Cancer Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast June Week 4

by | Nov 6, 2024 | Free CANCER Horoscopes | 0 comments

Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast For June Week 4 2024

FREE Weekly Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast for June Week 4 2024. I have also be released other videos for Cancer Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Cancer Horoscope for the Month of June and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful cancer thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from Tarot Readings live and Psychics to here to bring your reading for the next 7 to 14 days or even a little bit more so let’s see what we have for cancer thank you to everybody who subscribed liked and shared the video okay cancer The Wheel of Fortune cancer changes what’s about to change here for you cancer what do we got for cancer please what’s the changes coming for cancer a message page of Wands wow you’re going to receive a message that’s going to bring on some changes or create changes page of Pentacles A New Beginning a new job cancer are you applying for a new job have you been applying for a new project have you been applying to get into something look at that the eight of Pentacles you worked extremely hard you’ve been working towards something you’ve been studying here and I feel that now you’re going to be rewarded for all your hard work for all your hard study the results are going to come through and they’re going to be fantastic so this is a change in your life that you’re going to remember it’s a change that comes to complete all the hard work all the hard all the energy that you’ve put put into something is now going to be compensating you for all your determination in this the five of cups look at

that for some of you you’re not

happy the Six of Swords

wow Six of Swords cancer we started off great for some people you’re going to get exactly what you want from something that you’ve put so much into for somebody else it’s like you you’ve been working hard however the results come back or you’ve been for an interview and someone you get a message that you’re unsuccessful or you’ve started so hard in in an area and now you find out that your results are not strong enough for you to be able to get a job or get into an area that you wanted to it’s going to force you to go elsewhere you know what this is like it’s like you finished off your schooling and before you go to college or university some of you don’t have enough marks to get into the University or the college that you are planning it’s going to force you to go to another college or University that accepts lower scores for somebody else this is going to be h a very Line in the Sand of moving away from something that you wanted to get out of a job you wanted to get out of and you move now to another job and you get the message that you were successful in a job interview which allows you to move on to another job and leave behind something that really upset you a place or people that upset you and you didn’t want to be part of anymore I don’t know which area you are but there’s a couple messages here let’s find out what else we’ve got for cancer but there’s definitely changes you’re going to get a message this week or in the next couple of weeks that determine where you go to next that determine your next

steps okay cancer let’s go what else the other tarot has for you cancer well I’ve got you we’re also doing a reading now which is an audio reading and what that is is I um you book online and I get in contact with you get a couple of information get a couple of details from you and then I do a an audio message of what your next 12 months looks like and I ask you for three questions that you want to know right now all the details for all of that are down below the mes the reading is then sent to you via WhatsApp and that way you’ve got it for yourself to reflect back on and you can hear it anytime you like so if that’s something you’re interested in the details are below what else do we have for cancer please two of fire cancer the decisions you’re going to have to make now once this message comes through you’re going to have to make some hard decisions here decisions that are going to that you may be thought you didn’t have to make the

mother this is this is someone here that is going to have to make decisions on what where they go to next what they’re going to dedicate themselves to now what new creation or new job that they they’re going to go to it’s a new it’s a new creation A New

Beginning the thought someone here oh we got two here look at that someone here mind body and soul for someone here you may have had all your hopes pinned on passing these exams or you may have had all your hopes and dreams based on this new career that you wanted you thought that you had it all there however when the results have come back they’re not what you expected and now you’ve got to move elsewhere to complete or change paths to study something else for some of you here the person that that’s going to get a new job into you here it’s something that you’ve wished for you you’ve thought about you’ve made decisions on which way you want to go and now that comes to fruition

a battle look at that an internal battle that you face you for someone here you didn’t want to have to leave where you are or what you’re doing you didn’t have to you didn’t want to leave the position that you were studying for or the job that you were in but you’ve been forced to leave here and that’s going to bring that’s going to bring internal battle for those of you that are leaving a job and you’re starting something else and you wanted to get away from a job that was not good for you there’s going to be battles before you leave and I feel that you’re leaving because of the chaos and conflict that you’ve had in that place or with those people so there’s a few scenarios here so someone here is leaving a job because of all the chaos and conflict and you’re going to get your beautiful new job and that’s going to be great it’s going to be the beginning of a new adventure for others it’s getting results that you didn’t think you were going to get you thought you were going to do do better than what you did and that’s going to force you to go

elsewhere sacrifices someone is going to have to make sacrifices here what they thought they were going to have now is very clear that it’s not happening for others it’s like you’ve made it a sacrifice where you were now you you leave to a new location look at that that came out like that it it goes to exactly the same it’s like I can’t move towards the direction I wanted to move in this change here this message here changes everything for me even though I made sacrifices I still didn’t get what I

wanted new new it’s like I need to choose A New Path now I need to make decisions to study something else I need to make decisions to leave this job and go elsewhere I need to make decisions because I can’t I can’t get what it is that I wanted this message that comes through brings this news that put you on your back foot for some of you here and look at that the decision making again the decisions that need to be made after all the sacrifices I made look at that decisions on something else that I thought was stable and now it

isn’t what is it that you’re going through here [Music] cancer it’s like someone was expecting results that they didn’t get someone else is leaving a job that they loved but because of the chaos and the conflict you’ve got no no option but to leave or you’re going to be dis missed that’s the other one here choose your path choose A New Path cancer one thing that that they they’re saying to you here is no matter what happens in life sometimes we get veered onto a new path for a new reason and a new purpose it’s not all by mistake you were going on a path or you’re wanting something that maybe down the track you weren’t going to like or maybe down the track you weren’t going to be given the opportunities that you might be given in this new place so sometimes we need to go through things to understand that when we look back we think thank God that happened otherwise I wouldn’t have been here today how many times has that happened to you where things didn’t work out the way you wanted to but then when you look back after you you’ve gone a different path you were glad that that path didn’t work out look at that surround yourself with protect Ive energy protect yourself from negative people protect yourself from people that are not nice you may be around people that are not nice and are not good for your health and well-being protect yourself from those energies it’s not worth getting into battle with people that are not positive

humans release the old and rest when you understand that everything comes for a reason and that there’s always a purpose and a reason why why things are happening the way they are you’re going to release the old and when you do release the old you allow yourself to rest in peace with the decisions you’ve made rest in peace with how you’ve landed where you’ve landed and be at peace with yourself about it may not have worked but I know I’m here or I’ve got this now for a reason and a purpose nothing is by mistake take time to reflect it’s now time to reflect on what what you want to achieve where you want to go who you want to spend time with what’s important to you sometimes schooles or in a job that you loved it may be a little piece in comparison to your health like your health is more important ORD Above All Else and here as much as you loved something or you wanted something or you you were a part of something it comes to take you out of that if it’s not good for you and I feel that’s exactly what’s happening here with cancer you’re being removed from a place a situation a course because what what path you were choosing was never going to be right for you for some reason I don’t know cancer I hope that makes sense to somebody here lots of love and light your way thank you so much for being here bye-bye


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