Cancer Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast for June

by | Jun 18, 2024 | Free CANCER Horoscopes | 0 comments

Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast For June 2024

FREE Weekly Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast for June 2024. I have also be released other videos for Cancer Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Cancer Horoscope for the Month of June and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hi everyone my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings and psychics today we’re going to start your June reading and we’re going to do the energy for June then we’re going to do three cards card one is going to be for career card two is for relationships and card three is going to be for finances so you can either pick that card that you’re interested in or or you can pick more than one or you can watch the whole video it’s up to you the whole video has a lot of messages for you but I understand that some people want to know only one section of the reading so I’m going to separate that reading for you then we’re going to finish it off with the last message for you as well I hope that all makes sense and in June our motto is going to be I am abundant I am prosperous and I am healthy so our mantra for June is going to be I am prosperous I am abundant and I am healthy write it in the comments below to bring that energy into

you hello beautiful cancer so we’re going to start off with some energies then go into the three cards and then the energies at the end so let’s see what we have for for cancer please what are the energies that we have for cancer for the month of June let’s see what comes out for cancer please energies for cancer please energies for cancer first one truth be told changes one and four is changes so there’s going to be some changes that you’ve either wanted to make or there’s going to be some changes that come forward to see for you to be able to see what’s real and what’s not real there’s going to be some truth some some Maneuvers in June that is going to bring you the reality of some people or situations that you’re involved in what else do we have for cancer please what else do we have for

cancer to be fair this is you and and you want balance you want truth you want you want to be able to see things for what they really are you want to be fair in certain situations or with certain people and what they’re saying here cancer is you’re going to have the opportunity to see things a lot more clearer in June and see people and situations for who they truly are you know sometimes they say that um everything that shines isn’t always valuable and I feel here that this is going to be your circumstance in June Keep Your Eyes Wide Open ears wide open and listen and see different things that come up in June that show you who people really are or how situations are really presenting themselves to

be things that we may have thought were a certain way or people in June there’s going to be a very very clear indication of what’s true and what’s

not okay let’s go so that’s the main energy let’s see the three cards that we have for cancer first one is for career second one is relationships and the third one is for finances so let’s see what we have for cancer okay card one cancer let’s see what card one brings Ace of Pentacles cancer a new beginning a new career a new job offer a new project something that you’re going to invest your time into in June which is going to be very successful or it’s going to be the start of something that’s going to take you to success beautiful and it’s going to bring you Financial stability what else do we have for cancer close for career career for cancer and I feel here that it’s you may have to get your hand hand sturdy in this in this project in what you’re going to do for some of you here it’s like you’re creating your own business it could be you know what I’m getting here um someone wanting to go into agriculture someone wanting to expand their knowledge what they’ve leared at University or something here that’s going to allow you to start a new business on your own this could be you selling um plants or flowers or a florist someone who who wants to expand into their own business or start something

new king of Cups you’re going to love what you do whatever it is that you’re starting in June it’s something that gives you peace gives you tranquility and that you absolutely love so I feel here that there’s going to be a cancer here that goes into a field that they’ve always wanted to be in and that they have a lot of passion for oops strength have the strength don’t doubt yourself don’t doubt your capabilities or your ideas look at that look at that the soil the planting this is you planting your new idea putting things into place making plans on how you’re going to expand this business how you’re going to move forward what is it that you want in your life what is it where do you want this business to be in 3 years time in 5 years time I feel here that someone is looking ahead and planting their ideas now you’re either in the process of planning or you’re in the process of starting this new business in

June and it’s going to bring you what you want so don’t be scared don’t be scared I feel someone here is scared of the unknown three of swords for some of you here it’s you’ve come from a place of disappointment and this is what’s forced you to think this way it’s like I’m I’m I don’t want to be working for other people I don’t want to be investing my time and energy into other people’s business and not being appreciated when I’ve got a gift or a or a goal or a dream that I can put into

place you may have started something very small and it was disappointing in the past but I do feel now that you’re a lot more capable now you’ve learned a lot it’s like I had to learn the hard way for some of you here you come up with an idea in your business that now it starts to work you may have been disappointed of how the business was running before or what you’ve invested and what you’ve done so far hasn’t worked however in June the new idea The New Plantation that you make the new prospects that you put into the business is what’s going to

flourish and you’re working extremely hard you’re going to dedicate yourself in June to your work you’re going to be absolutely involved and wanting to plant this wanting to make this a creation making this come to life this dream and this goal of yours coming to life you’re going to dedicate yourself in June to this project to this business to this goal of yours and I feel like it’s something that you’ve always loved doing and now you’re going to take the initiative to start this new we got for card two for cancer relationships four of Wands celebration you are either celebrating something extraordinary in your relationship or if you haven’t met someone yet you will and you’re going to meet this person in a social scene somewhere where you’re happy and dancing that’s where this new person may come to site somewhere where there’s music somewhere where you’re excited to dance with friends or and out of nowhere you’ll meet this person in June but I do feel it’s while you’re out and you’re out socializing dancing to great music

if you’re in a relationship in June you’re going to have more social events you’re going to be invited to more social events where there’s a lot of music a lot of dancing nine of cups look at that you’re going to be ecstatic romance relationships are all fantastic for you cancer in June they’re going to bring you a huge Abundance of Joy you’re going to be joyful you’re going to be loving life in June you’re going to be able to share your happiness with others and amongst all of that you may even meet someone doing that which obviously is going to add to that excitement and

happiness what else have we got cancer please relationships it’s time to move forward it’s time to put into place what you want I feel here that someone here may have been single for a while but in June you meet this new person and they say cancer it’s now time for you to move forward with this person get to know them share what your likes what your wants are in life but just go forward don’t hide behind um any walls let them down let your guard down and get to enjoy people I also feel here that someone here may go on a holiday and they’re saying go if you get asked to go away then go it’s going to be joyful it’s going to be happy you’re going to have a great

time changes this is changes in a relationship so for those of you that were in a a bad relationship things are going to improve out of sight out of a change that comes through for those of you that haven’t got a relationship and you’ve been single for quite some time your your life changes now your will change now you will meet that person you’ve been asking for and hoping for it’s time to let the wheel roll go with the flow don’t overthink things and don’t have huge amount of expectations on people so go with the flow and let things just

happen cancer relationships please card two magician you’re the magician you can create the magic that you want to create you have got everything you’ve got the charm the Brilliance the beauty the intelligence to grasp anybody cancer here they’re saying you have got everything you need already you’re the magician all the qualities that people want are in you and someone is going to notice you when you least expect it you’ve got you’ve got June for you if if you’re single at the end of June then I don’t know what’s happened but here there’s a there’s cancers that are going to be out in force and they’re going to have this charm this resilience about them this this Persona about them that just grabs people’s

attention one more please no too many too many thank

you I I feel here that someone that has really dedicated themselves to their work and they’ve forgotten about this area of their life even though you hoped to find somebody you hoped that someone would come your way I feel that you worked so hard and dedicated yourself to your finances and your career that now you’re putting yourself out there now it’s it’s it’s when this is going to happen because you’re ready you’re ready and you’ve noticed that the only way you’re going to meet somebody is to put yourself out there the hangman go with the flow remember I said that don’t have any expectations don’t stand still it’s it’s they’re saying now is not the time to stand still for many of you you’ve been you’ve been wanting someone new something new and you’ve you’ve stayed still for too long it’s like you you as much as you wanted it you you didn’t know how or you didn’t know or you didn’t have the the the want so much when now the car here and it’s going to push you out of your comfort zone it’s like if if people ask you to go out go don’t stay at home staying at home you will not meet that person you will not socialize you will not have the opportunity to maybe meet your soul person

listen to your intuition if it feels right it is if it doesn’t feel right then it’s not go with what you know go with what you feel and more than anything listen to that inner inner voice of yours it will tell you whether it’s right or wrong but let that will let that will go go with the flow and don’t stay at home staying isolated or staying in one place and not making anyc decisions or moves to go out and get to know people and socialize in different circles that’s not going to help your situation so you’ve got everything here that’s all positive for relationship for you for finances cancer four of Wands four of Wands is you staying still it’s like you’re you’re as far as your finances go you’re quite comfortable and at peace with your finances at the moment you’re not having huge trouble in your finances and you’re staying very still for many of you you haven’t been spending much money because you’ve been at home in your cozy comfort zone where you haven’t spent a lot of money you haven’t bought a lot of things and you haven’t had the need to buy a lot of things so I feel here that some of you here have saved quite a bit of

money too many thank you too many only one card please for cancer finances they want two look at that there you go look at that I I I feel that there’s a lot of there’s money coming into to you uh to your surroundings in June and I feel that this could be through your work where you either sell more product if you’ve got your own business you have more customers coming into you in June or here it could be that you may get a a promotion a proposal or even um a promotion at work that gives you more money but there is more money coming your way the Five of Swords for some of you here you may be a little bit worried it’s not for everybody that is comfortable in their finances for others you may get a debt or a bill that comes through that you didn’t see coming you may have something that you need to replace that’s going to take a little bit of money away from you and here you’ll find that as annoying it’s going to be annoying you have to spend a whole heap of of money on something that you hadn’t planned so there may be you know your car may break down or something like that that you need to spend money in

June five of Wands there’s also somebody here who you may be having issues at work and that’s worrying you as well because whilst you’re very stable where you are and you get paid extremely well I feel that in June there may be a few arguments or a few um or some people that challenge you but or there may be an argument here with somebody but I feel that it’s a group that something in June that happens at work so be aware of what you say and who you can trust at work because I do feel that there may be a few ups and downs at work in regards to other people there also may be people that are jealous of you getting a promotion or being given more money because you’ve dedicated yourself that can always cause friction amongst a team if they feel that you are being looked after and they’re

not three of Cups celebration there’s going to be some celebration here so I feel that some of you here are going to come into extra money you’re going to be given money through either a promotion or uh it this this might even come as well from the amount of work you’ve done and how well you’ve done it could be a bonus that you receive in

June look at that the lovers so the lovers in finances is I feel that you and a loved one are making really good money in um in June however there could be something to do with your partner or or a decision you need to make which which uh has an impact on your finances so there may be a decision you need to make and that’s what I was saying before there may be something that breaks down and you have to make a decision to buy something new or get it fixed and that’s going to cost you

money okay cancer let’s see the last message for cancer please what last message do we have for cancer what’s the last last message we’ve got for cancer please last message for cancer thank you ask your angels if there’s something you’re unsure about in June cancer ask your angels to guide you show you the way and show you the path that you need to go down for someone here you may be unsure about something or you’re looking for an answer or a solution in regards to something and here they’re saying ask your angels you know the truth be be told there’s something here that you’re going to question in June or something that catches You by surprise and you want to find the truth ask your angels meditate let them this may come to you in a dream or through things that you see but ask for

guidance no don’t be afraid to say no in June if you don’t feel right about something say no if you don’t want to be part of something or you don’t want to um do something don’t do anything you don’t want to do don’t do anything that doesn’t feel right to you it’s okay to say no use the no word more in June if you have to cuz I feel here that sometimes cancer you may want to please others and do things that you don’t really want to do but you do it because it’s the the right thing to

do not the right time for those of you that tried something before and it didn’t work out remember we spoke about in Korea it wasn’t the right time at that time so now is the right time if you’re wondering why things didn’t turn out or why um a certain thing happened then just know that it wasn’t the right time at that time everything comes to you at the right time and when you’re in the right

place last card trust trust that everything’s going to be okay trust that you’re on the right path and trust that you’re getting the right thoughts and ideas you’re being guided so trust your intuition trust that what it is that you want to do that you do it go with your intuition you can’t go too far on trust that everything’s going to work out remember a storm doesn’t last forever cancer there’s always a rainbow at the end of it let’s see what we’ve got with the animal spirit for cancer please an animal spirit for

cancer truth transcends Illusions cancer for somebody here truth be told it’s like you may have thought that somebody or something was a certain way and in June you’ll get to see people all those situations for exactly what they are sometimes we live looking at people in a certain way not wanting to see their true character or their true colors but in June it’s going to be very evident to you that the truth is going to transcend all Illusions people are going to drop their mask and you’re going to see people for who they truly are or

situations time to see what’s true sing your own song if no one Praises you and it don’t worry about it youve you know how good you are don’t wait for people to tell you how good you are don’t wait for other people’s judgments don’t wait for other people’s opinions have your own be comfortable in your own skin and make your own choices sing your song If you need to promote yourself then do that because if you don’t think you’re amazing no one else is going to people will always treat you how you perceive yourself so you need to think you’re amazing for others to see how amazing you

are and on the bottom life is speeding up life is moving quickly for you cancer so stay true to who you are see things for how true they are see people for what they present and go with life let it flow and because Life’s Too Short if you’ve got dreams and goals that you want to achieve now’s the month in June to let it go and let it come through I hope that makes sense cancer lots of love and light your way thank you so much bye-bye


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