Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast For June Week 2 2024
FREE Weekly Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast for June Week 2 2024. I have also be released other videos for Cancer Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Cancer Horoscope for the Month of June and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
hello beautiful cancer how are you today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and today we’re here to do your horoscope for the next 7 to 14 days remember cancer if it doesn’t resonate that you check your moon and your ascendance sign as there may be a message for you there so let’s find out what we have for cancer please energy for cancer shift your perception a lot of this card has been coming out quite a bit today shift your perception it’s like you’ve got to change the way you’re thinking in regards to something it’s asking you to revisit things the because the way you saw it before is not how you’re going to see it now it’s Shifting the way you think Shifting the way you see things Shifting the way you believe things to be let’s see what else we have for
cancer bask in joy and light you’ve got beautiful things coming towards you A New Creation here cancer something that you’re creating something that you’re wanting it’s like now you’re going to see this come to fruition be able to celebrate it be able to feel it and love it and have this feeling of abundance and joy and basking in in it you’re going to understand that it wasn’t impossible that this was always going to happen you set your mind to making things work you dedicated yourself a b is dedic it’s dedication it’s happiness it’s
abundance so I don’t know what it what it is that you’ve been doing but whatever it is you’re going to see rewards from that promotions a new opportunity embrace the energy of peace with this you’re going to feel more of Peace it’s like the missing peace to the puzzle has arrived the answer you’ve been wanting the solution you’ve been looking for by shifting your perception you’ll find that you come across the answer you come across the solution you’re looking for or something happens that you’re wanting let’s see what we have for cancer please
bit nervous cancer you’re a bit nervous about something you I feel here that someone’s feeling a bit of anxiety a bit a bit of emotional em emotionally you’re unbalanced at the moment due to a situation or something that you need here cancer please
yeah the three of air which is you learning something looking into something looking for an answer or a solution to a problem you’ve got right now it’s like there has to be a way out of this there has to be something that I can do and what they’re saying is if you just shift the way you think or the way you’re thinking about something if you change it a bit you may just find what you need and I feel that you’re going to find your answer and solution I said that to begin with look at that what’s that the perception twice so your answer and your solution are easily found changing your perception or the way you look at things the way you understand something is not how you’re meant to be looking at it or it’s not how you’re meant to be um perceiving it it’s there’s something else that you’re missing that piece that that way of looking at something if you just look at it in a different light if you take yourself out of the situation you’re in and look at from an outsider’s perspective what do you
see you’re going to find your answer here cancer the journey it’s been a journey that you’ve been on it this had you’ve had some dark days you’ve had some great days but it’s all been a journey a journey of learning a journey of Enlightenment I feel that you’re so much better off everything that you’ve gone through and everything that you’ve learned you’re a totally different person today what they’re asking of you here cancer is look at it in a different Manner and you may just find the answer it’s like you may have been through quite a lot of things cancer but rather than focusing on the glass half empty focus on the glass half full think about all the things that you learned from this situation everything that you now know that you didn’t
before starting to look at things from a different light transforming the way you think and feel about a certain situation or person the two of Earth making decisions uncertain about something uncertain maybe you’re nervous here and it’s making you very uncertain or you’re just not um you’re not ready to make a decision so you’re you’re contemplating which way to go what path to take what’s your next move how what are the consequences if you go either way this is someone that’s planning something here you’re thinking about which way to go what to do and look there’s a medium they’re saying no not everything is Black or White there’s always a middle realm here and you I think what they’re saying here cancer is you’re you’re either thinking it’s one way or the other which you haven’t taken time out to think about the in between and that in between is going to be the key to the success to the answer or to the solution I hope this helps somebody here because it’s something that you’re on to you’re on the right path you just need to look at it in a different light okay cancer please what have we got for cancer what do we got for cancer
please Eight of Cups giving up I’m about to give up I’m about
to give up on what I’ve been doing I’m about to give up on this thing I’m about to give up on this relationship on this career on this idea on this opportunity but then you realize that there’s something that you may have missed which is the learning the different
perception eight of Pentacles that’s going to be the secret whatever it is that you’ve been doing doing there’s going to be something a detail some information that’s missing and when you get this information or when you get this thing that’s missing you’ll find your answer and don’t give up they’re saying don’t give up now’s not the time to give up you’re so close I don’t know what it is that you’re doing look at that the world you’re going to conclude this with without a doubt there is a conclusion to what you’re going through right now the change of ideas the change of thought is going to conclude this idea this solution this
problem it comes to an end cancer whatever it is you’re going through it comes to an end you will find your your solution and your idea look at that and that brings on the the finish the Finish of you tying up this loose end you tying up this situation is what’s going to bring you your Prosperity so you may be going through something here and and it’s like now that I found the information I needed now that I found the loophole or now that I’ve got this this answer I’m going to apply it I’m going to use it to to help me get get what I deserve to help me achieve what I need to help me find the answer and the solution to my problem because here is a Prosperity this ending will bring you a lot of prosperity your
way what is it that you’re doing cancer let me know does this make sense to
you you take control of the situation 100% the minute that that’s all done and you’re going to feel a sense of Peace but also a a sense of empowerment a sense of I did it when everything seemed seemed hard when everything seemed impossible I found the answer I’ve got what I need now I’m empowered by this
finishing off this this problem it’s going to empower me to be the best I can be the Six of Pentacles just be careful here cancer cuz people are going to want what you’ve got whether this be money and I do feel that this is money whatever you’re coming into whatever money is coming your way just be careful that there’s not vultures around you um that want that money that will give you a a a a um a story that’s not real so that you feel sorry and you help them out be really careful because when we’re going through tough times we’ve got little people around that we can count on but when we’re successful you automatically find all these friends and all these people that want to be by you or want to be beside you to reap your rewards what you have to fight for so they’re saying be very careful here you find your light look at that after all the dark days that you had the Solitude where were where who was with you when you most needed it who was there for you when you most needed it make sure that these people here are not getting what they don’t deserve
[Music] let’s go what have we got last two messages for cancer let me know if this makes sense cancer if it doesn’t check your moon and your ascendant sign as there may be a message for you there let’s see if it makes sense please let me know in the comments like the video and subscribe if you haven’t already that helps the channel immensely step into your power what did I say that’s a powerful card and look at that you will once you come to an end with this situation or whatever it is that you’re going through you’re going to feel a sense of power of achievement you’re going to be proud of who you are and more than anything you’re going to be proud that you didn’t let you didn’t let that slip away you didn’t give up when the going was tough so you you actually find your internal power again and that’s priceless in itself isn’t it
oh no no that’s too many that’s silly
now this Oracle just wants to give you all the answers up front but that’s they’re saying no that’s not what it
is speak your world into being remember I said to you you’re looking at things um with the glass half empty the minute you change your perception your thoughts and your feelings to that glass half full everything will start to make sense when you look around you and you see how far you’ve come how much you’ve achieved that’s going to give you that extra power that extra strength to keep fighting for what’s
yours leave the past behind when this is concluded cancer you’re going to be able to leave a past that was less desirable behind you’re going to be able to leave behind what no longer suit you or what no what you no longer want in your life you’re going to be able to walk away from people situations a place that took everything that they had that you had at the time but today you stand stronger for it and you now realize that you deserve more you are
more I hope that makes sense to somebody here cancer let me know in the comments lots of love and light your way thank you so much for being here bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)