through something before cancer you may find it hard to put yourself out there they’re saying have no fear the the minute we have fear we block ourselves we block our opportunities what have you got to lose you’ve got to have this mentality cancer if I want it I need to go and get it what have I got to lose what someone’s going to say no okay get on with it but what if what if they say yes what if I get this op opportunity to Chase my dream and be living what I want to live through my goals what

if have no fear and embrace the magical moment I hope this helped someone here cancer lots of love and light your Bo thank you so much

bye-bye you

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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