Cancer Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast for JULY 24

by | Nov 6, 2024 | Free CANCER Horoscopes | 0 comments

Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast For JULY 2024

FREE Weekly Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast for July 2024. I have also be released other videos for Cancer Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Cancer Horoscope for the Month of July and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful cancer thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from Tarot Readings live and Psychics we’re here today to do your horoscope for July and I hope that you can resonate with parts of it or all of it if you don’t please visit your moon and your ascendant sign as there’s information for you there let’s see what energy we have for cancer then going to see what your career prospects are for July your relationships and your finances so let’s see what energy you have you have for July energy for cancer for July please thanks Never Ending Story something that keeps going on and on and on cancer something that you’ve been dealing with for quite some time but in July it comes to an end look three and is 10 it’s the last of it you’re you’re going to close a chapter on something that’s been weighing you down in July it all comes to an end cancer and I feel that many of you here have been waiting for this it’s like you’ve got she’s got a heart underneath the table for some of you you may have gone through a divorce and you can’t wait to finish it off for all the legalities to be done and for everything to be sorted and it’s been going on for so long for other people it’s different different um stories in everybody’s life it’s a different Journey but for somebody here it’s like you can’t wait for something to come to an end for something to be sorted out once and for

all fork in the road you’re going to need to make decisions and in July I feel that you’re going to have two options these two options are going to take you to different paths so you’re going to need to look at the different paths what they present to you what they mean for you and which way you’re going to go so this there’s some decision making in July as well cancer for

you unfinished Symphony look at that there’s definitely something look number 10 there’s definitely something here that needs to come to an end something that needs to be finalized a chapter that needs to be closed something that has been waiting on you for quite some time and in July it finally ends it finally comes to a conclusion soulmates for some of you here if you’re wanting to meet somebody July just may be the month to take you to that level of meeting someone who’s going to feel right be right and be exactly what you wanted the change is going to be dramatic and I do feel like it’s going to be a wish wish that you’ve made but you never thought or never came across anybody that would even come anywhere near it no place like home for some of you you may may be making changes to move back home for some of you you may have been living abroad or you may have been living in another location another city and in July you decide enough is enough and I need to go home I want to go back to my origin origin original place or where my Origins lay um but I want to go home okay what have we got for career for cancer pleas career for

cancer that that okay that thing’s going to close off cancer something is closing off that’s what I’m getting here what have we got for career please look at that new proposal new position a new opportunity that presents itself to you in July and it may be taking its time but it’s coming it’s coming the Knight of Pentacles is quite slow quite slow steady and secure and stable so you’re going to receive something that you’re going to be very happy with because it’s going to give you stability it’s going to be a long range of something that you’ll be in for quite some time it’s it’s not a a one-year contract or anything like that it’s something that offers you more stability and more Finance financers it does it does come you’ve been waiting for this for quite some time but it does arrive in July six of Wands look at you for those of you here that want a promotion for those of you that want a new job for those of you that um want to start a new project or a new business it’s absolute Victory the six of Wands is you’ve come a long way you’ve worked extremely hard and now you’re going to see the rewards come together you may be you may have been studying and you’ve given it everything you’ve got but now the results are here and you’re going to see that it’s going to be better than what you thought the tower disc for someone here you may decide that it’s time to give uh what you were doing a stop and I I I feel here that someone is at the point of closing off a chapter that they’ve done for quite some time and they’re looking for the new they want something totally out of this world they want something that’s going to be an adventure that’s going to make them love working and for some of you here you may even take the risk and say you know what I know that this job is paying me and it’s helping me pay the bills but I’m going to take that leap of of faith and I’m going to try I’m going to try what I need to try to make my life better starting your own business for example magician absolutely look at that it’s not a mistake with these two cards here this is someone that’s going to throw caution to the wind someone who is going to say that’s it i’ I’ve had enough of working for others I’m going I know that this it’s a risk but you know what I’m going to do it I’m going to do it and as much as it’s risky as much as it can go wrong I’m going to give it a go because I’m not going to be one to regret not giving it a go I I might go down but I’ll go down

trying the five of Wands look at that for some of you here what caused you to even think this way or leave a certain job is there’s too much ego you you were you were dealing with too many conflicts too many egos in the one place thinking that everybody’s right and now I feel here that you’re going to leave a place that was chaotic in your life for other people here you may out of nowhere and unexpectedly get a position in your organization that’s going to put you at the Forefront and even manage people that you used to work alongside that is going to be a surprise to everybody and you’re going to make this work the only thing is you’re going to have to deal with conflicts people thinking that they deserved it more than you or that um they’re not going to answer to you so that there may be with this promotion and this and this conquering you may find that people will be surprised by all of this and even though you’ve got everything and all the skills you need to do this job there’s always going to be people that question it and the four of Wands your career is going to give you the opportunity to either one work from home or you’re going to be better off at home due to the new promotion or more finances coming from your career for others changing what you’re doing right now and taking that risk is going to allow you to have more time at home with your loved ones with your family with your children tell me if that’s you what you’re planning cancer does that make sense to anybody

here let’s see what we have for your relationships cancer

M okay if it’s meant to come out it’s going to come out um let’s see what we have for cancer for relationships please what have we got for relationships for

cancer eight of Wands beautiful something starts to move forward you start to you might meet that beautiful person remember I said for somebody here king of Cups absolutely absolutely look at that this is you you know what you’ve asked for someone to come along and it may have taken forever in your in your perception it may have taken forever but this person that’s coming along cancer is going to be exactly what you wanted they may be a cancer as well just like you a Pisces or a Scorpio but it’s someone who you’re going to be able to feel comfortable with with have stability with and go forward with you can actually see a future with this person and it’s going to seem funny because you’ve never been so sure of anything but this person’s going to make you feel sure Queen of

Pentacles if you’re dealing here this is a beautiful couple here this is the couple that’s going to make it right for for the this couple here we we’ll talk about this is doesn’t usually have a genda and that’s why I’m struggling here because it’s an energy I’ve got someone here who’s got who’s very loving who’s very nurturing who’s very caring who’s very passionate about what they do and very gentle then I’ve got someone else here who is very driven very um determined knows what they want makes things happen shakes the tree when you have to shake it and they’re two totally different people but it’s just going to work look at that options you’re going to have options for those of you that want to meet somebody there are going to be quite a few options or decisions that you need to make in July in regards to your

relationships the page of swords look at that in July you’re going to learn a lot about your relationships I feel here that with the choices that you make with the decisions that you have to make a lot of you will find answers in your relationships you’ll you’ll see things now clearly for what they are you’ll see the truth in what they are for others you may have been imagining uh meeting a prince charming but there’s no such thing so in July you’re going to meet somebody that ticks nearly every box that you imagined however there’s going to be a couple that they don’t tick and and that’s going that’s where you you’re going to learn to live with um negotiating in certain areas things that are not detriment to the relationship but would be nice to have so um it’s something that you’re going to have to work through the balance and I feel that whoever you meet in July cancer or the person you have beside you you’re going to take the good because the good is far is far better than the couple of things that they don’t have or that they don’t do and the four of Swords I feel that you’re going to be quite in peace in um in your relationships in July I don’t see anything bad here in July for relationships for you cancer at all if anything you’re going to feel tranquil you’re going to feel peaceful you’re going to feel complete many of you are going to be happy in your relationships and yeah you may have to make some choices and decisions as a couple but that’s that’s part of life is okay let’s see what we have for finances for cancer for July what do we have for cancer for July thank you the seven of fire you may come into some money in July cancer from where you least expect it you know this is a bit like I’ll give you an example you played the lotto a year ago and then your cleaning up and you find a ticket and you think oh I didn’t put this in so you go to the place where you bought the ticket and you put the ticket in and lo and behold it it’s got money you win money so you’ve been sitting on this ticket for quite some time and surprisingly when you least expect it that’s when that money comes in this could also be a promotion that you receive or a bonus and you weren’t expecting it but because because the company did so well you get extra money so this is a surprise payment here it’s like you’re going to be shocked where you least expect it that’s where it’s going to come from or when you least expect it here we’ve got the four of um air and here it’s all about you trying to control your emotions when you’re purchasing things so if you get emotionally involved in buying things you buy it with emotion and not strategically thinking about it so here they’re saying put the mind and the the the heart together when buying something and be very calculated when you’re spending your money if you don’t really need it and it’s only a want ask yourself twice if if that’s what you should do so it’s aligning your emotions with your with your your thoughts so really in your thought process you know that you don’t need it really but you just want it but your emotions when you see it you want it now what did I say look at that the treasure the gem eight of Earth and this is you finding something special or getting something special from somebody and I feel that it’s finances here someone’s going to gift you with some money or gift you with an idea to make money it’s going to be a gemstone it’s going to be something that’s of huge importance to

you there also may be some fights over money for someone here this is an inheritance here and I feel here that you’re going to want to keep something of huge value that belonged to your parents or your grandparents and there’s going to be a huge fight with another sibling or another family member in regards to that treasure so get ready if there’s something special that you want or you want to keep that there may be some arguments about someone else also wanting to keep that as

well and on the bottom we’ve got the masculine and feminine this is about having uh a very balanced approach to your finances in in July it’s about you finding the ying and the Yang the black and the white the reason and the purpose being very aligned to where your finances are and also being very smart about where you invest your finances okay cancer let’s see what two messages we have for cancer please here for cancer what two messages do we have for cancer let’s see oh these cards are all turned upside down and around let’s see

all right last two messages for cancer please last two messages for cancer thank you be brave and honest in July you need to be brave and you need to be honest that’s what they’re asking for here I don’t know what area that that’s going to be for cancer but for some area in your life they’re asking you to do that and remember we had Never Ending Story for you to end a story for you to close off a chapter be brave enough and strong enough to do it with honesty and being real and I think that that’s what they’re asking here it’s like whatever you do in July make sure that you don’t fear anybody or anything and that you do it with honesty so it doesn’t come back to bite you here we’ve got take care of your needs absolutely you need to um the saying here you may have an opportunity in July to get things or obtain things or work towards something that’s going to be able you’re going to be able to take care of your needs with without asking for help of others Be The Light in all circumstances especially here in this arguing and again here in in these finances be the light in the situation and try and work things out so that everyone is happy with the ending feel loved and comforted in July you’re going to feel love and comforted you’re going to have beautiful people around you you’re going to meet someone exceptional here and I feel overall you’re going to be it’s a pretty good month and you are going to be in peace and Tranquility for most of you I hope that helps caner lots of love and light thank you so much bye-bye


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