Cancer Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast for May

by | Jun 10, 2024 | Free CANCER Horoscopes | 0 comments

Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast For May 2024

FREE Weekly Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast for May 2024. I have also be released other videos for Cancer Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Cancer Horoscope for the Month of May and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/cancer-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-may/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/cancer-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hi beautiful cancer thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics live.com.au today we’re here to bring you your May horoscope so I call on in all your guides and angels and my guides and angels on my side to come together and bring the message that we need to bring here for cancer for May 2020 24 cancer if you do not resonate with this reading remember to release the energy and check your moon in your ascendant sign as there can be messages for you there let’s start off with two oracles and then the tarot to see what we have coming for cancer for May 2024 thank you so much let’s see what we have for cancer please energies for cancer please what’s coming through in May thank you resistance what are you hanging on to cancer what are you not letting go of it’s like you’re not giving up you’re you’re persisting with something there’s something you have or you want desperately and you’re not giving it up either it can be somebody or a or something but here you’re hanging on tight to something that means a lot to

you someone else had this energy

growth growth this is a card that speaks about changes number five is is whatever it is that’s coming through is going to bring you a lot of growth in May but you’re resisting the change I don’t it you may not want to change something or you may not feel like you’re ready for a change this can be due to fear instability being unsure a whole heap of emotions here of you totally being unsure about this change that you you know that where you are may have some difficulties or you may not be feeling a 100% but it’s what you know and you’re afraid that if you make a change it may not be what you want it may not bring what you’re after and it it scares you to let go of what you have already is this making sense to anybody

here what else have we got for

cancer cancer look at that I had a similar reading for somebody else and I can’t remember what zodiac sign it was because that may you may have a a moon or your Rising Sun saying exactly the same thing so check your moon and your Rising Sun or your ascendant sign as that there’s someone with exactly the same message here cancer there’s change here this change that is trying to come through or is presenting itself to you is not only going to bring you growth but it’s going to bring you a huge amount of internal power within it’s going to be change that takes you to a better place or a different platform or or expands your world but you’re still not convinced that this change is for you or that this change is going to be what you want Power look at [Music] that

power it says here number one and six is don’t give up you’ve got the power it’s not asking you to give up a lot but it’s asking you to change what you’re doing or what you have or what you want I I don’t or the way you’re doing something I don’t know what it is for everyone it’s going to be different but it’s it’s asking for you to change even if you change one little bit of what you’re doing you’re going to see it grow and spend and it’s going to be

powerful let’s see what else do we have cancer

place there’s someone here that’s scared to do things a different way or scared to look at something in a different light you’re comfortable it’s like you’re in your comfort zone you’re doing what’s comfortable and what the universe and your guides are trying to say to you is expand from that comfortable and get risk take a little bit of a risk get out of your comfort zone in order for you to grow because if you keep doing what you’re doing you’re going to stay what where you are so it’s asking you for a little bit of change

here thir the desert it’s like you’ve reached your potential where you are you’ve reached your limit with what you’re doing you’ve reached it’s like your you you’ve got this thirst for change but you don’t want to let go of what you’ve got does that make sense and they’re saying this resistance is making you thirsty for change but unless you let go and close that door which number 10 is a final It’s the final number in a Tarot or Oracle where it says it’s time for

change the 10 of this the 10 of um wands is your your carrying this huge burden this huge burden that is Weighing on you now now and though although it’s Weighing on you you still hold on scared to let go it’s like you’ve created something and it may not be doing what you want it to do but you’re scared to let it

go what else have we got for cancer please

[Music] oh cancer look at this it’s no mistake number 10 and number 10 what you’ve achieved and where you are

now needs it’s had its time it’s had its limit so now you need to change something to either one take it to the next platform close the door on something that’s not working and allow yourself to change or change what you’re doing so you have the capacity to

grow here Detachment you’re attached to something or someone and that is not allowing you to be as successful as what you’d like to be or you feel that you need to stay there it this could also be with children if you’ve got children you’re you’re attached to your children that you’re not allowing them to go their own paths make their own mistakes flap their wings you’re trying to hold on to what’s

important for it’s only that could be for just a few people I don’t know but they told me to say that for someone it’s children for others it’s an ideal it’s a job for it could be whatever it is but this is what’s coming through it’s like you’re attached to something or someone and that’s not allowing you to make the changes you need to make in order for you to grow that’s bottom line that’s what it is detaching yourself scares you it’s like if I detach myself from my importance or where I’m important or from this thing I’m going to feel alone I’m going to feel isolated I’m going to feel panicked it’s like there’s a panic

here I don’t know if this makes sense does this make sense to

somebody cancer the change that you want to make is going to happen because you’re going to be forced to make a decision in May that put you in a situation of how much more are you going to hold on to this how much more are you going to hold on tight to the point where you’re not able to do what you want to do or what you need to do for everybody it’s going to be a different story and I don’t know what yours is so let me know in the comments but it’s like there’s going to be change there there is going to be change in May for you and I don’t know what you’re hanging onto or what scares you or why you feel the need to hold on so tight but it’s important obviously you wouldn’t hang on so tight if it wasn’t important cancer

diversity look at that they’re saying the minute you the minute you allow yourself to see in a different light the minute you connect on different levels about different things and the minute you see other people’s opinions or you see other people’s point of views or you take a step back and look at the situation you’re hanging on to from an outsider’s point of view what do you see because that there Seeing Things From a Different Light seeing things from a different perspective stepping back from your situation and looking from an Outsiders point of view in that’s going to give you the power you need to make that change what I usually say to my clients is if whatever situation you’re in if a friend of yours was in that s same situation what would you say to them so put your your friend in your situation what’s the advice you would give them because that’s the advice you need to give you

hope that helps but I feel here that there’s New Beginnings there’s new things coming for you

cancer once you detach once you diversify once you change something about something I I don’t know what it is a situation a person hanging on tight to this person or to this thing or to this place what have we got to for cancer here have faith have faith that nothing happens by mistake everything has a purpose and a reason everything comes for a purpose and a reason no one crosses our paths by mistake nothing happens in our lives by mistake there is always a learning there is always something that comes out of that situation that either one will be grateful for or two we need it to

see queen of water the love the love that you have is not going to change for some the love that you have for something or someone may have to change the love that or the love that you have for a situation or a person may not have to change you may just have to change the way in which you approach it you look at it nothing’s going to be lost here unless you want it to be because what’s coming in for you is far far better than what you have or what you’re going to get if you just attach a little bit or change something slightly I don’t know what it is but I hope that makes sense to someone here look at that the two of water which is the lovers card here we have a card showing passion love excitement ownership a union a powerful Bond it’s like a powerful bond that would would only damage you if you let go a little bit you’re feeling like if you let go a little bit you’ll lose a lot

if you let go of what you’re hanging on to is better going to come in is what you’re hanging on to good enough to stop change from coming in all these questions I don’t know where you’re at unless it’s a personal reading I can’t tell you but here it’s you looking at that bond that connection that decision that you need to make with a more powerful sensitive Way by detaching yourself from it and looking from outside in does that make sense cancer that’s what I have for Ma so may is going to be challenging for you I feel in a in an emotional way but not a bad way I feel like it’s going to be a a a month of Detachment from something so you can allow growth into your life you can allow expansion to happen lots of love and light cancer thank you so much for being here bye-bye


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