Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December 2023
FREE Weekly Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast for December 2023. I have also be released other videos for Cancer Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Cancer Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Cancer thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from Tarot Readings live so today we’re going to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days we’re going to start off with the row of energy then two tarot to compliment and then a final message with the moon deck I have already mixed all the decks so let’s see what we have for cancer for the next 7 to 14 days cancer you may not have seen in it yet and if you have that’s great but uh December forecast for 2023 is out now for every sign and the predictions for 2024 they’re both round table so there’s a lot of information if you want to keep the 2024 one that would be a wise decision as you can see every month what’s in it for you let’s see what we have cancer energies for cancer please energies for cancer thank
you adaptability cancer something that you’re going to have to adapt to in the next one to two weeks and the adap adopting adapting yourself to this situation or to this person is going to bring you stability it’s like you’re going to see something a different way or understand something that you didn’t understand the same way before it’s like there’s a a shining light on a person or a
situation and it’s you adapting to the understanding adapting to a different way of thinking adapting to a situation not sure there let’s see what else we’ve
got what are you adapting to let’s see what cancer has to adapt to please
Detachment cancer here we have a possibility of you having to adapt to letting go of something Detachment is something leaves your life or leaves you as you know it it’s no longer the way it was it’s no longer the way it is it’s like you’re adapting to the realization that you need to let go of something or someone you detach yourself from this situation you detach yourself from this person for a purpose or a reason either they’re leaving or you leave that situation they may be leaving to go and work overseas it could be a mother and a child where the child leaves home and it’s you having to adapt to not seeing that child every day it could also be that um you need to detach yourself from things that you were very attached to and being able to adapt to that is going to be where the light
lies what else have we got for cancer pleas
purification Sage purification don’t give up number three and four is don’t give up seven whatever it is that you’re detaching yourself from you’re going to adapt yourself to other a new life a new place a new career and that itself is going to bring you purification it’s going to bring you growth it’s going to bring you a different way of seeing the world of seeing other people give you a bigger knowledge of how life
works one more card for cancer please thank you abundance whatever it is cancer that you’re doing let me tell you it is abund and on the bottom of the deck we’ve got intensity which is fire so here you may be dealing with or have very strongly in your sign Aries Leo or Sagittarius but whatever it is that you’re detaching from it may be you leaving home you detaching yourself from those you love from friends that you’ve known for a long long time detaching yourself from a situation or a a group of people that you’ve dealt with for so long a place that you’ve lived for some time it’s you leaving a situation to purify and go and get your abundance and you’re more passionate than ever about doing this there is a fire in your belly that you want to achieve the impossible or you want to achieve a goal or a dream of
yours whatever it is it’s bringing you a lot of
abundance okay let’s see what else we have for cancer please what else do we have for
cancer there is no mistake that you’re ready for a new adventure you’re ready to take on a new place move to a new location a new city a new country start something new and you’re going with all the force you’re going with determination with power and wanting to learn wanting to create wanting to
conquer and and then it’s you adapting to this new new life new people new
language for some of you here it’s you leaving a relationship leaving the people that you love leaving friends behind but behind you there are new people coming in new relationships new friendships although you’re detaching from those that you love and those that you know you will meet new
people that’s the purif
oh cancer I love what I do look at that the death card this is you putting an end to things that no longer no longer have a place in your life you’re clearing out from people that no longer are positive in your life situations that no longer serve you careers that no longer fulfill you walking away from a place that doesn’t bring you happiness anymore it’s you Pur purifying yourself from everything that was to now everything that is going to be and is it’s you letting go of things and situations that no longer serve you you’re purifying yourself from all the
old it’s no mistake cancer you have got a huge amount of abundance coming your way you’ve got abundance there and then you’ve got the 10 of Pentacles which is you finding your Rich your richness your abundance and I do feel that this is for work it’s you going to a new career leaving the people that you work with now behind leaving your family behind and going to another country another city another state to work but it’s all for the right reasons it’s going to bring you that abundance that you so
what else do we have for cancer please what else do we have for
cancer a big move cancer a move of a relocation that’s going to bring you not only a lot of growth and a lot of stability but a lot of abundance moving to a new home moving out of
home the Knight of Swords you’re not stopping you’re not even looking back there’s only one way forward here and that’s straight
ahead you’re not worried too much about how you’re going to adapt you’ll see the light you’ll make it
work you’re going to find your
stability answer
pleas what did I say about abundance a new
opportunity detaching yourself from the old
detaching yourself from the old to find your new opportunity of a lifetime it’s it’s like this is a job that you’ve always wanted a place you’ve always wanted to live in you’re detaching yourself from the
old to go and get your your new adventure your new ideal job your new opportunity where you’ll meet new people new
friends and you may not leave in December but you will have notice of that in
December celebration you will be celebrating cancer you’ll be celebrating your success you’ll be celebrating being accepted you’ll be celebrating leaving things behind that no longer serve you no longer make sense there’s a huge celebration here a huge celebration of leaving the old to transform your life into the new make no mistake this is a huge transformation
and on the bottom of the deck you’re going to be at peace with your decision and where you’re going to you’re going to be at peace that you’ve made the right
choice you’re going to be rested knowing that you have found your financial abundance
that got you out of a situation of Despair blocking you felt like am I ever going to get out of this place am I ever going to get a job am I ever going to be able to travel am I ever going to leave my state that I’m in not being able to see two steps forward this opportunity that comes knocking put you at rest with the abundance that you
deserve now is the time to make that move and you will not only will you want to move forward you are rushing to move forward
for some of you it could be a child that’s leaving home to It’s You adapting to what I said before that’s come across here
too what other messages do we have for cancer
please surrender to the Divine it’s like you’re saying I have wished for this this is has been a dream and a goal of mine I’m now going to throw it all up in the air and surrender to the Divine what’s meant to be is going to
be I’ve been given a chance and an opportunity and I’m going to take it whatever happens
adjustments are required absolutely there’s going to be adjustments that need to be made there’s going to be Arrangements that need to be made you’re going to have to readjust to different things different people different cultures if you’re moving overseas or you’re going to have to readjust to different people where you’re going
to but away from family if you’re leaving to go overseas and
work look at that the bottom of the deck is Believe In The Impossible everything that you questioned you doubted it was ever going to happen for
you impossible is I’m possible like Audrey he heurn said so believe in the
impossible cancer this is someone that’s on a mission this is someone that knows what they want this is someone that is chasing their
dream I hope that’s you if it’s not share it with other cancers like subscribe and comment let me know in the comments if you can resonate with this lots of love and light thank you so much all the best
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)