Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December Week 2, 2023
FREE Weekly Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast for December Week 2, 2023. I have also be released other videos for Cancer Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Cancer Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful cancer thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live today we’re going to do your horoscope for the next 7 to 14 days and we’re going to use messages energies to start your reading then we’re going to go into Leo Normand deck tarot to compliment and then the last one is the messages that are going the last two messages for you to finish off the reading for those of you that don’t know we have put out the 2024 predictions and the December so please feel free to go on to the channel remember to subscribe like share and comment as that helps our channel so very much and for that I’m so forever grateful so let’s see what we have for cancer please if it doesn’t resonate check your moon and your ascendant sign release the energy the first one for cancer prioritize selfcare cancer it’s now time for you to spend time on caring for you how many times have you put yourself aside to care for others how many times have you stopped doing what you need to do for you to help others now it’s time to look after you now it’s time for you to go out and smell the roses join a gym class go and do yoga go for a walk go and have a coffee by the beach go and have a coffee in
nature time for you to prioritize
yourself how many times cancer let me know in the comments how many times have you given your time your efforts and your energy to making sure everyone else around you is okay pray from the heart prayer really can move mountains reach out to the Divine with your heart’s concerns and watch Miracles unfold if there is anything worrying you right now cancer Now’s the Time for you to put it out there and be honest with the higher creator with your angels with your guides and your mentors about what it is that’s tearing you apart or tearing you up inside allow them speak it out loud and tell them like you’re speaking to a normal person exactly how you feel what’s bothering you and how this has impacted you in some way allow your prayers to be heard allow your your concerns your dreams your wishes to be
heard the power of prayer or communication is unbeatable
Archangel Michael is with you now for th Archangel Michael is my absolute favorite so much so that I’ve got him right here beside me and here he’s saying I am with you even though you can’t see it I am actively working on this situation I am here helping you you may be going through a situation that is quite tough right now cancer or that’s very challenging
and has required a lot of
you emotionally physically and he’s saying I’m here with you now you’re not
alone you’re not alone
cancer someone new is coming an important new relationship comes into your circle within the next 7 to 14 days this may be a friendship but it may be that partner you’ve asked for and you’ve wished for it’s time now to look after who you are despite what others think despite what others want and not worry about other people’s opinions and judgment who is it that’s going to make you happy someone new coming into your circle it’s there for you to enjoy it’s there for you to experience don’t feel guilty and don’t feel like you’ve got to explain yourself to anybody this is your journey and although it’s easier said than done you’ll see that people will either adapt to the situation or the thought or they will move on and that’s not your baggage to carry that’s someone else’s for someone here it’s your worried about introducing someone to your family you’re introd you’re you’re worried about bringing someone into the family that you’re worried that the family is not going to accept for different reasons could be cultural reasons could be religious
reasons what else have we got for cancer
please the mice the misis is saying don’t give up on what you believe in and don’t give up on what you want putting yourself first is a must sometimes we need to be selfish because if we’re not no one’s going to do it for us no one’s going to look after after us how we can ourselves it’s time now to be selfish and put yourself
first always looking after others the book there’s some learnings here for you cancer through your wishes and your gu gos you may take the time out to read books ask questions get further knowledge on certain things understand why things take the way take place the way they do some of you may learn spirituality and what I mean by that is how spirituality Works how the guides the mentors work the archangels how does this all work and is this real for others it’s you asking for guidance asking for information asking for guidance on something something that’s been worrying
you a man for some of you here you may be worried about a man in your life could be a husband a partner a father figure a brother cousin whoever it may be they’re going through a hard time right now and you’re going through a hard time with that Archangel Michael is saying stand strong I’ve got you and I’m with you
for someone here you may have had a man in the past teach you teach you that men can’t be trusted and therefore you’re worried about this new someone coming
in for someone here you’ve had a hard lesson when it comes to [Music] relationships someone here has taught you that it’s not all black and white that relationships do
hurt the family the tree the stability something here brings you stability this someone new that’s coming into your life cancer is going to bring you stability the stability that you’ve been asking for the stability that you need you just need to let go of any past hurts any past pains and not look at everyone as if they are the
same when we all do it and there’s nothing wrong with what you’re doing it’s when you understand it’s very it’s not that there’s nothing wrong with what you’re doing because obviously it’s not right on the nice on the new nice person that comes into your life but we all do it we all once you’ve been hurt once you’ve been bet portrayed
betrayed you have this thought that I don’t want to get hurt again and what if and they’re saying cancer it’s time for you to look at this new person that’s coming into your life with different eyes acceptance and allow the change to happen number five is change 2 and 8 is 10 which is a new cycle if you plus one and zero together it’s a new cycle new person new feelings new ways let go of the past and make that change allow that change if you feel in your heart that you
can cuz no one can tell you what to do
cancer okay what other messages do we have for cancer please thank
you the nine of Wands some of you here have been through a battle and it hasn’t been easy some of you have looked after others for quite some time you’ve all you’ve done is care for others others interests others wellbeing and you’re exhausted you feel like you have been through a battle and back and now now it’s time for you to prioritize yourself you’re exhausted you’re tired and you’ve had enough enough of having to battle through life enough of having to make ends
meet there’s a heart an there’s the calling we’re listening and we’re learning I have no doubt that some of you here cancer are going to turn to spirituality you may go to church to a mosque somewhere where you can get in touch with your higher self with the higher
beings and allow time for you to understand who you are where you came from and where you’re going asking for help learning that you’re not on your own that there is a higher Force out there that can help
you someone that’s going to have your back someone that you can turn to but no one else is around
cancer the 10 of cups is here for someone here you may be currently unemployed or you’re not in a relationship and here you meet a beautiful man that comes into your life and either one gives you an opportunity to work makes you part of their project their career or is that beautiful man that brings you a lot of Happiness into your life someone that shares with you all the falls all the getting UPS has your back and is there in genuine love for you so if you’ve given up on love cancer then be prepared because I do feel that at least one of you here are going to meet somebody somebody that’s going to really have your best interest at
heart the strength card I love the strength card you’re capable of doing anything and getting through anything the strength card is all about you winning the battle being strong enough to take on anything and although you may have been through quite a lot cancer you didn’t give up you fought the the lion and you won you may have come out hurt tired
exhausted but your strength guided you through that
situation it could have been with family or it could have been with a relationship but look at the bottom of the deck you now move forward with certainty you now move forward and leave that old behind the old life people that no longer serve you the old situation that you don’t want anymore that old job that used to eat at you every time you walked in the door allow the new to enter cancer look after yourself and your interests and your hopes and your dreams because if you don’t no one else will let me know in the comments if you can resonate with this reading because it’s quite powerful cancer it’s powerful because it’s all about you taking the focus back to you which is absolutely
important last two messages for cancer please last two messages for [Music]
within the next few months you’re going to feel different see life
differently within the next few months you’re going to have an understanding of who you are where you’re going and see life from a different perspective
things will look brighter look at that amen cancer the abundance card you are going to move from where you are right now and find yourself but not only with financial abundance but with love with respect for yourself and love love for yourself you’re going to see that the abundance that you have around you you’re going to be grateful for and that you’ve got so much to offer and so much to be grateful for in a month all those hard times is everything going to be Rosy from here on in no I’m not going to tell you that because nothing is ever Rosy for anyone at any time we go through ups and downs and that’s what makes us appreciate at the good times but you have got a few next months that are going to be amazing with a lot of abundance and a lot of learnings that you’ve taken with you new people coming into your life especially one
person I hope that’s helped somebody cancer lots of love and light your way thank you so much for being here
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)